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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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bear with me i have numbers :(.


did a long test to see how the money flow was coming, everything seemed fine, but i was also looting stuff and working the AH with loot so it my views were skewed. i recorded all data for missions and just ran the math. Here it is





Net profit for 34 missions tonight, over 500 minutes of mission time, was under 3 Credits per minute, also known as pointless...

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Face it...everyone knew Slicing was broken. They nerfed it, and now all those exploiting the broken skill are crying. Shut up and get a profession that's not broken. Once the crew skills are leveled out, make your final crafting choice. Stop yer *****in'.


lol you didn't even read any of the remarks. But thanks for contributing.

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Face it...everyone knew Slicing was broken. They nerfed it, and now all those exploiting the broken skill are crying. Shut up and get a profession that's not broken. Once the crew skills are leveled out, make your final crafting choice. Stop yer *****in'.


Completely missed the point, didn't ya? It's ok, here I'll explain it...


Seeing that BW 'fixed' this 'broken' skill, the people that now have it (what you refer to as "having a profession that's not broken" now) are annoyed because now it's literally useless.

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Face it...everyone knew Slicing was broken. They nerfed it, and now all those exploiting the broken skill are crying. Shut up and get a profession that's not broken. Once the crew skills are leveled out, make your final crafting choice. Stop yer *****in'.


No logic in what you just said and not really very helpful to anything.

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I keep seeing replies like this, you know it's very likely that the people you were making your money off were slicers willing to pay your stupid high costs.


So everybody wins in that scenario. Not only the slicers but the people who chose not to get slicing because people are willing to pay more for items/resources they craft/gather.


The only thing that changes is the value of the credit itself.

Edited by CRNphg
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Face it...everyone knew Slicing was broken. They nerfed it, and now all those exploiting the broken skill are crying. Shut up and get a profession that's not broken. Once the crew skills are leveled out, make your final crafting choice. Stop yer *****in'.


What crew skills do you have? I sure hope you don't sell any of the materials you gather to make a profit, otherwise you're quite the hypocrite.


Slicing was probably less profitable than other gathering skills at level 50. Bioware created this whole issue by allowing level 10's to max out crew skills.

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Please return to 4th grade math class.




indeed but 100 Gold = 100*100*100 = 1,000,000


Please Return to 3rd Grade Reading class.


Also maybe BW have decided to reduce all the Slicers cash balances for a while before they make it in between what it was and what it is now.


Just a thought (excuse BW could use) :D

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I think the original problem with slicing was that you could reach maximum skill level very early on in the game.

Rather than swinging the nerf-lightsword and effectively making this crew skill pointless you guys should link the skill level to character level, like some other MMO does.


I have faith that this nerf will be reversed to some degree.

But I'm disappointed how Bioware overreacted here.

The professions seem to me like the foster child in MMOs. Developers put em in, but show em no love...

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anyone tell me the point of slicing?



I pay 95 cred to get back 63 (repeated this around 15 times but 7 were failures so i got nothing back)


next lvl i pay 250 creds to get back 163 (again with a 2 in 5 failure rate)


now im paying 750 cred mission and i get back 4-600 credits..




why the hell does this exist if its just to delete my credits??????

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So everybody wins in that scenario. Not only the slicers but the people who chose not to get slicing because people are willing to pay more for items/resources they craft/gather.


The only thing that changes is the value of the credit itself.


Pretty much yeah, the problem really wasn't that it made money (as I said, ultimately the point of all crafting is to make money either through selling or because you don't have to go and buy the item you crafted yourself, slicing just removed the middle man and speeded up the cash gain. Slowing down the gain by making the missions last longer would have still made the skill worth having and would have still stimulated the economy without making anyone rich).

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What crew skills do you have? I sure hope you don't sell any of the materials you gather to make a profit, otherwise you're quite the hypocrite.


Slicing was probably less profitable than other gathering skills at level 50. Bioware created this whole issue by allowing level 10's to max out crew skills.



If available missions had been tied to crew/player level, there would have been no way for people to create a legion of lvl 10 farmers to pull in lvl 50 profits. If balanced and scaled to game progression, the only thing slicing "breaks" is the grind-till-you-drop model that has plagued MMOs since they first began.


IMO, BW has created loads of great content. They shouldn't think that they need to force players to grind in order to keep them playing what is probably the best-written MMO ever.

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I agree with a post in another thread about slicing that the other gathering and mission skills should have been adjusted to give greater yields so that slicing wouldn't have been singled out. Slicing was meant for people who despise crafting, and with the terrible yields I've been getting with bountiful and rich archeology and treasure hunting missions I am starting to despise crafting as well.
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It's true, I netted nearly -10000 cr last night farming lockboxes for a couple of hours. I tried different levels and yields, honestly, class 6 moderate yield was better than class 5 rich yield and cost less to get. So idk wth they did, but they screwed it up bad, this is just stupid that would you go this far to make something bleed money.


Oh and the augments and schematics. Well I did get one nice schematic, which I was able to sell for 7k to someone who I trade with a lot so there was so surprise there.


The augments however, cost me roughly 2500 to get and are going for 1500 on ah, 1000 to vendor.


I just idk what to do now.

Edited by Jessie-Lacey
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Pretty much yeah, the problem really wasn't that it made money (as I said, ultimately the point of all crafting is to make money either through selling or because you don't have to go and buy the item you crafted yourself, slicing just removed the middle man and speeded up the cash gain. Slowing down the gain by making the missions last longer would have still made the skill worth having and would have still stimulated the economy without making anyone rich).


You certainly have a point. But riches are relative.

If you have 200k credits at level 10 you are rich.

If you have 200k credits at level 50 you can't afford a speeder license.

It needs to be proportionally and the way they modified it now they killed it.


I don't feel like spending time on crafting items. It annoys me.

I'd rather click the button once every half hour when i'm out on missions to send my crew to get some lockboxes and spend some more creds.

If people craft gear worth buying i'll gladly spend some extra on it.

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I think slicing is fine now.


slicing has the chance to get awesome blueprints, missions and stuff and the chance to get credit boxes and crit them. You can run around on planets and hack those boxes and bam, money right there. All other professions have to dump insane amounts of money on missions to get mats to actually produce something desirable. Nodes on planets contain some basic mats that you have to sell if you want to get money out of it.


I've got a friend with slicing telling me that he still makes profit out of credit boxes alone, he's not even selling the blueprints or counting in the nodes on planets.


Good job Bioware to detect and solve this issue.

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Okay, Bioware, please LISTEN to REASON. Either way leave slicing like that but add us more money to gain from the missions because now slicing is useless or return the money gains to where they were but extended the mission time so it would take 1 hour to finish them. FIX SLICING FOR US! Do not listen to those who say that slicing is overpowered and it ruins the economy. In fact slicing was the thing that made me us AH. I used to buy things worth 50k and so on. Now I can't afford that and guess what it is not beneficial for crafters.
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I think slicing is fine now.


slicing has the chance to get awesome blueprints, missions and stuff and the chance to get credit boxes and crit them. You can run around on planets and hack those boxes and bam, money right there. All other professions have to dump insane amounts of money on missions to get mats to actually produce something desirable. Nodes on planets contain some basic mats that you have to sell if you want to get money out of it.


I've got a friend with slicing telling me that he still makes profit out of credit boxes alone, he's not even selling the blueprints or counting in the nodes on planets.


Good job Bioware to detect and solve this issue.


so you actually based your argument on what your friend says? very good, well done. I been slicing boxes all morning and average is 100 credits. srry that isnt good enough when other crafts yield way more and the missions for slicing take credits more than they give....so no its not a good job at all.

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so you actually based your argument on what your friend says? very good, well done.


And the argument of people that made insane amounts of money from slicing that have now lost their toy are more worthy than that of an rl friend, right.

Edited by TheTikian
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I respect nerfing Slicing but I agree, it is just idiotic that you would lose money sending companions out on quest...to earn money. True, you can still go out yourself and farm lock boxes for BIG profit if you are smart about it, but the mission aspect is completely stupid imo.


Maybe a solution is to make the slicing missions yield not credits but just straight random schematics (as in your crew is off hacking mainframes and stealing plans sort of theme and I also don't mean the limited selection we get now for schematics). You can still make money 'Slicing' lockboxes and still have people happy about sending crewmates out if they want to, just no more guise of making a straight credit profit off of a mission.

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