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Is SWTFE worth the sacrifice for legit 60+ characters?


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I hear when you play SWTFE you lose all your old companions and replace them with new generic people who are bland in the sense that they have next to no personality. That's all fine and dandy if you're using a per-made 60 but when you leveled legit and put a lot of time into building your companions up, doing their quests, conversing with them, you tend to grow a little attached to them. Is SWTFE worth sacrificing them to play? Cuz I don't know if I really want to ditch them.
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Use the insta level 60 tokens and go through the KOTFE story.


I only it is not worth loosing the story companions on a main character. You'll only go through it once and realize it's pointless for end game to do KOTFE on multiple characters



Sure you can use the terminal to regain old companions but I'd rather keep,them instead of regain them later on

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Personally, I've only done the storyline on one out of 11 level 65s. It was fun once, but not fun enough to warrant the loss of companions, an uninhabitated ship and destroying the story context for the rest of the toons.


Perhaps once all chapters have been released with the accompanied endgame it may be worthwhile. We'll see.

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I hear when you play SWTFE you lose all your old companions and replace them with new generic people who are bland in the sense that they have next to no personality. That's all fine and dandy if you're using a per-made 60 but when you leveled legit and put a lot of time into building your companions up, doing their quests, conversing with them, you tend to grow a little attached to them. Is SWTFE worth sacrificing them to play? Cuz I don't know if I really want to ditch them.


Why not? That's the way the story flows. Holding on to them and denying yourself the privilege of taking part in the fallen empire won't ever give you an alternate game version to change what is to come. So while others let their companions go for a bit and eventually get them back through the kotfe story, you'll forever remain twiddling your thumbs in the static & stale dwellings of yesterday, wondering what could've been while being too afraid to claim your destiny and embrace progress.

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Why not? That's the way the story flows. Holding on to them and denying yourself the privilege of taking part in the fallen empire won't ever give you an alternate game version to change what is to come. So while others let their companions go for a bit and eventually get them back through the kotfe story, you'll forever remain twiddling your thumbs in the static & stale dwellings of yesterday, wondering what could've been while being too afraid to claim your destiny and embrace progress.


On my 60s and 65s that have not done KOTFE, it will be an excellent source of XP when the level cap is increased 70 for 5.0 in a year and a half with the next expansion. Only doing KOTFE once on a non main character frees up. Main toons to keep their original companions. You gain nothing doing KOTFE. There is no reward for completing KOTFE. The reward you get for not doing KOTFE is keeping original story and companions intact plus the XP for later on.

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I'm in no hurry but you do known that you will be getting your companion back in later chapters. Two comapnions smuggler and agent (to lazy to look up the spelling of each) are returning in the next chapter. I bet we will see one or two companion with each next chapter as they bring them all back. Of course it going to take a while unless they start adding more then two, so I don't see a reason to be in a rush. In the end the poster above is right your going to either have to bring them through or they could face being locked out of new content. Either way there no rush you can always wait till all your companion come back and then burn through the chapters. :D
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As a solo player I find that running multiple characters through is an excellent way to get common, glowing, and radiant crystals. I have many alts and enjoy doing the heroics that are required to unlock the alliances that give the crystal rewards, so it fits my play style.


I only had one companion on my main character that I was disappointed not to have back in the first 9 chapters. I used the terminal to get them back. Because earning influence is cheap and easy, I didn't mind using the new companions on my alts.

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As a solo player I find that running multiple characters through is an excellent way to get common, glowing, and radiant crystals. I have many alts and enjoy doing the heroics that are required to unlock the alliances that give the crystal rewards, so it fits my play style.


I only had one companion on my main character that I was disappointed not to have back in the first 9 chapters. I used the terminal to get them back. Because earning influence is cheap and easy, I didn't mind using the new companions on my alts.


Rolling through Flashpoints on multiple characters for daily and weekly crystals works plus you can help new and returning plauers learn their classes and roles. It helps the community more than these junk solo story missions that have no place in Star Wars lore

Edited by knowmyname
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I'll repeat what I said in another thread like this:

I'm waiting till all the chapters are finished to take my mains through KOTFE so I can get my main companions back straight away. You can get to 65 so fast doing any other activity, so there no problem there.

I ran the free 60 and a couple of crafting alts through the story to check it out and its really nice and all, but I have no problem waiting with the others to keep my complete crew together in the meantime.

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For me it wasn't.


Two characters started KotFE -- two characters had their romances negated by a horrible bug that has yet to even be commented upon by the devs.


I rerolled one of them because I wanted to make changes to her story, but if I find out her romance has disappeared (again), I'm swearing off KotFe until they fix it.

Edited by Cedia
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"we won't take anything away from you" Dev live stream


they take quite a bit away from you. I have no idea why. even in the stronghold (which kind of exists in it's own dimension) all your companions get turned into memorial holograms. the opposite should have happened, all companions should be real and in their custom gear.


"yes, you can edit your crew" Dev Q&A


this was a lie and I am still confused about why it was told.



do NOT go to the other side (FE) with a meaningful or established character UNLESS you think buy0wear are the ultimate storytellers AND you are a chronic completionist who really can't help yourself.

Edited by InabaSensei
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For me it wasn't.


Two characters started KotFE -- two characters had their romances negated by a horrible bug that has yet to even be commented upon by the devs.


I rerolled one of them because I wanted to make changes to her story, but if I find out her romance has disappeared (again), I'm swearing off KotFe until they fix it.


Sorry this may be a stupid question but how do you known your characters romance were negated? None of the romance companion have returned? So you could' t have spoken to them as there story hasn't continue. Thanks

Edited by TheSeer
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I hear when you play SWTFE you lose all your old companions and replace them with new generic people who are bland in the sense that they have next to no personality. That's all fine and dandy if you're using a per-made 60 but when you leveled legit and put a lot of time into building your companions up, doing their quests, conversing with them, you tend to grow a little attached to them. Is SWTFE worth sacrificing them to play? Cuz I don't know if I really want to ditch them.


In Chapter IX you can use the Companion Locator Terminal to regain your old companions. The new companions you get aren't all new characters either, nor do I agree that they're "generic" or "bland with no personality". The main companions are almost all established characters with defined personalities, only two (three if you count a temporary one) main companions in KOTFE were new characters, the others were established characters or returning companions from the 8 classes.


So, I don't see this as a negative for starting KOTFE. You can get your companions back and the new companions are fine in my opinion.

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Rolling through Flashpoints on multiple characters for daily and weekly crystals works plus you can help new and returning plauers learn their classes and roles. It helps the community more than these junk solo story missions that have no place in Star Wars lore


  1. Not everyone prefers to play the exact same way you do
  2. Its not my job to teach others how to learn their classes and roles
  3. I am a helpful person, but I'm not a "teacher"
  4. Your proposed method yields lower returns than what I suggested
  5. Solo game play is preferred by many
  6. You aren't the person who determines what does or doesn't have place in Star Wars lore
  7. Your opinion on these new solo story missions being junk is subjective and not shared by everyone

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Sorry this may be a stupid question but how do you known your characters romance were negated? None of the romance companion have returned? So you could' t have spoken to them as there story hasn't continue. Thanks


When you get to Chapter 2, if you are in a romance with one of your old companions, you should have a chance to tell Valkorian that you love one of them. Then you should receive a letter from them at the end of Chapter 9.


How did I find this out? I looked on Youtube, and I got neither the correct conversation options nor the letters. Also, visit the thread in my signature for more information.


In Chapter IX you can use the Companion Locator Terminal to regain your old companions. The new companions you get aren't all new characters either, nor do I agree that they're "generic" or "bland with no personality". The main companions are almost all established characters with defined personalities, only two (three if you count a temporary one) main companions in KOTFE were new characters, the others were established characters or returning companions from the 8 classes.


So, I don't see this as a negative for starting KOTFE. You can get your companions back and the new companions are fine in my opinion.


There are most likely going to be hidden achievements for not calling them back before they appear in the storyline, like with Nico.

Edited by Cedia
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I hear when you play SWTFE you lose all your old companions and replace them with new generic people who are bland in the sense that they have next to no personality. That's all fine and dandy if you're using a per-made 60 but when you leveled legit and put a lot of time into building your companions up, doing their quests, conversing with them, you tend to grow a little attached to them. Is SWTFE worth sacrificing them to play? Cuz I don't know if I really want to ditch them.


I had a long vacation from swtor and only returned because I received the lvl60 boost. I created a another inquisitor because I only played that class till then. Apart from the messed up conversations it really sucks once you are done with chapter 9. Your ship is empty, you still wear the same gear you can buy before you start chapter one, you got access to a cross faction base and a handful of new dailys. The only thing I found somewhat nice was the gear after finishing the dailys for the first time because you get many legacy bound set pieces.


You might aswell boost a char, play through the story, collect the legacy gear and be done with it. Go back to leveling chars the normal way and enjoy the stories and the companions that fill your ship.

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Rolling through Flashpoints on multiple characters for daily and weekly crystals works plus you can help new and returning plauers learn their classes and roles. It helps the community more than these junk solo story missions that have no place in Star Wars lore


These solo story missions are so junk and out of place in the Star Wars lore, that in the canon lore there is space and place only for 1 or 2 Sith at a time (The Rule of 1 and The Rule of 2). In the movie canon there is only 1 Sith going around at the time, in the 4.0 expansion if you play as an Inquisitor or a Warrior, there is only 1 Sith (2 with Lana) going around at the time.


Therefore, your argument is invalid.

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I find the point rather moot, in fact you lose your companions when you finish the class story and conversations. After that, they become decorative. And if you do Makeb after Kotfe, they are in the animation.


Doing the kotfe story, you don't have much choice on who is your companion and when the chapters are over, you can bring back your companions, or only those you miss and they will be there exactly as before kotfe

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These solo story missions are so junk and out of place in the Star Wars lore, that in the canon lore there is space and place only for 1 or 2 Sith at a time (The Rule of 1 and The Rule of 2). In the movie canon there is only 1 Sith going around at the time, in the 4.0 expansion if you play as an Inquisitor or a Warrior, there is only 1 Sith (2 with Lana) going around at the time.


Therefore, your argument is invalid.


It's "The OLD Republic", not the time of the movies. There were many Sith and Jedi running around. Read up on your lore before you spout this nonsense.

Edited by Cedia
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Imo it's better to do it on an older character that was collecting dust on the shelf for ages. I started it on a new level 60 on a new server, and went for an op when the guild called for more, so now I have a level 65 healer in DPS 188 gear with synthweaving of 500 without any companions to do crafting, because I can't find time to play the KotFE. A waste of a token. :(


Neither I was happy with taking one of my mains, a Vg through it. I plowed through all the hours of the cutscenes only to lose his identity and a couple of comps I actually cared about. I have the grind that will return some of them to me, but wow, it's boring.


What I should have done in hindsight, was take the Knight I abandoned on level 60, and just see the story on it & dump him at that.

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It's "The OLD Republic", not the time of the movies. There were many Sith and Jedi running around. Read up on your lore before you spout this nonsense.

Since when the movies are not part of the Star Wars lore? The guy I quoted talked about "Star Wars lore", not "The Old Republic" lore. And in the Star Wars lore as a whole it's not uncommon for Sith to being only 1 or 2 at a time. You have reading comprehension issues. That, or you're just bad at trolling.

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Since when the movies are not part of the Star Wars lore? The guy I quoted talked about "Star Wars lore", not "The Old Republic" lore. And in the Star Wars lore as a whole it's not uncommon for Sith to being only 1 or 2 at a time. You have reading comprehension issues. That, or you're just bad at trolling.


The movies take place thousands of years after this game does. The rule of two you are talking about doesn't exist yet. In this era Sith are far more plentiful.

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Why not? That's the way the story flows. Holding on to them and denying yourself the privilege of taking part in the fallen empire won't ever give you an alternate game version to change what is to come. So while others let their companions go for a bit and eventually get them back through the kotfe story, you'll forever remain twiddling your thumbs in the static & stale dwellings of yesterday, wondering what could've been while being too afraid to claim your destiny and embrace progress.


This right here is what you need to listen to, unless you just want a PvP only toon.

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Is SWTFE worth sacrificing them to play? Cuz I don't know if I really want to ditch them.






The caveat is that you may not get them back through the story at all, not a single person here knows for sure (we've already seen it with Tanno Vik, hence my Commando is keeping Darth Marr as the trade-off :p).

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Provided you don't get hit with the romance bug, it definitely is imo. The story is good (and yes, does make sense, because shockingly the galaxy wasn't the same way as it is in the movies over 3.5 millennia before the time the movies are set in. Incredible.) and a lot of the new companions are actually pretty cool (and considering that every class has at least one companion I really don't care about if not outright hate, but I don't dislike any of the new KotFE main characters...)


Though if you're really worried about messing something up or temporarily losing companions, you can always replay your main and take the replay through the story. It's what I did -- though admittedly I also wanted to change some of his story decisions -- and I'll probably replay him again when they fix the romance bug because guess who got it with that? :'D

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