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Vette and Quinn (Some Spoilers)


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So, I just started playing the game a week or so ago, and I've been super into the class stories so I leveling a Warrior, Bounty Hunter, and (mostly done with) Inquisitor at this point.


Naturally, like many people, during that time I grew to love and hate some companions. Instead of making a topic saying how much I want to torture and kill said companions, whenever I got super pissed at them in game I alt tabbed and googled other people hating on them to assure myself I wasn't alone.


I'm going to betray some information and reveal the main focus of my hatred, Vette.


Yes, yes, I despise her, but that's not really the point of this topic, because I'm more interested in talking about the pattern I noticed. As browsed other topics and websites of people who hate her (or love her), I noticed two types of people revealed themselves.


Type 1: Loves Vette, hates Quinn.


Type 2: Loves Quinn, hates Vette.


It was such a clear divide. Personally I loved Quinn with the exception of (Spoiler) his terribly written betrayal that still makes zero sense ("I serve Baras hurr hurr! Why? Despite you helping me in ways no one ever has and us agreeing on everything, you killed a few Imperials! What do you mean you only did this because Baras set you up to, mislead you, lied to you, or ordered you to and I should know because I was there each time, which makes me betraying you to him all the more insane? What? Nah, look, EA said I have to betray you, so I did. Happy now?"). And Vette? When we first met, my first thoughts were force choking that chirping idiot. And then I actually wind up with her as a companion? Worse, a romance companion? I begrudgingly removed the collar after reading about how many people adore her because she ***** rainbows and romancing her is the greatest thing ever written... and of course, I immediately regretted it and wept when I realized I couldn't put the collar back on.


But then I kind of noticed similar trends. I haven't looked at them beyond the classes I played, but I noticed people seem to really hate or really love Mako. I was indifferent, she was alright, but my BH was lightside. My warrior was dark side, so my hatred for Vette ran deep. I remember being denied Dark Side V for a long time because I made about 400 LS points when Vette was around in a failed attempt to make myself like her (Vette disapproves. Vette disapproves. Vette disapproves. Vette disapproves. **** VETTE FINE I WON'T KILL HIM!) and constantly sitting there, thinking, "Not only did she influence me to take those points, but she effectively denied my DS points too. Those 400 LS points are really -800 DS points. Screw you, Vette."


Ashara seems to be another one. She reeks of Vette (and, unlike Vette, I don't just find her tone of voice annoying, I hate everything about her voice, especially that stupid lisp that makes her sound like she's 3) so I have already been making up for lost time by being cruel to her whenever I can, but I also notice people who like Ashara hate Talos, who, again, I like.


I sit her scratching my head and wondering what makes us hate these characters so much. Whether you hate Quinn or Vette, I can't shake the feeling there is a good psychology opportunity here. I'm not big on Myers-Briggs, but I can't help but feel like if you presented people Quinn or Vette, those who picked Quinn would probably be the INTJ type crowd, and the Vette crowd would be ESFP or similar.


Oh, and since I just couldn't help but vent about other characters I really didn't like... Thana Vash. You are stupid, arrogant, and worst of all, utterly incompetent. If you were Gary Oaking me and killing 13 Cathar to my 12, I'd at least have mild respect (and hate) for you, but no, I show up and you're in a cage, or unconscious, or about to be executed by Jedi. Yet every time we meet you have the nerve to either claim credit for my achievements or insist I hold you back.


And people want you on their ship? I wouldn't want you as a companion, you'd get sent on a mission, and say, "Pah, this is beneath me! You want me to investigate a new form of plant! I'll show you! I'll discover a whole new division of biochemistry!" 12 seconds later... *Thana Vest has become entangled in a vine. Please deploy one competent squad member with a vibroknife.*

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hmmm.. and what if someone likes Vette AND Quinn in their own way? (that would be me ... :p)

i would want to throw skadge out of the airlock tho.....my ship just isnt big enough for me AND him. so one has to go..that would be him.,. out of the airlock. while we are in space.

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hmmm.. and what if someone likes Vette AND Quinn in their own way? (that would be me ... :p)

i would want to throw skadge out of the airlock tho.....my ship just isnt big enough for me AND him. so one has to go..that would be him.,. out of the airlock. while we are in space.


Yeah, there is some neutral ground, but I noticed a lot of distinctive divides. Probably due to the nature of what I was looking for, though. I was admittedly looking for people hating companions, so maybe that in and of itself kind of seals the deal.


And I kind of agree. Skadge was kind of just this annoying guy I talked to for experience. I didn't hate him, I just found him to be useless, save the XP.

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Good post.


I like your point about Thana Vash. She was a good NPC to hate.


The biggest thing "broken" in the original story is not having the option to kill Quinn when he betrays you. THAT makes he hate him. I recall you could kill some companions in alpha or beta, and this storyline looks like one that is the worse for not allowing it. There is a BH who shows up on Corellia who is a total fanboy for your character. I immediately thought, hey, if I killed Quinn this guy would be the replacement.


Vette has a distinct personality that you either like or don't. Your point that this is going to go hand in hand with your LS/DS choice makes sense. Did you romance Jaesa? That's a thoroughly unlikable character. I deleted and rerolled my Warrior because of her, I found her that annoying.


Ashara is very different from Vette. She has no personality. Her reasons for joining you are absurd, "Oh, I have Sith cooties the Jedi will never accept me." Uh, okay. She improves in the final act, but she joins so late there is no time for her to recover from a weak introduction.


Mako I disliked because she was so greedy. You don't choose, "I'm here for the cash" and she disapproves.


Anyway, rambling. But yes, there is a link between outlook in game and what characters you'll like.

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A tip: If you want to increase Vette's affection without loosing DS points during the game, just solo Black Talon a number of times. With the right dialogue choices and only one "Disapproves" option (Killing the Captian) I can give Vette 6300 influence per run. And I stay neutral since I pick only the one dark side option.
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The only thing I liked about Jaesa was turning her.

I wish a similar outcome would have happened with Ashara, and it looked like it was going down that path at first.


Ashara joins you because he has no other place to go, even though she regularly communicates with her fellow Jedi, and aside from a few remarks Nox seems perfectly OK with it.

Edited by Ruhun
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I liked both Vette and Quinn, but I just might be weird because I like Kaliyo and Skadge who seem to be hated by most of the games population.


I absolutely positivly despise Ashara so say all your comments on her are spot on. I feel sorry for you guys being stuck with her as your romamce option up to SOR. Id seriously consider making a male inq to run through everything just to Romance Theron on so he can say to her "You suck so bad, you made me gay" :D


I like Talos, his "Are we dead yet... Oh we won!" comment makes me giggle.


Mako, ugh, yeah, another whiney twit. Goes all emo whenever your bounty hunter acts like a bounty hunter, ugh why are you hanging out with me again??


Thana Vesh, yeah, she reminded me of a spoiled brat. Lots of guys like her though, ill assume "Cuz B○○bs!" :rolleyes:


You think the ones ypu dislike are bad, wait til you meet Tharan Cedrax and Koth... they rank right behind Ashara in the "GTF♢ my ship, preferably via the airlock while were still out in space" category.


My take on/reasons I like "disliked characters":


Quinn - nice to look at, nice to listen too, (women like these things too ^_~) and that "momentary lapse of judgement" of his is highlighted by the monumentally pathetic attempt, its obvious he wasnt even trying but had to have something for Baras to see him do, not like he can say no to a high ranking sith as a Common Joe.


Kaliyo - Every girl needs a slightly psycho BFF who will help hide the bodies no questions asked :D


Vette - We also need a snarky BFF who approves of, and chimes in on helping you make fun of your overbearing boss ;)


Skadge - My parents had lots of biker friends when I was growing up, im used to burly guys with big mouths, plus, with a bodyguard like that whos going to harass you? ^_~ And his mission failure message is hilarious, " Got bored, do it yourself!" Added bonus for skadge, i put him in hot pink thigh high boots and a speedo to stand between guys who make "Female" characters and their comps that they dressed like prostitues so he can be their Bubba Pimp :p

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Ashara joins you because he has no other place to go


This to me was never enough of a reason for her to come with me, I know she feels as if she can no longer return to the jedi (seriously the jedi are not all about forgiveness? they seem to forgive a lot of fallen jedi even a pureblood sith who turns good) but instead of just leaving the order behind like Ashoka does in the clone wars her only option ONLY option is to come with my DS Sorceror who shows no interest in changing the way the sith work.

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Guys like Thana for the same reason you like Kaliyo, also ****.


This to me was never enough of a reason for her to come with me, I know she feels as if she can no longer return to the jedi (seriously the jedi are not all about forgiveness? they seem to forgive a lot of fallen jedi even a pureblood sith who turns good) but instead of just leaving the order behind like Ashoka does in the clone wars her only option ONLY option is to come with my DS Sorceror who shows no interest in changing the way the sith work.


I hate her stupid reasoning so *********** much.

She hitches a ride with (*potentially*) the most brutal Sith she has ever seen, and proudly proclaims to still be a Jedi.

Also you can be DS V and any story progression with her assumes that you are going light and are trying to reform the Sith from within.

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I like Vette because she's "real" personally wise. With her it's very much what you see is what you get. Quin on the other hand is the definition of "fake". Not only was he

telling Darth Donuts all my business, but He betrayed me and tried to kill me!

Ain't no coming back from that. Even IRL, you only get one time to cross me. There are no second chances. And that's why Quinn runs around with cyborg parts. BW wouldn't let me kill him, so in my mind....I chopped his punk *** up. Skadge is another one. He talks waaaaaay to reckless for my BH to let him keep breathing. Asharra is in denial....I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction when she finds out my Inquisitor is now with Lana. Because...you know...I wouldn't want her to betray her Jedi beliefs :rolleyes::D And Thanna....I like Thanna....she's just as cocky and arrogant as I am.lol

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I like: Quinn, Vette, Ashara,Talos, Khem Val, (after a while), Xalek, Mako, Torian, Raina, Vector


I tolerate Gault, Jaesa, Broonmark, Andronikos, Lokin and Scorpio


I hate Kaliyo, Pierce


and I haven't met Blizz or Skadge yet so can't tell as of yet


so make of that what you will :p

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I love Vette. Quinn, though, makes my skin crawl. I honestly haven't thought of the reasons behind it, but I guess it comes down to this - I dislike Quinn because he's a total bootlicker who betrays you near the end. The betrayal itself is not the main reason why I don't want him anywhere near my ship - him being the most servile companion I've seen so far is, but it certainly isn't doing him any favors; the fact that you can't kill him after is even more damning because it moves him from "an unpleasant character, but fine, I guess the betrayal was needed for the story" to simply annoying. Even when pushing aside my personal dislike and thinking from role-playing perspective and what would be in or out of character, my Sith Warrior is not a full on DS "grr, I'm a bloodthirsty maniac, grr!" type, he usually varies between Neutral and Dark 1, but even he would totally slaughter Quinn if the game allowed it - he's simply not trustworthy, and he's never demonstrated anything that would make him irreplaceable in my eyes.


With Vette, I've found that most people either love her because she's funny and mostly a positive influence on your Warrior, or they hate her... for mainly the same reasons. There are basically a bunch of ways to roleplay a Sith Warrior, and one of them is to make him/her a haughty and bloodthirsty, very-obvious-mustache-twirling villain; and to such a character tolerating a mouthy slave makes about as much sense as keeping Quinn alive after the betrayal.

Like I said, though, I play my Warrior more as a "still a bad guy, mostly, but not a total monster" type, trying to roleplay more his Magnificent Bastard qualities than the Brute ones, and I've rationalized him being close with Vette (and eventually even romancing and marrying her) exactly because she helps him not to succumb fully to the darkness, because most of the completely evil Sith tend to also be so blinded by being eeeeeeeeviiiil that they start getting stupid at some point, and thus can be removed by more level-headed characters. So while my SW generally tends to make dastardly choices (unless they are Stupid Evil), Vette is like his lifeline into the light.

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I love/hate Quinn. I can't stand his stiff and uptight professional behavior yet it amuses me because I get to mess with him and throw him off balance. I think there's something oddly attractive about him yet I can't put my finger on it. His betrayal.. there's no excuse for it and at first I was peeved that I couldn't kill the guy but then I figured, there's worse things than death. Death would have been too easy and since my SW is married to him, she'll take her revenge through different means. Mostly by flirting with anyone and anything right in front of him and sleeping around with guys like Theron who's his polar opposite. :p


Vette to me is the annoying little brat sister you never wanted and asked for but over time she grows on you, even on my DS SW who'll gladly pick on her and piss her off yet when it comes down to it she'd go through fire for Vette.


Skadge to me is.. pointless. He comes in so late, there's nothing appealing about having him, he looks like a carved out turd and I just.. I woulda loved to pass up on him. Gault amuses me.. Mako needs to FO, I wanted to slap her hard when she crushed on Thorian and absolutely told her there's no way he's into her.. BECAUSE HES MINE! And she bugs me.


I don't really like Jaesa and Ashara at all so I rarely bother with them other than the dumb ship conversations.


My favorite companions are; T7, Lord Scourge (so badly wanna romance him!), Bowdaar, Andronikos, Vette, Quinn, Kaliyo, Vector, Blizz.. Lana and Theron and of course both HKs and Treek.


Most others are likeable but I'm not jumping up and down in my seat over them.

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Lord Scourge (so badly wanna romance him!),

Oh my gosh, yes, I'd totally make a new Knight and replay the story just to be able to do that! Definitely would pick Lord Scourge over Doc (I like Doc as a whole, but he's a sleazeball, Scourge is completely awesome).

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This to me was never enough of a reason for her to come with me, I know she feels as if she can no longer return to the jedi (seriously the jedi are not all about forgiveness? they seem to forgive a lot of fallen jedi even a pureblood sith who turns good) but instead of just leaving the order behind like Ashoka does in the clone wars her only option ONLY option is to come with my DS Sorceror who shows no interest in changing the way the sith work.


Hell, one of the council member's apprentice USED TO BE A MEMBER OF THE DARK COUNCIL!

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Oh my gosh, yes, I'd totally make a new Knight and replay the story just to be able to do that! Definitely would pick Lord Scourge over Doc (I like Doc as a whole, but he's a sleazeball, Scourge is completely awesome).


Us unusual as the idea may seem to some, I think a romance option for Lord Scourge has amazing potential. There's such a strong and unique base story between him and the JK already and because it would be so unprecedented, it would be very interesting and different. Unlike the ladies man Doc.. I'd like to think my JK would go for someone more substantial, someone more interesting and "worth" defying the code for.

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I like: Quinn, Vette, Ashara,Talos, Khem Val, (after a while), Xalek, Mako, Torian, Raina, Vector


I tolerate Gault, Jaesa, Broonmark, Andronikos, Lokin and Scorpio


I hate Kaliyo, Pierce


and I haven't met Blizz or Skadge yet so can't tell as of yet


so make of that what you will :p


Funny we all have such different views.


Kaylio is my favorite romancable companion, I like her because she is tough, crazy and overall entertaining. Mako is ok but shes just so weak and the engin temple...another weak ones.. I guess i like the A type personality. My smuggler even went wtih the mando chick over the pirate princess......untill she talked marriage, then he split he stays single lol


Pierce is my sith warriors right hand man. Story Wise, not much going on..true, but he is loyal to the empire and a straight soldier....Now that he can heal too...he is all kinds of maxed out on influence.

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Us unusual as the idea may seem to some, I think a romance option for Lord Scourge has amazing potential. There's such a strong and unique base story between him and the JK already and because it would be so unprecedented, it would be very interesting and different. Unlike the ladies man Doc.. I'd like to think my JK would go for someone more substantial, someone more interesting and "worth" defying the code for.

Totally, it has an amazing potential story and characterization-wise. Like you said, there is so much between him and the Knight already, and a Jedi/Sith relationship will be something unique, at least to my knowledge. And I can't help but remember how Lord Scourge's immortality has basically dulled his senses and robbed him of all joy (I think he even commented something like he would like to remember the color the eyes of his first love, but he can't, not anymore). Imagine the potential!

He could seriously be an awesome romance choice.

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I liked them both. And I forgave Quinn.. eventually. Wasn't easy, but what choice did he have? Baras can kill people over hololol.


I "get" that he has a public persona, and a private one. It's just that his private persona is known only to the character, very little of it is known to the player. So there are blanks in Quinn's personality that can only be filled by the imagination. Easy enough to do, especially since Quinn strikes me as a lawful neutral personality type - something that I easily identify with.


Plus, he's cute. Kinda looks like an elf :D And his lovely voice. A lot can be forgiven.

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Did you romance Jaesa? That's a thoroughly unlikable character. I deleted and rerolled my Warrior because of her, I found her that annoying.

Man, some of the things in the DS Jaesa romance are awesome! (I'm really, really not into that kind of woman IRL, nor the BDSM scene, but I really enjoyed the way the story flowed.)


But then again, I enjoyed the Agent-Kaliyo romance as well, even if she did lecture me on what it was like to grow up as a Rattataki. (Clue: my Agent is also a Rattataki.)

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Well, lets think about this for a minute.....


One of them gives you a piece of ***, and the other one betrays you and tries to have you killed.

Guess which camp I'm in. =]


There is no one, and I mean no one in all of Star Wars Land, whom I would love to kill more in the most grisly of fashions than Quinn. He's begging for it. It is my sincere hope that one day soon I can oblige him. Futhermore, I believe killing everybody he has ever known in any capacity would not at all be out of order.


Plus I think he's into dudes.

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I absolutely adore Quinn and Vette is a close second. It's Kaliyo I hate with a passion. It does amuse me that some people would never dream of forgiving Quinn for his one weak moment, but can't get enough of Kaliyo's constant manipulation and betrayal.


Mako I'm neutral on. I like her when she's in the friend zone, but her personality greatly deteriorates when she's romanced.


I dislike Pierce and Ashara. Pierce should have been court- marshaled for insubordination long ago. Ashara is just annoying with her complete denial.

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