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Tank Companions. What happen to the promised fix?


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Tank companions melt during high burst DPS phases.


Companions set as tank have the same Defense, Absorb and Shield ratings as their DPS and Healer stances.they basically higher HP lower DPS with no heals and a taunt. The extra HP means nothing. Even when they were "over powered" with 123K HP they couldn't hold their own in boss fights when compared to Pre-4.0 tank companions wearing tank gear.


Tank companions can not hold agro.

Edited by knowmyname
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Tank companions melt during high burst DPS phases.


Companions set as tank have the same Defense, Absorb and Shield ratings as their DPS and Healer stances.they basically higher HP lower DPS with no heals and a taunt. The extra HP means nothing. Even when they were "over powered" with 123K HP they couldn't hold their own in boss fights when compared to Pre-4.0 tank companions wearing tank gear.


Tank companions can not hold agro.


True dat.

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  • 2 weeks later...



There's the stats, see what's wrong?


Tank is pointless. BW replied in other posts and said they knew about it and would correct it right after 4.0 was released. Still no change even after the big nerf to DPS and Healer companions. Tank companions lost about 20K HP.


Still garbage tanking companions.


Older post describing issues


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If you've got your companion to influence 50, just set them on DPS and forget about them unless you're doing something actually a bit more challenging. - taking down a world-boss or (unbuffed/no power-ups) Star Fortress final bad-guy.


If you want some tanking and aggro holding, you're pretty much gonna have to be the tank.


- Coz fixing stuff is no way as sexy as crating another 30 minutes of cut-scene with occasional trash mobs and looooooong corridors, and roots/stuns to slow you down.:rak_03:

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They did do something to it in 4.1. It just might have been an incomplete fix and/or might have broken something else.


Previously, companions never had any shield stats under any circumstances. In tank stance it was effectively like trying to tank with a power generator / focus instead of a shield. DPS and heals were fine though.


Currently, companions have shield stats in all stances, but it's always the default 5% chance to shield instead of getting boosted to 25% or whatever it's supposed to be in tank stance. In DPS or heals stance it's like they're running with a shield generator instead of a power generator / focus, and in tank stance it's like they are set up mostly correct but they forgot to actually toggle on their stance.


edit: 4.1 patch notes:


Tank companions have regained the ability to shield themselves from attacks.
Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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That is very funky (still)...

Because I have just checked my tank companions on a couple of chars, and their tank/armor stats look about right... certainly not a flat 0. I even dusted off one of my old Maras, and checked Pierce, and his tank stats look ok.

What happens if you switch him to DPS and back to tank?

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That is very funky (still)...

Because I have just checked my tank companions on a couple of chars, and their tank/armor stats look about right... certainly not a flat 0. I even dusted off one of my old Maras, and checked Pierce, and his tank stats look ok.

What happens if you switch him to DPS and back to tank?


The topic creator needs to take new screenshots and reword the complaint. The screenshot is from 4.0 and there was a change to this in 4.1. (As I mentioned in my previous post.)

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The topic creator needs to take new screenshots and reword the complaint. The screenshot is from 4.0 and there was a change to this in 4.1. (As I mentioned in my previous post.)


I'll be looking at it when I logon later. But I have looked at them after each patch and have not seen a change from original 4.0 stats. The point I'm making is these new post-4.0 companions cant even hold a candle against their properly geared pre-4.0 companions. I'll post an updated image of their stats.





Lowbies will argue their companions are better suited now than end game companions. I'm not leveling characters now so won't comment. But end game hard mode Flashpoints solo with pre-4.0 companions was a challenge and enjoyable solo. But in this post-4.0 companion environment, it's nearly impossible. Companions just take too much damage. There is no armor. Just a HP boost and power adjustment. Lazy fix to companions that did not need any adjustment.


The base aim, cunning, strength, and willpower stats rolled into Mastery was fine. Easy gearing for your characters and companions. Companions could still wear whatever gear you wanted on them. It wouldn't matter. They could have still been lazy and made every companion a trinity stance as it is now.


Companions aren't unique. They don't stand out from each other. They pets in a costume. Nothing more and melt when you fart in their general direction.

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Companions just take too much damage. There is no armor. Just a HP boost and power adjustment. Lazy fix to companions that did not need any adjustment.


One thing you are neglecting to mention is the self-buff 50% damage resistance they get that has around 90% uptime.

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One thing you are neglecting to mention is the self-buff 50% damage resistance they get that has around 90% uptime.


I'll take a look at it when I run a Hard Mode Flashpoint and re-evaluate the tank companion performance.

Pierce, Senya, and Scourpio are my Influence Rank 50 companions on my operative healer. I will add 1 tech and 1 force user to my juggernaut tank for a comparison between classes for poops and laughs. Streamed of course for exposure.

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Did a heroic star fortress on my operative. Tanking was better but pierce still died twice on the final boss. I'd run out of energy trying to keep up with the healing. Granted I'm an operative healer so not much for burst healing. I got to the heroic moment late and it was basically a waste. I could have done better but all in all it was not a 3 hour run like it has been before.


I'm not happy with it still but it was a step in the right direction. But I'd rather run a DPS companion stance rather than tank. It's faster and uses less resources.



Xsplit is not working with the latest Windows 10 version. Constant crashes if it even loads up. So using Shadowplay to stream only to twitch. I have the clip but will edit just the Heroic Star Fortress run. I skipped much of it.

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Need fixing ASAP.

Listen to the community.


I agree 100 percent the game is so bugged in 4.1 there is just so many things that are broken like Story, OPS, PVP, and Crafing bugs. I doubt they will even be ale to fix more than 20 percent of the bugs. Then again when you are EA/BW who gives a flying chicken if your QA is good as long as Cartel Market team is on their A game. :(

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Looking at Khem in tank mode, he has a self-heal that goes off every 7.5 sec or so, a "shield that absorbs a moderate amount of damage" that can go up every 12 sec or so, and a 50% shield that's up for as much as 1/3 of the time.


Down-synced to Yavin 4 he still has about 81000 hit points (for me at least -- about 98000 when not synced).


What are we expecting a companion to tank that this is insufficient for? Honest question.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I have yet to find an instance where you actually "need" a companion to tank. Any time I've needed a tank has been in an FP or OP with humans. The closest I've come to using a tank, is using Lana set to healer - she seems to run in to grab agro, but takes little damage, while still healing.
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I used to have Hard Mode Flashpoints on farm with geared companions. Be it a tank companion on my operatives or a healer companion on my Jugg and Powertech tanks. Can't do that since 4.0


I enjoy the mechanics of HMFP and doing it solo was a personal challenge. Not everyone could do it but the few of us that could stood out from others that complained about companions and their gear. When you do it right and know the fights, HMFP was easy solo.


Tacticals and story mode Flashpoints are a face roll. Too easy and no challenge and no mechanics.


Those that said post-4.0 companions were over powered needed to do harder content. The post-4.0 companions fail at what a properly geared pre-4.0 companion could do.

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I have yet to find an instance where you actually "need" a companion to tank. Any time I've needed a tank has been in an FP or OP with humans. The closest I've come to using a tank, is using Lana set to healer - she seems to run in to grab agro, but takes little damage, while still healing.


I like to have a a tank to keep people facing the proper way so I can backstab them on appropriate classes, and on a healer it's nice to be able to play your class role instead of an off-DPS

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