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  1. if u did run a 31 pt st spec wouldnt it make more sense to take 5 points in empowered tech to boost the chances of flame shield proc? i mean thats a 10% more chance to proc something like this is what i would try and run with http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/powertech/16/?023202322010012200120050001002030210000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000build= u can move points from rebraced to no escape if u feel need to have it
  2. jet speed ... meh rebraced... not good for pvp no escape... only good in huttball oil slick... only good against mauraders and snipers... your spending useless talent points for heat blast when rectractable does more damage... the point of IF is getting everything good for pvp out of the shield tech tree then picking up fillers for damage in the AP tree this is what the parakett does well and the only reason i dont use it is because of the ring... ive played the ring in alot of different games such as a ret pala in wow and i refuse to do it in this game.. yes the RP as a bit of a ring in the iron fist build but it hardly procs in pvp so i cant really count it as such.. i want predictable in my pvp build
  3. iron fist isnt meant to melt face or take tons of damage.. iron fist is meant to have just enough defence mixed with a little offence to grind your enemy down...
  4. yea and he plays the IF spec that everyone says is so bad..ive said it in the last few threads and ill say it in this one.. IF spec is good
  5. i dont know what everyone is on about.. i play IF every day and love it.. it puts out great damage and i have good survivablity.. i cant wait till i get full battlemaster gear for it.. i truly think its one of the better builds for a PT most classes i have no trouble 1 v 1 with them if they are equally geared..ive killed several war heros wih this build and one was a muarader just today.. i would encourage anyone wanted to try something new to try the IF spec.. its fun as hell.
  6. tried it my first time and failed horribly. had nothing but greens on from quests.. geared out to a mix of cent and champ gear and breezed through it so much so i didnt even find it fun... that quest was done with the iron fist spec using mako also.. i think the only problem u are having is patients to gear a bit then do it again
  7. flame shield needs to be looked at in the shield tech tree... i have a 24% chance to shield an attck then only 50% of the time it resets rp.. the iron fist spec would do alot better if this ring on a ring ******** talent was fixed..
  8. its nearly useless in pvp expect for the crit ratings.. a ring on a ring just isnt a well thought out ability.. it has a 50% chance to proc when i have a 24% chance to shield.. ive had it proc in pvp 5 or 6 times and thats when ive had 5 or 6 ppl hitting me at once... for pvp it needs to be changed to 100% proc when u shield an attack... plz do something with it so it becomes more useful in pvp
  9. never use them like i should when im pyro for some reason... been working on it but thats how it is
  10. ive played nearly every spec possible..this is what i get from it full pyro ive gotten 380k damage at my best 6 medals full ap ive gotten 200k damage at my best 6 medals parakeet ive gotten 300k at nt best 9 medals iron fist ive gottne 280k at my best 9 medals this comes with a nearly full cent with some champ as u can see iron fist is just about as good as parakeet but its more substained dps then burst..u can keep all healers shut down as long as u dont overheat and u are a beast in one v one fights because u can drag them out and most of the time come out on top
  11. with the changes coming to 1.2 the iron fist will rain supreme in the tanking pvp specs
  12. which is the best hybrid build? ive rolled pyro but just dont like being squishy so looking to roll with a hybrid defence build.. give me your favorite and why
  13. what is it and what companion shoud i use while doing it
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