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Damage Meters


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There seems to be a lot of arguments against having a damage meter on this thread, and honestly it makes no sense to me. For those of us that chose to DPS there's nothing more exciting than knowing you blew the rest of the DPS out of the water. Whats wrong with a little competition! Plus what better way to know if its time to tweak, peek, and in some cases completely overhaul your gear/spec for maximum damage output. As a tank its fairly easy to know what skills / abilities / gear to use. As a DPS there's so many different variations that its not always as obvious. :cool:

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People who oppose any type of graph or meter of their contribution to the party are the same players that just want to be carried.


If you can identify those who aren't putting in any effort, then they'll get dropped, and will stop getting things for free.


If you were lazy, would you want others to know?

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in first place i'd like combat logs. sometime si am playing solo against an elite mob and have 30% hp left and he kills me with one hit. i'd like to know WTH happened.


in second place damagemeters are a dual bladed knife...

on one hand i would find some "decent" use for it, to improve myself and learn more about my individual class skills,

on the other hand groups will be filled with epeen kids who do nothing but spam damagemeters

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Combat-logs? Fine.


Damage-meters? Dear God, no!

Retarded kids who don't do anything else but spam buttons and look at their damage, then fail to move out of the big, fiery ground beneath their feet and dies = no thanks!

Edited by Astron_
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The game needs combat log, dps meter, and threat meter. Opponents of these are baddies afraid of having their lack of skills exposed.


Without dps meters it is extremely difficult to weed the good players from the mediocre and it also helps us get underpowered/overpowered classes fixed.


In other words, flex your epeen with all the other kids and berate the people who are not as awesome as you?


This about right?

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In other words, flex your epeen with all the other kids and berate the people who are not as awesome as you?


This about right?


Should we make players' armor and talent builds invisible to other players, too? People in all MMO's to this day gloat in chat about their skills and gear compared to others. That's the case whether there are meters or not.


In my case, I couldn't care less of what strangers think.


Meters would be good for myself to help me get better. I've tough enough skin to not break down in tears if someone points out they're x % higher than me in area y or z. But in a group with friends, working together to improve, I think if we're aware of how each other's doing, we can help each other out that way with meters.

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Combat-logs? Fine.


Damage-meters? Dear God, no!

Retarded kids who don't do anything else but spam buttons and look at their damage, then fail to move out of the big, fiery ground beneath their feet and dies = no thanks!


You fail to move out of **** and the damage meters wont look so good in your favor. Next argument.

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Personally I feel that in an MMO where players must work together that damage meters are an absolute necessity. It's not just for judging the performance of other players, it's also for judging your own performance. I want to be able to see how changing my priority list/rotation of spell casting can affect my damage or healing output and make changes in order to improve how effective I am overall. It's very difficult to make a judgement call on this by just guess work and "how it feels" without a legitimate method of measuring my performance.
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I honestly don't think Bioware knew they were going to get this much resistance in the community...I'm pretty sure that's why the combat log and any type of meter is on hold for now...I think they want to see which way the majority of the community is going to swing.
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Anyone who wants a dmg meter just wants to be as good as they can be with their class and yes, find suitable ppl for raid groups that can actually finish bosses and know their rotations. FOr the new kids on the block sorry if u don't know how to play but we can teach u if u don't act like a retard
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PS the only reason they dont' have meters yet is they want the bad "casual" players to enjoy the game and get a chance to group with the rest of us. When skilled players mostly just want to raid and bad dps is holding back boss kills is when dmg meters will be crucial. Hopefully they will add them within the next 2 months.
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personally i don't enjoy the game as much as wow purely because i cant see if im doing well or not. Smacking a boss with a lightsaber is great, but for all i know all im doing is pissing it off, so i don't really feel like i have accomplished anything.


that aside, a game lacking a damage meter lends itself to people coasting through instances without trying and making their group carry them, and progression will be nonexistent if there isn't a way to find a group of people who are good (you cant get a group of the best if you cant tell a pro from a dribbling idiot).


i figure if there isnt a recount or similar resource available by the time i hit max level il just play superior WoW endgame until swtor gets damage meters.

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No need for DPS meters at all. Spec your character the way you want to and enjoy the game. You dont need to worry about having the top dps in the game, group etc. Just enjoy a game the way its made. If you want to know how you fare dps wise, try different builds and see what kills faster. Enjoy the game by playing how you enjoy it. No need in making a job of it to keep the top build.


What if I enjoy optimizing a build? I don't care about group performance damage records, I want something that records ME. I want to know for a given fight how much damage/healing was done by what spell, how much was periodic, how many crits I got.


I am working on a hybrid spec, and I can't tell what percent of the damage is done by direct hits and damage over time to know how to tweek my talents and gear. That leads me to another concern of mine: respecs are so bloody expensive! I'm terrified to respec to try new things and switch from damage to healing because the price has gotten so high just after 3 or 4 goes.


I would like an in depth, personal damage log, and duel-spec/cheaper respecs.

Going of what you yourself said, "play how you enjoy it", I want these things and I will enjoy the game MUCH more if they are added.

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If you do not want damage meters (or dual spec for that matter) then just DONT USE THEM.


...alternately keep crying on these forums in some vain hope that you will get what you want by putting restrictions on what other people want from the game.

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Meters are a tool to see who is pulling their weight. But like any tool it can be misused and cause more harm than good. A hammer is good for constructing things, it allows you to hammer nails into boards. However someone who loves hammering too much will just cause damage to their project.


A weird metaphor, I know, but that's how I kind of feel on DPS meters. Ideally they're a tool to be used to improve yourself, to weed out people who are legitimately not pulling their weight (as in, actually doing poor damage, not being at the bottom despite pulling enough DPS for the encounter). They could also be used as a form of friendly rivalry between the DPS to see who's pulling more. However it breeds a situation where people care more about their place on the meter than anything else, and those people can actually cause more damage by not looking out for cleaves and fire.


Really, the better tools that were invented for WoW's raiding scene were failbot and DBM. I'd much rather see those make a return. Though failbot did have its own frustrations in that there were some encounters where you might just run into bad luck, even if you are good and know the encounter.


Still though, as someone who could take or leave DPS meters, and as someone who respects skill at the game, this thread has been amusing to read through. Many people who are calling for the DPS meters to be put back in are jumping to conclusions in calling people bad for not wanting meters, and many who are against meters are showing how they're bad through their arguments.


But there are some who either didn't give an argument or whose argument had nothing to do with their own personal skill. Don't be so quick to label detractors of the DPS meters as being bad, they might have other reasons.


Ideally for me? I'd like to see a DPS meter that ONLY records DPS, not damage done. Afterall, isn't the most important thing that you're bringing enough DPS for the encounter while watching out for the fire, not how big your meter is compared to the others?


Also, unrelated to my argument, but:


If you do not want damage meters (or dual spec for that matter) then just DONT USE THEM.


Who in the world is AGAINST dualspecs? One of the best features to ever be added to WoW IMO. Even people who don't care about raids should enjoy the freedom that comes with having two specs, being able to assign one to healing and one to damage, or one to PvE and one to PVP.

Edited by TrollBerzerker
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Ideally for me? I'd like to see a DPS meter that ONLY records DPS, not damage done. Afterall, isn't the most important thing that you're bringing enough DPS for the encounter while watching out for the fire, not how big your meter is compared to the others?


Also, unrelated to my argument, but:





I would say that damage done is way more important then dps.

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I'd like to see my healing breakdown like i used to view during/after wow raids. A lot of good information in meters.


Beyond that, people who carry their own weight have every right to desire a tool that gives them a means of grouping with people who aren't useless.



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