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Upcoming Bug Fixes


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Hey all,


I just wanted to pop in and let you all know of a few things we are looking to fix in a patch next week. I don't have any dates/times yet, but the team is working to get these as soon as possible:


  • 212, 216, and 220 crafted Relics being Bind on Pickup instead of Bind on Equip.
  • It is possible to get in a state where you cannot complete Chapter X.
  • It is not possible to complete the Alliance Alert "To Find a Findsman" if you start Chapter X.
  • It's possible to lose items if you use the "Sort by Quality" function of the Cargo Hold.


Once I get a date and time I will make sure to post it! If the list changes at all, I will update this post as well.






Ok, here's a big crafting issue for Artificers. Most of the new dye modules and the new hilts require Armstech construction components to create. Add it to your list and get it fixed ASAP please. At least you know about the new Relics already. Thanks!

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Hey all,


I just wanted to pop in and let you all know of a few things we are looking to fix in a patch next week. I don't have any dates/times yet, but the team is working to get these as soon as possible:


  • 212, 216, and 220 crafted Relics being Bind on Pickup instead of Bind on Equip.
  • It is possible to get in a state where you cannot complete Chapter X.
  • It is not possible to complete the Alliance Alert "To Find a Findsman" if you start Chapter X.
  • It's possible to lose items if you use the "Sort by Quality" function of the Cargo Hold.


Once I get a date and time I will make sure to post it! If the list changes at all, I will update this post as well.





Ok, here's a big crafting issue for Artificers. Most of the new dye modules and the new hilts require Armstech construction components to create. Add it to your list and get it fixed ASAP please. At least you know about the new Relics already. Thanks!
This should be on the list for the fix indeed. Can't craft any of the new schematics unless you get stuff from Armstech. Also, some crystals require slicing components instead of treasure hunting.
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I am not able to target Scritchy in the hangar to feed him. This seems to be a bug. I see him but I can't target him. I have tried logging and reloading and can still not target him. I was able to target him and feed him two days ago. This is my first time to feed him for the 10 times achievement.


Update - I went back later and Scritchy had moved to another location and I was able to target and feed him. I think that he is just bugged when he is on the pipe on the wall to the left of the red fan above the personal starship entrance. He was not targetable there.

Edited by gsummers
Update to Bug report
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[*]It's possible to lose items if you use the "Sort by Quality" function of the Cargo Hold.


Are those of us who lost items going to get them back? Customer Service seemed to think nothing was wrong and didn't seem to believe anything was missing.

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And yet still no Dev response to the fact any large non humanoid Boss with Conal telegraph type cones across the floor are broken.


Green safe areas on under lurker not correct because boss positioning is displayed wrong, blaster scatter blasting the fence direction 100% when active tank is facing a total different direction, Revan impales not moving with tank, Hands of Brontes cones slamming effect across center of room so dps and heals on fingers have to dodge spike of pain with purple on purple effect. Plz lvl up and fix ur shizzle


+1 on this

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How about fixing the bug that makes flagships disappear from the guild tab. Just a thought since ours disappeared tonight and the bugs been around a while apparently.




Ok so me and Senzei managed to fix our flagship but we're unsure if it will work for everyone else with the same issue. Basically if anyone who still has a toon able to access the ship. Have them move the ship anywhere but Korriban. I say this since Korriban was the planet we moved to just before the ship vanished. Then relog and the ship should re-appear. Decorating fixes the 0% completion bug too.



This only fixes it for the people who were online at the time and when the GM logs off it apparently vanishes after a while.

Edited by Necrotic_Rose
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Acknowledge and fix on next patch, next tuesday hopefully. This really is the bare minimun to raiders atm. If new operations are not coming old ones should at least work. Ive been patient, havent *****ed much. As long as old raids get ppl im fine for now. Im not one of those ultimatum guys saying fix something or I leave cause frankly noone cares :) but i really have no interest to prolong my sub if my type of gamers i.e. endgame raiders dont get any attention :( So bw are Ops bosses fixed anytime soon?


I Hope the Same. Been a long time Subber & Mmo'er about a Decade. Sure lately Swtor been turned more & more into Singleplayer Box Genre. Though as long as There's some sort of Ops'ing available "Without silly Bolster" i'll be staying and Subbed. Ofc Bolster is very Sad thing to have for many Veteran & even for some Non Vet Mmo'ers who prefer Ops'ing. Good that for now at least there still are Diff.modes that don't have it :) Espesially good for Ppl who prefer to work for the progress & not Simplified Content. Ofc it's Rare to see content like that in these days when content is being dumbed down on many Area's.


Hopefully Swtor's Ew Dev's & Tech Ppl get things working soon. Many Ops Bossy Encounters have strange new Bugs that make them often unbeatable cause of messed up Mechanics. Also Bugs on Crew Skills and elsewhere after 4.1 Patch came. The one with 10+hrs Patching / Maintenance.


Wish You nice gaming and fine year 2016 & same for Swtor's Ew team.

- Long time Subber who Likes to Work for Char's Progression no matter the Area -

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Yet another bug. My sniper completed Chapter X and the last part is to "travel to war room on Odessen" where you have a conversation, watch a clip of Arcann, the it says "to be continued." The problem is, it won't complete, so I cannot get HK-55. I'm stuck in limbo. I've logged out and in, done it three times now, and it's broken for this character of mine.
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Just ran into a bug on my male sith inquisitor. Talked to Ashara and now I have a quest called Defiance but no way to follow through on the quest. I would like to finish all my companion quests before starting Knights of the Fallen Empire as they will no longer be available after this is started.
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Yet another bug. My sniper completed Chapter X and the last part is to "travel to war room on Odessen" where you have a conversation, watch a clip of Arcann, the it says "to be continued." The problem is, it won't complete, so I cannot get HK-55. I'm stuck in limbo. I've logged out and in, done it three times now, and it's broken for this character of mine.


Indeed, I just replied to another thread with about the same issue.


However you do not need to finish Chapter X to unlock HK-55, you only need to have finished Chapter IX, and to be elligible (you must have been a suscriber on January 11th).

So If you have finished Chapter IX and do not see Arma Rasa alert in your contact list, you"re either not elligible for it, or something's wrong.

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Indeed, I just replied to another thread with about the same issue.


However you do not need to finish Chapter X to unlock HK-55, you only need to have finished Chapter IX, and to be elligible (you must have been a suscriber on January 11th).

So If you have finished Chapter IX and do not see Arma Rasa alert in your contact list, you"re either not elligible for it, or something's wrong.


Pretty sure you have to complete "To Find a Findsman" as well. That's the one that unlocks the old companion alerts.

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So many game stoppers.


Companions still broken. And with the latest patch they broke even more.


The fix for Chapter X seemed to cause even more issues for more people.


Crafting was screwed up with 4.0 and they had to fix it. That should've warned them to take a closer look at 4.1, and make the changes prior to release, because it's virtually the same issues as then.


Is Jeff Hickman still the GM of BW Austin? Maybe he needs to get out from behind his desk and light a fire under these guys. This is getting beyond ridiculous.

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