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10 Good
  1. You need to start by changing the password on your email. Someone now has it. Then go and change your game password.
  2. Exploiting during Conquest would be the guilds doing operations, getting to the last fight, logging 7 out and keeping 1 in to keep instance open and then doing a continuous cycle of rotating people in order to only have to do the final encounter and get full credit. What this BBB guild did isnt an exploit it's just juvenile.
  3. Some of you kids are dense. You want to take a short cut but you say it does nothing.............Finish the mission, turn it in and repeat it if you didnt like it the first go round. It isnt that hard to understand. You would have been on here whining if they would have allowed the people who used /stuck to bypass conversations o keep their rankings. Either /stuck was deemed an exploit or it wasnt, either way the people on here crying the loudest wouldnt have won. There were plenty of people who didnt use /stuck and played it through as intended.
  4. SO when you /stuck it, did you run clear back to the mission terminal and pick it up again and start from there or simply pop out of the room, reset and keep going? Reason i ask is if you were not going all the way back and resetting it from outside the room it very well may have flagged you as bypassing the run to the room which was part of the timed event. Unless some of you on here crying about getting the shaft have some hidden information about how the timer worked you really do not know what could have triggered something on that timer. Then again Im one to play by the rules and not push to skirt them. You go get the mission, enter the room and play it until the end and then turn it in, period. If you were really deserving of winning anything you would not have needed to /stuck at any point during it. BTW for those of you claiming that /stuck didnt make the run quicker.............It's the entire reason you did it, to get a faster time because you knew full well the time you had going wasnt going to cut it. There was simply no other reason to do it.................Common sense just is not something used much today I guess.
  5. Q, click his name under his avatar and then the contact info. It will have a link to pm him.
  6. You realize the numbnut he is talking about has video after video on youtube showing the her hacking right? http://jeezeebee.wix.com/jeezee#!furyzz/c1zm7
  7. Are you serious? You're flagged, get over it already. Has nothing to do with anything other than you being flagged FOR PVP. They leave you alone and what stops you from attacking one of theirs flagged? Ignorant entitlement kids today................................
  8. They need fired. No clue what Mickey Mouse outfit you have but either they are bad by all standards or you folks keep blaming them for every failure.
  9. Lag switching either with software or a hardware setup. Breaks connection with game for a few seconds, player continues to move, the disappear on your screen, they reduce lag or connect again and they were further away then they were. This is also used to put out a ton of damage in almost no time. They "lag out" continue to beat on you and then "unlag" and all the hits they put on you hit at one time. Both of these have been around for close to 20 years. MPBT had the problem and every game since has had forms of it.
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