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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I would just like to show my support for saying this nerf was a bad idea. I can understand nerfing something to balance it out but this made the entire skill pointless to have.


When I first started to play I was crafting occasionally and training skills every level, I was always out of money and when I hit level 25 there was no way I was going to be able to get a speeder anytime soon, nor could I even train all my skills. At that point I was not having much fun with the game.


I ended up starting a new character and got slicing, all I did was slice constantly while playing, after a couple days I had enough money for my speeder and sent it to my main and then the game was fun again.


So next time I need money for training and what not I honestly don't know what I will do because on my server most people don't use the Trade Market so selling items on it is almost pointless.



TL;DR Slicing made the game allot funner, this nerf destroyed its usefulness completely and made the game less fun.

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This is a stupidly short sighted knee-jerk reaction. Who is going to stimulate the economy if there isn't slicers feeding money into it? With fixed costs such as skills and speeders so high everyone is going to be really careful with their money. This doesn't just hurt the slicers it hurts other crafters as well. Shame on you Bioware.
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The only OP thing about slicing was that you could get 400 slicing at lvl 34 or so, its not profitable at 50s where you can spend 30k for a simple repair and companions spend 40minutes per mission for a total (if you send all companions on 50 and 40-49 missions) income of ~8k (pre nerf). Taking slicing also means not taking 3rd mission-type crew skill for the chosen profession which means you'll have to spend credits to make useful gear for oneself. So if you decide to drop this unprofitable crew skill to get mission-type crew skill, you'll have to waste time and money to level it up. If you've chosen slicing over gathering crew skill then its simply unprofitable even pre patch.



p.s. lots of gatherers = cheap materials on GTN, lots of slicers = easy money on GTN?

Edited by Vesperr
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I cancelled my subscription and won't be reinstating after the grace period if this isn't fixed. I hate grinding for cash and slicing was a great solution to the huge time sink so common in MMOs.


lol thats a bit over tramatic :p


I agree that slicing was nerfed a bit to much but seriously to quit a game just because of one mechanic :eek:


What they needed to do was buff the crafting to make it worthwhile imo. I'm not sure its been mentioned before but me and a couple of my friends had an idea that what they should do is make it so you can craft more custom gear but with different looks. That way people can pick and choose how they want their toon to look like and still mod it up so its a worthwhile item.

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Slicing would be a ok gathering skills if we found boxes in every planet.


But some planets are very very bad to find it. Only planets where i made a profit gathering slicing was


Tatooine FFA pvp area. (around 5 boxes there, need to wait 10-20m to respawn, you can get 5-10k credits)





Planets like hoth have almost 0 chests. So you will not use slicing at all.

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I would like to show my support. This tune down might have been needed some, but it went WAY too far imo. Do I still make money slicing? Yes... is it worth the time? No.


I spend 1000 credits on a slicing mission. My companion is gone for just under half an hour. Returns with 1200 credits. A net gain of 400 credits per hour.


That's just ludicrous!


Edit: When I can get the same or more off of single kills whats the point?

Edited by Blaac
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Its a means to an end.


People think its useless, but its not. Pretty much every profession right now is a credit sink and not turning over profits because to many people are leveling and economy has not matured.


It will have its purpose and it will generate profits when the majority of the population is at max level thru augments and rare patterns. Also when your 50 you can get 1-2k credits from harvesting the highest level nodes. What other profession gets that? Free money. None. Everybody else has to farm, craft and sell on the GTN, thats the perk.


Right now as is missions for slicing is not the way to level, just like missions for every other gathering profession is not the way. To many people are overlooking the fact that Slicing is a gathering profession NOT a mission skill. You gather credits and rare items. Later you will go on missions to get augments and rare patterns.


Are you still blathering on about ideas you don't understand while simultaneously projecting your own ideals of the type of idiots mmos 'should' appeal to, kid?


Can you take your ignorant elitist ******** and kindly go hang it over the Brookland Bridge?


Making the grind to 50 harder by nerfing a crew skill that starts to become lackluster at 30 is just an ******e thing to do. Seriously, it doesn't affect you does it? Then why are you being so adamant about getting people to think you are right?


So far you come off as some entitled lazy ***** who feels everyone should have to suffer the nightmare that is the GTN. You know there is a word for people like that right? Facists. People who could give 2 ***** about what you think, and think they know what is better because you aren't as smart as they are. You are making yourself look like a douche.


Missions aren't how you level slicing...LOLWAT? Yes, let us just ignore one half of the leveling system of a crew skill because that is how you think it works like that. Or maybe they are called gathering professions because you CAN gather them while you quest not because you HAVE to.


Then again, I guess that seems to be your thing. Looking at a small part of the big picture.


Christ you remind me of a guy I used to work for. The man was so set in his line of thinking that I swear if you asked him what color the sky was he wouldn't believe anything but the color orange.

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I reject your idea that all this nonsense needs to revolve around Level 50 characters.




It might make a small profit for the level 50 characters and their 400 slicing, but what's the point for the low levels and the 1-399 slicers?

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Well, as others have already said, Slicing post-nerf is pretty worthless now.


I just finished 3 cycles of sending 3 companions out on level 6 Slicing missions. Each netted me a loss.


That's 9 top-level Slicing missions all returned less than what they cost.


For us non-crafters, a profession based on gathering credits was perfect. Now we might as well just be dropping the credits on the ground.


Maybe the profession needed a nerf, but it didn't need to be killed. Now it's just a waste of a crewskill.


BioWare, please do something.


Not only are most of us in my guild who have Slicing don't even want to keep trying the missions for fear that they continue to net a negative profit, but this has potential to hurt the global economy. Think about it, if the crafters relay on folks purchasing their wares, and folks are poor, no body is buying anything.

Edited by Danag
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I have to say the nerf was overdone. The skill was too powerful for low levels but at upper levels it became fairly weak.


I took up the skill because I have Real Life responsibilities and HATE grinding for cash. When you only have a few hours to play its nice to just play the game and not grind the best money missions.


Today yields were pretty pathetic


send->received Time


1175->1547 19 min

1250->1580 20 min

870->720 13 min

1930->4272 30min (Rich lvl 5 Blue critical)


and so on


I used the skill so I could buy stuff and not worry about hording till the next level.

I picked up a crafting skill and bought the materials I didn’t produce. Since I had slicing for one skill I had to sacrifice a mission skill for the blue purple crafting.


I tried to buy crafted armor rather then use mission armors. I would buy stims, med packs, Implants, etc every few levels to give back to the player economy. (after trying armor smith I knew what a money pit crafting could be)


Now however, I lose money more then make it so I’m back to hording and credit farming. yay :-(


I didn't buy this game to play economics (buy low sell high) on the GTN on my limited free time. If I wanted that I’d go play the stock market for real cash.

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I've already posted from a math standpoint why nerfing any prof this early is bad but I'll restate it. It's atrociusly bad game design to not let the players have some say in what stuff is worth. While I personaly wouldn't do it I've seen people in trade sell level 11 light sabers for 4k-wich isn't horrid but it meens there is a market there. At the moment there is close to no market for augments. We don't have a information vendor either that'll pay top credit for you to slice stuff to get info. So that leaves the lockboxes, and rare schimatics.

In wow the suply side players set the tone for what the craft side players paid and then what the people buying craftables would get charged. The problem with slicing is there is no NPC or intrigue system where someone will say I want the dirt on x player you the slicer could then charge them a small profit for what it cost. What about bioanalysis what if sudenly x thingy was worth sending your pet after because of demand would they nerf that to?

They already just about killed PVP on my server.

So what i'm saying is that with a new economy it's a bad design to say bad player you can't help another player afford there shiny new speeder because you have credits to use to buy there stuff with.

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I just canceled my sub. The chat bug, poor visuals, poor performance of poor visuals (and with 2xGTX580s), absolutely horrid GTN, and now this slicing nerf, are all reasons.


I'll play on and off over the next couple weeks till my 30 days are up. I'll check back after that in a couple of months to see if things have improved. Until then, Cya BW.

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This adjustment to slicing actually makes a lot of sense.

You still make money from slicing boxes in the field. That's pure profit.

Sending companions on missions runs is for trying to get rates and you still get creds back for your effort. No other mission skill is like this. A slicer is still going to bring in more credits than a non slicer. Did anybody else notice the skill level slicers are throwing around. 300 to 400. It was to easy to raise slicing. its impossible to spam other missions to raise skill because you'll run out of credits fast.

I'm sorry but crafting doest make **** for money I know. I put items on the trade network for sell all the time. I have slicing and crafting and this adjustment makes total sense to me.


So let me sum this up for you :


"Slicing is easier to level, so it shouldn't be that good" ???


Did you notice that the level 40s and over are telling you that slicing at 400 isn't nearly as good as the rest of you douches are making it out to be? That they get more per hour by trash farming? Did you overlook that? -_- you lose.

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Did you make sure you re-read what you said there? Slicing is a resource based on gathering money. So how can you say that not getting money from missions is a good thing? That would be like me saying that you shouldn't get any resources from missions either.


Yeah but the resources you get from a mission could have been gathered for free. You made the choice to pay for the resource rather then go and gather it. The other gathering professions get exactly the same resources from missions that they could have gathered for free. So its actually not viable to get your resources from missions for ANY gathering profession. So why should it be for slicers?


The profit for all gatherers actually comes from gathering. This is also true for slicers.


Slicing is a gathering skill, which you get but many others don't seem to. Slicers have an option to also make some money off augments which atm are not selling but likely will at max level.


The credits gathered from slicing from harvesting are meant to off set the loss of profit from another skill. That I think is the point of the profession.


Why people are angry is because they no longer can just make money out of thin air for no work at all. They can still make money from slicing but now you have to actually go gather that money just like every other gathering profession.

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Yields from 13 Slicing Missions at level 375, completed just 1 hour ago:


Type Cost Return Yield


Rich 2025 1751 -274

Rich 1930 2967 1037

Bou. 1178 935 -243

Bou. 1175 1570 395

Rich 1930 2099 169

Bou. 1250 1548 298

Rich 2025 2305 280

Bou. 1175 1233 -58

Rich 2025 2617 592

Rich 1930 Fail -1930

Rich 2025 1332 -693

Rich 2025 2296 271

Rich 2025 2068 43


Total Yield = -113 credits


No additional missions or anything else dropped from the boxes.


*edit: the failed mission was a grey colored mission which I actually didn't think you could fail on.

Edited by Alegebra
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Well, dropping slicing after dropping underworkd trading to pick it up. I dropped UT because it was cheaper to just buy the blue and purple quality metals for my synthweaving off the GTN rather than pay for the mission. After getting slicing to 400 I had just enough to get my speeder training at 25 and get my skills.


I spent part of the day sending my companions on missions for slicing losing a total of 1400 credits in the course of 8 hours, and since no one uses the augments they are an even higher loss. Add to this fact regardless of their fix on "unharvestable" nodes they still exist, and for about every 3 I see I can harvest 1.


Thank you for the Blizzard-esque knee jerk nerf. Apparently they are more concerned with people making profit in the game in which to enjoy and purchase things in it wrather than fixing another GLARING issue that is plaguing the true crafting community....the GTN.


I just canceled my sub. The chat bug, poor visuals, poor performance of poor visuals (and with 2xGTX580s), absolutely horrid GTN, and now this slicing nerf, are all reasons.


I'll play on and off over the next couple weeks till my 30 days are up. I'll check back after that in a couple of months to see if things have improved. Until then, Cya BW.


I play on 1 GTX580 and I run 60-90FPS (120HZ monitor) and never have visual issues. You're either full of crap about your setup, or you're doing something wrong. I've got buddies running this on 1 560Ti with similar performance.



TL:DR I call BS on your dual 580's having problems.

Edited by Roxiey
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Why people are angry is because they no longer can just make money out of thin air for no work at all. They can still make money from slicing but now you have to actually go gather that money just like every other gathering profession.


money out of thin air? okay if i can't make money out of thin air what good is this profession?


every other profession has the ability to summon rocks and metal and fabric and crap out of this air. if i can't make money out of thin air, what do i get that makes this an even deal?


and don't say augments, cause they are the worst pile of excrement in the galaxy. best level 50 augment in the game vendors for like 21 credits

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Yields from 13 Slicing Missions at level 375, completed just 1 hour ago:


Type Cost Return Yield


Rich 2025 1751 -274

Rich 1930 2967 1037

Bou. 1178 935 -243

Bou. 1175 1570 395

Rich 1930 2099 169

Bou. 1250 1548 298

Rich 2025 2305 280

Bou. 1175 1233 -58

Rich 2025 2617 592

Rich 1930 Fail -1930

Rich 2025 1332 -693

Rich 2025 2296 271

Rich 2025 2068 43


Total Yield = -113 credits


No additional missions or anything else dropped from the boxes.


*edit: the failed mission was a yellow colored mission which I actually didn't think you could fail on.


Congratulations Bioware - you've just ruined the first crew skill you changed. I can't imagine you tested this. I can't imagine you thought about this before applying the change, I have no clue what you were thinking, I don't have half the qualifications your developers have, but I have 100x the common sense. Amazing.

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It’s ridiculous! Maybe we aren't all teenagers with nothing else to do then farm items to death. This kills the casual gamer who has a job!



If only slicing in real life worked like this, there be no crime!


Cost 2025 credits and 30 min+ to run taking back control mission and it yields 1684...hmm negative profit means don't slice aka steal from bank vaults.

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