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Ganking On Harbinger (PVE Server)/Rules For PvP On PVE Server


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Proper self-management is the only thing that matters as you said. Expecting to rely on strangers in a video game to do things the way we want consistently is the definition of unrealistic


I agree, that is why I emphasize the importance of knowing how to remove the flag and doing so immediately, and in a safe location. Obviously, unless you want to PvP.


I was considering to go around flagged during the events to get some minimal dueling experience that I cannot get otherwise. But since the gankers normally try to skew the odds in their favor, I doubt I'd learn much by being stunlocked and killed. Plus, there is the idiotic companion part.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Posting that you're reporting is against the rules. Not surprising you would though I suppose, since you prefer to disregard rules and think people should follow the ones you make up yourself.


Read the rules of conduct, nothing states I am not allowed to do the aforementioned. If you have nothing constructive to offer please leave. And no I don't make the rules, that falls to bioware not me.

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Read the rules of conduct, nothing states I am not allowed to do the aforementioned. If you have nothing constructive to offer please leave. And no I don't make the rules, that falls to bioware not me.


You'll be disappointed then if your report results in any action. :rolleyes:


There's a long-standing framework of rules and mechanics. Players doing their thing within the bounds aren't doing anything wrong according to BW, yet you report them anyway. If you don't like the way BW set it up the onus is on you to self-manage better.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Wow fixed problems like this by removing involuntary flagging. You can only get flagged if you manually activate pvp. Otherwise you cant heal/shield/support flagged players, flagged players of the opposite faction are yellow and not attackable and things like that. Also no more involuntary flagging when a pvp player runs through your AOE heal or attack.

Didnt change a thing for pvp servers but little kids on pve servers couldnt screw with players that didnt want to do pvp. Win for the community. Well, over there at least. I would like to see this in here too.

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Wow fixed problems like this by removing involuntary flagging. You can only get flagged if you manually activate pvp. Otherwise you cant heal/shield/support flagged players, flagged players of the opposite faction are yellow and not attackable and things like that. Also no more involuntary flagging when a pvp player runs through your AOE heal or attack.

Didnt change a thing for pvp servers but little kids on pve servers couldnt screw with players that didnt want to do pvp. Win for the community. Well, over there at least. I would like to see this in here too.


I got flagged once by a group member today I was healing who didn't even know he had his pvp flag on until I mentioned it. So yes it would be a nice change.

Edited by AylaL
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As long as you are PvP flagged you are free game. Doesn't matter if you forgot to turn it off or not, still your own responsibility to make sure you are not PvP flagged.


This is correct. ^


If you are flagged, Our guys will kill you and do it over and over. If you don't want PVP, just get rid of your flag. We don't care why or how your flag is on. If we are running around and see someone flagged for PVP. We will make all attempts to kill you.


You don't want to engage in PVP. Best you take the steps to make sure it doesn't happen.


You are the opposite faction after all.


In saying that, I do highly support the option to have a way to never go PVP. Some kind of toggle with a long cool down so it can't be abused by going back and forth. That way there can be no accidental PVP flagging.

Edited by Quraswren
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Wow fixed problems like this by removing involuntary flagging. You can only get flagged if you manually activate pvp. Otherwise you cant heal/shield/support flagged players, flagged players of the opposite faction are yellow and not attackable and things like that. Also no more involuntary flagging when a pvp player runs through your AOE heal or attack.

Didnt change a thing for pvp servers but little kids on pve servers couldnt screw with players that didnt want to do pvp. Win for the community. Well, over there at least. I would like to see this in here too.


I think that's a good idea and wish they'd do it here.


Even the current way unflagged people can flag by activating an ability on a flagged person is cheesy. Anyone who wants to attack someone should be fair game before they can do it IMO.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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The way I see it, we are at War. I don't have to be honorable as a Sith Lord.


That said I don't jump peeps in the Heroic area, but if your just outside waiting for a group member whatevez, Red=Dead. I can't say how many I have dropped outside or in the "doorway" to the heroic area, just not inside.


Also I use the GSF deflag all the time.

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Yes, I agree that the current unflagging mechanism is a cheesy work-around, and so is the flagging mechanism. But using the imperfect tools and not walking around flagged is a far better option than hoping that there are no gankers around padding their kill counts at your expense. Always act on the assumption that there is a flagged Sin within 30 m radius. Edited by DomiSotto
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I know, my only concern is if they had asked first instead of going oh hey look there's a player with a big target on their back. It just seems like common courtesy has been completely thrown out the window nowadays.


Are you serious? You're flagged, get over it already. Has nothing to do with anything other than you being flagged FOR PVP.


They leave you alone and what stops you from attacking one of theirs flagged?


Ignorant entitlement kids today................................

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I have been wondering if there are any rules regarding ganking players on a pve server, in my case the harbinger server even though i had no wish to engage in pvp. Two players from the republic faction have already ganked me and been reported as i consider this intentional harassment, especially since i whispered them on one of my pub characters and am now convinced that was precisely their intent. And no i am only trying to understand if there are rules of the aforementioned on pve servers which does not make me a troll.


Don't flag for pvp.

If you do you had better be ready because you are telling everyone you want to pvp

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At least you don't play Allods Online.


There is no concept of PvP versus PvE servers - all the server is (there's only one outside Russia...) like a SWTOR PvE server except for one thing, an item called a War Banner.


This drops from PvE mobs in OWPvP zones (most of the game, starting at Asee-Teph, i.e. around level 20 or so). Any mob can drop it, and it goes in your inventory if you pick it up.


When you use one, the whole map you're on receives a warning that you have picked up a War Banner.


Why? Why the whole map?


Because for an hour after you use it three things happen to you:

* You are flagged for PvP for the whole hour.

* A special symbol appears at your location on the radar/minimap of nearby players of either faction.

* You can attack anyone of the other faction, whether or not they are flagged.


In, say, the Coba Plateau, if you are at-level (31 to about 35) you are advised to be careful activating War Banners, and to be ready to mount up and flee at a moment's notice, because if you encounter an opposite-faction highbie, you are liable to be steamrollered if you don't get out of their way.

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I know, my only concern is if they had asked first instead of going oh hey look there's a player with a big target on their back. It just seems like common courtesy has been completely thrown out the window nowadays.


This issue is not related to courtesy. By flagging, even if unintended, you are expressedly consenting to PvP for as long as you remain flagged. It is your and only your responsibility to keep tabs on your flag. This is important during events because people tend to be clustered and flags spreading.


To be honest, the only one being discourteous in the situation as you describe it is you, because you report players for playing the game according to the rules. There is nothing illicit about repeatedly killing another player who is flagged.


If you don't like PvP, make sure you're not flagged - and if you are, remove it and wait before proceeding. If not, you're fair game regardless if you like it or not. It goes for everyone, and is thus fair.

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Read the rules of conduct, nothing states I am not allowed to do the aforementioned. If you have nothing constructive to offer please leave. And no I don't make the rules, that falls to bioware not me.

Actually, if you read the Forum Guidelines:


Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
Edited by Khevar
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Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.

They turned it off for you. Lesson learned. Stop whining and don't be lazy next time...turn off the flag if you don't want to PvP.

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You don't have to be (pre-)flagged to get attacked. There are circumstances (I think) where AoE spells can flag you. If for example, you are fighting some mobs and someone (opposite faction) sneaks up and does an AoE spell, you can become flagged. Or, in some cases, while fighting mobs you can auto-attack the next target, but the next target is a nearby player who is flagged. Edited by JediQuaker
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You don't have to be (pre-)flagged to get attacked. There are circumstances (I think) where AoE spells can flag you. If for example, you are fighting some mobs and someone (opposite faction) sneaks up and does an AoE spell, you can become flagged.

This is 100% false. If you can post a video of it happening, please do, otherwise it's a lie.



Or, in some cases, while fighting mobs you can auto-attack the next target, but the next target is a nearby player who is flagged.

THIS is what happens...people get lazy and don't pay attention to their target and THEY attack, causing the fight to begin with.

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I have been wondering if there are any rules regarding ganking players on a pve server, in my case the harbinger server even though i had no wish to engage in pvp. Two players from the republic faction have already ganked me and been reported as i consider this intentional harassment, especially since i whispered them on one of my pub characters and am now convinced that was precisely their intent. And no i am only trying to understand if there are rules of the aforementioned on pve servers which does not make me a troll.


other players cannot attack you unless you are flagged


why are you flagged?

Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.
right so you flag yourself, giving players consent to attack you, then whine about it?


then you call it harassment?


i dont even

Edited by Pagy
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I think there is still a bug that some people exploit to get you flagged when you do not intend to be flagged. The last time I saw it was related to triggering something around yours and their companion. I watched someone do it to four or five unflagged players in the rakghoul tunnels when it was last active on Tatooine. I do not know the exact way it was triggered, however.
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You don't have to be (pre-)flagged to get attacked. There are circumstances (I think) where AoE spells can flag you. If for example, you are fighting some mobs and someone (opposite faction) sneaks up and does an AoE spell, you can become flagged. Or, in some cases, while fighting mobs you can auto-attack the next target, but the next target is a nearby player who is flagged.


This is 100% false. If you can post a video of it happening, please do, otherwise it's a lie.


I tested this on SL from curiosity to see if the claims were true or not. Didn't happen. Myth busted as far as I'm concerned.

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You have to either target a flagged enemy player, or perform an action on a friendly flagged player.


A flagged enemy player when you are unflagged has their name in yellow. A flagged friendly player has his or her name in green.


If you want to avoid flagging, be extra careful when the flagged players are in your vicinity.


Best of all treat it like a Counsel fight in EV. Only use single target attacks, verifying your target, put your companion on passive, and get out of combat ASAP. Then carefully move away from the flagged player.


Do not loot until he leaves.


If he stealthes out, just leave. Chances are he is stalking a good spot with a lot of players doing things, and will try to play tricks again on you if you hang around, but will not move away from his corner. Always assume that for any flagged player you see, there is at least one more stealth with them.


Try changing instance if your quest is not finished.


Listen in for PvP music queue and the countdown in the chat that tells you you have entered an enemy territory. Back away as soon as the countdown starts.


If you do get flagged, immediately move to a neutral territory and remove the flag via GSF.


If you did get ganked, forgo resurrecting at the same spot. Go to the medcentre, and remove the flag on the neutral ground.

Edited by DomiSotto
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