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Mercs new FOTM?


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A lot of new mercs means a lot of badly played mercs heh.


A well played merc can be a force in regs. Badly played ones are dog food at 65. When I'm playing my jugg, I enjoy seeing fresh mercs and mandos - as I know every merc trick in the book, and frankly they don't.


I'm seeing a lot of old ones resurface, and are a bit hard to deal with in WZ.

These guys do a lot of burst and kite/survive pretty well.

They kill me more often than I kill them, unless we're in Arenas then they melt like butter.

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I'm seeing a lot of old ones resurface, and are a bit hard to deal with in WZ.

These guys do a lot of burst and kite/survive pretty well.

They kill me more often than I kill them, unless we're in Arenas then they melt like butter.


I would guess if they kill you more than you kill them, it's because they begin melting your face while you are pounding on some other poor, defenseless player. :p


If you begin the engagement with a merc or commando, and you are of equal skill to them or better I honestly believe you will win that fight 100% of the time as a mara or jugg.


That's why mercs are a ball of fun when they are not targeted, but as soon as most classes initiate on them they are at a great disadvantage. For me there is nothing worse than a mara or jugg tunneling a merc.


A mara can melt a merc and render the merc ineffective the entire match if they want. Now, the objective of the match might be compromised due to them tunneling the merc, but the merc won't be able to kill them before they kill him without some massive support.


I have had matches where a specific mara tunneled me on my merc the whole time no matter what and there was simply nothing I could do. No amount of kiting prevented my death. If I somehow began to win the fight, he simply disengaged the fight and then came back to finish me off.


That was in regs with no support and a weak team btw. But the fact remains that I had no answer to a tunneling marauder. Sure, the marauder was a really good one, but the quickness with how fast he could dispatch me was pretty impressive (or embarassing).


Oh well. I aint the best on the merc, and that could be a part of it too.

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I would guess if they kill you more than you kill them, it's because they begin melting your face while you are pounding on some other poor, defenseless player. :p


If you begin the engagement with a merc or commando, and you are of equal skill to them or better I honestly believe you will win that fight 100% of the time as a mara or jugg.


That's why mercs are a ball of fun when they are not targeted, but as soon as most classes initiate on them they are at a great disadvantage. For me there is nothing worse than a mara or jugg tunneling a merc.


A mara can melt a merc and render the merc ineffective the entire match if they want. Now, the objective of the match might be compromised due to them tunneling the merc, but the merc won't be able to kill them before they kill him without some massive support.


I have had matches where a specific mara tunneled me on my merc the whole time no matter what and there was simply nothing I could do. No amount of kiting prevented my death. If I somehow began to win the fight, he simply disengaged the fight and then came back to finish me off.


That was in regs with no support and a weak team btw. But the fact remains that I had no answer to a tunneling marauder. Sure, the marauder was a really good one, but the quickness with how fast he could dispatch me was pretty impressive (or embarassing).


Oh well. I aint the best on the merc, and that could be a part of it too.


Oh yes. By the time I got to the damn merc half my health is already gone.

I was in a match that had 4 of the bastards and a Sniper, I felt like I was marked by them.


I made it my mission to kill every single merc I saw that night.

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Been playing my merc quite a bit in regs lately, actually. I quite enjoy it to be honest. Great burst, easy rotation and the need to be mindful of what happens around you.


But for some reason I enjoy Jet Boost the most. That feeling when you're being focused during Huttball on a ledge and watch everyone fly in different directions, in NC knocking those couple of guys trying to cap a point all the way back or just before the explosion hits mid in Hypergate, knocking half the enemy team into the blast is priceless. It's the sole reason I took the perk that increases it's range. :D Well, that and it's excellent to get melee off your healer.


Sure, it's definitely not the best class, but it's a fun class to have as an alt to jump on for a while. :)


The only thing I hate about mercs is if you are in a bad team and you're the one forced to def because everyone else runs around like idjits. Mercs are incapable of defending for any extended period of time. Great in groups, suck being solo.

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Can someone tell me the sudden change? Cause I don't really feel that much of a difference from 3.0 :p


since ive been playing this game ('12 ish) it was always stated that mercs were trash

so i stayed away from them - then one day i rolled a commando and started q'ing - goodness- the damage output was tremendous; couple this with the constant merc/mando degredation and many peeps didnt even appear to know what a mercmando even was


then, as lancelot demonstrates, all the fun runs out when the other team actually decides to pay attention to you (or just that one good jugg or mara)


so i guess the merc has a nice novelty factor for the unintiated and they do fine in regs as many know

but of all the classes i think the merc is most dependent on a decent team to help them shine- esp at 65- in 10-40 mercs can stomp fo' sho


essentially, not much has changed from before but new and old players are playing mercmando and many others are having to figure out what these fiendish glass cannons are all about

Edited by Daxy
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then, as lancelot demonstrates, all the fun runs out when the other team actually decides to pay attention to you (or just that one good jugg or mara)


so i guess the merc has a nice novelty factor for the unintiated and they do fine in regs as many know

but of all the classes i think the merc is most dependent on a decent team to help them shine- esp at 65- in 10-40 mercs can stomp fo' sho


...and many others are having to figure out what these fiendish glass cannons are all about


Right. People that say they can kite any melee on a merc and always win even after the PT, jugg or mara initiate the fight are either extremely top tier skilled players (top 5%), only have fought really awful melee or are lying.


It's a fun class, but ultimately is a true glass cannon. For it to really shine I think too much team support is needed.


I don't see how even in group ranked it would be better having a merc over a sniper, PT, mara, dps jugg, basically anything that can do great damage and manage damage with better defensives.


All the other classes have innate defensives baked in, or have much stronger defensives they can pick through utilities.


I really would be interested in hearing what a group ranked player can add to this, how a merc would be better than any other dps in group ranked.


Other than having enet, I don't see any other advantage. In fact, I only see disadvantages to running a ranked group with a dps merc versus PTs, maras, juggs, snipers.

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I have noticed a lot more dps mercs but I haven't seen many good ones. I find arsenal spec is godly at kiting and the damage is so strong that few people survive it. It somewhat makes up for the lack of defensive cooldowns. If the damage of this spec ever gets nerfed too much then it's game over for this class being competitive in PVP.
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I've seen an increase in Commando's on my server. My brother and I have been playing our commando's a lot lately and we've been forming groups of 3-4 commando's and doing pvp with them to a lot of success!


I run a Assault Specialist Commando and my brother does Gunnery. We are usually both in the top 5 of damage for the whole match and its not uncommon to see either of us be the top damage dealer for our team. I main both Assault Specialist and Gunnery commando's and I enjoy both a lot for different reasons. They both have excellent burst! I tend to like playing my Assault specialist commando more recently since I love putting 6 dots on people when you use supercharged cell plus Assault Plastique when timed right is really great for burst! Supercharged Cell is the best on Assault Specialist imo since you get a nice burst with its quick dot (Supercharged Burn) and it also increases the damage of all the other dot's you do.


Also, BW giving us Propulsion Round was super helpful! It makes it so that I can solo kill juggernauts, powertechs and operatives and it is really effective when timed right and it has a 20 second cooldown. I usually end up with a couple solo kills each match thanks to this new ability. Thank you so much BW for Propulsion round!

Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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I have noticed a lot more dps mercs but I haven't seen many good ones. I find arsenal spec is godly at kiting and the damage is so strong that few people survive it. It somewhat makes up for the lack of defensive cooldowns. If the damage of this spec ever gets nerfed too much then it's game over for this class being competitive in PVP.


1v1, I only have trouble with warriors. so I said hmm. and went and leveled my mara. lol ok. I see what's going on. there are a like 4 different ways they can break snares or ignore CC. with the juggs, it's just user error and I don't pick up on reflect until I take a tick or two. :( but they're the ones that give me the hardest time. you'd think it would be PTs...with that new leap to boot! but no. it's the warriors.

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1v1, I only have trouble with warriors. so I said hmm. and went and leveled my mara. lol ok. I see what's going on. there are a like 4 different ways they can break snares or ignore CC. with the juggs, it's just user error and I don't pick up on reflect until I take a tick or two. :( but they're the ones that give me the hardest time. you'd think it would be PTs...with that new leap to boot! but no. it's the warriors.


People always underestimate all the DCDs and breaks Maras have.

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