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Changes Coming to Packs with 4.1


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82% from a few hypercrates? Got any proof on this because I've opened 10 crates now and nowhere near that drop rate ... more like 60%?


That's 98 cubes from 120 drops after all - don't believe it personally.


Just saying that your anecdote does not make his anecdote untrue.


Lets, for example, say the drop rate is 50%

So, this is essentially a coin flip.


Is it possible for someone to flip a coin 10 times and have it be heads each time?

Is it possible for someone to flip it 10 times and have it be tails each time?

Or must every 10 flips have exactly 5 heads and five tails?


If you can figure this one out, you can maybe figure out if it is possible for his 82% result and your 60% result to exist in the same universe.

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Hello, I for one am not going to buy any of the new packs, I opened my launcher and saw the new looking stuff and those lightsabers and thought.... I would like to get my hands on one. I am a player that has been buying stuff on the market a lot over the years, I've not spent hundreds of dollars every pack like some people. Which I think is total BS, if someone spends 200 dollars in a game to try to get an item they should've had it dropped. I to try to get the things I like, cool looking gear mostly. I am very disappointed in the new drop rates. It looks like I have no real way to get the new lightsaber. When before I could usually get a weapon if I really tried. So on that note I'm just disgusted and unwilling to spend anymore money on this game unless things become better.
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82% from a few hypercrates? Got any proof on this because I've opened 10 crates now and nowhere near that drop rate ... more like 60%?


That's 98 cubes from 120 drops after all - don't believe it personally.


Only thing I could do there is take a screen shot of the three bays filled with old crap amd the one bay with a bit of new stuff. I wasn't recording the pack opening process, I don't have a capture card or other recording instruments, sorry.

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No, they are a business and are going to target people that pay them money. The more money paid, the more that group will be targeted. It's not fair, I know... but you should understand.


^That was inline with what I was thinking. I mean, even if you buy some of the direct-to-market stuff on the CM, there's no way you're spending the kind of money that guys who drop $100 on coins for hypercrates every time are. So, you're not their target.

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Just saying that your anecdote does not make his anecdote untrue.


Lets, for example, say the drop rate is 50%

So, this is essentially a coin flip.


Is it possible for someone to flip a coin 10 times and have it be heads each time?

Is it possible for someone to flip it 10 times and have it be tails each time?

Or must every 10 flips have exactly 5 heads and five tails?


If you can figure this one out, you can maybe figure out if it is possible for his 82% result and your 60% result to exist in the same universe.


I'm simply asking did he get 98 cubes out 120 drops ( that's what is required for his statistic to be correct ).

I'm not saying it didn't happen either, I'm saying I personally don't believe it based on the drop rate I've experienced and seen reported numerous times on these forums.

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Only thing I could do there is take a screen shot of the three bays filled with old crap amd the one bay with a bit of new stuff. I wasn't recording the pack opening process, I don't have a capture card or other recording instruments, sorry.


120 total drops wouldn't fill 3 bays though ...

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I'm simply asking did he get 98 cubes out 120 drops ( that's what is required for his statistic to be correct ).

I'm not saying it didn't happen either, I'm saying I personally don't believe it based on the drop rate I've experienced and seen reported numerous times on these forums.


So, instead of allowing for probability and mathematics you'd rather call someone a liar because reasons?

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All I know is I got nothing but junk out of 30 packs and only 3 new pets that's just ignorant:rolleyes: I personaly wont be buying anymore in this game till they change it or something, And I use to buy them every month like clock work but yeah probly the worst ideal BW has ever came up with they need to fire the brainiac who came up with this ideal ..


But what are you going to do,,, live and learn:rolleyes:

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So, instead of allowing for probability and mathematics you'd rather call someone a liar because reasons?


I'm just sick of all the hyperbole on this issue. Every time someone has posted some outrageous drop rates they can never support it.


I would understand that drop rate being possibly correct from a small sample but not a large sample like that.


As for math ... 120 items filling 3 bays ... like I said, hyperbole.

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I feel bad for those who really just wanted the lightsaber, though. It's just not worth it. You'd probably be better off selling whatever you get from your crates and using that money to buy it off the GTN.


Only problem is coming up with the 50mil creds for the least expensive of the four that are on the GTN on my server. Especially when most of the items from the crates are going for less than 100k. Best thing I got out of 30 packs was the rancor mount.

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Only problem is coming up with the 50mil creds for the least expensive of the four that are on the GTN on my server. Especially when most of the items from the crates are going for less than 100k. Best thing I got out of 30 packs was the rancor mount.


I hear that. I really liked the look of that new lightsaber. I spent all of my 13 million on packs from the gtn to try and get it, no luck. Then brought cartel coins and eventually got it.


I think I got quite lucky to be honest with all the other items. I'm back to 5 million, and still have plenty items to sell. In future, if they release the cross guard version, please just release it as a single item on CM. Even if it's over priced.

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Thought I'd buy 4 chance cubes off the GTN for 290000 credits each:


- got two weapons, which I could've brought directly for between 5000 and 10000 credits


- got a decoration i already have, but maybe able to sell for almost as much as I paid for its chance cube


- got a title that I didn't have, but could've brought for under 50000 credits


So glad I didn't spend any real money on any packs.

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my major problem with this pack? it spammed the old picks all over, and now the comunity is up to stifle of the masses of crap they got. because in the process the gtn prices for freaking everything got tormentored in that processs.

there are only a few things, that are still worthy of some credits! hopefully not every box is now squirreled with those ****! once such a box every 1-2 years would be great, but not in every single freaking one.

and by the way, please return the cm certificates!

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Well i like the new packs tbh,,people have every right to complain i guess but my numbers were far different than i see the majority posting here,,i got one full set of the new armors,the blaster,four sniper rifles,three man hand vibro's,one off hand,,three mounts ,so all in all pretty good and a CM mount from a chance cube the incendia one i believe it is called,,and four full item packs.
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Well i like the new packs tbh,,people have every right to complain i guess but my numbers were far different than i see the majority posting here,,i got one full set of the new armors,the blaster,four sniper rifles,three man hand vibro's,one off hand,,three mounts ,so all in all pretty good and a CM mount from a chance cube the incendia one i believe it is called,,and four full item packs.

Did you get those items from the Anarchist Alliance Pack or various older packs? That's the problem. I pay money for items from the Current Anarchist pack I don't want items from past discontinued packs. Granted some of those items might be great but I bought the Anarchist Alliance Pack. Not the other.

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I hear that. I really liked the look of that new lightsaber. I spent all of my 13 million on packs from the gtn to try and get it, no luck. Then brought cartel coins and eventually got it.


I think I got quite lucky to be honest with all the other items. I'm back to 5 million, and still have plenty items to sell. In future, if they release the cross guard version, please just release it as a single item on CM. Even if it's over priced.


I'm jealous haha for the time being I'll stick with my Attenuated one. Hopefully the force will be with me one of these days.

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I still think this....


  • 2 items from the pack (Mounts, Decorations, etc) and a chance at a Grand Chance Cube
  • 1 rank 5 or 6 Companion Gift
  • 1 Scrap


Bronze packs should NOT be removed, instead they should follow the same requested formula. All packs would have a chance of dropping the Grand Chance Cube.


...would have been a better way to go.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I actually got 28 cubes out of one hypercrates. Sold all the cubes for 299k each. Made about 7.5 million credits off them. Still nowhere near enough to get the lightsaber, which is going for 40 million plus, so I pretty much gave up on getting it. Ill buy it when it inevitably comes to the market, if I still want it by then. I'm happy with my Blademaster Sabers (my favorite sounding ones) or Ziost Guardians (love the lightning), rocking those hot orange crystals. Edited by KLGChaos
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No, they are a business and are going to target people that pay them money. The more money paid, the more that group will be targeted. It's not fair, I know... but you should understand.


Okay, you are now justifying the despicable practise of rigged gambling in online videogames, like, there is no other alternative to make money. They just picked the easy route, like many others have done. Its always safe to prey on the addiction of teenagers and others with lack of self control to amass fluff content instead of actually improving the game and make it enjoyable by dropping content and fixing broken stuff so they can gain the trust of its playerbase.


This game is a dress game now, for the most part. By trying to justify their money grubbing tactics simply points out you are part of the problem.

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Why don't they have a box for new items and a box for chance cubes?

If i want to get "Old" stuff i would buy the Chance cube box.


By adding Chance cube, you can add items to a pack and thus increase its "value" (moar stuff in it!!!) without doing any work whatsoever as you only recycl old gear while not inreasing the chance to get current gear.

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