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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.








Seriously Bioware?


Seriously? We're practically going to be level 70 when you fix all the bugs you've introduced...


You've broken classes and now you don't want to fix this *********** stupid bug...

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Wow I am glad to see you take the bugs you introduced to the raids recently so seriously, I for one am amazed at the speedy response we are receiving :confused:. Its almost like you care about the players and made me feel all warm and fuzzy.


I don't see why we are all complaining its just their way of giving us fun new content since they cannot produce any :) I do not understand why you all do not see this, so don't look at the introduction of new bugs into old ops as a bad thing look at as a way of keeping old boring ops interesting. I mean come on guessing if you have aimed that telegraph correctly just makes things more interesting, its not annoying in any way at all. (I like watching tanks fly off the map I am evil like that)


More seriously the response given is BS and makes me wonder if we will see a new op this year, the QA in patches of late has sucked and now you are not even trying to fix your new and wonderful bugs in a timely manner, and you expect us to pay for this ...... all I can say is you wont have many subs left if continue like this. Musco I think you need to learn to program so you can help out the single dev who seems to be still working on this game

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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My team fights tooth and nails to keep the group together and the fun in raiding happening.

Its allready so hard to keep raiders active, finding new replacments got so very hard because they are leaving the game in masses. It is happening to us too, constantly. We just want to raid and have fun. Why do they need to stab us constantly? I don't get it.

Edited by IkarusXY
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This is where I finally had enough, unsubbed, as did my entire guild. We were willing to stick with the game as long as we could still have fun raiding. Since that is not possible right now we are pretty much done. The tidbits of story line are just not enough to keep us engaged and interested.
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This is where I finally had enough, unsubbed, as did my entire guild. We were willing to stick with the game as long as we could still have fun raiding. Since that is not possible right now we are pretty much done. The tidbits of story line are just not enough to keep us engaged and interested.


This. Guilds that used to have 7-10 raid teams are now barely staying alive with 1-3, with tons of member overlap. You're losing a stupid amount of players, not just due to lack of old content, but the refusal to listen to basic logic, and literally exuding that you guys just don't care.


It'd be great if you can say something like, "Hey we can't do new stuff right now, but we'll keep the current stuff maintained and listen to you guys where applicable, and we promise we'll get to you guys eventually and be diligent with bugs."


Instead, you've said, "Not only do we not have new content for you, we DON'T WANT to make new content for you, and don't care whether you leave or not, because we're sitting on a pile of money and all of you can suck it. We don't care about any of you, and the content we make for you means absolutely nothing."

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The Bioware business model makes absolutely no sense. They would rather lose subs than gain them????


I'm in 3 guilds with progressive raiding and there were 10 raid groups, with the key word "were".That is 80 people that has left since Bioware decided to suspend OPS development. How can you not want people to stay subbed?????


Anyways enough ranting Bioware about lack of OPS lets rant about BREAKING ops when you didn't even touch them in your quite underwhelming release after a 4 month long content drought......seriously. And now we have to wait until April for a fix. You all need to be fired.......I cant believe I pay for this sh.......

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






To quote Master Yoda, "This is why you fail."


Eric, please take back to the dev team that the raiding community is unhappy about the projected timeline to fix operations and flashpoints.


The same community is unhappy about no new content for an extended period of time.


Were it me, I would call an all stop to EVERYTHING SWTOR and fix the raids/flashpoints today. I mean all hands on deck, no one leaves the building until every single raid is corrected and tested and retested.


The team is killing the game I love. Please stop.


To quote Princess Amidala, "You're going down a path I can't follow."


Good luck and Godspeed to the team.

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It is because of crap like this that My guild has begun making a move to becoming a Multi Game Guild. Thankfully the other games we have chosen are more fun and have fewer issues. So come on over to ESO (which is build with the Hero Engine just as SWTOR is) or check out WoW once more or dive into Blade and Soul with us.


Don't lose friends that you made while playing SWTOR! Keep those friends with you as you check out other games. Life is much more fun that way.


As for me and my guild, well we are sticking with SWTOR until the bitter end, but it looks as though that end will be very bitter indeed...

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GG. This was the final excuse I needed to pull the plug on my sub.



Indeed, my raid team already made accounts on Final Fantasy and have been leveling to get up to speed and start raiding there.




You guys are not going to be able to clear A3 Savage. You will disband and be humbled.


As much as you people think I'm a troll I cleared the raiding you guys are about to be shredded by.


You have no chance.


Nothing in this game will prepare you for the murderous rampage that Living Liquid is going to stomp you with.

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Not that it's ok for them to leave such a huge bug in, but my guildies and I were able to verify that even though the animations are completely wrong, internally the game has them facing the correct location. Example: 2nd hand and finger phase on Bronte in SM, the hands will both telegraph their cleave to the middle and slam in that direction, but only the tank, who's correctly standing on the outside will get knocked back and take damage. Same with Brontes in the add phase as she'll face almost 90 degrees away from where she's actually facing if you tank her in the right spot. So it's possible to ignore the animations if you know the fight well enough. Again, not an excuse for Bioware to wait months to fix it, but in the meantime may help anyone trying to run the glitched content.


WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO RUN GLITCHED CONTENT. We've had to do so for years, and now more raids are broken than working correctly. This is not right. This is not acceptable. I realize that you are just trying to help people who are trying their best to play this game despite Bioware, but it SHOULD NOT BE THIS WAY.


That is all


I wish so much that this was true. If that is all we ever heard from you again it would be too soon. But you don't ever shut up, so this is just another thing you've posted here that is totally wrong and false. Keep it up, you fit in really well around here.

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To be honest I can't say I'm surprised by this. I mean in 4.0 they gave us zero new ops, and then in 4.1 they break most of the ops. I really feel as bioware broke them and then take forever to fix them so all the raid community will die off, and they will say hey no one plays ops anymore so we don't need to create any new ones. KotFE = the death of multiplayer content.
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I wish so much that this was true. If that is all we ever heard from you again it would be too soon. But you don't ever shut up, so this is just another thing you've posted here that is totally wrong and false. Keep it up, you fit in really well around here.


And I wish BW laughed at all the people who space barred to 50 at launch and said, "Well if you don't play this for the story we don't know what to tell you" and continue unleashing the writing powerhouse they had at launch that is finally starting to come back.


They would have made more money, the game would have been more popular, and they wouldn't have wasted 2 years trying to steal World of Warcraft's girlfriend (raiders), who was never going to leave because she's a gold digger and WoW is rich.


Oh and you forgot to say "please clap" at the end of your post. You know, Bush style.

Edited by JMCA
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Now I am going to pass on information to you as I have it, and have had it for years.


The bug fixing delays have GOT TO STOP. It isn't just about how you are yet again completely screwing over the raiding community. Unfortunately, we're used to that. Doesn't make it right, but we are. We expect this sub-par treatment because you've given it to us in spades. We try to enjoy this game in spite of your treatment, and lots of the time we succeed. But you make it harder and harder all the time and it just doesn't make sense.


Bugs are going to happen in programming. But this is supposed to be a AAA title from a reputable gaming company. Months to fix bugs is bad. Bugs that have been in the game since launch are just an embarrassment. One "fix" breaks something else. It's a comedy of errors. It doesn't matter what part of the game you look at right now, there are bugs in ALL OF IT. Some bugs are never fixed, most are never fixed in any way quickly... even if they are exploitable and devastate the economy of the game or are game breaking and make it impossible to play some part of the game: raid completion, story missions not advancing, you name it.


How can we accept this? Furthermore, how can YOU? I'm just.... at a loss for words. Except to say this:


4.3 is not soon enough. Try again.

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And I wish BW laughed at all the people who space barred to 50 at launch and said, "Well if you don't play this for the story we don't know what to tell you" and continue unleashing the writing powerhouse they had at launch that is finally starting to come back.


They would have made more money, the game would have been more popular, and they wouldn't have wasted 2 years trying to steal World of Warcraft's girlfriend (raiders), who was never going to leave because she's a gold digger and WoW is rich.


Oh and you forgot to say "please clap" at the end of your post. You know, Bush style.


Called it.

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It's not. They used the Hero Engine for a brief time during development for prototyping and getting some stuff together while their own engine was being put together. The final game does not use the Hero Engine.


Actually, when you load up ESO, it says it runs on the Hero Engine, FYI

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You guys are not going to be able to clear A3 Savage. You will disband and be humbled.


As much as you people think I'm a troll I cleared the raiding you guys are about to be shredded by.


You have no chance.


Nothing in this game will prepare you for the murderous rampage that Living Liquid is going to stomp you with.


Screenshot or it never happened!

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You have no idea what I'm capable of in game. I have a toaster of a PC and I guarantee you I outparse 90% of the community on Jugg


I highly doubt that! Can you provide your star parse links or your toons name? Highly doubt that you will, just a common Bridge troll you are.

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You have no idea what I'm capable of in game. I have a toaster of a PC and I guarantee you I outparse 90% of the community on Jugg


One of the best players in this game (I think he was in Zorz as Mikey? Could be wrong) played with one hand due to a medical condition preventing him from using his second hand. He's now raiding mythic in WoW.

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