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Lower the price of the Guild Flagship


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I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people, we are tired of trying, but if you don't lower the price at least make it able to buy it with Cartel Coins, we would pay it happily in exchange to don't do this tiresome credit grinding.


We just want to have a more epic place to RP than strongholds, we don't care so much about Conquest, like I said, we are very little people and it would be crazy for us to try to reach the 1st place, we would be very happy if we were able to buy finally one Flagship although it was only for RP purposes.

Edited by MiguelGx
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I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people, we are tired of trying, but if you don't lower the price at least make it able to buy it with Cartel Coins, we would pay it happily in exchange to don't do this tiresome credit grinding.


We just want to have a more epic place to RP than strongholds, we don't care so much about Conquest, like I said, we are very little people and it would be crazy for us to try to reach the 1st place, we would be very happy if we were able to buy finally one Flagship although it was only for RP purposes.


You guys need to run things for credits that go to the guild. Sorry but you're doing it wrong if you all have been playing for months to get 50mil & can't reach that goal. If you're the GM then you need to organize certain times that are for guild runs. All credits get donated to the guild.

Several heroic runs grant you 1mil. Depending on how many friends you have in the guild you can have 10m easy. Not including alts.

There is also still dailies to be run. Operations, FP dailies, etc...

Crafting is a viable credit flow if you know what to craft.


TL;DR: You can earn 50mil with guild friend's in a week if you can dedicate time to the game. If you play like most a few nights a week, a couple weeks you will have the credits. You just have people not wanting to donate their credits or time or both for the ship, but expect something for nothing.

The purpose it's that high is for the guild to work towards it. Same with all the unlocks on it.


P.S. Sometimes some people will sell guild ships cheaper than 50mil. Check your server forums to see if anyone is selling them. Or ask in gen chat. But beware there are some who will scam you. I've not ran across it but I've heard of it.

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I've always been in favor of offering a "lesser" version of the guild flagship for a significantly lower price with the following caveats:


- You can't open more rooms. You get the initial unlock and nothing else.

- You can't participate in planetary conquest.

- You CAN, however, upgrade it to "full" functionality for the price difference between the two versions.


This would let people have fun with a guild ship while still keeping the more expensive version desirable.

It would also reduce the barrier to entry since you could pay maybe 25m to get it and then keep saving your money until you could afford 25m more to upgrade to the unrestricted version.


Since it's the same ship, development time isn't spent creating a completely new one and all they'd have to do is add in the restriction system to make it work.

In fact, they could make this the normal function of unlocking guild ships in that you have to pay 25m twice instead of 50m once.

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Yeah I agree with the above poster, 50mil is easy to earn with a few guildies. Burn through the heroics from odessan and pool the money, that alone with a group of 4, will net millions. Do you do OPs? DMCs sell for a million each, that is four million. Use a stack of blue crystals at the gift vendor on odessan to get the blue crafting material. That will get you like 800k.


So all in all, I have to disagree about lowering the price of guildships. If even a small group of friends put their heads together 50 mil is easy to accomplish, and certainly it doesnt take months...

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I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people, we are tired of trying, but if you don't lower the price at least make it able to buy it with Cartel Coins, we would pay it happily in exchange to don't do this tiresome credit grinding.


We just want to have a more epic place to RP than strongholds, we don't care so much about Conquest, like I said, we are very little people and it would be crazy for us to try to reach the 1st place, we would be very happy if we were able to buy finally one Flagship although it was only for RP purposes.


Probably the fastest way to get 50 million credits is to kill commanders. In 3 hours, with a group of 12 people, we managed to get 6 Framework and around 200 Encryption. Even without a guild Ship it's really easy to move from planet to planet for those run. You start on Yavin and then use the Heroic missions quick travel the closest to the location of the commanders for all the other planets.


You sell those and if your server got prices similar to The Shadowlands, on the GTN, you should be able to make around 70 to 80 million credits. Also, killing those commanders is a good practice to unlock rooms on the ship.

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Instead of lowering the price they should have a single person flag ship but smaller and like 2-3 floors imo that you can decorate


I want this! It doesn't even need to be cheaper. I can blow 50 mil on my own flagship easy. Give me the choice, BW!

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Probably the fastest way to get 50 million credits is to kill commanders. In 3 hours, with a group of 12 people, we managed to get 6 Framework and around 200 Encryption. Even without a guild Ship it's really easy to move from planet to planet for those run. You start on Yavin and then use the Heroic missions quick travel the closest to the location of the commanders for all the other planets.


You sell those and if your server got prices similar to The Shadowlands, on the GTN, you should be able to make around 70 to 80 million credits. Also, killing those commanders is a good practice to unlock rooms on the ship.


This is a great way to get credits and include everyone in the guild as many guilds don't run these commanders for frameworks and spend their guild funds to buy these instead.

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I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people


I need to provide a counter-example. My partner and I are the only people in our vanity guild, and we could buy 3 guild ships if we wanted to. We earn credits by crafting for sale on GTN, and by running heroics.


The guild ship price is an important credit sink in the game. If you want Bioware to reduce the guild ship price, then you need to recommend an alternative credit sink that would be as effective or more effective.


It's really not that difficult to earn 50 million credits. You may want to refer to this guide posted on massivelyop.com that illustrates how to earn a million credits in an hour by running heroics.


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The guild ship price is an important credit sink in the game. If you want Bioware to reduce the guild ship price, then you need to recommend an alternative credit sink that would be as effective or more effective.


Sink all your credits into my bank account. That is more effective.

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Probably the fastest way to get 50 million credits is to kill commanders. In 3 hours, with a group of 12 people, we managed to get 6 Framework and around 200 Encryption. Even without a guild Ship it's really easy to move from planet to planet for those run. You start on Yavin and then use the Heroic missions quick travel the closest to the location of the commanders for all the other planets.


You sell those and if your server got prices similar to The Shadowlands, on the GTN, you should be able to make around 70 to 80 million credits. Also, killing those commanders is a good practice to unlock rooms on the ship.


The problem is that we are only 6 so we get killed when it comes to the commander part, and if we call for help in fleet nobody is interested although we let them to take away their personal Framework, the only way they would help us is if we were willing to pay them a few 0's for the help, which is contraproducent to the final goal.

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I have made 20 mil in less than 4 days from LAZY crafting alone. You say there are 6 of you and you can't make 50 mil in a few days then you are doing something very wrong. If each of you made 1 of each crafter and devoted a little time to gathering mats you would make guild funds very quickly. It has never been easier to start a new crafter and completely level it in less than an hour and a half. ( I tested this by buying just enough mats to craft the amount needed to train the next level item and then craft it next) In no time at all you can have all the crafters you need and you no longer have to level a gatherer. If you want a guild ship then get some non lazy members.
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I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people, we are tired of trying, but if you don't lower the price at least make it able to buy it with Cartel Coins, we would pay it happily in exchange to don't do this tiresome credit grinding.


We just want to have a more epic place to RP than strongholds, we don't care so much about Conquest, like I said, we are very little people and it would be crazy for us to try to reach the 1st place, we would be very happy if we were able to buy finally one Flagship although it was only for RP purposes.


I have two, in my own PERSONAL guilds owned by myself, more than one person should easily get it.


Also, Conquest commanders can be soloed.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I need to provide a counter-example. My partner and I are the only people in our vanity guild, and we could buy 3 guild ships if we wanted to. We earn credits by crafting for sale on GTN, and by running heroics.


The guild ship price is an important credit sink in the game. If you want Bioware to reduce the guild ship price, then you need to recommend an alternative credit sink that would be as effective or more effective.


It's really not that difficult to earn 50 million credits. You may want to refer to this guide posted on massivelyop.com that illustrates how to earn a million credits in an hour by running heroics.



This ^ My friend and I unlocked out Ship, just he two of us in less than a month doing nothing that we didn't already do.


@OP: You said you would happily buy it from the Cm, right? Well why not buy things from the CM and sell them on the GTN? Same principle, just using the GTN as a middleman.

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The problem is that we are only 6 so we get killed when it comes to the commander part, and if we call for help in fleet nobody is interested although we let them to take away their personal Framework, the only way they would help us is if we were willing to pay them a few 0's for the help, which is contraproducent to the final goal.


With 6 players, you shouldn't have problem killing the low level named commander (probably up to Belsavis, maybe even all but Yavin) if all the toons are level 65 and you got 1 tank, 1 dps with a taunt, 1-2 healer and and 2-3 other dps.


I've killed an imperial named commander on Alderaan with 4 people, (2 dps 1 tank 1 heal), just had to get the tank to grab the commander and run past us until the mobs deaggroed while the dps with a taunt, grabbed the commander. If you try to kill the commander and all the mobs around it, odds are that you will get killed unless you got a large group.

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Maybe a smaller version of guild flagships like people have been saying here? Let's call em guild frigates. :D


I completely agree with this there should be a smaller version of the flagship made available and purchasable with both credits and cartel coins. :)

Edited by squirrelballz
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One solo heroic runs gives me about a million. On a single character. If there are 6 of you in a guild, and each donates even just 3/4 of the profits, that is still 4.5 million per week, putting the "work" required at 11 weeks tops, the run takes about 2 hours tops.


You do not need to kill commanders or anything to get the ship itself. And as was mentioned, thanks to level sync, it is much easier than it used to be.


Simply put, it is much, much, much, ..., much simpler to get the money these days. So suck it up and do the work.

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If mustering enough funds for the initial purchase is hard for you then maybe a guild flagship may not be the right choice for your guild. The initial purchase is just the tip of the iceberg, it's a lot more work to expand the rooms & decks. Perhaps you should look into getting more of a compound sized stronghold such as Tatooine or Yavin 4. Much easier to unlock & fund, there's only 6 of you so it's not like you'll be crowded.


Guild flagships & conquests favour the bigger guilds. It's a sad reality.

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Let's be honest. It's cheaper right now to buy someone's dead guild who has a Guild Flagship than to save up the credits for unlock.


And with everyone transferring from server to server, nobody even wants to think about dropping 50 million credits on something a second time that they already had to painstakingly unlock and leave behind once already.

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The first 50 million isn't really hard to get. A medium sized guild (25 folks) can get it in 1/2 weeks. But to fully expand the ship however isn't really that easy. Though the 125 million is in my eyes more then fair, the 2400 dark projects on the other hand not so much. (To get all the frameworks)


First of all because many people don't do crafting (Around half my guild) and second of all because you need a ******** of exotic isotope stabilizers, which don't drop that often.


I think 10 dark projects should be more then enough for unlocking a single room.....

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