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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I used Slicing to help pay my way through crafting school.


I think a big fix for the entire economy would be to lower the Crew Mission costs by 50% or some reasonable percentage that most everyone, including nerfed slicers can afford. This makes your mats easier to obtain for all crafters. Which in turn will supply the GTN with more crafted items and leftover mats from previous lvls for the next class of crafters.


I see the biggest problem, like many have stated is the cost of living is pretty high with all the other things you have to pay for in-game.

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I used Slicing to help pay my way through crafting school.



Exactly.. the system was fine. The problem was softies werent getting the experience they read about on DarthHater. "But I read that I wasnt supposed to take slicing if I wanted to craft Pistols"


Unfortunately they are 80% of the population. And 80% = alot of dinero. SO in order to bring us all back down to candyland, slicing was nerfed.


God forbid people actually think...

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The real issue is that softies see things they cant afford on the GTN and they dont like it.


Then they whine.


Maybe Bioware should issue credit cards.


I bet Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will hook them up.


Oh wait, been there done that.


Just because a game is new, and you bought it doesnt mean you get to have it ALL on day three. There are losers who dont have jobs who sit in their underpants all day in rooms that smell like farts and 5 day old Pizza who DO get to have it all.


Once you recognize THAT you will be fine, and BIOWARE can put Slicing back the way it was.



Beautiful post. Vice the room smelling like farts, I like to use the term FAN (Feet, ***** and Nut$) lol

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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.



EDIT 12/28/11 9AM MST

I apologize, I have not been able to keep on top of this properly for the scope of this thread.


Also, the numbers I got were a result of previously unaccepted mission rewards vs the new item system. It appears that there is now a higher chance of uncommon T6 boxes doing the Moderate/Abundant missions so the profit margin isn't quite as atrocious (read: loss) as it initially seemed.



SirFlashington has done me the favor of compiling a live editable google spreadsheet that you can enter your results in. I forsee this getting wildly out of control if not edited responsibly, so if you have constructive feedback that you would like to give to the community and BW, please enter good information.



OP has a valid point here. Why would I spend 2000 credits only to receive a 1400 credit return on a mission?? That makes no economic sense whatsoever. If they want to nerf, fine, they're goingt to nerf the entire game anyway - just a matter of time, but at least do it in a manner that makes sense and not just willy nilly.

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haven't checked this since page 117. I assume there's still no word from BW?


BW's next update will be a new microtransaction program for buying credits through their chinese-owned partners. GG


On a more serious note, they should start selling redeemable codes to make skill upgrades already paid for in all chars. This would resolve the issue of grinding for "must-have" costs that makes the game enjoyable.

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I have a really simple answer to all of this. For Slicers, we can just gather nodes, and send on missions for schematics. If and when we get them - we keep them for our alts. That simple. Since we were nerfed hard, I think it's only fair for us to keep our stuff and give them to our alts and keep the market completely barren; I believe there are only certain schematics that we are privy to that others want/need :D


Kreia once held the galaxy by the throat and I believe we should do the same financially... just a thought...

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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Personally, I'm happy with slicing.


Mission Skills IMHO shouldn't pull a huge profit; if any.


and everyone seems to be neglecting that Slicing when adventuring nets HUGE money gains still.


You're all just mad you can't sit in station and make boatloads of money while doing nothing.



Take Bioanalysis for example.


Exploring the world, i can find a fair amount of materials, for free.

Using Missions, I can find a small amount of materials, for a cost.


Why shouldn't it be the same for Slicing?


Exploring the world, I find lockboxes for 1000+ credits.

Using missions, i find lockboxes for a small profit.



Bottom line is there should be no No Work = High reward situations. Crafters have to gather, create items, break them down, create better ones, break those down, gather rare materials, sell on AH or gear up.


Slicing just pushes a button for instant money. That doesn't make sense.


Mission Slicing should be used to level slicing or gain Augments. If you want to make profit with it, go out and loot lockboxes, your still making boatloads more credits then anyone who doesn't have it during adventuring.

Edited by grufftech
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Your days of printing free credits are over.


Find another means of supporting your gaming and/or toys RL.



Your days of getting decent prices on the GTN for your crafting efforts is over.


Find another means of paying for your companion skills.

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Personally, I'm happy with slicing.


Mission Skills IMHO shouldn't pull a huge profit; if any.


and everyone seems to be neglecting that Slicing when adventuring nets HUGE money gains still.


You're all just mad you can't sit in station and make boatloads of money.



Take Bioanalysis for example.


Exploring the world, i can find a fair amount of materials, for free.

Using Missions, I can find a small amount of materials, for a cost.


Why shouldn't it be the same for Slicing?


Exploring the world, I find lockboxes for 1000+ credits.

Using missions, i find lockboxes for a small profit.



Where is the magical land you speak of with plenty of slicing boxes, cause I haven't found it.


You seem to be forgetting that you need a certain level to get mats in the world.


Say you just started slicing. You run into a box that is skill level 50 required. Now you dump a ton of money into slicing just so you can get a box that will probably only net 250 creds? Seems a bit off to me.


I do agree with you about instant creds from slicing. Something needs to be done, but with only two weeks of economy in I don't think that this was the right decision.

Edited by Mogget
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Still awaiting a bioware response....


There won't be one, since they will not be that honest and say: 'Oh, we made a big mistake here.', however: bye bye missions generated by slicing, bye bye (rather) easy getting purple grade 6 material for crafters from those missions ... bye bye cheap high class crafted items.


Imagine you slice to sell those missions, now you calculate: it took me x amount of missions with y amount of profit/loss, short calculation and I got my z price, which is nowhere close to what it may have been before the adjustment. Prices may skyrocket or every crafter will keep his own slicer to supply himself and keep prices good for the community, or crafters become selfish again and give a crap on others, since it's already way too easy to get very good gear.

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Your days of printing free credits are over.


Find another means of supporting your gaming and/or toys RL.


Yep, that's fine. Also - the days of having slicers buy my gear that I'd been making and selling on the GTN or AH are also over. Overnight, stuff's got a LOT harder to sell.


Yeah, I really love that - NOT. Seeing people now tighten their belts, so much that not only is it hard to sell, but I can't make enough to diversify on my recipes - because people aren't buying. So, now my greens/blues will get sold for the prices I was selling purples for, because there isn't the market to sell to - so investing into making higher quality gear just went poof.


Demand just dropped off the radar.


And yes, I have a slicer too. He's my alt, and my main is a crafter, with artifice, and to be frank, I'm feeling the pinch on him.


Glad you're helping though, telling those slicers how it is. Actually, wait - no I'm not glad at all, and wished people like you weren't wasting bandwidth.


I loved slicers having money, because that meant I could craft and make money. Now everyone's feeling the pinch. GG.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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