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What happened to the other 7 protagonists?


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It's very heavily, if not outright stated, that all the class stories are to some extent canon. Which means there are presumably eight incredibly powerful heroes running about, four to each side of the conflict, one of them being "The Outlander". (The class you chose at character creation.)


My question's a simple one: What happened to the other 7 protagonists you didn't choose to play as? Did they die? Did they just not accomplish as much as The Outlander? Did they somehow fade into obscurity?

Edited by HomicidalFrog
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From what I understood, only the character you're playing at that moment is the character that's important. So if I'm playing my Trooper, the other classes exist, but the Trooper is the most important one.


Whenever I've encountered companions from a class other than what I've been playing in the KOTFE expansion, they all say something along the lines off "My old boss disappeared. Oh, well." Whether they're dead or not doesn't matter in terms of the game; they're effectively out of the picture.

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I totally hear yah. I too find the overarching weaving of the story to be critically important to my enjoyment of the game.


I will explain what I have done to make sense.


I have eight characters of each class, 4 Imp and four pub. Once their individual class quests end, you need to create your own canon. To a degree with a game like this, I think it is to be expected.


My main is my Inquisitor (Del), as a Member of the Dark Council, brimming with power and a need to prove himself to his peers, he has taken on tasks from Darth Marr, his mentor. Marr loathes infigthing and values power more than tradition, so he is likely the best investment of one's trust. Marr is consumed with managing daily affairs of the Empire after the silence of Vitiate and the ensuing chaos of the loss of Thanaton, Baras, Decimus, Hadra, Achron and Jadus. Five dead and one either dead or imprisoned. Aruk is completely not in the picture. It keeps a Sith Lord busy.


Then one crisis after another. Karagga the Hutt executes the Imperial ambassador and invades a dozen worlds, including Makeb. The Dread Masters divorce themselves from the Empire and attempt to unleash a banished super-beast and control the galactic underworld and a major warrior. Oh, and the Revanites, they are causing chaos. Del manages each task as the central character. The taskforce leader. By emerging victorious from each challenge, he gains all the glory and noteritety already being part of the Dark Council, the holonet focuses on him.


The Imperial Agent is free of intelligence but incredibly skilled, she throws her lot in with Marr and is dispatched with Del to deal with Karagga, they form a close bond. The Bounty Hunter has developed the taste for the fine things in life, along with being an adreniline junky. With the list of capable Sith Lords diminishing by the day, Marr uses credits to fill in gaps where applied. An outside mercenary doesn't need to play politics and remains loyal to the person paying him. Marr pays him to go with Del and Agent.


The Emperor's Wraith. Oh...he was a loner from the git-go. Searching for relevance, he too looked to Marr as a mentor. The Wraith's influence is maintained from only two things. The cultural paranoia ingrained in all Imperial citizens that the Emperor is a God and is never truly dead, this and the fact he slaughtered one of the strongest and most cunning of the Dark Council. However, memories are short and the Wraith is forced to find a patron. Marr and the Wraith do connect as Sith Warriors. Marr has him accompany the rest and they handle the crisis of the day.


Del is the Outlander. Being a former slave, he has humility and since his struggle was against a fellow Sith, not the Jedi, he is able to temper his loathing of the Republic and Jedi long enough to deal with Zakuul, this affront to everything the Sith stands for. After that, Darth Acina is next...


Pub side...meh, they are there but not the power players in my canon.

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The game does state that all eight stories occurred, that one from each faction went through ROTHC and you went through SOR and KOFTE. When you're captured, the other eight classes have either vanished, been killed, been captured, ect. And unless Bioware plans to make canon versions of the classess, it'll stay that way.
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Even Petersen?


EVERYBODY'S dead,, Dave.




With how the JK is basically Valkorian's archnemesis in the main story you'd think regardless of who you pick, they'd be big players. Then again, maybe the Jedi Knight, unless they become the Outlander, never become too significant in Valkorian's eyes. I suppose an NPC Jedi Knight is probably just doing their own personal crusades against Zakuul.

Edited by HomicidalFrog
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EVERYBODY'S dead,, Dave.




With how the JK is basically Valkorian's archnemesis in the main story you'd think regardless of who you pick, they'd be big players. Then again, maybe the Jedi Knight, unless they become the Outlander, never become too significant in Valkorian's eyes. I suppose an NPC Jedi Knight is probably just doing their own personal crusades against Zakuul.


Not Chen!

God ben it, everybody. Everybody's dead, Dave!


Also, Vitiate himself states to the player (Even to the JK) that they didn't become of interest to him until Ziost

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I suppose killing one of his bodies isn't really impressive to him. He can get more.


Yeah, killing one of his voices, childs play.

BUT NOT EVEN DENTING HIS PLAN ON ZIOST WAS BLOODY ASTOUNDING! Like, seriously? All we did was climb a tower and set off a device, something that didn't even work to stop him. Maybe seeing us fail is entertaining?

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Maybe seeing us fail is entertaining?


He says pretty much exactly that. That he won't kill us because he enjoys watching us try and fail to stop him. That he savours the sweet futility of our doomed efforts.


During the final conversation you have with the Emperor on Ziost, I kept seeing this scene in my mind's eye.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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It's very heavily, if not outright stated, that all the class stories are to some extent canon. Which means there are presumably eight incredibly powerful heroes running about, four to each side of the conflict, one of them being "The Outlander". (The class you chose at character creation.)


My question's a simple one: What happened to the other 7 protagonists you didn't choose to play as? Did they die? Did they just not accomplish as much as The Outlander? Did they somehow fade into obscurity?

Most likely they die. Acutally the Outlander is not eintirely clear if he has to be one of the 8 but an entirely new guy.


This developement ot the story is tipical for the TOR storyline. Same happened to KotoR where we didn't knew if the protagonist isRevan, if Revan has to be clearly what gender and skincolor, or if he even was human. Then in KotoR 2 we didn't knew what the Exile was. Then In SWTOR there is not entire clear who the 8 protagonists are, and now we don't know who the Outlander is. But that is actually OK for me. It worked out pretty well in the opast and it work well now. I would have no problems if the Outlander is not my most dear Wrath. Even If I think this protagonist has the greatest motivation to get the Emperor.

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Most likely they die. Acutally the Outlander is not eintirely clear if he has to be one of the 8 but an entirely new guy.



Even though the character has the companions and titles prior to being rebranded to back up that he's one of the eight classes?

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Yeah, this is a case in which headcanon is key. For me, I have two Outlanders, my male knight and my female warrior. Both were on Marr's ship, and both were put in carbonite. In headcanon, though, after being thawed, my knight stuck with T7, not with Lana; every time T7 wanders off, my knight went with him.


My warrior is the one who went through the Gravestone and early Asylum chapters; my Knight was still on Zakuul and went through the Lady of Sorrows content. (Which also solves the weird "Let's go back to Zakuul! No one will look for us there! Oh, wait, someone noticed us.") They were reunited at Asylum for the showdown with Arcann.


Although I pushed my consular through KOTFE, in headcanon, she made it to one of the escape pods leaving Marr's ship; she has spent the last five years organizing what resistance she could after losing track of her companions. She worked with Lana to start the base on Odessen, and she is the leader of the resistance. (It seems odd to me that the Outlander wanders in and is suddenly in control after being five years behind on current events.)


My trooper is the same deal. She wasn't frozen, but Jorgan and Elara went missing while out on a mission and Tanno Vik abandoned the group. Although Havoc Squad was reduced to three members, M1-4X and Yuun were still under her command, and all three of them are now reporting to my consular as part of the resistance.


As I send more alts through KOTFE, I'll come up with more headcanon to explain why the Outlander isn't actually a group of a dozen or so people. Next up is a story for my agent. Toons who stay at 60 will probably "die," either in the Republic's attack on Korriban, the Empire's attack on Tython or the Eternal Empire's attack on the core worlds.

Edited by PresentTense
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Yeah, this is a case in which headcannon is key. For me, I have two Outlanders, my male knight and my female warrior. Both were on Marr's ship, and both were put in carbonite. In headcannon, though, after being thawed, my knight stuck with T7, not with Lana; every time T7 wanders off, my knight went with him.


My warrior is the one who went through the Gravestone and early Asylum chapters; my Knight was still on Zakuul and went through the Lady of Sorrows content. (Which also solves the weird "Let's go back to Zakuul! No one will look for us there! Oh, wait, someone noticed us.") They were reunited at Asylum for the showdown with Arcann.


Although I pushed my consular through KOTFE, in headcannon, she made it to one of the escape pods leaving Marr's ship; she has spent the last five years organizing what resistance she could after losing track of her companions. She worked with Lana to start the base on Odessen, and she is the leader of the resistance. (It seems odd to me that the Outlander wanders in and is suddenly in control after being five years behind on current events.)


My trooper is the same deal. She wasn't frozen, but Jorgan and Elara went missing while out on a mission and Tanno Vik abandoned the group. Although Havoc Squad was reduced to three members, M1-4X and Yuun were still under her command, and all three of them are now reporting to my consular as part of the resistance.


As I send more alts through KOTFE, I'll come up with more headcannon to explain why the Outlander isn't actually a group of a dozen or so people. Next up is a story for my agent. Toons who stay at 60 will probably "die," either in the Republic's attack on Korriban, the Empire's attack on Tython or the Eternal Empire's attack on the core worlds.


My head cannon is:


Warrior - Went through the kofte story

BH - Is now begrudgingly on Zakkul's payrole after they blew up his ship

Inquisitor - Died on Korriban trying to defend the academy against the initial raid, Khem now guarding his tomb.

Agent - Has retired to spend the rest of his days alone in an abandoned base on Hoth, pretty much wanting no part in the war anymore.


Knight - Disappeared while searching for the Emperor's hand after the events of Ziost

Consular - Became a hermit on tatooine, spreading his teachings to any one who desires them.

Trooper - Lef the republic after Saresh continued to run into the ground, helping Lana Beniko break out the Outlander ("Even if he's a fracking blood thirsty, psychotic, bastard Sith Lord")

Smuggler - Aiding the alliance with his criminal contacts, mostly because he wants to attempt to outshine Hylo Viz.

Edited by Codedrago
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The contributions to the galaxy of the other 7 player characters end on Corellia. Everything after that is shared among all classes, including Ilum and the coup by Darth Malgus, the Hutt aggression from the KP operation through the invasion of Makeb, the rebellion of the Dread Masters including their raids on SectionX/Arcanum and all five operations, the Revanites including the prequel Forged Alliances, and of course the entirety KotFE.


From your perspective, you've done all those amazing things for your faction and the galaxy, while the other 7 stiffs were derping around. I say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but honestly, you have to either compartmentalize every character you play, or make up very creative stories that will never be supported in the game as to why these other heroes are with you, but not really because reasons.


Even in the case of operations, during the cutscenes, the camera is focused on you as if you are the glue bringing everyone else together. You are the main hero, and the people with you are merely very capable sentients.


It's a shame really, since the legacy system unites your characters, even going so far as to have you connect their lineages. But since there are no sandbox elements to the game, you have to either make it up yourself and ignore what's in game, or pretend the rest of your characters don't even exist.

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The contributions to the galaxy of the other 7 player characters end on Corellia. Everything after that is shared among all classes, including Ilum and the coup by Darth Malgus, the Hutt aggression from the KP operation through the invasion of Makeb, the rebellion of the Dread Masters including their raids on SectionX/Arcanum and all five operations, the Revanites including the prequel Forged Alliances, and of course the entirety KotFE.


From your perspective, you've done all those amazing things for your faction and the galaxy, while the other 7 stiffs were derping around. I say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but honestly, you have to either compartmentalize every character you play, or make up very creative stories that will never be supported in the game as to why these other heroes are with you, but not really because reasons.


Even in the case of operations, during the cutscenes, the camera is focused on you as if you are the glue bringing everyone else together. You are the main hero, and the people with you are merely very capable sentients.


It's a shame really, since the legacy system unites your characters, even going so far as to have you connect their lineages. But since there are no sandbox elements to the game, you have to either make it up yourself and ignore what's in game, or pretend the rest of your characters don't even exist.


I would say it's a pretty easy allowance to make, however, that in all those flashpoints and operations, the other heroes present were actually your other toons, not guildies or random people from the group finder. For example, even if you soloed Korriban/Tython/Manaan, the idea that Col. Darok and Theron actually summoned your consular, knight, trooper and smuggler does not seem like much of a stretch.

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Even though the character has the companions and titles prior to being rebranded to back up that he's one of the eight classes?

The thing is BioWare keep their storyline of TOR like a myth, a tale, where there ist the good prince, the damsel in distress, yada-yada. However we never know for sure, how the hero or the villan has to look like. We ourself shape their image, same as if the story is only told or read.


Thatfore tey give us a huge freedom of choice, other MMO games do not. In mostly other MMO's we are mostly some nameless <insert class> who appens to be destined to be a part of <insert great adventure> triggered by the real <insert hero of the setting>. In SWTOR we get the chance to outlive the life and adventures of one particular hero, destined to do great. But how he/she has to look like is all up to us. And through the entire story we have no idea who this guy/gal is really. ...Maybe that guy/gal is the next big thing for the next 1000 years? Maybe this one is one of the few we read stories about in the SW Legends. Who knows! Only time will tell.


Having the same companions as the previous 8 doesn't mean you have to be one of them. Who knows who is telling the story. Same thing like KotoR 1 when you find out yu are actually Badaxe Revan. Maybe this is the point yu juyt realised why people in here are so frantic about Revan. Because we were Revan.


Without minor informartions and without real definition anyone can be "that guy". And this is all only a mythological story, who would know that that guy is the same as (just an example) the Wrath being as well the Outlander, being the same as Darth Blabla the Ferocios, the Red Secant, the Hero of Illum, and what else not. Or maybe some storyteller just fused all those several heroes into one, like Hercules, Achiles, and who else not.

Like them we have noo idea if those even existed or if there was one ore more heroes. Thats the poethic part of this. The story is like the listener wants it to be.

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The thing is BioWare keep their storyline of TOR like a myth, a tale, where there ist the good prince, the damsel in distress, yada-yada. However we never know for sure, how the hero or the villan has to look like. We ourself shape their image, same as if the story is only told or read.


Thatfore tey give us a huge freedom of choice, other MMO games do not. In mostly other MMO's we are mostly some nameless <insert class> who appens to be destined to be a part of <insert great adventure> triggered by the real <insert hero of the setting>. In SWTOR we get the chance to outlive the life and adventures of one particular hero, destined to do great. But how he/she has to look like is all up to us. And through the entire story we have no idea who this guy/gal is really. ...Maybe that guy/gal is the next big thing for the next 1000 years? Maybe this one is one of the few we read stories about in the SW Legends. Who knows! Only time will tell.


Having the same companions as the previous 8 doesn't mean you have to be one of them. Who knows who is telling the story. Same thing like KotoR 1 when you find out yu are actually Badaxe Revan. Maybe this is the point yu juyt realised why people in here are so frantic about Revan. Because we were Revan.


Without minor informartions and without real definition anyone can be "that guy". And this is all only a mythological story, who would know that that guy is the same as (just an example) the Wrath being as well the Outlander, being the same as Darth Blabla the Ferocios, the Red Secant, the Hero of Illum, and what else not. Or maybe some storyteller just fused all those several heroes into one, like Hercules, Achiles, and who else not.

Like them we have noo idea if those even existed or if there was one ore more heroes. Thats the poethic part of this. The story is like the listener wants it to be.


In the context of the story, all 8 classes exist. You are one of the classes. When playing KOFTE, it acts as a continuation of your character's events. And I don't get how TOR being treated like 'a tale' (Which it's not, this isnt Draon Age 2 with Varric occasionally mistellng certain parts of the story. It's a story where you look through the perspective of your character) invalidates that you are one of the eight classes.

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Maybe we're all just incarnations of the Eternal Champion.

All with a bound evil item in tow, a sidekick, and a treacherous cousin.....

And we'll all meet up at the conjunction of the million spheres, and join forces to rebalance law and chaos and meet our future, present and past selves, go to live in Talelorn, get married several times, sleep with Una Persson and have a cat with wings.


Yup - that works for me.



In reality, BW wrote the JK story, and ran out of money, so copied and pasted it onto all the others.... Whether it makes sense or not....Ask the cat.

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