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Bioware doesn't fool me!


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This was planned from the get go, yes they had early access for preorders starting in july, but they didn't state it was staggered until august. While the game has already "launched" for many of those who are in the game, we are on the outside looking in. They get to do all the first; get to level up, get their gear, get to gank, get to call you a noob when you get on the server, which they will.


While people who didnt even know about the staggered early access didnt pre-order until the stagger part was mentioned. Why staggered you say? Because its already been tested that Bioware servers cannot support that many people at once, and the starter planets are overwhelmed when people start at the same time like what happened on beta weekend. Staggered "Launch" was the only way Bioware could make this happen, but they think your stupid and call it a perk for pre-ordering the game.


They closed the waves at 2pm central.. ask yourself why and the only answer is, they want the players in the current waves to progress and get off the starter planets so when the next wave comes it wont be overwhelming.


Now with an exploit found in the game, hundreds of people are already lvl 30+ and you don't even consider rolling back the servers.


So while you fanboys are sitting there taking one on the chin, realize your being played, and should be in there enjoying the launch with the rest of them.

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Now with an exploit found in the game, hundreds of people are already lvl 30+ and you don't even consider rolling back the servers.


So while you fanboys are sitting there taking one on the chin, realize your being played, and should be in there enjoying the launch with the rest of them.


Prove it OR ****.

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Post summary: waaaa waaaaa, I waited too long to pre-order.


QQ some more, I love the taste of nerd tears, yumm yumm.


How so? Why does it matter when I pre-order a game to get a pre-order perk? That was my logic.. until the finally announced in august it was a staggered release depending on when you purchased it.. so well I went ahead and purchased it right after that. Was I suppose to purchase it day 1 just assuming it was gonna be a staggered release, well no.. they didnt say it then, and this has never happened in the history of gaming.

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Now with an exploit found in the game, hundreds of people are already lvl 30+ and you don't even consider rolling back the servers.


So while you fanboys are sitting there taking one on the chin, realize your being played, and should be in there enjoying the launch with the rest of them.


Good for them, cant really say that i care tbh. If they wanna rush to max lvl and found a fast way to get there, props to them. Its not like it ruins the game for anyone

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If your complaining about people leveling up before others your playing the wrong game IMO.


I got in on the early access at 7am (thats when I got the email) but I didn't play until about noon. Got off about 2 and went on with my life.


It's a game not a race...enjoy it people.


To quote the late, great Patrice O'Neal..."CALLLLLMMMMMM-OOOOOO" ;)

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