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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Pub pvp..."


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I have noticed there is a general lack of quality among pub players. Even when their douchey FOTM premises win in a WZ, you get a strong feeling that those players are just BAD. I mean, I'm not a hard guy to kill and they seem to have a hard time. One of their premade groups tonight even stood around while I capped the node right in front of them. The only reason they win any of these games is because they have heals and immortality bubbles up the yin yang and can basically breeze through objectives that way. That's another problem with premades: it's easy mode, so you don't actually learn how to use your class effectively (unless you're a healer of course). Once sorc/sage heals are nerfed, I feel like there will pretty much be no hope left for pub players.
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I have noticed there is a general lack of quality among pub players. Even when their douchey FOTM premises win in a WZ, you get a strong feeling that those players are just BAD. I mean, I'm not a hard guy to kill and they seem to have a hard time. One of their premade groups tonight even stood around while I capped the node right in front of them. The only reason they win any of these games is because they have heals and immortality bubbles up the yin yang and can basically breeze through objectives that way. That's another problem with premades: it's easy mode, so you don't actually learn how to use your class effectively (unless you're a healer of course). Once sorc/sage heals are nerfed, I feel like there will pretty much be no hope left for pub players.

They go down so fast. They got used to being immortal so Pugs are just low hanging fruit.

Edited by Ruhun
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My take on PoT5 on this issue ...


All the good pvp pub players done left town. Either because their guilds went to find greener pastures or because they simply choose to themselves.


Pubs have ...


More PVE players who just do PVP for dailies or mission objective requirements.

Fewer full teams

Longer queues.


Because of these three things, it takes a ridiculous amount of time to gain a full set of Tier 2 pvp gear on repub.


Whereas on the Imp side, in just over a month now, and my BH has gained enough warzone comes to fully gear out three characters and I'm now working on my fourth.


Had I tried this on my Repub toons, I would still be working on my first set. But it kills me how many casual PVE players on the Repub side managed to find themselves on a PVP centric server.

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All of this information is anecdotal and can't be generalized to make any claim about the outcomes of all pvp games. If we had actual data of the win/loss ratio of all games over a period of time it might be possible to say something of significance about a player's chance of winning. A few player's experience doesn't tell us anything about the actual state of players in pvp on either side.



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I'm almost convinced it's not a which side is better. It's really who is in group, and who isn't. I played solo for a bunch of matches yesterday and lost them all. Then, got invited to be part of a team with a tank healer myself and another dps, and we lost twice overall pub side. And, that was to Death Smile. After seeing how a team of pvpers communicates, I'm almost certain that being in comms together with the ability to quickly relay who to swap targets to or where to position so the ball carrier can do something like intercede to you, or where and how many players should be rotating to a location is the biggest thing that a regular pug with no voice comm communication/ proper roles in group will never over come regardless of if it's imperial or republic. People have always cried about needing voice comms in PvE, but it seems like it's actually PvP that's even more vital.
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My take on PoT5 on this issue ...


All the good pvp pub players done left town. Either because their guilds went to find greener pastures or because they simply choose to themselves.


Pubs have ...


More PVE players who just do PVP for dailies or mission objective requirements.

Fewer full teams

Longer queues.


Because of these three things, it takes a ridiculous amount of time to gain a full set of Tier 2 pvp gear on repub.


Whereas on the Imp side, in just over a month now, and my BH has gained enough warzone comes to fully gear out three characters and I'm now working on my fourth.


Had I tried this on my Repub toons, I would still be working on my first set. But it kills me how many casual PVE players on the Repub side managed to find themselves on a PVP centric server.


We pvpd all day Saturday and sunday. We lost 1 game on Saturday - I remember it well bc an aszhole that shall remain nameless [ ;p ] said "we haven't lost one all day!" And then we lost a hypergate.... We all blamed him.


Then yesterday we probably did 25+ more, my fingers hurt by 11pm. And we only lost 2. You need to get in a guild or something bc pot5 pubs arnt bad if you can guarantee that 3 or 4 know what they're doing (meaning, get in a group). Next time you're on pub, msg me. We can group and I'd like to see if I know the reason you lose a lot

Edited by AndriusAjax
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I play on Harbinger, both factions. It really can merely depend on the time of day or even the day for that matter. I work 2nd shift so I'm usually on late, but it doesn't seem to matter. Some nights the Pubs are crushing Imp dps lawl derpers repeatedly. Then the next just the reverse. I think a lot of good players are switching sides depending on their moods, or at least this contributes to it.


Last night in mids is a good example. Imp side we were destroying Pubs zone after zone after zone. Then of a sudden, all the bad Pub players seemed to vanish and the good players logged in and we were getting stomped. LOL

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After seeing how a team of pvpers communicates, I'm almost certain that being in comms together with the ability to quickly relay who to swap targets to or where to position so the ball carrier can do something like intercede to you, or where and how many players should be rotating to a location is the biggest thing that a regular pug with no voice comm communication/ proper roles in group will never over come regardless of if it's imperial or republic. People have always cried about needing voice comms in PvE, but it seems like it's actually PvP that's even more vital.


I believe this as well.


Voice Comm just adds to a team's "OPness". Together with skill etc. ...


This means that ANY given team with voice communication WILL beat ANY team without, I guess.

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  • 6 months later...
And here was I, winning games on TRE...

well the situation has not changed on harbinger. In fact, i say it has gotten worse. no one is doing objectives and getting steamrolled every match except for the mix faction map (ty for that bioware) where the imps are generally leading the group.

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And here was I, winning games on TRE...


Lol,reps on TRE are a total garbage, on my imp toons i won every republic team EASY and fast. You play premades or you are dreaming :) anyway,if they don't make cross-faction to servers i think republic dies as a faction...,.

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Lol,reps on TRE are a total garbage, on my imp toons i won every republic team EASY and fast. You play premades or you are dreaming :) anyway,if they don't make cross-faction to servers i think republic dies as a faction...,.





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I can only speak for the WZ's on Ebon Hawk but there I'd say it's pretty even these days. You will have days where one side is dominating on any given tier but it goes back and forth quite a bit. Don't ask me for statistics that's just my personal experience. If you want a more balanced server and you are sure that it's not your own personal fault your team is losing then you should try the Ebon Hawk server if you haven't already.
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I can only speak for the WZ's on Ebon Hawk but there I'd say it's pretty even these days. You will have days where one side is dominating on any given tier but it goes back and forth quite a bit. Don't ask me for statistics that's just my personal experience. If you want a more balanced server and you are sure that it's not your own personal fault your team is losing then you should try the Ebon Hawk server if you haven't already.


Our personal experiences match than. I bounce between rep and imp pvp toons and regardless of which side I am on it seems pretty even. I would even go so far as to say that rep seems to be the better on Ebon Hawk.

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LOL,im geting tired of RP players saying "rebs are bad":cool:, it does not exist Imp vs rebs. It just depends if pvp players are playing on reb side or imp side(All pvp players have characters on both sides). Im talking about pvp players that have played this Lovely game for more then a year:). Edited by Nerike
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I would even go so far as to say that rep seems to be the better on Ebon Hawk.

not for a while. I settled on EH for my DVL stuff, but when I want to take a break from the stupidity of lows/mids, I'll hop on a 65, and pubs are pretty sorry at 65 most of the time. I agree that EH used to be pub dominated (at 65), but regs at 65 these days are mostly imp. overall population is higher imp side, and frequency of competent teammates is also higher. but mostly it's just that pub population seems to have dropped so that you rarely have same faction WZs (that's 8v8) and you have almost all the same teammates when WZs do pop.

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not for a while. I settled on EH for my DVL stuff, but when I want to take a break from the stupidity of lows/mids, I'll hop on a 65, and pubs are pretty sorry at 65 most of the time. I agree that EH used to be pub dominated (at 65), but regs at 65 these days are mostly imp. overall population is higher imp side, and frequency of competent teammates is also higher. but mostly it's just that pub population seems to have dropped so that you rarely have same faction WZs (that's 8v8) and you have almost all the same teammates when WZs do pop.


You know if there's one thing that the Imperials do good it's just spamming the same generic posts on these forums in an effort to attract more trolls to the Imperial side. It works great too. Every time someone posts something even NEUTRAL like my original post there's that one guy who feels like he needs to correct the record and make sure everyone knows that every Republic pvp team since launch has just run around in circles blindly spamming saber strike while the Imperials take turns 1v8ing them. I have to think at some point the trolling community has given up on actually trying to make people believe this stuff and now they just post it so that they know where to find each other.


As far as winning or losing it's about the same overall. I would say that on the Imperial fleet there's more people at any given time but that's mainly because there's a big cantina RP crowd that hangs out there. So, unless you are trying to join an RP slave trading guild or something I don't think you are going to be held back on the Republic side.

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You know if there's one thing that the Imperials do good it's just spamming the same generic posts on these forums in an effort to attract more trolls to the Imperial side. It works great too. Every time someone posts something even NEUTRAL like my original post there's that one guy who feels like he needs to correct the record and make sure everyone knows that every Republic pvp team since launch has just run around in circles blindly spamming saber strike while the Imperials take turns 1v8ing them. I have to think at some point the trolling community has given up on actually trying to make people believe this stuff and now they just post it so that they know where to find each other.


LOL, interesting point of view ! Even I am surprised ! :D


If I had posted this, I had received a Sh**storm ... :D

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You know if there's one thing that the Imperials do good it's just spamming the same generic posts on these forums in an effort to attract more trolls to the Imperial side. .


the funny thing about that post is I mained a pub on EH (I think he's the only one with a rating on that server). but there are toons of almost every class at this point. pub 65 is as bad on EH as it is everywhere else at this point. you wait longer for pops. when you get pops, it's the same teammates. I'm not sure what game you're playing or when you're playing it, but that's been my experience for at least a month now. lowbies and mids always go back and forth and always have. 65s, not so much. there are more clear trends.

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You know if there's one thing that the Imperials do good it's just spamming the same generic posts on these forums in an effort to attract more trolls to the Imperial side. It works great too. Every time someone posts something even NEUTRAL like my original post there's that one guy who feels like he needs to correct the record and make sure everyone knows that every Republic pvp team since launch has just run around in circles blindly spamming saber strike while the Imperials take turns 1v8ing them. I have to think at some point the trolling community has given up on actually trying to make people believe this stuff and now they just post it so that they know where to find each other.


As far as winning or losing it's about the same overall. I would say that on the Imperial fleet there's more people at any given time but that's mainly because there's a big cantina RP crowd that hangs out there. So, unless you are trying to join an RP slave trading guild or something I don't think you are going to be held back on the Republic side.


firstly, no one is trolling you, republican players are terribad on harbinger. I mean borderline retarded. the crap i have seen on the republic stuns my mind. Secondlt, while it is true that NOT ALL REPUBLICANS are bad, the VAST majority is awful.you may say " Republic pvp team since launch has just run around in circles blindly spamming saber strike while the Imperials take turns 1v8ing them. " in jest, but i have seen a mara 1v4 pubs and won while guarding a node and his dps was isn't that great. Here is the thing, Republicans needs to realized that they have been slacking over tthe year and need to bring up their base.

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im pretty sure the best pubs i play against are in lowbies and mids. Think its DVL event driving that.


I think a big problem is that while it seems the more serious PVPers went imp side for quicker queue pops at end game; you are left with mostly players that are hung up on the RP or lore or whatever it is that drives them to want to be pub other than function. That mind set doesnt make many good PVPers.

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you are left with mostly players that are hung up on the RP or lore or whatever it is that drives them to want to be pub other than function. That mind set doesnt make many good PVPers.


Me and a few others already wrote long ago that Rep side players often have a different mindset.


firstly, no one is trolling you, republican players are terribad on harbinger. I mean borderline retarded. the crap i have seen on the republic stuns my mind. Secondlt, while it is true that NOT ALL REPUBLICANS are bad, the VAST majority is awful.you may say " Republic pvp team since launch has just run around in circles blindly spamming saber strike while the Imperials take turns 1v8ing them. " in jest, but i have seen a mara 1v4 pubs and won while guarding a node and his dps was isn't that great. Here is the thing, Republicans needs to realized that they have been slacking over tthe year and need to bring up their base.


Have you ever heard the terms


"self-fulfilling prophecy"


and "the Golem effect"




I wrote about that long ago.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Ok so first thanks to everyone who helped prove my point even though I think most of you were attempting to contradict me. For example, I like the quote "Republican players are terribad on Harbenger." Just out of curiosity what class does Newt Gingrich main? But seriously we weren't talking about Harbenger and if you had actually taken the time to read the discussion we were having you would have known that. You don't CARE about the discussion. You just see an opportunity to insult the Republic and you just fire some garbage post in there and give a lame and unrealistic example of something bad that happened to some folks one time... if it's even true. If you are going to insult someone at least take the time to make it seem like you have some idea what they are talking about or else why even bother?


Then there's the guy that says "you are left with blah blah." Me? I'm left with that? When did I say I was a Republic die hard? Haven't I said I cue on both sides? Do you even know what we're talking about? Of course not. So thanks, you have done a fabulous job of proving everything I had to say.


Now then, to be fair I really haven't done many 65's in the last month just because I'm helping a friend get into wz's and I'm showing them the ropes in lowbies and midbies. With that said though the few times I have cue'd for 65's the Republic has done just fine whether I'm on their team or not so maybe it's just coincidence but given the fact that you all clearly didn't even bother posting replies that made any kind of sense in context with the discussion at hand I have to assume that even if the Republic won every match you have been in since you started cueing you would just spam the same insults and therefore I would think most people reading this should disregard what you have to say.


Getting back to the point there's obviously no guarantees or promises or anything anyone can do or say to ensure that someone's personal wz experience will be positive or negative in any way shape or form, but in my experience Ebon Hawk is a more balanced server than at least what it sounds like Harbenger might be... for me and at least one other person anyway.

Edited by TheLunarTick
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