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Cartel Vanity Item Pricing is Too Kitten High!


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previous armor sets of this nature where even more expensive, BW's testing to see what the market will support.


Most likely. People who don't like he price shouldn't buy a that price. If people who dislike it are in the majority, they will change he prices. If they are in the minority, however, there's not even a good reason to change let alone a likelihood of it changing.

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Or let's put the orginal Revan armour up for sale... They would make lots that week


The original Revan set is still too common on the market, nobody would spend cc when they can go on the gtn and buy a full set for a couple of millions at most. Chestpiece alone is selling for less than 100k.


If it was the Revan Reborn set, on the other hand..

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There are quite a few of us that only pay for a sub and don't buy extra coins.


I'm not the biggest fan of microtransactions in the first place but it's what we live with since the transition to free to play.


The prices, for what they are, is too high for some of us to stomach. Not because we don't have the money but because it's a matter of value for money. I'm an "older" gamer and a lot of things that arrived on the scene, like microtransactions, are things I just don't agree with or get into. I don't see a pixel outfit as being worth the prices they are on the CM.


Best thing to do is keep an eye on the auction house and pick up any bits you may find there. I've grabbed a couple of the more "expensive" costume items when someone, either purposefully or accidentally, puts them up incredibly cheap.

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I don't mind the first price when buying something. What does annoy me, is having to pay 400-500 more to make it account wide. I'd rather see the extra cost to be removed that makes it account wide.


They are even trying to creep those prices up too. I encountered an item the other day that was going to cost 1000 to unlock account wide, that's just ridiculous! Now I'm going to wait for the next unlock sale before I go unlocking stuff, if they ever have them again.

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They are even trying to creep those prices up too. I encountered an item the other day that was going to cost 1000 to unlock account wide, that's just ridiculous! Now I'm going to wait for the next unlock sale before I go unlocking stuff, if they ever have them again.


And what item was that?

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If it was me (and it's not) I would make everything super affordable. Instead of 20 bucks for a suit of armor I'd sell those boxes at 2 dollars a pop. 3 dollars for mounts and the same with decorations. Imagine how many people would be buying 3 dollar mounts or armor boxes. I'm sure it would be a lot more than those who buy em for 20 dollars a pop and would = a greater net income in the long run. I really don't like mmo shops. They have NO real world backing and are actually worthless. What happens to those 20 dollar armor sets once I stop playing? They just sit there and rot unlike a 20 dollar blu ray I bought which I can keep and reuse forever. The industry has gotten greedy much like many corporations these days. Instead of investing in the future and being innovative most companies these days are all about scorch and burn tactics. Get what you can while you can. The future? What's that? Who cares as long as I get mine. There's no future in these policies and if we'd all quit supporting them then they would be forced into change whether they liked it or not. If it wasn't for my free cartel coins there is NO way I'd ever buy an item for 10 dollars much less 20. That's insane. I could get a pair of jeans or something I could actually use in my real life. Bragging rights? Heck, I could give someone twenty bucks to follow me around and tell everyone how awesome I am but I don't do that so why would I care about bragging about some item that everyone else most likely already has anyway? What's to brag about? Oh look, I look just like you now. Awesome huh?


Of course I get people want their characters to look a certain way but maybe more customization is the key. It just sort of bothers me sometimes when companies want you to pay for something that should have been included in your initial purchase anyway. I paid what 60 bucks for the game and have given them 15 dollars a month for years now and then I have to turn around and pay 5 dollars more than I do for my actual subscription for some armor so I can look how I want to look? Armor that should be earnable in a game I've already payed for and continually pay each month for? People love to say well they have to make money but they forget that they ARE making money. I pay for a subscription. That's money. It's not my fault if they didn't get the number of subscribers they want. Maybe there are reasons why they didn't?


To be fair I love this game and really don't mind the cash shop that much. I just save up my free cartel coins to get what I want and if people want to pay for items then that's fine. This isn't just a rant on Bioware but the industry itself. There are much worse cash grabs out there such as Neverwinter which I stopped playing because it completely stopped trying to even resemble a fun game and instead decided to punish it's player base for not being in game constantly and nickel and diming everyone to death in order to even have any chance of advancement. At least with swtor you can play the storyline without paying a penny.

Edited by DarthBubba
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Whether a price is "too high" is completely subjective. It depends on whether a specific player even wants a specific item. There are plenty of reasonably priced (in my opinion) sets of armor that I think are hideous. I also think some of the more expensive sets are also hideous. Lowering the cost of sets will not make them less hideous ... to me.


When someone complains that "CM prices are too high", I read that as "the specific items I want are too expensive for me." If that opinion becomes universally held, sales will drop, and so shall the price. Or not. We're talking about "vanity" items, so it doesn't really matter.

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This is the core of your argument.

I want to monetize the kitten out of this game

I have news for you, the only people BW needs to worry about monetizing this game's play for is BW. This is not Eve where you can pay for your sub (and in some cases make real world money) by playing the game. You either learn to live with that or move on to a game that you can make money for playing.

Edited by The_Wulff
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The original Revan set is still too common on the market, nobody would spend cc when they can go on the gtn and buy a full set for a couple of millions at most. Chestpiece alone is selling for less than 100k.


If it was the Revan Reborn set, on the other hand..


PM me what server has Revan's Armor for a couple of million and I'll transfer over and get it! I have yet to find the gloves for less than 12 million, and I'm worried the rep. vendor helmet won't count for the unlock any more, so that's another 10 million or so :(

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It would be nice to see a drop in prices, but, until such a time as they do, I simply won't buy anything at that price. 20 to 40 dollars is better spend on real life clothes.



Likewise. I realise it's easy (and possibly a bit of a cliché) to trot out the "if prices were cheaper I'd buy things" line, but, yes, I probably would. I enjoy the game and am happy to pay to be a subscriber, but I draw the line at paying daft prices for added extras - bugger that, I'm quite happy to wander around in mis-matched armour and be scruffy! Just like real life in fact(*)




(*) but not with armour. That would be odd.

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If it was me (and it's not) I would make everything super affordable. Instead of 20 bucks for a suit of armor I'd sell those boxes at 2 dollars a pop. 3 dollars for mounts and the same with decorations. Imagine how many people would be buying 3 dollar mounts or armor boxes. I'm sure it would be a lot more than those who buy em for 20 dollars a pop and would = a greater net income in the long run. I really don't like mmo shops. They have NO real world backing and are actually worthless. What happens to those 20 dollar armor sets once I stop playing? They just sit there and rot unlike a 20 dollar blu ray I bought which I can keep and reuse forever. The industry has gotten greedy much like many corporations these days. Instead of investing in the future and being innovative most companies these days are all about scorch and burn tactics. Get what you can while you can. The future? What's that? Who cares as long as I get mine. There's no future in these policies and if we'd all quit supporting them then they would be forced into change whether they liked it or not. If it wasn't for my free cartel coins there is NO way I'd ever buy an item for 10 dollars much less 20. That's insane. I could get a pair of jeans or something I could actually use in my real life. Bragging rights? Heck, I could give someone twenty bucks to follow me around and tell everyone how awesome I am but I don't do that so why would I care about bragging about some item that everyone else most likely already has anyway? What's to brag about? Oh look, I look just like you now. Awesome huh?


Of course I get people want their characters to look a certain way but maybe more customization is the key. It just sort of bothers me sometimes when companies want you to pay for something that should have been included in your initial purchase anyway. I paid what 60 bucks for the game and have given them 15 dollars a month for years now and then I have to turn around and pay 5 dollars more than I do for my actual subscription for some armor so I can look how I want to look? Armor that should be earnable in a game I've already payed for and continually pay each month for? People love to say well they have to make money but they forget that they ARE making money. I pay for a subscription. That's money. It's not my fault if they didn't get the number of subscribers they want. Maybe there are reasons why they didn't?


To be fair I love this game and really don't mind the cash shop that much. I just save up my free cartel coins to get what I want and if people want to pay for items then that's fine. This isn't just a rant on Bioware but the industry itself. There are much worse cash grabs out there such as Neverwinter which I stopped playing because it completely stopped trying to even resemble a fun game and instead decided to punish it's player base for not being in game constantly and nickel and diming everyone to death in order to even have any chance of advancement. At least with swtor you can play the storyline without paying a penny.


Don't forget that many who buy those items on the CM are not purchasing them for personal use, but rather to sell them on the GTN.


If you think that BW is charging too much for an item and choose not to pay that price, you can still obtain most, if not all, CM items via the GTN. You just have to be willing to pay the going rate for them.

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