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Stupid Snowflakes


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Are you kidding me bioware? We can't click off the stupid snow flakes buff? That's the most retarded **** I ever heard of. Why'd you even add that stupid snow flake thing? I'm a god damned sith not a ****in Christmas tree. My stealth class it getting pwned in the warzones when people see the pixie dust floating around me. ****!
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I'm subscriping to this game in order to roleplay, not to run around with a snow buff that ruins immersion. Remove it.


Glad to here you love to RP. Hope you have tons of great RP. That said, you can use your imagination for a backstory and all that role play .... But can't just ignore some snowflakes? I can only imagine how emersion breaking silly/rude names of toon's must be, that all the npc's around are basically mannequins. or someone hopping around where you are RPing. How can you live with the game allowing such horrors?

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Glad to here you love to RP. Hope you have tons of great RP. That said, you can use your imagination for a backstory and all that role play .... But can't just ignore some snowflakes? I can only imagine how emersion breaking silly/rude names of toon's must be, that all the npc's around are basically mannequins. or someone hopping around where you are RPing. How can you live with the game allowing such horrors?


With all respect, I can hear you aren't quite aware of how rolepaying works. I'm not referring to running around doing quests while immersing myself in the head of my character as the story progresses, I'm talking about actual roleplay. So no, I can't make up a background story for why I'm glowing with white snowflakes, it's just a gaint break to immersion and source of annoyance.

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It was very easy to accumulate LOTS of parcels. You just had 1 person working with you throwing snowballs at each other then clicking it off so you could throw again. The more people you had in on it the faster the parcels accumulated.


I still think its dumb mainly because who cares if someone got lots parcels. It isn't like they could buy game changing stuff with it.

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Make the snowflakes available ONLY during the Life Day Event... This s**t is so annoying ... and now we cant remove the buff :eek: We are supposed to play Star Wars, not Snow Wars.


I've said this 1mil times, lore breaking stuff like this should be opt-in only, its tacky, the rewards suck anyway and people use it as a troll/griefing tool.


I would at least be happy if they made it an event only ability. But to throw snowball 365 days a year in Star Wars?! You would have to be an idiot to think that is a good idea.

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It would be wonderful if they would have an opt out solution similar to the rakghoul vaccine, even during the event.


That would be an agreeable solution. Or just an item that toggles off the visual effect. I couldn't care less about the buff itself. If it has mechanical values to prevent too fast grinding then by all means. Just don't force people to run around looking like a snowman.

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My stealth class it getting pwned in the warzones when people see the pixie dust floating around me. ****!

You were getting "pwned" anyway, The snowflakes have nothing to do with it.


not to mention track people in stealth mode, might as well not have stealth mode now lol.

Evidence, please.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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