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Develop for future, not for lazy people!


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I see <snip> what I <snip> . This is MY way of playing, this is MY understanding of players, this is MY understanding of the game, that is my view <snip>


And thats the problem, you want your way to be the way, and everyone who doesnt do it your way is wrong, so the devs should make it so only your way is feasible, because who cares how anyone else wants to play because your the special snowflake that has to be catered to.


I still think the idea of you wanting to force people to "RP" via exploring is laughable. How about you walk to work via the longer more "scenic" route every day rather than driving there. Get back to me on how fun that is after a month :p



Maybe backpack to LA Disneyland from Colorado, lots of scenic ecploration that way! :p

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And thats the problem, you want your way to be the way, and everyone who doesnt do it your way is wrong, so the devs should make it so only your way is feasible, because who cares how anyone else wants to play because your the special snowflake that has to be catered to.


I still think the idea of you wanting to force people to "RP" via exploring is laughable. How about you walk to work via the longer more "scenic" route every day rather than driving there. Get back to me on how fun that is after a month :p



Maybe backpack to LA Disneyland from Colorado, lots of scenic ecploration that way! :p


You just can't get it into your head, hm? I swore myself to post EVERYTHING I don't like, everything I want to have, everything I would like to see. And I have my reasons for that. And the fact, that not so less people how you think share my ideas, makes this.. "special snowflake" worthless. I am just the one who posts everything that comes to his mind.


Rather be happy to meet another active community member that helps and posts where he can, even WHILE playing.

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Yes, and I see that there are people on the forums that just don't WANT to understand what I am talking about and rather argue about things that are not necessary at all. This is MY way of playing, this is MY understanding of players, this is MY understanding of the game, that is my view back to four years of playing, and that is MY personal thread where I talk about the problems I, and many others, have with the game right now. :p


Have a nice day :)


And this is fine for you but there are others that pay to play as well and they have a different view. Neither are wrong and neither are right, just different.


Each person has a different way of seeing things. For me I can do it either way and doesn't bother me but I honestly am not going to tell someone else what they are doing is wrong, since they are paying to play the game their way.

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No, not the way I want, but the way the game offers it. If you got two options. You walk, or run to a mission or you take a quicktravel shuttle. If you choose the quicktravel, you are lazy, or don't have time. And who has no time is just too lazy to get himself time.


I don't like people who play the game as pure fun or to calm down in the evening at all. I like people who feel themselves into the game and the games becomes their 2nd life. But that is, as I said, my personal view.


I play just for fun, I like Star Wars, but all things in moderation, I like my truck also but don't devote my life to it either. I use quick travel to get to the parts I like faster, like I use my truck to get to the store faster, no reason to walk there unless you like to, and calling people lazy for not playing your way is not good, and a reason people have disagreed so much.

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There is absolutely nothing stopping you from playing the way you want... if you want to walk to all the mission areas, forsaking the taxi pads, go hard. Absolutely nothing is stopping you. A major problem with your way of thinking is that you want all the players to play the game this way. Your wants should not ever dictate how another player should enjoy the game.


Another truth that you should wrap your head around, is that the way you want to play the game may not be good or feasible for the game as a whole. Specifically we're talking about Level Sync here. Whether you want to take a rosy view of Level Sync and talk about how it is revitalizing a player's relationship with old-world planets... or a cynical view that it was a cheap way of recycling old content and calling it new content... it doesn't matter. This is the way the game is going to work going forward. Level Sync is either a good change for the game... or it's a necessary evil. Pick one, and suck it up.


But let's talk about where what you want is riddled with hypocrisy. You're telling us that we should all get new boots and walk everywhere. Stop being so damn lazy... but at the exact same time, you want to one-shot all the mobs on Corellia. Uhm... how do those two things jive with each other? You want to explore the nooks and crannies of the planets, fine... but you want to do so without any danger?

...again. "I want everything to be really, really easy" and "don't develop games for lazy people" are discordant wants.


Earlier you talked about roleplaying being ruined on lower level planets, because you could no longer have meetings in the lairs of dangerous beasts and one-shot them when they interrupt your meetings. What kind of "roleplay" sense does it even make to have meetings where dangerous beasts are likely to jump you anyways?

...honestly, Level Sync brings a more realistic flavor to the roleplay here. Movie wise, Luke Skywalker dropped a Rancor back when he was Level 20 (whatever). Now, he's level 65... but a Rancor is still a Rancor; when he stumbles into a Rancor lair on Rakata Prime... he's not going to be any less nervous about facing a Rancor at 65 than he was at 20. An enemy soldier is a danger at any level, because being hit with a blaster kinda sucks.

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To reply arguing...


Is it RP for you, if you have to use OOC PvE skills to FIGHT NPCs... A 1200 years old Sith Lord who holds more power in his little finger than his whole order of fellow who needs to fight against creatures, that should sence immense power and keep a distance, like that insects on Korriban... And then you say "hop on a speeder". Where the HELL should I get a speeder. Even through my immense powers I am no witch of Dathomir. It would just cut me out like PvE from the feeling to be inside of the game.

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Now that the latest expansion is nearing it's next chapter, I'd like to see some of the level fast-tracking end. Remove shuttling to the Heroics for everyone who hasn't made it to Odessan through the storyline, and make Odessan closed to everyone else. I'd like to see the legacy bound slot-able armors be made bind on equip so we don't have to dedicate a lot of bank space in the hope of putting together a set. The blue legacy gear should be trade-able or removed from the game. Either way will help to generate interest in the GTM again, which is largely useless as most people I know tend to vendor all green and blue gear drops, or RE it on the rare chance you can get build resources from it.


I'd really like the crafting system to be treated as worthwhile instead of treated like a unwanted uncle by the developers. I don't mind simplifying the system, but making it two or three times as difficult to make things then destroying the GTM so it is nearly worthless to make anything is pretty bad. Finally, I'd like to see less content that caters to large professional guilds. Crafting of the most advanced items should not be dependent on running operations, or dozens of flashpoint runs. I'm not saying make it easier, just make it accessible to people who don't want to be part of a large guild, or don't want to waste days trying to get an Op of random people started.


Mostly, return the early game to what it was, and make the new expansion something to be earned after the long climb to 60. It will help the game, and it will help your bottom line as buying a level 60 token is still an option. There are already plenty of people playing the expansion now so there is no reason to make it easy to get to 60.


As for the level sync hating whiners, suck it. Everyone should have to fight to gather resources.

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So, the problem is that your personal RP is too bizarre to function within the frame work of the game. You want to RP a being that is near to as powerful as the Emperor (if not even more so), and yet be too backwards to use a speeder.


There is no helping you with that.


There is also no point in arguing for a game that will accommodate that particular character, either.


The core of the problem is "realistic expectations" and you don't have them.

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From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=863107

You don't get my point. Easy, quick money without making everything. It was a great feeling.


Do you *really* not see the irony here? Do you *really* not see how hypocritical you're being? You want things to be easy and quick and you also don't want things to be easy and quick. You want the game to not be for lazy people but for lazy people.


Personally, I think they've dumbed-down the game way too much, in just about every aspect, and I think it's a huge mistake.

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From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=863107



Do you *really* not see the irony here? Do you *really* not see how hypocritical you're being? You want things to be easy and quick and you also don't want things to be easy and quick. You want the game to not be for lazy people but for lazy people.


No, because I was talking about money chests, that I always loved to find through exploring. Here I am talking about leveling and the game experience itself.

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No, not the way I want, but the way the game offers it. If you got two options. You walk, or run to a mission or you take a quicktravel shuttle. If you choose the quicktravel, you are lazy, or don't have time. And who has no time is just too lazy to get himself time.


I don't like people who play the game as pure fun or to calm down in the evening at all. I like people who feel themselves into the game and the games becomes their 2nd life. But that is, as I said, my personal view.


Oh no! You don't like me.


If I spend 4 hours a day quick travelling to and completing 60 heroics, and you chose to walk to handful of them, it sounds to me like I got way more done than you. So if I get 60 heroics done and you complete substantially less, but looked at some pretty trees along the way, which of us sounds more lazy?


This is a game, and I realize that, but if you're going to want to roleplay it, then you have to realize that there is a sense of urgency to the conflict. Will you be the hero that rushes into the battle or are you just out for a walk? I don't have time to be lazy and walk, the galaxy needs me, and it needs me now!

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No, because I was talking about money chests, that I always loved to find through exploring. Here I am talking about leveling and the game experience itself.


So you want to cherry-pick what aspects of SWTOR are easy and lazy for you according to what you want and how you play, but anything else should be not easy and not lazy, correct? As long as it benefits you it should be easy and lazy, correct?


Make sure you submit your Approved Lazy List to the developers before moving forward so you can be easy and lazy wherever you see fit for yourself and who cares about anyone else.


Or, just go away.

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So you want to cherry-pick what aspects of SWTOR are easy and lazy for you according to what you want and how you play, but anything else should be not easy and not lazy, correct? As long as it benefits you it should be easy and lazy, correct?


Make sure you submit your Approved Lazy List to the developers before moving forward so you can be easy and lazy wherever you see fit for yourself and who cares about anyone else.


Or, just go away.


Of course he does, he wants everyone to walk so he can beat them to those money chests :p

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  • 3 weeks later...
Of course he does, he wants everyone to walk so he can beat them to those money chests :p


I never was a greedy person, so rather not, no.


To the person this guy quoted:


I write this and I have this believes, because many others I ask totally agree with these things. SWTOR stopped focusing on the main story, on the wonderful fully-voiced-over side missions. With wanting everyone to be level 60 to play this new expansion (that is the greatest **** ever), they destroy so much potential this game had for new players until 4.0.


If they unlock taxis on the planet when you enter it, when they set quick travel to 0, then at least only for the people, who already play this game since a long long long time. The legacy level is a good way to measure that. Those things that makes leveling faster, walking faster, traveling in general faster, should be only for people who already reached level 50 in legacy.

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No, not the way I want, but the way the game offers it. If you got two options. You walk, or run to a mission or you take a quicktravel shuttle. If you choose the quicktravel, you are lazy, or don't have time. And who has no time is just too lazy to get himself time.


I don't like people who play the game as pure fun or to calm down in the evening at all. I like people who feel themselves into the game and the games becomes their 2nd life. But that is, as I said, my personal view.


Well.....that's gotta be the dumbest **** I've seen posted on the boards in YEARS.


See... I use QT cause I don't always have a lot of time to play games. I'm FAR from lazy.....I've got a wife, kids, my own businesses, a gym rat mentality, other hobbies, TV shows to clear outta my DVR, new music to record, music videos to edit, etc. You know..... A REAL life.


For YOU a video game is your second life? That's pathetic and sad. But you probably only think that way because you have yet to experience how much "fun" women can be. ;) (or men if you swinging that way lol) See....sex (with another person....yo hand don't count) will make you reconsider what's important in yo life. :)


I saw where you said you spent over $5000 on digital pixels. Was I supposed to be impressed? :rolleyes: I spent that on a paint job for one of my cars. I spent that on rims for my truck. I spent that on the stereo system in my truck. I spent more than that on furniture & the "toys" in the man-cave in my house. I spent around $10,000 on the family vacation to the Bahamas last year. Hell the outfit I'm wearing right now set me back over $1200.


In conclusion.....sit yo EXTRA ordinary *** down somewhere and stop worrying about what I do in game to have fun.

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I would make two contentions.


1) The performance of the vanilla game in the market, IMO, provides evidence that the original formula did not have staying power. The game was failing, and would have likely failed were it not for it's transition IMO. So, though one can generally say there were folks that liked the vanilla game, I would contend far more folks did not.


2) The market has clearly changed. Casuals now generally rule the market, and being this is a vehicle for profit, they must accommodate their likely majority playerbase. That might mean pandering to casuals, but it is a must if the game wishes to have a future in the current market IMO.

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See... I use QT cause I don't always have a lot of time to play games. I'm FAR from lazy.....I've got a wife, kids, my own businesses, a gym rat mentality, other hobbies, TV shows to clear outta my DVR, new music to record, music videos to edit, etc. You know..... A REAL life.

How unfortunate. I've got a girlfriend (who plays this game too), leading member of SithCult (tons of work), I am pianist/composer, video editor, media designer and I make a few websites for different people next to everything. I call that A REAL LIFE too.


If you don't have time, then unfortunately it will take about half a year once you reach level 50. Like it took me half a year to get to it, nothing bad about it. I just complain about people wanting to get high level in extreme little playtime.


For YOU a video game is your second life? That's pathetic and sad.

Still, next to all my other hobbies and work, I get myself the time to play SWTOR, because it really became like my 2nd life, once I am Sith and Empire fanatical in real life too, RP gives me the wonderful chance to get into this universe.


I saw where you said you spent over $5000 on digital pixels. Was I supposed to be impressed? :rolleyes: I spent that on a paint job for one of my cars. I spent that on rims for my truck. I spent that on the stereo system in my truck. I spent more than that on furniture & the "toys" in the man-cave in my house. I spent around $10,000 on the family vacation to the Bahamas last year. Hell the outfit I'm wearing right now set me back over $1200.

Hah. What is false about it, when I spend 5000€ into something I spend several hours per day with? I see my "pixels" more often than my car.


In conclusion.....sit yo EXTRA ordinary *** down somewhere and stop worrying about what I do in game to have fun.

Instead of most of you players, I care about this game, because it is so much worth to me. The 4.0 Update took most of the things I loved, so this is why I complain, and hell I am not the only one.

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SWTOR, the only place on Earth where the folks who have jobs and families and homes are considered the "Lazy People".


Yes, the best thing for your business is cater to the folks who have 14 hours every day to spend raiding and QQing on the forums. Gee, I wonder why ANOTHER AAA MMO carrying the Star Wars IP has so few subscribers?



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I liked the original game a lot. I play it since Beta and spent far more than 5000€ into it. I devoted, as many others, my life to the game.


I loved how detailed the maps were, how much secret areas there were and of course the datacron hunt was very entertaining all the time. Through the years I became something like a jump and run master of the game through exploring and so on. It is in fact the only reason why I, and many other players are still playing.


Now you geniuses bring out new expansions, maps, ... that totally suck. Alone from the story side that removes people you admired and loved. Then centralizing everything to those three kinds of crystals, removing every other vendor in the game, getting boxes as rewards for missions. Adding level sync that killed every last planetary RP that I loved so much, ... and so on, I could continue this list until you fall asleep.


Even before 4.0 you made the game for lazy people only. Every taxi unlocked right away, quick travel unlocked when you enter an area.


You can not expect from new players to explore without making them explore. Through running around you see new things that will get your fantasies working, you will start to explore the history of the things and this is the basement of new RPers. Instead you make a pure PvE game that just relays on leveling, leveling and having "fun".


Make new planets, like this new green one, Oddessen, .... but make them more expanded like Makeb. Put tricky easter eggs like Datacrons in it, add new beautiful landscapes that you can only reach through jump and run. As a kind of reward for us, the people that play for a long long long time. There is nothing else that you can reward us with and keep us playing. Exploring and RP are the only things that can keep people play for a longer time and still keep them entertained. And only people that keep playing, can keep the game running in longer terms, you see that now.


/fully agreed. Because I'm one of this kind of players as well.


I the end, I believe, it's all about immersion. And meanwhile i LOVE unlocking the taxi points on Belsavis, and maybe on Corellia as well, I don't like at all that they unlock that easily everywhere.


I had explained my point here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=809017


That too easy unlock of all taxi points and fast travel points makes that "rite of passage" walk through The Works in Coruscant absolutely worthless !


Maybe the devs didn't care because they mainly play imperial side and imperial side just doesn't have a thing like that.


So much immersion has been destroyed ... that it makes me really sad. Seriously.


You can keep up story only so much as there is immersion supporting it ... story without immersion is simply story. Without immersion or an intriguing idea, colour becomes pallor, man becomes carcass, home becomes catacomb, and the dead are for a moment motionless.

(After : The Alan Parsons Project : "The Fall Of The House Of Usher", narration by Orson Wells.)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Level Sync does not kill RP. It actually enhances my roleplay. I am not sure about you I don't expect my Sith or Jedi to go to a planet with enemies and not be attacked..


But would you expect to be attacked by enemies you had already comprehensively defeated, and in some cases where quest closure comments have revealed that you have totally vanquished that enemy?


All The Best

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But would you expect to be attacked by enemies you had already comprehensively defeated, and in some cases where quest closure comments have revealed that you have totally vanquished that enemy?



At least I want to one-hit the enemies and not using PvE skills to RP^^


I had an idea about an RP INSTANCE, where all RPers can go on. No missions, achievements, ... available there. And no real enemies. Every enemy is a "yellow" NPC. There is no level on this instances and no health. Every player can one hit enemies and block every enemy attack.


Not to mention the following idea about emotions that need two or more people.


Like /lightning, the other person can accept the emote and the other person attacks him with lightning. Would be a great edition. Not to mention those instances would be free of most OOC people running around.

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I mean... look at Battlefield 4.. It is EA too, and DICE....


at their new map Dragon Valley 2015 they implemented a massive easter egg that leads you through the entire game, with morse codes, .... and it leads to a uniform that only DICE members usually have... And it took only ONE single developer to implement it.


SWTOR could have such nice things, like the old HK quests where you had to explore, learn how it works, ... just bigger and better.


Some very hard stuff that is spread on every planet of the galaxy... perhaps just some terminals that blink in a certain way.. with some big hints, but still hard to solve, and with a code that changes from player to player, so no one can just type in a code and "here we go!".


And then some armor as reward, that you can really show other people. I explored since Beta and I am still exploring -> And then to get something where you need to combine all your jumping, running, thinking skills and a lot of Star Wars history knowledge... would be very nice and would be a new incentive for people to explore and learn about history.


Did you know? That you can sit in chairs on your personal ship because a sneaky dev implemented it without permission back in beta?


Anyways....I can almost guarantee there lives secrets and things and places people just haven't stumbled upon or noticed....

The whole outlaws den thing has been tight lipped for a long long time. And to be honest if anything else is out there not yet discovered more power to them. They did their job

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Wait, what? You devoted your life to a videogame and you're referring to others as lazy???? Also the title of your post is not accurate. nothing in your post says build for the future. What it says is, in the future please build for the rp explorer.


And you don't even try to comprehend.


"Do not seek reason; you cannot comprehend." -Raptus :D

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