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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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But you have a slight chance of gaining 4-6 thousand credits for a bonus mission! That's profitable


Are you one of those people that spend every last dollar on the state lottery hoping to be the one who wins the big jackpot? If not, then why are you basically telling us to spend all our money on a skill that has a slight chance to crit? You are in essence telling us to put all our money into the state lottery and hope we win it big. Dang, hope the wife doesnt miss all the money missing out of the checkbook. She might get mad if I dont win lol.

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Strictly as a mission skill Slicing will lose you money, but I think a lot of people here are forgetting that it isn't solely a mission skill.. Nodes exist on planets and they are rather bountiful. Factor those in and you definitely make more money than you lose.


I will.


When Bioware nerf Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, Investigation, Underworld Trading and all the other gathering skills into oblivion, forcing them to have to run around like chumps collecting mats off of nodes and enemies.

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Maybe you're just supposed to use slicing for lockboxes, and the missions are just for skill.


You lose a lot of money doing the missions compared to what you can sell the materials for, why should slicing be different? I say just increase the value of the lockboxes you find in the world, and leave it generally how it is otherwise.

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I'm losing credits now on rich yields LMAO

No problem with it getting toned down but now it is useless

Why even have the skill now?



Thought BioWare was better than this, seems like you are the same knee-jerk change without thinking type of devs that are pervasive in current MMO's


I had high hopes for this game too, guess the jury is still out but a major screw-up like this does not bode well IMO :(

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Maybe you're just supposed to use slicing for lockboxes, and the missions are just for skill.


You lose a lot of money doing the missions compared to what you can sell the materials for, why should slicing be different? I say just increase the value of the lockboxes you find in the world, and leave it generally how it is otherwise.


I spent about two hours today going to Hoth, Tattoine, Alderan, and a couple other places people mentioned to see what it was like 'gathering lockboxes'


What people don't understand is the lockboxes themselves were nerfed. On Hoth, I rarely got over 800 credits / lockbox. On Tatt/Ald, it was more along the lines of 500.


My friend who is TH, and another who is UWT, make *much* more than this with the mats they get from 'afk farming' crew members. I'm not saying put it back where it was, but it _needs_ to be revisited.

Edited by Pansophist
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Adding my voice to the choir.


Spent 8 hours today grinding slicing via crew missions. I have "made" -4372 creds.


This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all.


So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted.

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I spent about two hours today going to Hoth, Tattoine, Alderan, and a couple other places people mentioned to see what it was like 'gathering lockboxes'


What people don't understand is the lockboxes themselves were nerfed. On Hoth, I rarely got over 800 credits / lockbox. On Tatt/Ald, it was more along the lines of 500.


My friend who is TH, and another who is UWT, make *much* more than this with the mats they get from 'afk farming' crew members. I'm not saying put it back where it was, but it _needs_ to be revisited.


Now here is a point I can follow.


I think all we slicers really need to stop crying. It was totally rediculous how much money could be made by doing nothing. I didn´t even pick up slicing till two days after launch and now I´m lvl 43 have ~1,5mill creds after buying the lvl 40 riding skill and both vendor bikes from the fleet and the second cargo bay expansion for 400k. I was throwing money around like a madman. I bought the lvl 40 PvP armor but cos I wasn´t too pleased with it´s looks I removed the mods for tons of cash and put it in another set. And I almost NEVER picked up a box myself since I could get lvl 40-50 lockboxes through missions, why bother bending over for my money. Now even the slicers have to actually have to move to come into some moolaah. The free ride is over and it is good that way.


A friend of mine filled all character slots with toons played to level 10 and let the companions run slicing missions non stop. One char he was playing "normally" and the others were running lockbox missions. He did this since the first day of early access and made a killing. It would´ve totally ruined my gaming experience to go nutz like that but he has somewhat over 14mill to show for.


The lockbox missions only exist so you can gain some SKILLPOINTS and not money without actual gatherin. The contents of the lockbox are only there to mitigate the money you spend to gain the SKILLPOINT!.


However. And that´s a big however. It´s simply rediculous to nerf the box yield all accross the board so that now you don´t even have an incentive to go out and collect them. I´ve been collecting on quesh and hoth too after the last patch and the result was just below medicore. Usually I went like "Oh sweet, a box". Now I´m like "Oh, a box with probably 5% of the money I make killing 5 non elite mobs....nevermind."


Should running lockbox missions while watching TV make you tons of money? God no. Should we be able to get some decent coin from collecting the stuff in the world? I sure do think so.


On the other hand I have to take into account that my sense of profit margins and "worthwhile" collecting might have been distorted by the moolaah shower of the past weeks.


So stop crying and go to work for your ingame creds like everyoneelse. We had our free money ride.

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So stop crying and go to work for your ingame creds like everyoneelse. We had our free money ride.


Bioware has essentially showed that they make major balance decisions based on QQ, as they did with slicing. So, the slicers will continue to complain because we know, without a doubt, that Bioware responds to such tactics.

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Spent 3 hours sending 3 companions out on slicing today getting around 23 missions completed ( using occasional 4th companion) Doing a myriad of 3/4/5 slicing missions.


I'd like to state that pre nerf I made about 100k in 4 hours of slicing with 3 companions mostly running 4/5 grade rich bountiful/abundant


POST NERF GRAND TOTAL PROFIT AFTER 3 HOURS: 5040 credits and 1 single epic mission (which sell for 2k or less on my server atm).


I can literally make more money from 2x 5 minute quests than I can now make in 3 hours of slicing.



Other things worth noting, 6/8 Rich yield missions gave a net loss. With a freak 1k profit on a single box keeping the total for all 8 missions at -100 credits or so,


All moderate yeilds gave a profit though half by 10 credits or so.

5/9 bountiful gave a profit, all losses were around 100 or less.

2/2 abundant gave a profit.

All 4 moderate mission gave profit


Last thing worth noteing was around 90% of green boxes gave a net loss, i had 0 critical blue boxes.


In its current state this is an absolute joke, because in all seriousness the augments are currently useless ( no crit gear around) the mission drops sell for peanuts, anything that isn't 340 epic isn't worth the time listing on the GTN because I can kill mobs and earn more for the same time spent.



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No one's complaining about the concept of nerfing slicing, they're complaining about how extreme the actual nerfing was.


If Bioware wants to nerf slicing then, by all means, they should. We'd just prefer it if they didn't nerf it like idiots.

Edited by Swixer
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Should running lockbox missions while watching TV make you tons of money? God no. Should we be able to get some decent coin from collecting the stuff in the world? I sure do think so.


On the other hand I have to take into account that my sense of profit margins and "worthwhile" collecting might have been distorted by the moolaah shower of the past weeks.


So stop crying and go to work for your ingame creds like everyoneelse. We had our free money ride.


So if I sit and watch TV and farm, say, UWT and sell it on the AH, it is okay to make a bunch of creds by not doing anything. But if I do it with Slicing, which just removes the AH part, that's not okay? Your logic, it makes no sense!

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So if I sit and watch TV and farm, say, UWT and sell it on the AH, it is okay to make a bunch of creds by not doing anything. But if I do it with Slicing, which just removes the AH part, that's not okay? Your logic, it makes no sense!




This seems to be what many people haven't realised:




Slicing just cuts out the middleman.

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This seems to be what many people haven't realised:




Slicing just cuts out the middleman.


Yet everyone without slicing seems to think that slicing is somehow "cheating"...I totally don't get it...are they just not thinking straight? I think the more likely story is that they are just mad they didn't get on board the slicing train and so they feel the need to mock and scold us who did...


Did slicing need a nerf? You bet. Did it need to become worthless? Hell no. Does it have a place in the game? You bet. Is it a bad thing that people can make money off their companions without having to use the AH? Hell no.


I don't see how ANYONE can disagree with any of those 4 points.

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Thats not true. other missions have to make an actual effort to turn missions rewards into cash. IE crafting and then selling the stuff.


Yeah thats a real effort. Click another buton to craft or even queue 5 items per companion so they will craft all of it over night. And you can not queue missions you know.

So in the end sliceing need more effort then crafting.

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Please Bioware, fix slicing. Its not even worth it to run missions, you literally lose money from the one crew skill designed to help you make credits.


A slight nerf might have been necessary but it was way overdone. Please either return it to how it was or at least allow people to make good money off of this skill, thats its purpose.

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But you have a slight chance of gaining 4-6 thousand credits for a bonus mission! That's profitable


Yes it is. But only for this one mission. In the long run you will be losing money. Yesterday i hit such jakpot once getting 7600 from the box, once in 3h of play sending 3 companions on the missions lasting 30 minutes on average. Thats 18 missions and let say i got lucky and those ware break even missions costing me 2000 credits on average. So i made 5600 credits in 3h of play from a mission skill. I have seen puple crafting materials on GTN with prices higer then that.

I'm seriusly thinking about leveling 7 sith warrriors up to balmora where you get third companion (18 level or so) only to run Underwold Tradeing missionss on all of them and sell mats on GTN.

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Hmm guess i'll have to stop buying stuff from the trade network now and invest the little saving I had left to get a different crew skill.


Such a waste of a perfectly good skill if this is true...


Sure it seems like a lot of credits when you're level 20-30ish or even lower if you're doing lv 40-50 slicing missions.

But is that true for when you actually are level 50? (How my companions are able to do level 40+ missions when still under 40 is still a bit beyond me.)


I don't even want to know what prices crafted (artifact, custom etc.) gear will sell at when more people reach 50.


Seems like this is a lack in the crew skill system if they can't just change the succes rate according to the level of your companion. Level 30 companion doing a leven 42-48 quest should mean the chance to succeed is lower.

Just cutting all profits is bluntly said a dumb excuse for a solution.

Edited by CRNphg
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Just thought I'd throw in the numbers I've been recording for the day. In the spoiler tag to prevent giant post:


Slicing Data:



Be Careful What You Read

18m 33s

Cost: 1175

Bountiful Yield Class 4:1435


Pointing Fingers

19m 22s


Bountiful Yield Class 4:1485


Taking Back Control

30m 24s


Rich Yield Class 5:2206


Be Careful What You Read

18m 33s

Cost: 1175

Bountiful Yield Class 4:1441


The Fly on the Wall

29m 28s

Cost: 1930

Rich Yield Class 5:2639


Taking Back Control

30m 24s

Cost: 2025

Rich Yield Class 5:2859


Be Careful What You Read

18m 33s

Cost: 1175

Bountiful Yield Class 4:1399


The Automated Saboteur

12m 12s

Cost: 870

Rich Yield Class 3:999


Pointing Fingers

19m 22s

Cost: 1250

Bountiful Yield Class 4:1546


Prince of Fools

11m 00s

Cost: 780

Bountiful Yield Class 3:1393


The Fly on the Wall

29m 28s

Cost: 1930

Rich Yield Class 5:2105


Be Careful What You Read

18m 33s

Cost: 1175

Bountiful Yield Class 4:1131


Taking Back Control

30m 24s

Cost: 2025

Rich Yield Class 5:1734


Flying Factory

47m 28s

Cost: 1120

Prosperous Yield 34-40 Augment/Class4:1139/Accuracy Augment 17



As you can see, I spent just under 7 hours on slicing missions, with two companions. During that time I spent 19,905 credits on slicing missions, only choosing Rich or Bountiful yield missions. In total I made 22,611 credits + an accuracy augment that sells for roughly 200 credits on my server. So in total, after 7 hours of slicing missions I made a 2706 credit profit. That's about 386 credits per hour.


During this time, I did not get one mission discovery schematic, so I had nothing else to show for it.


During this same time, on my Sith Inquisitor, I tried selling the mats I had been gathering from Archaeology. Selling Rubat Crystals, a rank 1 Archaeolgy Power Crystal, I made 100 credits per crystal. A typical Rank 1 Archaeology mission took 3m, and yielded on average 4 power crystals. So I sold 80 Rubat Crystals on the GTN in stacks of 10, for 100 credit per crystal, and made 8000, and spent 1900 credits doing the missions. In an hour I had made a 6100 credit profit, compared to the 386 profit I made with Slicing.


These are just the numbers I pulled up. Hope they help.


Edit: If some of my time on the slicing missions seems off, it is because when I first started recording data I went of Mako's time on the missions I sent her on, which were reduced because of her slicing efficiency.

Edited by ssjgokillo
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