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The Chance Cube - EAware's last chance to milk the playerbase?


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I don't think of it as milking but I hate the change being implemented.


I have no problem with it being it's own separate thing like the BSG Packs were but when it starts interfering with new packs and reduces designs on CM stuff while taking up a slot for a potential new item (in which I and people who may think like I, buy packs for) than it's an issue.


Again, It's not milking as you arn't being forced to buy it but it's still a terrible idea with how it's being introduced.

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So, EA/BW decides to "double-down" on the gamble that is (and always has been) crates. Again, I am shocked .... SHOCKED! ... that EA/BW implements schemes to induce players to spend money on their game. Granted, the very purpose of the game is to induce players to spend money.


I fervently support a subscriber's right to complain about the game. That includes both rational suggestions to improve specific aspects as well as directionless rants. I prefer the former over the latter, but heh ... whatever works for you is fine. I find it entertaining that a poster need merely point out that this entire issue ... crates ... is an option that players can easily avoid, and that poster gets lambasted as a "white knight" and inveterate defender of SWTOR. I particularly enjoyed how said poster's detractors turned the argument around by asserting that one may enjoy the game and still voice criticism of it, which is certainly true, albeit irrelevant to the point that any player offended by the upcoming gamble-within-a-gamble can elect to not reward EA/BW for their gross malfeasance: "Just Say No" to crates.


As for the query posed in this thread's title: No. Grand Chance Cubes are not EA/BW's "last chance" to milk the playerbase. I have utmost faith in EA/BW's ability to concoct new and elaborate means of milking us. In fact, I don't consider Grand Chance Cubes to be lactate-related whatsoever. Unless one accepts that one may volunteer to be milked.

Edited by Thoronmir
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It's funny the way that people think that Bioware trying to make a living, and to make enough money to keep the game going, as "milking". :rolleyes:

Many of these same people will think nothing of spending big bucks to go see a concert of the latest Pop-Star-dreck-de-jour, and buying the T-shirt, or trading in their perfectly good smartphone to STAND IN LINE to buy the latest iPhone, :)

(Maybe that's why they complain - they need to keep their money so they can waste it in other ways.)

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Guys... For a non-english player seeing threads with words "milking", "moms" "they are milking us" makes uncomfortable :eek: but i agree these new CM changes are bad, BW just wants us to buy more packs to get new things which means spending more money...
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It's funny the way that people think that Bioware trying to make a living, and to make enough money to keep the game going, as "milking". :rolleyes:


They could just as easily do that by incentivizing players to sub by creating good content.


The cashshop is not milking the players. It's all aesthetic.


What is milking the players is the episodic content that you HAVE to be a sub to access.

It's all singleplayer too, group content is all but forgotten.

Edited by Ruhun
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They could just as easily do that by incentivizing players to sub by creating good content.


The cashshop is not milking the players. It's all aesthetic.


What is milking the players is the episodic content that you HAVE to be a sub to access.

It's all singleplayer too, group content is all but forgotten.





Agreed. Though, I actually enjoy the episodic content so, yeah, I guess one can volunteer to get milked.:D

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A few facts gleaned from playing this game and posting on forums:


1. Writing even the best thread rarely results in any action/change from Bioware on their bad decisions. You probably won't even get a response. It is unfortunate, but true. Once or twice in a blue moon (NiM gear changes, Companion un-nerf, etc) it will happen that uproar results in action (eventually!) from Bioware, but most of the time it's just words that never reach the ears that can do anything about changing or reversing bad decisions.


2. The ears that do hear those words, and the mouths that do respond cannot do anything but tell you that, "no one is forcing you and if you don't like it don't play". You can count on branmakmuffin and CrazyCT (among others, but those names you can ALWAYS count on) to tell you that you shouldn't be posting on the forums to do anything but praise the game and cheer for Bioware. Some day their wishes will come true and all the people they've encouraged to quit will do so and they will have no game to play anymore and no one to thank but themselves for making the same suggestion over and over and over and over... instead of letting discussion happen among the people who complain because they LIKE the game, but hate the direction that it takes from time to time. Or, like now, most of the time.


3. The fact that uproar has resulted in action on a couple of bad decisions (again, recent instances cited above) mean that players will RIGHTLY feel like posting here might have some impact. Especially if there is enough volume of responses. It happened once or twice, it could happen again, right? That's the thing that people who denounce posters don't understand... that sliver of hope that someone at Bioware will see reason, especially if most of the rest of the people who play the game and read/post here agree and join their voices to the cause. If they aren't outright telling you that you shouldn't post, they tell you to post in "the appropriate forums" or other things... as if other forums are where issues like this got responses with a Big Yellow B . There is a reason people post, and there is a reason they post in THIS thread, and that reason is: Lightning has struck here before, maybe it will again.


4. No matter what you post, positive or negative... there will be people who absolutely have to respond in the opposite direction. They can't help themselves. It's a compulsion. They are defenders of the game usually, but yet so bored with it I would be willing to bet they play the forums more than the actual game. Just expect it will happen.


I agree with the notion that if you are a paying customer, you have the right to give your feedback. Even when that feedback is largely ignored by the provider of that product you're paying for, you still have a right to your thoughts and expression of them.


Carry on!

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A few facts gleaned from playing this game and posting on forums:


I agree with the notion that if you are a paying customer, you have the right to give your feedback. Even when that feedback is largely ignored by the provider of that product you're paying for, you still have a right to your thoughts and expression of them.


Carry on!


That was an awesome post thanks for summing up exactly what I've been trying to get across to EA/BW apologists.:)

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Can I comment on the Sensational title? Firstly, you aren't being forced, like a cow in a factory being forced to give up it's milk. If you don't want to buy, don't. It's pretty simple. Also, do you really think this is their last chance? You don't think they'll manage to think up something else to "force" you to spend more money?


EA are really good at taking people's money, I wouldn't think THIS would be their last ditch effort... :D

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I agree with the notion that if you are a paying customer, you have the right to give your feedback. Even when that feedback is largely ignored by the provider of that product you're paying for, you still have a right to your thoughts and expression of them.

I wish more people understood this like you Penny. Thank you for posting this. :)

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You have your right to your thoughts and opinions on something you are paying for. I totally agree. But the OP is complaining about something he says he isn't going to pay money for - how does that work? Edited by CrazyCT
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BTW, can someone give me a nudge or something when I sound like I'm defending Bioware, apparently I'm a figurehead for the White Knight movement, when all I do is play devils advocate and try to get people to see things from another point of view. Ah, well, I suppose that's just my cross to bear.
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BTW, can someone give me a nudge or something when I sound like I'm defending Bioware, apparently I'm a figurehead for the White Knight movement, when all I do is play devils advocate and try to get people to see things from another point of view. Ah, well, I suppose that's just my cross to bear.


Unless ever word out of your mouth is how BW/EA is the antichrist you are white knight. You must full agree with anyone post that bad mouths BW/EA regardless of how flawed their statement is or you are white knight.

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That might just be contrarian burnout CT. There are a few folks on this board currently that make it an obsessive practice to goad almost anyone into an argument over the silliest things, for their amusement obviously.


You may be catching the brunt of that.


If it means everyone else is getting less hassle, then I'll take it all, and with a big smile on my face. :rak_grin:

Edited by CrazyCT
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Unless ever word out of your mouth is how BW/EA is the antichrist you are white knight. You must full agree with anyone post that bad mouths BW/EA regardless of how flawed their statement is or you are white knight.


Thanks for the advice, I'll try and remember not to disagree with any bad-mouthers again. Can I still comment on their grammar and sentence structure, or would that also be defending Bioware?

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BTW, can someone give me a nudge or something when I sound like I'm defending Bioware, apparently I'm a figurehead for the White Knight movement, when all I do is play devils advocate and try to get people to see things from another point of view. Ah, well, I suppose that's just my cross to bear.


You're a white knight if you like Bioware, you're a whiner if you hate them, you're a scummy fence sitter if you're in the middle.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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Thanks for the advice, I'll try and remember not to disagree with any bad-mouthers again. Can I still comment on their grammar and sentence structure, or would that also be defending Bioware?


You can comment on their grammar and sentence structure all you want. That wouldn't earn you the title of white knight; only grammar police.

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You can comment on their grammar and sentence structure all you want. That wouldn't earn you the title of white knight; only grammar police.


Cool, thanks. I think I'll stick with White Knight - it's got a certain......je ne sais quoi.

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for the last 6 months, you do realize that you swoop in and defend bioware regardless of the subject, regardless of what bioware is doing?


you literally swoop in within minutes and basically make the same post a dozen times in the thread?


it's quite entertaining.


it's like a teenager defending some girl he has a crush on.


I don't think that someone who can only post "White Knights" over an over gets to accuse someone else making the same thread.

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