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Ctrl'z - Pure Starfighter - Levelling up without every running a mission


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I'm new to GSF, and I'm relatively new to SWTOR, too.


About a week ago I stumbled onto GSF, having only heard about it before but never participated or given much thought to participating. I figured I'd give it a whirl and I immediately found myself hugely engrossed. But, since you're in this subforum, I needn't sell GSF to you, so I'll cut to the chase.


I am embarking on a project of sorts. I'm not sure whether this has been done before, or tried and never finished, or whether it's simply a ridiculous concept. Nevertheless, I am embarking.


The plan is to take a character from level 1 to whatever the level cap is by the time I reach it, using GSF as my sole source of XP income.


My character, who I have named Ctrl'z, will never leave the first room he spawned in. This means I have to Esc out of his first introductory conversation every time I log in or come out of a GSF battle. This restriction is absolute. I will not transport him to the stronghold, fleet, or any other location at any point before he hits the level cap.


This is the main restriction in this project. I am allowing myself use of Legacy perks (XP boosts, etc), and at some point that may include getting a field mailbox; I see no point in him hoarding lots of credits, so he may as well have a means of sharing whatever wealth he accumulates. However, the restriction does mean I can't reap the benefits of the instant 5000 fleet rep from the intro mission, so I'll have to work up to getting new ships.


I plan to update this thread occasionally with progress. At this stage I have no intention of this thread becoming a guide, and I have no place to claim any authority on how to play, strategy, tactics or any of that business. I may get good, I may stay below average, but so long as I'm enjoying myself I don't mind.


And so, let's see how this goes.

Edited by TalonGrayson
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There are a bunch of us that are 100% GSF on these forums. I've done that with approximately 20 characters on 10 different servers. The only difference is that I did go to fleet and get the intro/daily/weekly. I don't see the point of avoiding getting those, but good luck!
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Well if it's been done a bunch, then I have no need to document my progress!


Good to know it's possible, though. I'm looking forward to getting there, and it will no doubt be a great learning experience and loads of fun along the way :D

Nah go ahead no one has done what you are planning. Everyone else benefited from being able to obtain the daily and weekly missions.

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The trick is get a friend on Fleet and group up. Then have the friend hit the PVP mission terminal and Share the missions.


That's actually a really good point. The restriction isn't there to inhibit me from getting the missions, so this is a viable option. Thanks.

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Doing this is Hard Mode. Doing this on TRE impside is Nightmare mode.


By the time you've mastered a couple of ships you'll be a hell of a pilot.


Edit: ah, I see you've found a way to sporadically it at least get the dailies and weeklies. So it's just a new player on impside TRE; back down to hard mode then :)

Edited by MDVZ
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Well, I'm not sure whether I'll take advantage of the dailies/weeklies. Seems like the sort of thing which I may be able to do from time to time, but it won't be a staple.


I'll tell you what, for each update I post, I'll include the number of dailies/weeklies I've done since the last update. I have nothing to prove, so I won't be avoiding them, but it will be a reasonable indication of method of progress.

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"Nightmare mode" it is, then. :d_evil:


It would be nightmare mode even with the missions, trust me... Try to group up as much as you can, it'll help a lot. I fly on weekends on TRE, both pub (Close-shave) and imp (Immem). I'd be happy to group with you if you're willing.

Edited by Greezt
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You're especially going to hurt for fleet req. Levelling ships isn't so bad just flying. Leveling your hanger and crew, not so much. If you're willing to buy cartel ships (which you haven't mentioned you're ruling out) get the sting and mangler replicas ASAP, then use your first 2.5k fleet req for a razorwire.


Edit: I'll be on over the weekend. Happy to group.


Edit 2: If you're only willing to buy 1 cartel ship, make it the ocula, because the mangler is one of the two cheap ships to buy and it has few good builds, whereas the sting has many, so you could still run a sting and ocula long term, wheres the mailoc may well become obsolete (or, it could just be a REALLY long time until you use FR for a sting and mangler!).

Edited by MDVZ
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Don't think anyone has done it quite like this before so good luck. I have couple of alts I have leveled only with gsf (lvl 40-ish and lvl 65), but on both times I left start room at lvl 10 to get intro/daily/weekly quests from the fleet. I'm interested to hear how many matches it takes for you to get to lvl 65 with current exp rates. I don't fly much these days, but if you want to group up sometime whisper Jasaq. Edited by Jasa
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Main issue I'd see with this is that you would have to use fleet req to purchase pilots, which do have a significant impact on ship performance.


Is there a way of obtaining crew members other than with fleet req?


I guess the plan (of sorts) is to just play as much as necessary to earn the fleet req for a new ship or two. I'll use other characters to figure out which ships I want to invest in, and focus on those with Ctrl'z. Spending fleet req on crew members will be a decision I make at a later date and will most likely be priority driven. That priority will be based purely on personal experience and whatever I've learned from reading about GSF, help from fellow pilots, that sort of thing.


Like I say, the aim isn't to become the best pilot, nor to have the best fleet.


On a side note, I have removed all movement mapping from Ctrl'z's keybinds, just to reduce the likelihood of me forgetting myself and running about or something.

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Honestly.. Use one of the starter.. Mangler or Blackbolt.. They are both pretty much viable in every game... Except bombers haevy or scout heavy game respectively.


Only if sh/e was a sub at GSFs release.


Otherwise no mangler.

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Only if sh/e was a sub at GSFs release.


Otherwise no mangler.


Is that the Blackbolt both kind of like its S-Foils are in attack position? I briefly had an account long ago which I forgot the login details for. When I started playing again recently I created a new account, and then remembered my old login details. I have some ships on there which were unlocked as a welcome to GSF, or something. If only I could mail them over to my main account...


And for the record, it's he.

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Is that the Blackbolt both kind of like its S-Foils are in attack position? I briefly had an account long ago which I forgot the login details for. When I started playing again recently I created a new account, and then remembered my old login details. I have some ships on there which were unlocked as a welcome to GSF, or something. If only I could mail them over to my main account...


And for the record, it's he.


I *think* you're describing the sting.


But yeah, sounds like your account from that time has a mangler in it.


Ships and ship builder:



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