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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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What im getting at is that we should be nicer and show eachothers respect, simple as that.


But to far too many, that is not very simple.


"Common sense is not very common any more"


My advice, then, would be to lead by example. Show others respect, even if they don't show you the same courtesy.


Or, as many others have expressed, just ignore the one harassing/bullying you. It worked for me in high school.


How about people start stop using the internet as an excuse to be rude, hateful and start taking responsibility for their actions and remember this is a game.


Do you know what you are saying? That goes against the upbringing of an entire generation or five!

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How about you get a thicker skin? You might not be suited for the Internet if your feelings are hurt by some random guy on the internt.


I'm not offended when I see my overweight aunt in a string bikini, but that doesn't mean I wanna see it every time I go to the beach. Same situation here: I don't get offended by every INDIVIDUAL incident from every toxic person I meet in-game, but the general toxic atmosphere of the community itself gets aggravating when every group I run with seems to have at least one guy that feels the need to be rude whenever things don't go exactly right (even if he could just as easily stay silent and rant to guildies later instead), or if people don't spacebar through everything and the guy has to wait an extra minute or two for his daily clear (boo-frickin'-hoo). I can shrug off the words themselves, but it gets tiresome when my only choices pertaining to a game I love (despite its many flaws) are "stop playing" or "prepare to put up with the toxics again every time you log in." Great options, huh?


Also, fun fact: that toxic player base that a lot of people here are telling the OP to just accept as a part of daily life now instead of working to change? They're pretty much the core reason why the solo-mode FPs exist (devs made those so people who wanted to watch cutscenes in group content could do so without fear of being bullied by players who just spacebar through everything, if memory serves), and the solo-mode FPs (specifically the GSI droid that comes packaged with them) have been cited by other people on the forums as a contributing factor in declining player skill in endgame content. Invoking transitive property from my old math classes for a moment, that means that the toxic player base is, in a roundabout way, partly responsible for some of the "bads" they themselves love to gripe about. Not to say those same "bads" would have been pro otherwise, but if the toxics hadn't pushed them out of group content and into the coddling arms of the GSI droid (or given the devs a reason to create said droid in the first place), they might've learned more earlier and had more of a chance to improve. Interesting how things work out sometimes.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


its like that in every MMO, its the reason so many people are turned off from the genre. those types of people are the lowest forms of pond scum gamerwise

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


" let's be grown ups here!" is something that works in many and mysterious ways. One such way kinda involves a situation where you stop assuming Bioware, EA, gaming community, society, culture or existence owes you some 24/7 personal moderator, who generates a bubble around you where nobody says things you consider unpleasant.


* Use /ignore

* Use mental ignore.

* Just don't care.

* If you think general chat is awful, don't read it.


These things work much better than expecting entire Internet culture to kindly adjust itself so you don't get triggered.

Edited by Stradlin
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What im getting at is that we should be nicer and show each others respect, simple as that.


But to far too many, that is not very simple.


"Common sense is not very common any more"


Common courtesy isn't either... As you are experiencing.


Ideally these things wouldn't be concerns but the anonymity of the internet encourages the behavior.

We can hope that people will be humane but we should not expect it.


If they are just being rude, put them on ignore and chalk it up to a lack of home-training.

If they are breaking ToS, place them on ignore, take a screenshot, and report them with the screenshot attached.

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And what are you gonna do if they don't? Quit using the internet?


No, but don't try to use the excuse it is the internet for your actions. I will tell you that it is your choice to act like an idiot or a responsible person, that is if you know how.

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I remember going online for the first time back in the 80's. Plenty of trolls, name calling, and immature behavior back then but most people were still offline so companies could stop it. The difference is today every moron in the world with electricity is online so it costs too much to hire GMs to police it. Only thing you can do today is ignore, report, then move on with your life. Not worth even two seconds of being upset about it.


As for SWTOR and most mmos really, just turn general chat off, it's usually toxic. Pay attention to people who don't complain in your group and become friends with them or join a good and helpful guild so you have people you know are friendly to group with next time. :jawa_biggrin:

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Join a good guild and do ops with them. I did that as an undergeared total noob making a million mistakes but as we were guildies and already friendly they talked me through what I had to do for each boss and I learnt a great deal. You will want to also get a teamspeak etc voice program to make things easier.


Some FPs are also very harsh on new players - Mannan and Blood Hunt come to mind so you might be best off just doing some of the more forgiving FPs while you get to know the game. Not only is not everyone a tool in my opinion 90% of the player base is neutral or nice.

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As for SWTOR and most mmos really, just turn general chat off, it's usually toxic. Pay attention to people who don't complain in your group and become friends with them or join a good and helpful guild so you have people you know are friendly to group with next time. :jawa_biggrin:


Really it is not so bad (well some places are - starting planets) and having general chat can be useful/teach you something new about the game...customize your own chat tab sure (I like having one with all but group/ops/guild/pm and say turned off) but imo turning general chat first thing is a mistake:)


...maybe I have been incredibly lucky or maybe you just notice more when you go expecting it (and so I have missed such events), but swtor seems to be ''ok'' in the rude community department - not great (as in lacking them - there is a very long thread all about people giving a hand and getting it bitten off in return after all) but...:)

...and maybe I am wrong, but people generally treat you the way you treat them:)


PS: /ignore is a very nice tool:)

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Its like trying to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Except the criticism is non constructive aka abuse. Thats the online world these days, kids, drunks, sadists and psychos. People who thrive on the negative attention they produce. Usually the ones who cant say a world against another person IRL, because they are weak and hide behind a faceless name.


When you see a comment like "Wow got globalled, 8 kills 10 deaths, u mad bro?" or similar after every PvP match, or crap FP because players blame everybody else for the problems you or the party are having, yet they are the reason they are getting angry/trolly. Internet stupidity in its finest form.


Moments like XXX said " you **** bro, cnt fkn get kills, too weak to 1v1 me?". ( they use meds and the likes in 1v1's) and then you reply "Calm down mate, its a game. No need to get mad/fetishly excited over a game that achieves nothing" and they reply "U mad bro? 1v1 me".


When a whole guilds of players do this, every day, every night. You wonder what goes through peoples heads sometimes...

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Not only is not everyone a tool in my opinion 90% of the player base is neutral or nice.


Aye, like most people. It's just that the guys making noise are the guys you notice. No idea what they think they'll gain by calling a battleground, FP or OPS group ******* that should just delete the game. If they're so perfect and able to see exactly what went wrong they might try giving some advice instead. But maybe they don't actually know, beyond wishing everyone was in BiS gear and the best specs...

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Do I cry every time someone on my team in a wz starts cursing the team out? No. Even in the middle of the wz, that person will go on ignore. Do I bother to report them? No, what's the point? CS has more serious issues to solve, before they can get to "this person called me a booger head!" tickets. If it ruins your gameplay so much, then turn off general, or move to a different game. I normally ignore everything going on in general, so the only players that go on my ignore list are those that send random dueling or guild invites. Or, like I said, a bad wz or fp experience. No need to get worked up over it though.
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Do I cry every time someone on my team in a wz starts cursing the team out? No. Even in the middle of the wz, that person will go on ignore. Do I bother to report them? No, what's the point? CS has more serious issues to solve, before they can get to "this person called me a booger head!" tickets. If it ruins your gameplay so much, then turn off general, or move to a different game. I normally ignore everything going on in general, so the only players that go on my ignore list are those that send random dueling or guild invites. Or, like I said, a bad wz or fp experience. No need to get worked up over it though.


If you dont make drama, it'll never stop. Your attitude is half the problem they still roam free, people just use ignore. But that dosnt stop the player from trolling more and more people.


The only way we can deal with them is make this a big deal, the OP has made a good start. (Not that BW read these anyway)

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If you dont make drama, it'll never stop. Your attitude is half the problem they still roam free, people just use ignore. But that dosnt stop the player from trolling more and more people.


The only way we can deal with them is make this a big deal, the OP has made a good start. (Not that BW read these anyway)


There is one player on my server, who everyone puts on ignore. I didn't know that the first time I was running through fleet for the first time on imp side since I started playing again. A real troll. Well, I fed the troll, called him out by name, and someone else told me everyone keeps him on ignore, so can't even see the things he says.


Why would you do that with a character? Be a constant troll. I like this game a lot. It is a lot of fun. But can you imagine trying to que, when 90% of the population already has you on ignore, and the other 10% just hasn't added you yet?


And that is why I have no problem just ignoring it. Because eventually, that person is going to have a hard time enjoying this great game. And until then, they stopped ruining my experience, so I really don't care. BW isn't going to do anything against them if I report it. That has been proven time and time again. So why bother?

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There is one player on my server, who everyone puts on ignore. I didn't know that the first time I was running through fleet for the first time on imp side since I started playing again. A real troll. Well, I fed the troll, called him out by name, and someone else told me everyone keeps him on ignore, so can't even see the things he says.


Why would you do that with a character? Be a constant troll. I like this game a lot. It is a lot of fun. But can you imagine trying to que, when 90% of the population already has you on ignore, and the other 10% just hasn't added you yet?


And that is why I have no problem just ignoring it. Because eventually, that person is going to have a hard time enjoying this great game. And until then, they stopped ruining my experience, so I really don't care. BW isn't going to do anything against them if I report it. That has been proven time and time again. So why bother?


If you can get everyone to ignore them, do it for sure. But single ignores dont work, especially when they have more than 1 toon.

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In short is it Bioware's responsibility to give us tools to sort it out. Ignore is one.


However it is obviously in Bioware's interest to weed out and add repercussions for such behaviour.


Perhaps after a certain number of ignores will a people get a report option for the person?


I noticed the other day that it isn't any convenient report function in game for anything but spam. That is bit limited, isn't it?


For those that doesn't want Bioware to react to these things: Is that fear I smell?

Edited by NinaV
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In short is it Bioware's responsibility to give us tools to sort it out. Ignore is one.


However it is obviously in Bioware's interest to weed out and add repercussions for such behaviour.


Perhaps after a certain number of ignores will a people get a report option for the person?


Hmm maybe a report marked for higher priority, but I keep thinking such a system will backfire and help the harassers (if there is such a word...?) more than the victim:)


For those that doesn't want Bioware to react to these things: Is that fear I smell?


Damn it I have been found out! /cry

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No, but don't try to use the excuse it is the internet for your actions. I will tell you that it is your choice to act like an idiot or a responsible person, that is if you know how.

And does this do anything to help the so-called problem? No, it doesn't.


If you like yelling at people (I know I do), go ahead, but don't pretend you are educating anyone.


In short is it Bioware's responsibility to give us tools to sort it out. Ignore is one.


However it is obviously in Bioware's interest to weed out and add repercussions for such behaviour.

And you can report for harassment whatever behavior you like. But as I said before, mods are not going to regard as harassment one person calling someone else an idiot once.


Perhaps after a certain number of ignores will a people get a report option for the person?

And no guild or other group of players would ever try to use such a feature as a tool for harassment. :rolleyes:


The solution really is "grow a thicker skin or play only with your friends."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.



It's group finder and it happens in every single mmo ever made that has a group finder systen. The only way to get away from it is to run with a set group of people.

Edited by rklontz
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