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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many free game days do we get as compensation?


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Ok let's say they actually give you your money back.

At fifteen dollars a month, how much does, let's say, 6 hours come down to? $.50?



$15/30/4/ = .125 - 13 cents if you round up.


Let the QQing begin over the 13 cents.

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When servers are down for days on end like they were for the first six months of WoW's release, I'm certain they will refund days.


When they go down for scheduled maintenance and get extended an hour or two, I wouldn't hold my breath.


I kind of wish the whiners would hold their breath.

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When i played WoW, they took the servers down in the morning, and sometimes they'd be down all day. I never thought it was odd. That's the time most people work, so why wouldn't the maintenance take place during the day?


The maintenance is going to cut into someone's play time. The Euro players who can't stop whining about EVERYTHING (seriously some of you complained that your launch day was a whopping two days behind the US, when other areas of the world got nothing), need to realize that many Europeans don't play during peak hours.


The down time actually cuts into my play time, as I play late/early in the morning often. So what? It's one day out of the week. It's part of playing MMO's. Deal with it.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I would like that the ENTITLED people in here can asnwer me why didnt you play from midnight until the patch ?

cause you clearly have stated that they removed the whole gaming time for you?


Or do you mean because you had youre day off from school they would be obliegied not having maintence or should they have had made special arrangements for you?


And for the record i am 32 i am working but i still had my day off today and still i dont have a problem ...............


But that because i have been on MMO launches before

Edited by Varghjerta
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I went to all the trouble logging in just so I could LOL at this thread.


You wasted your time, I have never seen such a group of people that think they deserve up and beyond the rules of the contract agreed upon.


Not only has WOW seen far far far worse days and nights but this is nothing.



Now lets go back to even try to compare other MMOs and launch month and so far this one wins.


With the amount of people playing... it has been pretty damn good. To see these people actually have NO premise or facts as to what they think they deserve is almost shameful.



I am ashamed to be playing the game with some of the people that say such stupid things.


Bioware is trying hard I AM SURE to address issues. By all means, just because they do NOT tell you - you have no right to assume anything.


If this was the case.. then really you are NOT prepared for Real Life and I suggest you plan on working at McDs all of it and living in your parents basement.


It is getting old seeing these people slam them for doing work and so on.





Unreal... just unreal at this point.


Next thing you know... the people that complain will pay them monthly fees to complain.


Yep... logic at its best.

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I do not care about free days, but it is obvious that at the very least there should be 3 maintenance windows:


1. US

2. EU

3. Site


It's that simple. It is all the question of EA spending $$... Fat chance of that after the whole Grace period fail.


they stated they are looking at adapting the times. I think they looked at the U.S. when setting this time and then figured EU would be at work. I Would agree since they have total different set of servers for EU they could just set the time on those for their wee hours

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I do not care about free days, but it is obvious that at the very least there should be 3 maintenance windows:


1. US

2. EU

3. Site


It's that simple. It is all the question of EA spending $$... Fat chance of that after the whole Grace period fail.


they stated they are looking at adapting the times. I think they looked at the U.S. when setting this time and then figured EU would be at work. I Would agree since they have total different set of servers for EU they could just set the time on those for their wee hours

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Regardless of it being only 0.50 euro, the main point still stands = it's a lousy time to be doing maintenance work at all. As a previous poster said: this was only a small patch and yet it had to be extended till 19.30. Smack in the middle of peak hours.


The fact that this lousy time for EU players is the result of the choice to use better times for US players, is the main point aggrevating people. I have to agree with most of the complainers here that it's a bit of an insult to not have seperate EU hours, considering EU is just as big of a customer base as the US is.


Now I can forgive BW making this mistake in the first week, but I can say that if they do not change it in the long run, people will stop playing because of it.

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There won't be any compensation. Queues are the player's fault, and maintenance is warned ahead of time and part of playing an MMO.


If you're upset that it came on a holiday... cry some more please. They've had maintenance on weekends before, which is no different than a holiday. Use it as an excuse to do something on that long list of stuff you always procrastinate.

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In the early days of World of Warcraft they gave out many, many, MANY free days of play in compensation for downtime. Unfortunately, that was due to several day outages of server clusters and other things like never ending maintenance (by never ending I mean every day for 5-6 hours randomly during the day, morning evening or even night).


This game, having already established it has had the smoothest launch in MMO history and has stuck to it near flawlessly to date, having such a massive user base already and STILL managing relatively normal queue times compared to other new MMO's, really.... REALLY does not need to compensate us with free days of game time.


However, if they did? I would not complain. I would just be more amazed. I would literally be in awe of this game. I'm giving it too much praise already, I feel uncomfortable, like my trust will be violated or something. But there it is.


No pressure Bioware. No pressure... *cackle*

Edited by Skouros
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