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changing legacy name coming soon??


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People, cool it with the insults - Please. Just because someone made a mistake, it does not make them an 'idiot' or anything of that sort, but I would like to clear one thing up with all of you:

It does NOT tell you right away that the legacy name will be the surname of your character, at least, it doesn't on the screen where you choose your legacy name. When I acquired the chance to choose a legacy name, I was just given a small box with a blinking line in it and a few words above the box "Pick your legacy name", nothing else.


The only time it tells you that this will be the surname of your character is when you go to your mailbox and read the message within, which of course not everyone will bother to check right away..I normally let my inbox pile up to about 5 messages before I check it. Why do I wait so long? Because a majority of the time it will be a mere 500 credits, a chest that holds an item that's worth almost nothing and cannot be used with any of my companions, or spam from one of those power-leveling sites.

Now, cool it with the insults. It's a game.



I started reading this thread to see if there was a way or not, thinking this the entire time.


It's the mail sent to your inbox that tells you exactly what the legacy name is, not the 'enter your name here' box. Now I like my legacy name well enough, but if I'd realized it was going to be attached to all of my characters, I would have picked something more central to me as a player than just that one character.


But at the same time, I'm not too worried. It might not be out right away, but I expect it will be out eventually, either with in game cost or for real cash. Regardless, everyone should just cool their jets (Including those of you who feel the need to add insult to injury) and be patient.


Sound good?

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Same thing happen to me i now have the same first name and last, hopfully they make it so we can change it in the future, also just to note to these morons in here that seem to think they know it all go to hell i read the damn thing and no where did it say it was going to be my last name, i wish i could take your smuggness away and strangle you.
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  • 1 month later...
While i can understand the dissapointment some people will have over picking a dumb surname, i just don't get why they should let you change it. Picking a surname or legacy name is no different then picking a character name and no game lets you change you name unless you pay a fee or change server.


Is it really that hard to read 2 lines of text? What i do think they should do is add a confirmation box, and maybe make it easier to delay picking one. I think the reason they want you to choose right away though is because you do not start gaining legacy xp until you have picked one.


Turn of display of legacy name if you really can't live with it. If you had no idea or understanding of what it was before you made it you probably didnt expect a surname anyway so the loss can't be that big.


I'd say you made some valid points but where one is stuck with a characters origin name the legacy name is shared with EVERY single character within that server. Perhaps simply not making it visible might seem a decent fix for some. However Star Wars has made a legacy name far too important for everyone to agree with that option. For example; the Skywalker legacy is so legendary because of the characters that have taken that name. It's to the point that after return of the Jedi it's said more than once that there must always be a Skywalker. And everyone goes out of their way to either recruit a skywalker or kill them.

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  • 2 months later...
you guys can complain and feign confusing or incomplete instructions all you want, but i didn't expect the legacy system to pop up around level 30 either and i read the instructions and understood perfectly everything that would happen. i understood it would be my last name, would be unchangeable (my first name isnt, why would my last name?), and all my characters would have it. this is just a matter of poor reading comprehension by all the people who picked stupid surnames.


only thing i didnt know was i would unlock an option to hide my last name, which is in settings. which is probably what all you guys with poorly chosen surnames will want to do, and just pretend you never picked a surname in the first place. not a big loss.


I understood it perfectly too, yet I find it utterly frustrating. First of all, I wasn't ready to make that choice at the time. I didn't know it then, but I do now.


The legacy selection screen pops up incessantly once you have the option so it pretty much forces you to pick by virtue of annoyance more than anything.


Second, I chose a surname that worked for my first character. I don't want all subsequent characters to share the same surname. I DON'T WANT THAT. This is not a crime. Let me repeat this for some of you. There is nothing wrong with expressing displeasure. It is not a weakness.


I have two level 50s on the same server (Infinite Empire). The experience of making them has taught me things about the game I didn't know when I first picked my legacy. Now, I want to make a third character to play with my real life friend as a team. I want to be a tank to guard him, who will do heals. We want to work on our game and tactics together and this is the combo we want to go with. We didn't have enough experience to know exactly what we wanted when I first chose my legacy name.


So now I have a great idea for a character name, including legacy. I want this to be the name of my 3rd character. But I can't do it because the surname from my first character will be forced on him. This is very frustrating. To some of you, your name may not be a big deal. But it bugs me to the point where it diminishes my enjoyment of the game. Like an itch I can't scratch.


I'm left with the only choice of sacrificing the name I want, which is frustrating, or joining a new server, which is also frustrating for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is that I would lose the legacy benefits even though I'd be investing the exact same amount of time in my character. As well, my friend is level 40 already and he doesn't want to restart either, which is what he'd have to do on a new server.


So yeah, I'm not an idiot. I can read and I did so. I understood what I read. I'm still not happy.

Edited by DragomirSA
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IMO the whole legacy system is terrible and something that I feel forced into. I don't want all my chars to be on the same legacy and have same surname. They in my mind aren't related so please don't destroy my immersion by making my chars different to how they are in my mind.


Please make it so legacy is an option for those who want it and for those of us that think its a terrible system let us stay opted out.




Edit: I don't think the Legacy system is terrible, I just think that characters being forced into a Legacy is terrible.

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This is just like crying about swapping your advanced class. No, you shouldn't be able to. You're fairly warned about the permanence of the choice. Reroll.


I have a level 50 sniper but I would choose operative if I could go back. It's a bit frustrating. I understood the permanence of the choice. Comprehension or lack there of is not the issue. The issue is that you can't really know what you want until you've experienced it. You don't buy a car without test driving it, do you? Now going back would be foreclosing on many hours of investment.



OP, you claim to not be stupid and are blaming the game for your bad decision. If you are indeed intelligent enough to have chosen properly if the game had warned you sufficiently as you claim that it didn't, please prove it by using grammar and spelling that is reasonably close to being proper.


Aurinax, you claim to not be stupid and are blaming others for their dissatisfaction on their bad decisions. If you are indeed intelligent enough to to question the intelligence of others, please prove it by using grammar and spelling to convey proper responses that make sense.

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Just make lagacy name change paid service (like for $5 or something like that), similiar to paid transfers in other games, and everyone will be happy...

It does not benefit you in any way, so it is not some mico-transaction thing that would break the game in favor of those with daddy's credit cards...


I spent long time thinking about my LN (picked it about 5 level after unlocking it), and I am sort of happy with it (orignial idea (Janus, like the Roman god) failed because of name filter (i suspect some sort of "******" rule), so I added one more "n" to it)

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I feel I should mention that at some point early on they changed the message on the legacy name window to make it more clear. When some people chose their name it didn't list any information whatsoever on the window.


Now, myself I messed up on my legacy name because I tried to choose one with a capital letter in the middle of the name like MacGregor (as an example) and it let me take it, only it came out Macgregor. Not very aesthetically pleasing IMO. So yes, some people perfectly well understood what the legacy system was and got screwed anyway.

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I feel I should mention that at some point early on they changed the message on the legacy name window to make it more clear. When some people chose their name it didn't list any information whatsoever on the window.


Now, myself I messed up on my legacy name because I tried to choose one with a capital letter in the middle of the name like MacGregor (as an example) and it let me take it, only it came out Macgregor. Not very aesthetically pleasing IMO. So yes, some people perfectly well understood what the legacy system was and got screwed anyway.


I did the same when I have chosen my legacy name "il-Vec", but after I confirmed it, game alone done autocorrect and it is displayed as ll-vec and that looks completely different.

I have sent ticket and they told me that it will be possible to change legacy in the future, but not soon.

Edited by ultimatedooms
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I have an MBA, but I still picked my first name as my legacy name because the directions were not clear. I guess I fail at SWTOR!


I have a PhD and 2 degrees, but i figured it out.


Passing a test does not necessarily mean you possess common sense.

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Second, I chose a surname that worked for my first character. I don't want all subsequent characters to share the same surname. I DON'T WANT THAT. This is not a crime. Let me repeat this for some of you. There is nothing wrong with expressing displeasure. It is not a weakness.


It seems what would have made you happy is the ability to pick a separate surname for each character. But names are a scarce resource: There are already problems that occur when planning character transfers and name conflicts exist. Many of us have already experienced that a name we wanted was taken. Now allow for the possibility of up to eight names being reserved by one player. Unless you want a system where names are not unique (which I think is a bad idea), one name per account seems to be the most palatable choice, even if it is not perfect. As a compromise, you do have the ability of turning off the display of the name on any character on your account.

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I have an MBA, but I still picked my first name as my legacy name because the directions were not clear.


Well, the perception of what an MBA means is not always positive. :) And I say this having taught in an mid-career MBA program.

Edited by Kthx
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So many times i have seen this and "i picked the wrong AC" threads. The game needs an IQ check at the begining of the game to turn on or off 'are you really really really sure' option because clearly people dont read.


People like him are the reason Windows Vista was created.

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I've seen 2 or 3 people in this thread alone who picked their first name as their last name. Really? I'm the last person to insult anyone, and I really don't like people who do nothing but come on these forums and insult people, and you can check my history and verify this. But seriously guys, if you didn't know how the system worked when you picked your Legacy name it was because you weren't paying attention. I'm not trying to be mean. Consider it a little tough love if you will. I'm not saying that it means that there should never, ever be some sort of pay option to change it or something, i'm just saying that a lot of people knew exactly what the system was and what it entailed, and if you didn't, it was simply because you weren't paying attention.
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I've seen 2 or 3 people in this thread alone who picked their first name as their last name. Really? I'm the last person to insult anyone, and I really don't like people who do nothing but come on these forums and insult people, and you can check my history and verify this. But seriously guys, if you didn't know how the system worked when you picked your Legacy name it was because you weren't paying attention. I'm not trying to be mean. Consider it a little tough love if you will. I'm not saying that it means that there should never, ever be some sort of pay option to change it or something, i'm just saying that a lot of people knew exactly what the system was and what it entailed, and if you didn't, it was simply because you weren't paying attention.


Just curious though, where was all the info on Legacy System during the first month?

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Just curious though, where was all the info on Legacy System during the first month?


Every time you start your game the launcher comes up and it shows the game news. That's about all I paid much attention to and it told me everything i needed to know and I only read it as long as it took the game to update.


Edit: and just t be clear, I meant in regard to the Legacy name being your surname and applying to all your chars on that server, not the 1.2 update stuff. Obviously We didn't know that in the first month.

Edited by Revelationjp
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its not that im stupid its it didnt say that it was going to be my last name


The game TRICKED you. Most people read that it was going to be their last name and it was a permanent choice across all characters, yet you were fooled. There was a bug and they only said "enter legacy name".

Edited by lpsmash
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