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Devs Please Consider Free Weapon Use!


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The reason Agents and Troopers have blaster pistols in cutscenes (for those that might not know) is for ease of programming in those cutscenes. Both Trooper and Agent have the potential to change weapon proficiencies completely when they choose their advanced classes (going from rifles to either assault cannons or sniper rifles), so the programmers gave them pistols during cutscenes so they'd have something "in common" in their arsenal no matter what path they took. Plus, for non-class cutscenes (flashpoints, world story missions, side quests, anything that isn't class-specific), this also allows them to share choreography with Smugglers/Bounty Hunters who already use pistols.

There's at least one Trooper-story cut-scene that was never meant to be seen on a Commando, and wasn't re-done when it became possible, trivial even, to do it as a properly-equipped Commando. It's the one when you find out the interesting thing late on Ord Mantell,(1) and you tool around with your arms positioned like you're holding a blaster rifle, but nothing in them, and your HBG on your back.


(1) Come on, you know the one I mean. Do I have to put it in a spoiler box?

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Nope I see a sniper attacking me from a good distance kneeling, I know its a sniper, not by the rifle. If I see someone casting in the background with robes on, more then likely its a force user casting, and I need only determine if its a healer. As one poster already said been asking for it and never going to get it.


its not because they have a sniper class symbol above their head?



and overall in general response to this thread....no gawd pls no. not because the aesthetics wont be different/cool. its more along the lines of they would have to re code alot of stuff, even if its copy pasting existing code off NPC's and putting it into the player characters, and everytime they fiddle with something like this, they end up breaking something ingame/or generate a whole slew of bugs that cause massive headaches.

Edited by CaraExas
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Implying that we didn't do that already. And be sarcastic as you want: My Wookiee Jedi in Galaxies was awesome

SWGemu is that way ------------>


I take it your generel understanding of any issue that includes people asking for diversity is I believe it is bull****, therefore I must ridicule it to disguise that I have no proper and coherent argument against including more diversity?

You can take it however you like. Threads asking for things that are clearly never going to happen belong in off-topic.


This is a small change but I think the community would love it!

Yet another expert armchair software developer shares their wisdom.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I like that ACs have unique weapons. So, I, on the contrary would have voted for adding more uniqueness to each AC.


I would have loved it if the Vanguards and Powertecks were developed to use melee weapons instead of ranged, making for more unique choices of weapons; and the mercs used something other than dual blasters just like the Gunslinger (f.ex a rocket launcher or a flamethrower).


As of now Techstaves and Techblades are underused, and a choice for the mercenaries feels a bit lazy imo.

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I like that ACs have unique weapons. So, I, on the contrary would have voted for adding more uniqueness to each AC.


I would have loved it if the Vanguards and Powertecks were developed to use melee weapons instead of ranged, making for more unique choices of weapons; and the mercs used something other than dual blasters just like the Gunslinger (f.ex a rocket launcher or a flamethrower).


As of now Techstaves and Techblades are underused, and a choice for the mercenaries feels a bit lazy imo.


the pistol for powertechs is lulz since they don't need or use it. melee class running around with a ranged weapon.... great immersion alert.

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Well, it feels to me that it were intended but not realized precisely because the game does have these melee weapons, but they were only used by the NPCs. I think it would have made both VG and PT more visually appealing, as now their non-weapon attack moves are more visually interesting than their fighting style.


However, that aside, I wanted to say that I like the AC weapon uniqueness. I really like the Force User classes just the way they are.

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I oppose "free weapon use." I'm not really in favor of cosmetic weapons in SWTOR, but that would be (for me) the only tolerable mechanism. LOTRO has cosmetic weapons. But they're limited by weapon types that share animations. E.g., I can equip any one-hand melee weapon and then cosmetically display any other one-hand melee weapon. I cannot display a two-hand melee weapon. I don't recall whether bows and crossbows can be displayed for one another.


Unlike Bran, I don't log into the forums hoping to pee in someone's Cheerios each day. But I'm mildly opposed to the suggestion in this thread (as I have been in all the other threads requesting this change). Sure, perhaps they could cut/paste animations from other classes for some of the revisions needed (and I emphasize perhaps and some). But, given the current state of the game, I have no faith in (a) the developers' ability to do so without massive bugs or (b) the game's ability to sort out which of the three light saber options a particular Force User is using to know which animations to apply to his skills without degrading performance. Then there's the issue of skills linked to specific weapons. I suppose they could just eliminate the weapon requirements. Yay! More programming roulette.


As an avid RPer, I'm generally in favor of more aesthetic choices. But I just can't get behind this suggestion.

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I support this idea. After all, I don't see where's the problem to give a player the ability to use his favourite style without having to sacrifice the gameplay he or she loves to play, basically to be forced to use a class he or she doesn't like to be able to wield two light sabers for example.
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The reason Agents and Troopers have blaster pistols in cutscenes (for those that might not know) is for ease of programming in those cutscenes. Both Trooper and Agent have the potential to change weapon proficiencies completely when they choose their advanced classes (going from rifles to either assault cannons or sniper rifles), so the programmers gave them pistols during cutscenes so they'd have something "in common" in their arsenal no matter what path they took. Plus, for non-class cutscenes (flashpoints, world story missions, side quests, anything that isn't class-specific), this also allows them to share choreography with Smugglers/Bounty Hunters who already use pistols.


None of this means I'm disagreeing with the idea of this thread, of course; I'd love to be able to throw a saber staff onto something besides a Shadow/Assassin so I can play a saber staff wielder that ISN'T reliant on stealthing around. Problem is, this isn't the small change it seems like on the surface. Even if they didn't actually recode, say, a Jedi Sentinel to be able to actually wield a saber staff and just make it a new feature of the outfit system (throw a staff into an outfit tab, but your character is really still wielding two single sabers), they'd still have to make entirely new animations for nearly every attack in the game--Force Charge with saber staves, Zealous Strike with a single saber, Assassinate with dual sabers, etc. Same with blasters--they'd have to make pistol-based animations for all the rifle/cannon/sniper rifle attacks out there, rifle based ones for all the others, etc. It's more work than you're thinking it is, and I doubt Bioware will ever actually do it.


Now, again, that's not to say that they SHOULDN'T. As I said, I'd love it if they did, so consider me another /signed on this. I'm just not particularly optimistic about the chances of it ever happening.


I know it's a lot of work, but the animations for the tech staves and sabers are already there, just need to be transferred over for a trooper/bh.


Far as the pistols go, yeah probably need some changes but guy could wish right?

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I support this idea. After all, I don't see where's the problem to give a player the ability to use his favourite style without having to sacrifice the gameplay he or she loves to play, basically to be forced to use a class he or she doesn't like to be able to wield two light sabers for example.

While not directly directed at your comment, you conjured another concern I have with this idea:


Assuming EA/BW acquiesced, how long before we see threads demanding changes to the gear we're not really supposed to be using but choose to because it's cool? The example that sprung to mind is a tanking Shadow who (for aesthetic reasons) uses two light sabers. That means no shield. Would anyone support the Shadow's campaign for off-hand sabers that look like sabers but have the stats of a shield?


As a Sage, a second light saber could easily replace my Focus ... they're both just stats to me. Of course, as a Sage, I question the efficacy of given me the option to wield a second useless weapon. ;)

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While I would love for this to happen, I don't think it ever will. Much like the little icons above our heads, they are a visual indicator to the class of character. Adaptive armour means even light armour wearing inquisitors can look like full heavy armour, half robot bounty hunters... the weapons are the indicator (well, and the icons).

You don't think how it actually spells out EXACTLY what class someone is when you target them is enough?


I want this too...very badly!!! Make it happen Bioware!

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Why does it matter if there is a visual indication of our class or not? I love this idea as well, it always irked me that agents couldn't use a blaster even though a good many cut scenes show us using one.


It would affect pvp in a bad way.


If somehow they manage to keep this out of pvp then go nuts, otherwise it's a very bad idea.

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No, but again in the thick of things is it easier to read the class or go after an icon?

Also a lot of abilities are tied to weapons.

Bioware doesn't make any changes in this game based on what PvPers want/like/think...if they did, the leaderboards wouldn't have the same 3 classes dominating them every season.


As far as abilities tied to the weapons, I disagree...the animations are class specific but would work with any similar type weapon (melee/melee, ranged/ranged). Whether it's a double bladed saber or single, most animations would be fine...those that aren't you can ignore, or there's an easy fix...use the weapon meant for your class.

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As much as people would love it, it's not going to happen. Not only are the weps tied to class identity, their also tied to class mechanics. Pretty much every ability in the game would have to be re-worked to include other weps. Like clairvoyant strike, if I remember right requires double ended Saber or electrostaff. They would need to make it work for all weps, make the damage stable between them (eg with dual sabers it's critting 5k but with single Saber it crits 10k.) And they would need to make the aninations work as well.


It's not going to happen in this game, with the work involved they might as well make a new mmo.


Also regarding someones want for Saber with off hand pistol and grenade launchers and new abilities with different weps, never gunna happen. That brings all the issues stated above and adds even more for balancing these new abilities with the others in game.

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Bioware doesn't make any changes in this game based on what PvPers want/like/think...if they did, the leaderboards wouldn't have the same 3 classes dominating them every season.


As far as abilities tied to the weapons, I disagree...the animations are class specific but would work with any similar type weapon (melee/melee, ranged/ranged). Whether it's a double bladed saber or single, most animations would be fine...those that aren't you can ignore, or there's an easy fix...use the weapon meant for your class.


It's not the animations, but the actual ability that NEED a doubleblade or two lightsabers, etc.


If a Sorc wants a doubleblade he should have rolled Sin.

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It's not the animations, but the actual ability that NEED a doubleblade or two lightsabers, etc.


If a Sorc wants a doubleblade he should have rolled Sin.

Just like certain classes HAD to wear heavy armor? This excuse is bunk.

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