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$60 for a Jetpack, a droid and 1.5 hours worth of content.


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I really, really try to defend this game at every turn.


I really, really wanted to believe.


I really thought the delays were to increase the amount of Ch. 10 content.


I-... I can't do it anymore. I stayed subbed from KotFE's release until now ($15/mo. x 4 mo.) and all I got was a jetpack, a companion I won't use, and 1.5 hours (really like 30 minutes, if you remove the constant trash mobs and running around), of actual content?


You guys, I gave you SIXTY DOLLARS. I waited four months. And all you can do is say "stay subscribed for these neat things you're gonna get that we'll tell you about at some point!"


This is not how I wanted KotFE to go.


Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you one more day. If during the livestream you say ANYTHING other than "the next chapter will be released in 30 days" then we're done. The gap between Ch. 9 and 10 was maybe $10 worth of content and we gave you $60.


Don't screw over your fans/supporters like this. It's not right.

Edited by SavingPrincess
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That "holiday" break was ridiculously long.

I'm also hoping that sometime soon we'll see some of those "regular content" updates we're supposed to see alongside the chapters from time to time.


That being said, the recent QoL changes were nice to get however, and I'm hoping now that the holiday season is properly over, they'll be able to stick to the monthly schedule they promised for the Chapters. :)

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That "holiday" break was ridiculously long.

I'm also hoping that sometime soon we'll see some of those "regular content" updates we're supposed to see alongside the chapters from time to time.


That being said, the recent QoL changes were nice to get however, and I'm hoping now that the holiday season is properly over, they'll be able to stick to the monthly schedule they promised for the Chapters. :)


EA hold promises, what universe are we in, remind me?

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EA hold promises, what universe are we in, remind me?


To be fair, they did say there'd be a break during the holidays.

...Although most people initially assumed it'd be a month or so without a chapter, not friggin' 4 of them... :(

Edited by Callaron
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It depends how you define content. If you define content as end game chapters only, then yes 60 dollars isn't worth the cost. However, at least for me content encompasses pvp, pve, crafting, playing gtn, and mini games. I don't have enough time to participate in every piece of content that I want each week. For example, I been meaning to upgrade my spaceship to run the mini space on rail game. For a very long time I have ignored the rakghoul event since the very first event. I only started running dailies for the rakghoul event the not this rakghoul, but the last one. I only made it halt way to friendly, because I didn't have time to run the event every day.


From reading your post, it seems to me you are better suited to playing a single player game. You play this single player game for 3 or more months, then drop it and buy another game. If you only focus is one aspect of swtor like pvp, pve, story, mini games, or gtn, then this game might not satisfy your appetite for content. It also depends how much you play. If you play for 4 or more hours every day, then you will run out content faster over someone who only plays 1 hour each day or a few hours each week.

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To be fair, they did say there'd be a break during the holidays.

...Although most people initially assumed it'd be a month or so without a chapter, not friggin' 4 of them... :(

Well then, they assumed wrong and have nobody to blame but themselves.

Prior to KotFE's launch, they told us the schedule: 9 chapters at once and the next chapters monthly beginning in early 2016.

That's exactly what they delivered and it's been known since at least September of last year.

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I see where you are coming from, but consider this, say theres 600 000 subs in SWTOR. Over the last 4 months thats $36 000 000, of all that they can only make 30 minutes of content, and some new but appalling pack.


of all that $36 000 000 i doubt very much it went to maintenance and staff pay, because lets be honest here, if they can only give us 30 minutes of content in 4 months, there must be about 3 devs actually doing anything. And of a monthly wage, of the 4 months combined only 500 000 of 36 000 000 was used for wages.


So let me just estimate the money spent -


$500 000 on staff wages.

$1 000 000 on up keep/maintenance

$750 000 on say investing into Ch.9 and then Ch.10

Maybe another 500 000 - 1 000 000 on EA and CS.


So thats 3.2 mil, of 36 mil.


What happened to the rest...


and even if my calculations are way off (I will admit im completely guessing) they arent investing on new content and just money grabbing.


I mean they probably dont have as many subs as i stated, but the calculations stay the same just divide them as needed.


Maybe i under guessed all that money, but even so, theres 10-20 mil left, of profit, + all CC purchases i didnt include.


They are profiting a lot, filling up their higher up in commands pockets.

this post really made me laugh
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I agree - Chapter 10 had to have been the biggest let down I have experience to date from an MMO.


Months of waiting and mystery - Only to find it actually was the imp agent companion all along .


1.5 hours ? seems liek 45 minutes of a boring repetitive quest that took little to no writing skills to compose.


Im also evaluating my own subscription

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Months of waiting and mystery - Only to find it actually was the imp agent companion all along .
How could that have possibly been a mystery?

After completing Chapter 9, if you clicked the big "Play" button where it said Chapter X Coming Soon, it popped up a teaser for the next chapter in the middle of your screen with a huge picture of Kaliyo on it.


Spoiler alert: It'll show you who'll be in Chapter 11 if you finish 10.

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I stayed subbed from KotFE's release until now ($15/mo. x 4 mo.) and all I got was a jetpack, a companion I won't use, and 1.5 hours (really like 30 minutes, if you remove the constant trash mobs and running around), of actual content?


You guys, I gave you SIXTY DOLLARS. I waited four months. And all you can do is say "stay subscribed for these neat things you're gonna get that we'll tell you about at some point!"


This is not how I wanted KotFE to go.


Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you one more day. If during the livestream you say ANYTHING other than "the next chapter will be released in 30 days" then we're done. The gap between Ch. 9 and 10 was maybe $10 worth of content and we gave you $60.


Don't screw over your fans/supporters like this. It's not right.


Ok so you are upset that you paid 4 months of subscription and received no new content.


Please tell me any other AAA mmo where you get regular updates (less than 4 months) for free with a subscription. Maybe you would be happier playing wow, the world largest mmo where you pay a monthly subscription and can receive no new content for over 12 months at a time.


EA/BW are not ripping you off. You are paying for a monthly subscription. You are receiving what you paid for. If you are not happy or bored with the content they are providing then you should cancel your subscription as would anyone else.


But to complain you are not getting new content as fast as you would like and then claim EA/BW are somehow ripping you off is disingenuous at best.

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Ok so you are upset that you paid 4 months of subscription and received no new content.


Please tell me any other AAA mmo where you get regular updates (less than 4 months) for free with a subscription. Maybe you would be happier playing wow, the world largest mmo where you pay a monthly subscription and can receive no new content for over 12 months at a time.


EA/BW are not ripping you off. You are paying for a monthly subscription. You are receiving what you paid for. If you are not happy or bored with the content they are providing then you should cancel your subscription as would anyone else.


But to complain you are not getting new content as fast as you would like and then claim EA/BW are somehow ripping you off is disingenuous at best.


GW2 comes out with monthly content, and thats B2P, no sub required.


AA released monthly content after revamp.


Neverwinter, Tera and Aion release free content every 2-3 months.


Rift releases content every 4-5 months.


WoW every new content more than 12 months? when did you last play WoW...

Edited by ebbehhm
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GW2 comes out with monthly content, and thats B2P, no sub required.



UNLESS, of course, you miss a month or so. Then you have to pay for those updates using gems (which cost RL money*). At least you do if you want to know what the heck is going on in the story.


*Edit: I know you can exchange gold for gems, but the exchange rate is atrocious.

Edited by AngFour
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UNLESS, of course, you miss a month or so. Then you have to pay for those updates using gems (which cost RL money). At least you do if you want to know what the heck is going on in the story.


Meh a chapter or 2 of storyline, i was a WvWer until HoT. RIP.

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I really, really try to defend this game at every turn.


I really, really wanted to believe.


I really thought the delays were to increase the amount of Ch. 10 content.


I-... I can't do it anymore. I stayed subbed from KotFE's release until now ($15/mo. x 4 mo.) and all I got was a jetpack, a companion I won't use, and 1.5 hours (really like 30 minutes, if you remove the constant trash mobs and running around), of actual content?


You guys, I gave you SIXTY DOLLARS. I waited four months. And all you can do is say "stay subscribed for these neat things you're gonna get that we'll tell you about at some point!"


This is not how I wanted KotFE to go.


Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you one more day. If during the livestream you say ANYTHING other than "the next chapter will be released in 30 days" then we're done. The gap between Ch. 9 and 10 was maybe $10 worth of content and we gave you $60.


Don't screw over your fans/supporters like this. It's not right.


You think this is bad? I've just let my sub lapse from Warcraft because it's getting close to -two years- with no new content. Two. Years.

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You also got 4 months of subbed gameplay... you know, what you actually pay for.


If that is not enough for you, then it may be time to take a break. Nothing wrong with that.





Take a break. Play some other Star Wars MMO. Play no MMO.

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