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Everything posted by DanaMarschz

  1. Can you provide details on the reason for the delay? Is there a plan in place to insure future patches don't cause similar breaks? Any information is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. The timing is still bonkers though, and will probably require a master strike clip.
  3. Waiting to see if a change is an actual improvement is not the right way to message board.
  4. Three forums were opened yesterday where you can go and ***** about class changes. This is not one of them.
  5. The post still offered justification for an action that was morally wrong. Maybe I read it wrong, but essentially it was saying "I don't support this but it's your fault it happened". To me that equates to victim blaming. At the very least it was in poor taste to even bring up class changes.
  6. There is never a time or place for victim blaming man.
  7. That's a lot of crazy. Sorry some folks don't know where to draw the line.
  8. Dot spread is nice and all, but I went with this class because it was high sustained single target dps. Are we doing a 180 on that philosophy, and if so why?
  9. Or you could put a cool down on them so they could be use on proc instead of counting.
  10. Nvm again I was thinking about GCDs. I'm back to not liking this. Does this mean that instead of two groups of three six second blocks we'll have six groups of five three second blocks? I'm no theory crafter. Let me know if I'm wrong.
  11. Wait, nvm this is how i'm playing it now anyway. Good maths to you devs. I will happily accept the additional damage though. If you want to make things easier add it to merciless slash. If you want to make it difficult add it to regular slash.
  12. How does this make things better? I feel like this will not only take away dps, but make an already fairly difficult rotation more difficult. Can someone please explain?
  13. Has two lightsabers. Only uses one. Dual spec tease?
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