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[SPOILERS] STAR WARS: The Force Awakens Questionnaire!


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I've read a lot "wrong" interpretations about the lightsaber duell and I want to say something about, people seem to oversee:


Keep in mind Kylo Ren was, IF, taught by a Jedi who also never mastered any of the swordfighting techniques. So he is the aprentice of a bad swordfighter. Luke didn't won the Duell vs Darth Vader because of his skill, but because of his rage and the conflict in Vaders mind. Kylo has clearly no finese in any swordfightig. You can tell by his movements. He uses his lightsword more like a bat, or a mace rather than a lightsword.


Fynn was as a Stormtrooper, trained also in melee combat, since John Bojega explained in one of his interviews the Stormtroopers of the First order were trained to hold their ground against a Jedi. ...Well acutally the only Jedi left. Do not expect them to keep up with the last Republic Jedi, because they can't keep up with trained Jedi like Mace Windu or Kit Fisto, or Ahsoka Thano, a.s.f.

This is the reason Fynn could even hold as a non forcesensitive(-awakened?) against Kylo Ren. Kylo's fightig style is poodo. He is just a Neanderthal swinging his club.


As for Ray, the Force seems extreemly strong with her and also her interpretation and understanding. Remember the dialogues on Dagobah between Yoda and Luke, where Luke had limitations to understand how far he could go with the Force. Ray however just tried. The first time she tried mindtrick and worked. The second time she tried force agility and worked. The third time she tried force battlemeditation and it worked. It was nothing taught but intuition. Her powers are raw.

This kind of force user with no selfminded limitations when it clashes with another foceuster who limits himself through emotion can do things Ray did during the duel. Her movement was raw, but you could see it was driven entirely by the force. She moved kind a Jedi/Sith but was lacking of trained techniques. And also NO, she could never handle herself against a trained forcesensitive swordsman. Again, Kylo swordstyle is poodo!

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


In order from best to worst: Five, Four, Six, Three, Seven, One, Two


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Finn - I love Rey, more than is sensible for a fictional character, but I think the actual character development of Finn was better. Fighting past indoctrination, fighting past his fears. Heck if he turns out not to be Force Sensitive, that will make him all the more impressive.


Rey is just on another level though. A near perfect character. Which in a sense makes her a bit less interesting.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Captain Phasma - Didn't really see the point and it was a waste of a name actor.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Luke. That's last scene and the way he looks at Rey is amazing.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


The aforementioned last scene.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


"Is there anything else?" - Kylo Ren


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


Yes, almost certainly Luke's daughter. No chance she's Han and Leia's. Leia should have immediately felt that if it were the case.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Yes, he should have died so that this series can move on to the next generation. And they way they did it was as good as it could be.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


Well, given that none of the combatants were masters or even trained, it was OK, but in ranking:


IMO the ranking looks like this:

[Only ranking scenes where all combatants had a lightsaber]


(1) Anakin v. Obi Wan Ep.3

(2) Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan v. Darth Maul Ep. 1

(3) Luke v. Vader part II Ep. 6

(4) Luke v. Vader part 1 Ep. 5

(5) Yoda v. Darth Tyrannus Ep. 2

(6) Yoda v. Darth Sidious Ep.3

(7) Mace Windu v. Darth Sidious Ep. 3

(8) Anakin & Obi-Wan v. Darth Tyrannus Ep. 3

(9) Anakin & Obi-Wan v. Darth Tyrannus Ep. 2

(10) Finn & Rey v. Kylo Ren Ep. 7

(11) Obi-Wan v. General Grievous Ep. 3

(12) Obi-Wan v. Vader Ep. 4


I think that's all of them. Amazing how many duels there were in Episode 3.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


2 out of 10. Rey's theme is the only decent track. It's clearly the worst of the movies.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Don't hide the ball on Rey's parentage and whether Finn is or is not force sensitive.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


As stated above, not sure. The novelization suggests that he might be a bit more than the movie does.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


6 or 7 out of 10 or so. It's solid, but doesn't completely overcome its flaws. I haven't watched the prequels recently enough to compare to them but I'd probably put it under the original trilogy, by a bit (though not necessarily a lot).


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Honestly, they were all a great bunch. I think I'd probably put Finn on top, but it's a tough call. I gotta say he was freaking gutsy.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Rey, not necessarily for any flaw in her character, but that awful, awful, awful dead furry head-stegosaurus she calls a hairstyle.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Given nobody but Harrison Ford really DID anything, I kinda got to give it to him. Not that he did badly, or anything, there's just no real competition.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


Finn standing up to Kylo despite being clearly outclassed.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


BB-8's "thumbs up"


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


I freaking hope not. Kylo being the son of Han and Leia was already pointless fluff. I'd prefer Rey just be Rey, but I know they won't leave well enough alone one that.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


I think Kylo's father dying was critical for his development. But I saw no particular reason why Han should have to be said father, though, as mentioned above, and I feel like the way they handled it made it very meaningless as the death of Han, specifically. It was sort of an awkward reverse-pandering seemed designed just to make us hate Kylo.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


It felt like one of the better ones, I think. The original trilogy ones were pretty slow and lumbering and the prequel ones looked more like dancing. This was the first, I think, that really felt like people trying to kill each other, if that makes sense.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


Honestly didn't notice enough unique music to comment on this one, really.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Just strike all references to the Super Death Star. That was dumb, came out of nowhere, and was made irrelevant just as quickly. Tie rescuing Rey back to the original goal of finding Luke, and just leave that as the entire main plot of the movie.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


Maybe. I'm more interested in what he does than what he "is", though, if that makes any sense. I think the promotional stuff may have just been Abrams trying to eke a "twist" out of something that isn't actually a twist using the promotional materials, though, like he did with Into Darkness.

Edited by JLazarillo
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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


7/10 ... I enjoyed it over all.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


BB-8 ... he's just a funny little droid.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


Captain Phasma. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman ... but ... it ... stood head and shoulders taller than everyone else, bulky looking armor that didn't define any type of gender, but spoke with a high squeaky voice. Seriously??


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


Harrison Ford/Han Solo


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


Rey flying the Falcon through the derelict Star destroyer


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


BB-8 giving the thumb's up.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


It wouldn't surprise me if she was. As far as which, I'm torn between Luke and Leia. An argument can be made for either.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


I think it was appropriate, although I am sad that it happened.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


hmm ... I'd give it a 6/10 ... not bad for a beginner fighting a couple of novices.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


8/10 ... I liked the musical score, always have.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Phasma ... if a woman, make her look like a woman .. if a man, get rid of that high squeaky voice.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


Is he force sensitive? it's possible, but I doubt it.

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As for Ray, the Force seems extreemly strong with her and also her interpretation and understanding. Remember the dialogues on Dagobah between Yoda and Luke, where Luke had limitations to understand how far he could go with the Force. Ray however just tried. The first time she tried mindtrick and worked. The second time she tried force agility and worked. The third time she tried force battlemeditation and it worked. It was nothing taught but intuition. Her powers are raw.

This kind of force user with no selfminded limitations when it clashes with another foceuster who limits himself through emotion can do things Ray did during the duel. Her movement was raw, but you could see it was driven entirely by the force. She moved kind a Jedi/Sith but was lacking of trained techniques. And also NO, she could never handle herself against a trained forcesensitive swordsman. Again, Kylo swordstyle is poodo!


Yeah, Kylo's fighting style is a joke when compared to Vader and the others before him. As far as Rey's use of the lightsaber, I wonder if anyone noticed something peculiar ...


After she closes her eyes and goes on the offense, she suddenly becomes very good ... in Form V ... but not only that, she's using Anakin's moves. If you recall, many of the attacks and moves she does are very similar, if not almost identical, to the ones Anakin used on Mustafar against Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith.


I don't think she's using battle meditation. I think she's using Farseeing. When she first touched the saber, she saw the past, Cloud City, then several other images. What if during the duel, she let the images come to her instead of trying to fight them, and she was able to mimic Anakin skywalker as a result?


There's another possible answer. What if she was some how channeling Anakin's spirit for guidance in the duel? Although considered legend now, Luke did the same thing with Obi Wan's spirit when he faced Vader in the book Splinter of the Mind's eye.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

5/10. It's better then the prequels, but played it too safe, rehashed the original's plot and had some rather...bland leading characters.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Poe, I just enjoy his additude and for the fact that even with the small amount of screen time he has, he makes a good impression.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Rey. She's bland, overpowered and we are given no reason to care about her character throughout the movie. And I don't even remember her having a hint of personality. While I won't call her a Mary Sue, she's on her way if nothing changes


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford owned his role. He is simply...spectacular!


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

As much as the air battle on Jakkul was bloody bull****, it was such a gorgeous scene to look at.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Finding out that Chewie had a girlfriend...


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?



8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

From the moment he stared at Kylo Ren leaving the ship, I leaned over to my brother rand whispered ''He's soooooo dead''. The scene, while it did pull a chord, should of been done much better. The only reason the death scene manages to get a emotional reaction is because, IT'S HAN FRACKING SOLO who's dying. But it would of been much more impactful if they actually built up the relationship with him and his son, so when Kylo kills him, it's much more impactful.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

7/10, they're not a spectacle like the prequels and they lack the emotion of the originals


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a

favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

10/10 They really know how to do their scores...


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Give Rey some actual flaws, make her lose the fight to Kylo and change the movie so it seems less like a remake.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?



Replies in the quotes.

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Overall it was better than the Prequels, but Revenge of the Sith on its own was WAAAAYYYYY better than The Force Awakens


I also very much was disappointed by the music. It was VERY generic.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

7/10 An above average Star Wars movie, but has some obvious flaws. I'd say that it is tied for my third favorite Star Wars movie. The characters are interesting and by the end I cared whether they lived or died. The problems I had were the pacing in the opening act of the movie. Finn jumped from loyal First Order trooper to booking it in around one scene which is fine, but then he's best friends with Poe in about three seconds. I liked the humor and the new lore around the movie. I also like the visual look to everything. It's got a nice prequel paint job, but with the lived in quality of the originals. As others have mentioned though, it's a little too similar to the original three movies not just ANH. It doesn't bother me too much however because I expected them to do what they did.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Its a tie between Rey and Finn, but I'd say Rey had the harder job due to being this seasons new flavor of Jedi. I liked the sense of loneliness that surrounded her. I especially liked that everyone of her skills had some kind of backstory. Her ability to work on ships and mechanical devices? She worked as a scavenger and had to be able to deliver working pieces. How did she know how to fight? Needed to protect herself and didn't have access to a blaster. Etc, etc. I do feel her powers manifested a little too quickly, but again that's a pacing problem I had with the entire movie. Very little room to breath and take in what just happened.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

It's unfair to say, but I have to give it to Phasma. She was put forward as this supreme ******, but we see her I think a total of three times and never actually in a fight. I expect she will be shown to be much stronger and effective in the next movie, but right now she didn't DO anything of note and characters like Hux and Snoke at least had interesting dialogue to think about.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

It's hard not to say Harrison Ford's Han Solo. Not only because it was the best, but because well he's the only one who had enough screen time to do anything. Carrie Fisher was okay and Chewbacca who was the only other character to have as much screen time was great for that physical acting, but I can't owe that totally to the actor.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

I'd say maybe the siege of Takodana (Maz Kanata's planet). I like it because we see Finn really start to shine and it follows the awesome scene with Rey's vision. It also has Poe's great piloting being demonstrated and prior to everything we have the first minute to really take in whats happening. Just a great scene and source of many questions.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Ooh, that's a tough one. Flip up between BB-8's lighter thumbs up and Finn's "We'll use the Force" and Han's reaction to that..


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

I'm firmly on the yes side of things, but others have made compelling arguments to me why she isn't. I definitely think she is Luke's daughter though. There is no way Han and Leia wouldn't recognize their daughter or put her in danger if they could help it.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

I don't know whether it should have been done, but we might not have gotten Han otherwise. I'd say that I think Han and Kylo Ren needed another scene to give us more time to see the struggle Ren was going through or maybe just a moment where we see a bit more regret out of him. On the scene itself I think it was a little too telegraphed. You have a narrow bridge with no railings over a giant pit. You also have the mentor figure standing across from the main villain whom he has no desire to kill. I mean, I liked the scene and the acting involved, but it was just so expected at that point.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

7/10, someone else said it best. Less spectacle of the Prequels and less emotion of the Originals. I will say that this movie made the lightsaber a lot more terrifying and showed how Kylo's lightsaber is dangerous to everyone. Extra points for really making the fight between Kylo and Finn and Rey feel urgent. Finn had to save Rey and then had his spine severed. Rey than calls the lightsaber, but spends the next minute or so running away from Ren.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

10/10, the best scores are the memorable ones or the ones that go unnoticed.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Slow it down a bit. One thing people might forget about the Original trilogy is how much people sat doing absolutely nothing. I understand that the Prequels had trouble in this regard, but that was much more about content. My big issues could have used a moment or two where we just took stock of where we were.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Two theories. If he is and Luke's lightsaber didn't respond to him then Rey is most certainly a Skywalker. Otherwise no, the expanded universe was the only thing that ever said a non Jedi couldn't use a lightsaber. I won't complain if he is though.

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Han is a good 10 years older than Leia. So he would look much older than his child. Close to 40 when his child was born.


Not sure where you quoted the other post from, but:


Adam Driver was born Nov 19, 1983 which time-wise would be PERFECT for Han and Leia had a son about a year after RotJ (remember they filmed it the year before it was released, so Ford and Fisher were a "year younger looking"). So of course the actor is the right age. :)

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Overall it was better than the Prequels, but Revenge of the Sith on its own was WAAAAYYYYY better than The Force Awakens


I also very much was disappointed by the music. It was VERY generic.


Funny thing is, I thought this was also the case. Until I listened to it on Youtube. You should do that too! :p There are some masterpieces in this film that you don't quite hear well enough. Look this up: Rey's theme (this one is imo the best), The Starkiller (close second place), and The Jedi Steps and Finale (beautiful, and it has Binary Sunset/The Force Theme in it).

Also Kylo Ren arrives on the Battlefield is a good part, because of those beautiful horns.:)

Edited by PSVEindhoven
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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?



1: a good 6


2: that Scottish guy that tried to kill Han on the ship. I could not stop laughing at him.


3: I hav to say Finn but that is not because I don't like him, just that I like him least


4: Han


5: the duel between rey and Kylo


6: as I said, the Scottish guy, that voice is hilarious.


7: simple awnser, No, but as disney is making it, perhaps yes


8: no, he could have had a bigger part, but I'm sure some corny story that he survived and he has now crawled out will be made.


9: 5


10: 7


11: make it less New-hope-y. It was just a new hope with some edits, small person on desert, goes off in mellenium falcon to defeat evil empire, go to cantina, female captured by evil Sith Lord, bad guys have a gun that blows up planets. Small weak spot hit, good guys win!


Simple awnser, No.

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11: make it less New-hope-y. It was just a new hope with some edits, small person on desert, goes off in mellenium falcon to defeat evil empire, go to cantina, female captured by evil Sith Lord, bad guys have a gun that blows up planets. Small weak spot hit, good guys win!



congrats you summed up A New Hope, The Phantom Menace, Return of the Jedi, AND Force Awakens. it's like Star Wars movies have a degree of formula in them!

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

Provided that I have seen the first movie being some 8 years old and THAT move has literally changed my life, it is very difficult to assess. If that was any other movie I probably would not be impressed. After all it was just “A New Hope –revisited”. That as much good and bad simultaneously.

One needs to understand where this movie is placed. It is released after around 30 years after the original SW and some ten years after much less appraised prequels.

Thus, the movie is really good if we compare it to the prequels, but it bad because it replays the original story almost to the letter. I expected some Eeaster eggs” but not such a copy/paste of the story. But also now it put the prequels into a perspective and I really think, they were not that bad at all. Though the story of Anaking turning into Sith because he could not handle some “dreams” was extremely poor. And on contrary to many people I think Hayden did a good job on the character. He was rough and bold, too proud and too arrogant, but the plot, eeeeh… anyway..



2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Rey. Just because there’s none better. It was well played and well written.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

Snoke? Maz Kanata? Snoke because he is so vague and so megalomaniac that he does not even pose any real threat. And NO, I do not think he is Plagueis.

Also I expected Maz to be non-CGI character.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Here can be only one winner –Harrison Ford.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

I guess the flying fights. Millenium Falcon steering etc.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

Don’t particularly remember anything that would make me laugh, but hey, I am not American.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

I wish she is. It would be the really good way to continue. She cannot be Kenobi’s daughter, if so, rather granddaughter – theoretically possible, provided Yoda asked Kenobi to “make some kids”, just to “pass the Force genes” but who knows? Definitely NOT Leia’s daughter. Luke, sure.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

I guess we all felt it was coming, so it that context it was ..acceptable. But then… way to less mouring such hero deserved from ALL his companions/wifes/lovers, acquaintances. Unresolved Chewbacca dilemma – is she now going to hunt Ren or protect him? I expect they could even make a drama movie: “Wookie psychoanalytic cases – the Chewbacca gambit” or so…


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

I did not expect anything and rightfully so. Seeing how childish Kylo is and how “untrained” the others are, it was actually “on par”. I absolutely did not expect saber fights as we knew them form AoC or RotS.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

I am listening to it almost every day and each day I actually discover some hidden gems. Of course it lacks the genius of the New Hope soundtrack or really NEW leading theme but it’s ok.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Fist and foremost: The WAY it was filmed! It COMPLETELY lacks the atmosphere of Star Wars. The land fights looked like documentaries – TERRIBLE. Just killed all of my pleasure. I would fire the camera operator or those who asked him to film it this way!

On contrary flying scenes/fights were very much ok.

Secondly, The whole concept of having a PLANET that spits fire after it has consumed a star.

Even Palpatine has not dreamed about such tool but some “First Order” has it! Empire is falling there are fights everywhere (for 30 years), generally chaos and disorder and then BIG-BADA-BOOM, suddenly the Galactic Sun Eater arrives and consumes all. ***???!!!!

Third: In my opinion Kylo Ren is (should be) DEAD - he was on that planet when it blew up. So I have NO IDEA what Snoke could demand of him – because EVERYTHING there turned into pile of dust. “The resistance” has blown it up! End of story!!!!


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

He could be but he is completely unaware. He is another Jedi seed planted for far future – somewhat the “5th column” – as I stated elsewhere, he could even be Mace Windu’s grand son.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

-1 - Worst ever!


2. Who is your favorite (new) character so far and why?

The guy Rey sells her scrap - he is unnecessary CGI but at least his character is believable.


3. Who is your least favorite (new) character so far and why?

Rey - she is the uber-man - a super-hero woman that does everything better than all the man in the movie and never needs real help but manage to solve all problems. And she is not consciously trained in the Jedi arts, but can do all better than a bad-*** blaster freezing, luke-skywalker-trained sith apprentice


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?



5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

The first time we saw Kylo Ren.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

The moment Kylo Ren took of his mask.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Since everybody seems to have short-/long-term memory loss I guess its possible. Personally I hope she is the daughter of Chancellor Palpatine (Darth Sidious)


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

He should not have died - the stories from the EU involved him are now eradicated by this (makes me sad - I liked them). If he had to die it would have been nice he has been killed by Kylo in a single, brutal and swift strike without Kylo giving much thought about it. Or he has been crashed with his millennium falcon.


9. How do you rate the light saber duel out of ten and in relation to previous light saber duels?

On a scale from 1-10 (10 is best) = 1 (reason - its against all little rules the Star Wars universe had)


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favorite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

On a scale from 1-10 (10 is best) = -1


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?



12. Finn is featured wielding a light saber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

He better be - I still like the theory that the crystal (and as it is a Jedi saber there should be a real crystal) resonates with the frequency of the wielder and the force the wielder is accessing/using - it makes little to no sense that Fin is even able to ignite the light saber. But be it different - everyone who ever wielded a saber, a rapier or a scimitar knows that fencing is not fencing - if u never fought with a particular weapon - u will have a big disadvantage to someone who fights with his weapon all the time. Especially if that person never been trained with this kind of weapon (speaking - if u r a janitor)

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I still owe you some answers to your questions Beni. What can I say, saw it twice with in the same week was over all positive, but I did get a better experience in plain movie view then in 3D. They release it on dvd and blue-ray around the 5th of April, gonna give you my final answer then. But until then, after 2 months, I can tell you so much that, even if I liked the movie, it is now clear that I feel that I have some problem to connect with it. Well it can be as simple as a question of age and maturity but I doubt it, 'cos, well I'm still here obviously, so my connection to my inner nerd child isn't lost yet!!


But I need to say one thing, well write, I saw it on premiere day together with my daughter, and after having me as a father she have always been aware of Star Wars and acknowledge it as a cultural phenomenon, and I was quite happy that I manage to raise a gamer girl with a full throttle interest and understanding for gaming, but I never did manage to foster her in to the wonders of Star Wars, until now!!! I will forever be grateful towards Abrams for turning my daughter into a Star Wars Fan "I didn't want the movie to end" was her first comment as we stepped out of the theater, followed by "When's the next one?"


In that respect I feel that Abrams accomplished what was needed; attract new Fans, I feel sad though for the heavy haters that didn't manage to see the love for SW that was put into the movie, it contains so many Easter eggs and references that it might be to "Hard" to understand, I guess many got a "Prometheus" chock!?

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

Gets 2 of 10. At least it looks better than prequels, However the storyline is a monumental disaster.

2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

None. They all are pretty daft and acting is on child school level

3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

See comment above.

4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Only Harrison made a convincing effort, he is still a first class actor.

5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

Well, we have already seen most of the scenes already in the original trilogy....

6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

I was actually feeling very sad most of the time

7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Maybe she is an incestous offspring, regarding the "infinite powah" she masters already

8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

I guess Harrison insisted on it, thereby escaping further dealings with SW. I understand him. Anyway, they gotta have the ol´ man killed by a lightsaber, because they had in the original Movie.

9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

Pretty lame, as the rest of the movie


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

No point having good film score to such a bad movie

11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

That it ever was made

12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Finn is just another daft character that I could not care less about

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

Out of ten? 6/10

In relation to prior SW movies? Tops episode 2, about on par with episode 1, sucks compared to everything else.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

Poe probably. He threw me off when he first appeared, but his attitude was good. Tbh, a severely underused character that could have been so much better. Even still he's better than the others.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

This is a hard one.


Finn sucked hard, but mostly due to his actions making so little sense and a lot of his lines felt very forced or out of place. His interactions with Poe were easily his only redeeming quality. Those two should have a movie all their own and leave the main storyline to the Solo/Skywalker bloodlines.:D


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Chewie or R2 ofc. In all seriousness Anthony Daniels as 3PO did the best at stepping back into his character.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

When Starkiller Base blew up 5 planets. It was also the most ridiculous and the existence of Starkiller base annoys me, but the scene certainly got me into the movie for a few seconds.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

The sequence on Solo's ship when the gangs show up and the aliens get loose.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

Luke's daughter.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

It makes sense, but because Kylo Ren was such a terrible character and there was such poor backstory I felt a void of emotional connection to anything but seeing the loss of Han Solo. It really wasn't worth it, their emotional payoff was nonexistent and that will hurt the franchise in the future I feel.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

It was the absolute worst duel yet. Yoda vs Dooku and Obi-wan vs Vader were both miles better. This one was so bad it came off as silly, looked like some terrible fan-film version of a lightsaber fight with better effects.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

John Williams is great. Honestly, I found the music up to par for Star Wars, which is to say it was fantastic.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Oh god... only one thing? It'd have to be cutting the "First Order" completely out of the movie. So many problems could be solved merely by that.


That or I'd rewrite it to not be a 2nd rate copy of Episode 4.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

Nope, no way. I certainly hope he isn't as that'd make his character make even less sense than it did before. I think he has no force sensitivity at all. In fact I'd say making him the go-to non-force character would be the only way at this point to salvage his character from the awful introduction he got into the franchise.



I get enough crap for opinions like this IRL, if you'd like clarification on a point just ask. However dismissing me or being a jerk is impolite and nothing I've said here should be taken as being against a specific actor. In all honestly I think it was JJ, the producers, and the writing team than royally screw the movie. That said, after several watches I can appreciate some things more, I don't dislike Rey as much and I'm less nitpicky. That said, the movie was certainly not even close to what it was hyped up to be, and it was one of the worst SW movies to date.


The one thing that made me the absolute happiest about it was the Mythosaur Skull symbol on Maz's place. Mandalorians confirmed ftw!!!

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Okay so it seems most people have seen The Force Awakens by now so I thought I'd throw together a questionnaire for some fun. Just answer the questions and post your response below, and no need for spoiler tags. :jawa_wink:


Well Beni,

dunno if this falls under the category "cheating" but anyhows, after a considerable amount of viewings;

1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

7/10 I'd place it after ANH and ESB, before RotJ, why? The Ewoks simply, blame it on the Ewoks. I would argue that the PTs need a own category, but I place them after any OT.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

I'd go with Rey, her fate intrigues me, mind you this is not in any way a actors vote, just a character assessment.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

After multiple viewing I have to say none. But I have several question marks around Maz Kanata and the characther Max von Sydow plays.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

Harrison Ford, and though his wishes to leave the character of Han Solo behind him, he looks real comfortable in his role of Han.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

This was harder than expected and I have some odd suggestions; In the beginning of the movie When Kylo Ren turns towards Finn(after finn chosen not to shoot at the villagers), Snoke telling Kylo to bring Rey to Him after she's resisting Kylos Force mind probing.

Well I warned you . . .


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

To my own disappointment I'm tempted to say one of the BB-8 moment((christ, just shoot me!!), But my final choice would be; "This is the ship that made the Kessel run in 14 parsecs!?" and Han replying; "!2, 12 parsecs . . . " made me take out my old ANH copy and fastforward to the Cantina scene in Mos Eisley!!


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

I would be extremely surprised if she wasn't Lukes daughter!!


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

As I mentioned, I knew about fords wishes for the character, but could it have been done differently; YES!!

This is the only moment in the movie where I feel awkward and not because Han dies(depending of your level of fandom you knew this was gonna happen). But the way it happens, I know abrams wants this to be one of the defining moments for Kylo to take a significant step towards the dark side, but no, somehow my gut says this is a case of 'group thinking' in the writing staff, and only comes of like a *Prometheus moment.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

10/10 to compare it with the duels in the PTs is just stupid, whitch in its own were supposed to mirror the time they take place in. Just as this dual does, it's supposed to be stumbling, unorthodox and not look good! But could also be described as a *Prometheus moment.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

10/10 I never gave it much thought on my first viewing which is a good sign. After multiple viewings I'd say it's good, not as new and groundbreaking as it once was in '77 but good and decent.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

Well, I'm tempted to suggest Han's death, but this is Abrams Fan Movie not mine . . .


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

In the long run, yes, as I think Poe is too . . .


*Prometheus moment - when a writer /director's ambition to tell a story severely challenge the viewer's ability to understand the scene or full movie he presents to the viewer; From Ridley Scotts movie "Prometheus".


Other * Prometheus moments in TFA;

- How Rey awakens in the Force (The viewer need to be aware and know about Nomi Sunriders and others awakening in the EU to help grasp this.)


- Kylo Ren not being Fugliest of ugliest Evil looking. Abrams ambition to tell and show us how juvenile and childish the seeds of evil is, might be too much for the fans to accept and comprehend.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?




2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


Rey. While I would consider myself an anti-neofeminism, so I do recognise some critics against the character, I love female heroines, and I like this one.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


C3PO, Mainly because I didn't have a choice, I watched the movie in French and C3PO sucks in French. And he doesn't really have any purpose in this movie.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


I'm going to go with Luke. Especially compared to the original trilogy.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


X-wings first appearance.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


Er... When my sister who never saw any of the movies complained that she didn't understand anything and that the movie I just paid for her and her boyfriend sucked.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


I think she might, I hope she isn't.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


Good but maybe a little too much drama.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


10. Best fight ever. Not too slow, but not too preposterous.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


Didn't I already answer that ?


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


Star Killer base obviously.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


Nope. He just received melee training.

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1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?

- worthy successor. opinion subject to change as ep8 and 9 rolls out.


2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?

- Rey. No explanation needed.


3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?

- surprisingly, none. Maybe Hux. Charisma weak. People exepcted Hitler, but got Goebels.


4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?

- H. Ford. Han's still a bad-arse.


5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?

- Rey altering the path of Luke's lightsaber flying through the air, to snatch it away from Kylo.


6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?

- Han trying out Chewie's bowcaster.


7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?

- Heaven forbid.


8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?

- Required. Kylo needed a plot device to show his ascendence from a sith-wannabe, into a really bad guy.


9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?

- Too much bravado in the prequels even considering old Jedi were still flourishing. In that sense, ep7 duels weren't half bad, considering none of the duelists were masters. I give it 7.5 out of 10.


10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?

- J. Williams is still the best. 9/10.


11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?

- Use a different plot device than a straight-up homage/self-replication of the ol' Death Star.


12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?

- No. Too many force users remind me too much of the shoddy and boring EU disasters.

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The whole movie was junk, rehashed from orignal, lame story line. Does not follow canon whatsoever.

Hetty from NCIS: LA runs a bar as an alien???


No redeeming qualities to this at all.


And Luke doing an Orson Wells impersonation.

Edited by Uhlbelk
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The whole movie was junk, rehashed from orignal, lame story line. Does not follow canon whatsoever.

Hetty from NCIS: LA runs a bar as an alien???


No redeeming qualities to this at all.


And Luke doing an Orson Wells impersonation.


I'll bite, how does it "not follow canon?"

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I'll bite, how does it "not follow canon?"


*takes a deep breath* thanks, been sitting on my hands here myself for quite some time, am a bit curious about that question myself as well.


A friend of mine , who just enjoys star wars for fun movie action with an 'Lord of the Ring' angle on the the whole thing and not at all knee deep in lore and canon conundrums, said the other day; " I enjoyed the movie, from start to finish, but", he continued " I didn't get it!" and I found myself explaining the who, the whys and all stuff that was a consequence of the when, what and in what order to link it all together. "Aha" was the answer I got. And after a moment silence he drawed the conclusion; " So you not only need to be a great Fan, but you really need to do your homework as well!?"

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