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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many free game days do we get as compensation?


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I dont really get the need to complain about maintenance or applying fixes to a game....? I rather like that they are patching things during planned maintenance versus having to fix it during a crash or whatever.
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Hmmm, so you think they should do a separate downtime for European servers.... And you understand that when the servers go down, especially like today where there was a patch applied, it si applied to the client at the same time, right? No you didn't understand that? :eek: And so, since you obviously didn't understand that, you didn't realize that since you are not confined to specific servers to play in, if you staggered downtimes like you are suggesting, you would have some client versions not matching up with server versions... basically you would have a crap-ton of issues, but hell, it would make you feel slightly better. Go play outside, stop the qq, and trust that the people who are actually paid to do this job know what the hell they are talking about.


/end rant

Edited by Cirraka
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No compensation, maint days are the norm for MMOs and should be expected by anyone who has played them before.


I would say that the vast majority of people who have been complaining have never played an MMO before and don't know what's going on.

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Honestly if they would down the server on a US holiday during the day/prime time you would see people being upset as well.

The game was released just before x-mas, if you take a server down the day after it's just atrocious service.

It's not like this patch was anything special either.


I don't expect a compensation, but I do expect the EU to get proper maintenance times.

This was a minor patch and it results of a down time between 11:00 and 19:30.

That means that if something goes really wrong the EU loses out a day while the US can play at the evening.


Bioware has been treating the EU as second ranked costumers, you honestly think that is not going to bite back?

EA pulled this off as well with warhammer.


Just to point out about that usually the EU over takes the US in the amount of costumers.

Ontop of that they pay much more for the game (even with taxes added games are over priced).

Does it sound like a smart move to tick your costumers off?

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Maintenance is part of your expected up time. You don't get compensated.


Although I would agree with the sentiment, I think it's ridiculous that BioWare carry out maintenance on a public holiday when large parts of Europe are available to play.


They should take a leaf out of Blizzard's book and carry out the maintenance between 3am and 10am. Those are the quietest times in any MMO.

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Honestly if they would down the server on a US holiday during the day/prime time you would see people being upset as well.

The game was released just before x-mas, if you take a server down the day after it's just atrocious service.

It's not like this patch was anything special either.


I don't expect a compensation, but I do expect the EU to get proper maintenance times.

This was a minor patch and it results of a down time between 11:00 and 19:30.

That means that if something goes really wrong the EU loses out a day while the US can play at the evening.


Bioware has been treating the EU as second ranked costumers, you honestly think that is not going to bite back?

EA pulled this off as well with warhammer.


Just to point out about that usually the EU over takes the US in the amount of costumers.

Ontop of that they pay much more for the game (even with taxes added games are over priced).

Does it sound like a smart move to tick your costumers off?


That's because none of the US holidays fall on a Tuesday (except New Years and the 4th of July) and yes I've played games where it was down on those days, what did I do.....watch movies, play other games things like that, not sit ************ and moaning about not being able to play on a holiday.

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Although I would agree with the sentiment, I think it's ridiculous that BioWare carry out maintenance on a public holiday when large parts of Europe are available to play.


They should take a leaf out of Blizzard's book and carry out the maintenance between 3am and 10am. Those are the quietest times in any MMO.


It's a public holiday? Where? It's not in US, that was observed yesterday.

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That's because none of the US holidays fall on a Tuesday (except New Years and the 4th of July) and yes I've played games where it was down on those days, what did I do.....watch movies, play other games things like that, not sit ************ and moaning about not being able to play on a holiday.


Indeed Europeans that don't like the maintenance being done during day/prime time , sure they could do other things.

In fact they could spend their money on other things as well, you starting to see the bigger picture?

You honestly think people will tolerate it if Bioware's extended maintenance is going to be up to 22:00?



I never get the argument ' the other company does it' guess what.

I am not buying a product from the other company?

Just because restaurant A gives me rotten food it doesn't make it an excuse for restaurant B to do it as well ' yes sir our lobster is rotten but the guy across the street sells them rotten as well'.


Maybe some people have this attitude that poor costumer service is oke.

Perhaps some companies think it doesn't hurt if you treat the EU poorly.

Than again we've all seen Warhammer.




Most of all when people point out that this behaviour from a company isn't acceptable or straight out rude you might want to listen.

I don't understand the reason why you would even defend it, you're a costumer why bother defending a company.

They don't pay you , pat you on the head neither are they your friend.


Give it a thought.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I do not care about free days, but it is obvious that at the very least there should be 3 maintenance windows:


1. US

2. EU

3. Site


It's that simple. It is all the question of EA spending $$... Fat chance of that after the whole Grace period fail.


They gave EVERYONE at least 4 days EGA that had pre ordered. THEN an EXTRA 2 days grace period.


Nice troll mate.

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I do not care about free days, but it is obvious that at the very least there should be 3 maintenance windows:


1. US

2. EU

3. Site


It's that simple. It is all the question of EA spending $$... Fat chance of that after the whole Grace period fail.


10am to 4pm... Are you unemployed?

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Indeed Europeans that don't like the maintenance being done during day/prime time , sure they could do other things.

In fact they could spend their money on other things as well, you starting to see the bigger picture?

You honestly think people will tolerate it if Bioware's extended maintenance is going to be up to 22:00?



I never get the argument ' the other company does it' guess what.

I am not buying a product from the other company?

Just because restaurant A gives me rotten food it doesn't make it an excuse for restaurant B to do it as well ' yes sir our lobster is rotten but the guy across the street sells them rotten as well'.


Maybe some people have this attitude that poor costumer service is oke.

Perhaps some companies think it doesn't hurt if you treat the EU poorly.

Than again we've all seen Warhammer.




Most of all when people point out that this behaviour from a company isn't acceptable or straight out rude you might want to listen.

I don't understand the reason why you would even defend it, you're a costumer why bother defending a company.

They don't pay you , pat you on the head neither are they your friend.


Give it a thought.


But it's a normal maint day, it was put up days in advance so people would know that the servers were going down, with the times. Just like other games, the maint could be extended for unknown reasons or problems that arise during said maint window. Prime-time even in the EU isn't 10a-4p just like it isn't prime time in the US, and the servers went down at 6a Eastern to 12p eastern, when everyone in the US is generally at work (except the ones that took time off for the holidays). I don't call it poor customer service, poor customer service would be to let the bugs that were fixed in this patch keep going on, and never address any other problems in the game, not providing new content etc etc.


Going over 1.5 hours on maint is not that bad (speaking from experience with other MMOs) there were times in EQ that we were down for DAYS at a time, same goes for WoW as well, sure people were mad about it, but I don't see BW compensating anyone for 1.5 hours of extra maint that was scheduled to happen.

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There is probably a self-help group for your issue at your local community center. I suggest you look into it. Or maybe just have more than one hobby. Having many facets to your personality will help the opposite sex like you (or the same sex if that is what you are into).
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I think you need to read the EULA before starting threads like this. Just like on the RP servers, there are the usual holier-than-thou name reporters, when at the bottom of the server list, it clearly says there are no special name requirements compared to the rest of the game.
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what are you going to do with game time credit? nothing, exactly. next topic.


not talking about game time credit. talking about how the millions of swtor fanbase/players seem to not understand how mmo's work, even though more than half of them play mmo's. spoiled brats.

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Hold on while Bioware makes you a free account for the whole 8 hours or so you couldn't play. After they get you a limo and fly you in a Gulf Stream to their studios so that you can be treated to Sports Illustrated models hand feeding you grapes and steak while you are given 8 level 50's that can one shot and not break stealth. Is that enough for your 8 hours of game time that you KNEW were part of an MMORPG?



Oh.. wait. lol.

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Honestly if they would down the server on a US holiday during the day/prime time you would see people being upset as well.

The game was released just before x-mas, if you take a server down the day after it's just atrocious service.

It's not like this patch was anything special either.


I don't expect a compensation, but I do expect the EU to get proper maintenance times.

This was a minor patch and it results of a down time between 11:00 and 19:30.

That means that if something goes really wrong the EU loses out a day while the US can play at the evening.


Bioware has been treating the EU as second ranked costumers, you honestly think that is not going to bite back?

EA pulled this off as well with warhammer.


Just to point out about that usually the EU over takes the US in the amount of costumers.

Ontop of that they pay much more for the game (even with taxes added games are over priced).

Does it sound like a smart move to tick your costumers off?



+ 1.

Amen to that

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Right, fan boys having fun again.


Eat this.

Before maintenance my game was working perfectly.

After maintenance I can not log in any more, game client won't accept my password or login.

Changed password 4 times

Sent 2 tickets, Bioware is silent like grave.

And not just me, forums are full of complains, all sorts of crap rise up after "maintenance".


You keep crying that you won't this game turned in to WoW, too late.

It is already, with it's freaking lame UI, mayhem of bugs, non competent technical crew and pi$$ poor customer support.


Enjoy game. :D

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*Politely written childish demands*


Ok, let's say they actually give you your money back.

At fifteen dollars a month, how much does, let's say, 6 hours come down to? $.50?


Or the time you so woefully missed, in that game you'll be playing for hundreds of hours anyway. You want a free 6 hour period? How would that work? They can't give you your time back, and any free time given, would simply tie back into your fifty cent refund.


In game items? Do you really think you deserve a prize, for waiting through a maintenance period that exists, solely in the effort of making the vast majority of time you are online, as enjoyable as possible?

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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