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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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The slicing nerf was very necessary if you look at it from an economics perspective; as it was slicing was causing massive amounts of inflation. Slicing was essentially a privatized form of money printing. This is worsened by the fact that the basic input into the economy; quests and loot doesn't scale with inflatiton like wages do in real life (see Philips Curve). Honestly, BioWare should consult a proffessional economist on how changes will impact the market.
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I don't know how this could have happened. The nerf went so far overboard that there's not much of a point to the crew skill anymore, as others have stated.



The only "problem" with slicing was that you could do missions intended and balanced for levels 40-50 before even hitting 30 on your character, making the rewards seem completely out of place. What most people have failed to realize: Once the character level is on par with the slicing missions, the money one regular 30+ minute mission yields equals killing a handful of mobs.


Crafting professions will see much higher returns at 50, where gearing out plays a larger role.

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Are you still blathering on about ideas you don't understand while simultaneously projecting your own ideals of the type of idiots mmos 'should' appeal to, kid?


Can you take your ignorant elitist ******** and kindly go hang it over the Brookland Bridge?


Making the grind to 50 harder by nerfing a crew skill that starts to become lackluster at 30 is just an ******e thing to do. Seriously, it doesn't affect you does it? Then why are you being so adamant about getting people to think you are right?


So far you come off as some entitled lazy ***** who feels everyone should have to suffer the nightmare that is the GTN. You know there is a word for people like that right? Facists. People who could give 2 ***** about what you think, and think they know what is better because you aren't as smart as they are. You are making yourself look like a douche.


Missions aren't how you level slicing...LOLWAT? Yes, let us just ignore one half of the leveling system of a crew skill because that is how you think it works like that. Or maybe they are called gathering professions because you CAN gather them while you quest not because you HAVE to.


Then again, I guess that seems to be your thing. Looking at a small part of the big picture.


Christ you remind me of a guy I used to work for. The man was so set in his line of thinking that I swear if you asked him what color the sky was he wouldn't believe anything but the color orange.


Someone is angry, bad day at work? Your just reacting and not thinking this thru. Your post shows this. Maybe when you calm down and use your brain and analyze the data at hand and the current market you will see that slicing was to strong compared to the other gathering professions. We are talking about right now when the majority are still leveling.


The profits will come later down the road when the economy has settled and the majority of the population is 50. That is when Bioware can really see what professions are under or overpowered. Currently slicing was to good. That is a fact. It still is good if you were smart and thought about it.


The nerf was enough to bring it in line with the gathering professions currently. This may need changing later or maybe not.


Be my guest and keep ranting and raging over it. Your the one stressing not me.

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I'm seeing a lot of "Oh NO! I can't sit in the space station and make a million credits an hour anymore!!! Boohoo Bioware!"


Suck it up, move on.


Go enjoy the free credits you still get from world drops (which I have yet to see a bugged one, despite what overzealous whiners have to say)

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Augments... You can shove them up your *** for all we know

Credit ?... Well now forget it you loose more than you win

Mission Discovery ? So we should make money out of 1/1000 chance of droping it ?!



Point is : Slicing = pointless

Just remove it...

Edited by ImperiumAlpha
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money out of thin air? okay if i can't make money out of thin air what good is this profession?


every other profession has the ability to summon rocks and metal and fabric and crap out of this air. if i can't make money out of thin air, what do i get that makes this an even deal?


and don't say augments, cause they are the worst pile of excrement in the galaxy. best level 50 augment in the game vendors for like 21 credits


You can still make money just like all the other gathering professions. You just need to go out and gather the money now. No more sitting on your ship or on the fleet station raking free money from missions. That's called balance.

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I think we just need to know more about how they think slicing is *supposed* to work before we can say much of anything that helps them get there.


I took it as a cybertech because I thought it was a gathering substitute: I'd have to buy all my materials from the exchange, but Slicing would do fund raising for that over time and occasionally give me the orange schematics that I picked cybertech for in the first place.

(not that the codex gave me enough info to really make a decision about a crew skill setup - I had to google a lot and ask some questions in general chat)


But I can kind of see where they're going if they mean for it to lose money as you gain rank like a mission skill but semi-reliably provide some other sort of reward. I haven't seen the uptick in rewards myself, but it's probably still too early for any statistically valid comment.


That said, I'd rather they just removed slicing and moved the non-cash rewards to other mission skill than this.

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Every other crew skill loses money when they send people on missions. You're supposed to lose money on those.


Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.

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Yeah but the resources you get from a mission could have been gathered for free. You made the choice to pay for the resource rather then go and gather it. The other gathering professions get exactly the same resources from missions that they could have gathered for free. So its actually not viable to get your resources from missions for ANY gathering profession. So why should it be for slicers?


The profit for all gatherers actually comes from gathering. This is also true for slicers.


Slicing is a gathering skill, which you get but many others don't seem to. Slicers have an option to also make some money off augments which atm are not selling but likely will at max level.


The credits gathered from slicing from harvesting are meant to off set the loss of profit from another skill. That I think is the point of the profession.


Why people are angry is because they no longer can just make money out of thin air for no work at all. They can still make money from slicing but now you have to actually go gather that money just like every other gathering profession.


I agree with you completely.

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Well since my thread got closed and I was pointed here, I'll play along and add this here:






Now, before you start replying without reading most post - I will say the following thing:


- Slicing IS broken - but ONLY from missions.




Sure, I can still wander a planet and look for chests and get money. No denying that.


However, at a max level slicing skill, sending a companion out for a level 40-48 Rich Yield box (I have NEVER EVER seen a 49-50 rich yield box for credits mission on slicing) used to cost me around 1k


I would get back anywhere from 3-4k, and if I crit upwards of 6k - was a good turn around.


Now however, that same Rich Yield Lockbox mission costs over 2k, and I will get back only 1.4k'ish - if I'm lucky.


How is that even remotely bringing it into balance?


I could see like bringing the cost up and toning it down on the far end, so instead of making 6k i only make 4k on a crit and 3k usually - still up 1k - I could live with that.


However, to blatantly cut reward to less than the mission costs - what the hell is the point then?


Once you hit 400 skill in slicing there is ZERO point in EVER sending them out on another mission ever again currently, unless maybe you get a purple mission and my god I don't even want to think how much money you'll lose for that.


I mean, people making money with the slicing profession couldn't have been a shock to bioware - they DID add it, not to mention all the testing time that went into the game. So my only logical conclusion is that they simply went too far with the balancing of the profession and it needs to be re-adjusted slightly.


Np, I can understand that.


So please, fix slicing properly in the next patch and adjust it so can actually turn a profit still and not lose money on every single lockbox mission.


Because what good is a profession that is designed to make the player money, if all it ever does is make them lose money.





P.s. as a real world example, here is my latest slice mission:


Lv40-48 Rich Yield lockbox mission - run on a companion that has + slicing crit


Mission cost > 2025c

Mission reward > 1197c


How is that even remotely not broken?


Please, everyone that says slicing is working as intended - explain that to me =)

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Well,as many have said,congrats to the whiners for killing the golden goose,



we'll see how happy ppl are when all their RIDICULOUSLY over priced rip-offs on GTN go un bought,


I'm looking at you UWT'ers who charge 2000 creds APIECE for level 3 rares that you need four of to craft with

(thats 8 grand on ONE resource to make ONE item,then if you put said item on GTN for 10k ppl think "damn that guy is greedy"!)


I'm looking at you Scavs who are charging EIGHTEEN THOUSAND creds for a half stack of level 2-3 greens.


Lol,I have UWT myself and NEVER overcharged on GTN,in fact I was sticking Krayt Dragon Scales on GTN for 1/4 price until I saw that the same...people were buying them up and reselling them for their scandalous prices,


I know its early days for the economy,but-

horrible broken GTN UI,


no GTN on most planets,


no "high rollers" now to pay the piper for rare mats,


crafted gear a huge joke at higher levels...


I sense a disturbance in the Force,as if a million Slicers cried out,and were suddenly nerfed.

Edited by schizoophrenic
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Wow if this is the beginning of what is to come from the developers, i really don't see this game lasting long. To ruin an entire profession is beyond me, why did you guys even put it in the game in the first place, why did slicing make it out of beta at all?
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The slicing nerf was very necessary if you look at it from an economics perspective; as it was slicing was causing massive amounts of inflation. Slicing was essentially a privatized form of money printing. This is worsened by the fact that the basic input into the economy; quests and loot doesn't scale with inflatiton like wages do in real life (see Philips Curve). Honestly, BioWare should consult a proffessional economist on how changes will impact the market.


Wait until you're level 50, got epic gear and die few times because of whatever reasons, then you go to the vendor and repair your stuff. You will start crying. Believe me!



Btw., from around 30 Missions I ran today, not only slicing, but also Underworld Trading and Investigation, I failed about 8. And that were only 3 orange that failed three times. The other were yellows that failed. I'm even holding back with these purple discovered missions I still got available because of these high failure rates.


Not, seems like they patched more than they put in the patchnotes. They need to learn to put EVERYTHING in there.

Edited by pryt
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You can still make money just like all the other gathering professions. You just need to go out and gather the money now. No more sitting on your ship or on the fleet station raking free money from missions. That's called balance.


okay, no more sitting in fleet harvesting minerals and gems and metals and fabrics for the rest of the crafts.


you like balance, now you shall have it

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The problem was never slicing its that the other crafting skills are so screwed up.


I re-engineer GREY (no skill improvement) items 20 times and still do not get the blue improved recipe. I can't afford to get materials to improve my profession or become an expert crafter. In beta and before I took up slicing I was always broke. At least with slicing I could almost keep up with the costs of making equipment equal to my level.


Now I might as well drop all craftiing all together. What a waste.

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Well,as many have said,congrats to the whiners for killing the golden goose,



we'll see how happy ppl are when all their RIDICULOUSLY over priced rip-offs on GTN go un bought,

I'm looking at you UWT'ers who charge 2000 creds APIECE for level 3 rares that you need four of to craft with(thats 8 grand on ONE resource to make ONE item,then if you put said item on GTN for 10k ppl think "damn that guy is greedy"!)

I'm looking at you Scavs who are charging EIGHTEEN THOUSAND creds for a half stack of level 2-3 greens.

Lol,I have UWT myself and NEVER overcharged on GTN,in fact I was sticking Krayt Dragon Scales on GTN for 1/4 price until I saw that the same...people were buying them up and reselling them for their scandalous prices,

I know its early days for the economy,but-

horrible broken GTN UI,

no GTN on most planets,

no "high rollers" now to pay the piper for rare mats,

crafted gear a huge joke at higher levels...

I sense a disturbance in the Force,as if a million Slicers cried out,and were suddenly nerfed.



Nobody is going to read this mess of text.


Way to waste your time typing it.

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Honestly, a slicer should never lose money. Slicing is only good for returning money (augments notwithstanding). A slicer should "fail" by getting a vastly smaller profit margin. For example, an "unsuccessful" slicing mission should net the player a 5% return. A normal successful attempt should about double the player's money. A successful crit could triple his money. Those are just out-of-my-butt values, but you get the idea.


And don't give me the "There are other ways to make credits" speech, that's not the issue. This is a near-worthless gathering skill. It serves no purpose since the patch; it's not really worth taking over one of the other gathering skills right now. Putting it in "balance" with the other other gathering skills probably made it a little worse. SHOCK... that happens a lot with MMOs.


The "crits" make a little bit of cash (870 to send, 2473 return) and that's a decent return, but those are extremely isolated. No, slicers don't need to make triple their money every time, but they should never lose money. It's all they have to gain.

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Every other crew skill loses money when they send people on missions. You're supposed to lose money on those.


Of course. Other crew skills reward you with raw materials required for crafting however, with a real value on the market, refined or not. Slicing doesn't bring in materials, it brings in money.


What you're saying is: Slicing missions made for making money should make you lose money. Have you used your brain at all before posting?

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Im actually happy about this , wanted slicing to jsut help with cash on ealy levels and kept it quite some time, as i could jsut buy mats and cover it with slicing income


Now gonan just get the mats myself. No damage done jsut crafters are gonan get overally yet poorer.


Good that i kept side products from slicing those are gonna be wroth a bit soon ^^

Side note - yea you can still loot the slicing nodes for cash.

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Not going to bother reading this whole thread. Just adding my post. The nerf is pretty lame. I just spent 2025 Credits on a level 25 box, companion was out for 30+ minutes and I took a loss of 190 credits.


Pointless crew skill is pointless. I agree it needed to be nerfed a bit, maybe 500-1k credits on the high yield boxes, but this is just silly. Just another example of whiny forum trolls getting their way.

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Every other crew skill loses money when they send people on missions. You're supposed to lose money on those.




Slicing missing for lockboxes is supposed to yield nothing?


With other crafting/scavenging you at least get something that you can in turn make something that will give you a profit.. slicing yields nothing!

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