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The massive influx of players has begun!


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if there's one reason I'm starting to think that this game might be in life support mode? is how little is being done beyond the bare minimum. it looks like the budget for this game, general support for this game has dwindled to the point of inability to keep game breaking bugs out of it, let alone anything else. and yes, recurring event that's been in the game several times before - being unplayable and unpatchable? is pretty game breaking. major exploit being left alone for over a month? is game breaking. and don't even get me started on content designers leaving the team.

yes support/Christmas/New Year Eve holiday mode


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I'm sure you think this is cute or "trendy" but it really isn't. Myself among many others made posts stating how the games direction and chasing after non existent customers would result in a dead game. But you already knew that didn't you.


The problem with that skaara, is people like you have been spouting doom and gloom about everything since launch. Without any real data you have no clue about the population of this game or any other.

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My two cents.


Have more people started playing after the movie ?

Yes, they are easily found on all starting planets


Was it an invasion of new players ?

No, on my server starter planets usually populated around 20, now its around 100 - 120.


Will they stay ?

Some will, some won't. Just travel from the starter planets and advance upward and you'll see the population drop for each planet after the starting planets.


Personally I enjoy playing the game. I take a break now and then, and come back in a couple of months or when there is a new expansion.

I do the exact same thing with other mmos. I play them to death for a while, and then slowly my interrest in other things return and I go do something else for a while.

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My two cents.


Have more people started playing after the movie ?

Yes, they are easily found on all starting planets


Was it an invasion of new players ?

No, on my server starter planets usually populated around 20, now its around 100 - 120.


Will they stay ?

Some will, some won't. Just travel from the starter planets and advance upward and you'll see the population drop for each planet after the starting planets.


Personally I enjoy playing the game. I take a break now and then, and come back in a couple of months or when there is a new expansion.

I do the exact same thing with other mmos. I play them to death for a while, and then slowly my interrest in other things return and I go do something else for a while.


Likely not new players but old players going back to starter planets because of double xp.

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I don't think the game is dead as in it will close down. But for me, the game is pretty much dead. Essenitally adding 0 end game content for over a year, with one new PvP map sometime in the next 6 months. I'm glad there are people enjoying the game, but the crazy shift to strictly 1 storyline with 0 replay value totally changed the course of a game I've enjoyed for 4 years.
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The problem with that skaara, is people like you have been spouting doom and gloom about everything since launch. Without any real data you have no clue about the population of this game or any other.


Whether that is true or not, is kind of irrelevant now, because the doom and gloom is actually really happening now, and its effects are being felt very much in today's game. How anyone can not see the huge downward dive this game and its development has taken over the last year, is really just living in fantasy land. Hell, even EA took a pot-shot at Bioware for their development choices in their board report to share holders.

Edited by Holocron
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Oh boy, I can't wait to get online tonight and see all these new Star Wars fans!!! I'm just glad Bioware was able to capitalize on the release of a new Star Wars movie with cross promotions and subtle /nod's to the new movie...thank God they weren't foolish enough to ignore it 100%...



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Oh boy, I can't wait to get online tonight and see all these new Star Wars fans!!! I'm just glad Bioware was able to capitalize on the release of a new Star Wars movie with cross promotions and subtle /nod's to the new movie...thank God they weren't foolish enough to ignore it 100%...




I know right? all those trailers prior to the screenings and in game promotion and all the social media hubbub..


oh wait. wrong company starting with a letter B.


yes support/Christmas/New Year Eve holiday mode


You have 6 days of subscription play time remaining.



in that case, I think they might be the only company that starts their holiday mode months before actual holidays and continues it months after.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I know right? all those trailers prior to the screenings and in game promotion and all the social media hubbub..


oh wait. wrong company starting with a letter B.

RIGHT! I love the freaking Warcraft trailer before Star Wars...I mean...seriously?


Does anyone actually believe Blizzard will be nearly as incompetent as Bioware has been and pretend like their movie doesn't exist? I'm so bitterly disappointed with Bioware...how the hell do they justify their ineptitude to EA?

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This game has less than 10000 people daily....


He's dead Jim.


I think you're deluded. Harb alone has 300-400 people just on fleet at prime time. With a few hundred on early planets, another few hundred in instances, there are easily 1,000 different players on just at prime time on one server. Take the whole day into account on every server and 10,000 is an extremely low estimate.

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I think you're deluded. Harb alone has 300-400 people just on fleet at prime time. With a few hundred on early planets, another few hundred in instances, there are easily 1,000 different players on just at prime time on one server. Take the whole day into account on every server and 10,000 is an extremely low estimate.

Harb is the only server even close Jade. Every other one has a fraction of what we do...I agree that 10k is low, but I don't believe it's above 100k...I'd guess 75k myself.

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I have actually notice a LOT more people on The Ebon Hawk actually. Tons on the starter planets. So, I don't think there are more people. Also, they would have had a TON MORE if they put KotFE trailer in a preview slot before the movie ;)
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The game is still running fine to where I can log in and play, so idk where people think the game is dead. I mean dead would mean the game is shut down. As long as there are paying ppl on the servers being able to log in, the game will never be dead.

Are you trying to convince yourself now Reno lol? That's a weak defense, even from you.


Nobody said you couldn't log in and play, we were just pointing out that their gamble on an influx of new people from the movie, was a bust. They gambled with 4.0...they lost.

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Are you trying to convince yourself now Reno lol? That's a weak defense, even from you.


Nobody said you couldn't log in and play, we were just pointing out that their gamble on an influx of new people from the movie, was a bust. They gambled with 4.0...they lost.


Nope, not trying to convince myself of anything. I was simply pointing out the game wasn't dead because the game is still able to be played fine with yourself and other players as some other users in this thread were pointing out that the game was "dead".


And it's too early to tell if this supposed gamble is a bust. It's only been a few days.

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Are you trying to convince yourself now Reno lol? That's a weak defense, even from you.


Nobody said you couldn't log in and play, we were just pointing out that their gamble on an influx of new people from the movie, was a bust. They gambled with 4.0...they lost.


This. Now we get to begin the long road of a steady decline with less and less support. We will end up with even less of a community because they threw the purists under the bus. But hey, at least we will have a single player game with some story :o. Any growth this game had the potential to get is gone.

Edited by Skaara
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Nope, not trying to convince myself of anything. I was simply pointing out the game wasn't dead because the game is still able to be played fine with yourself and other players as some other users in this thread were pointing out that the game was "dead".


And it's too early to tell if this supposed gamble is a bust. It's only been a few days.


No offense, but simply being able to log in and complete some activities isn't enough for everyone. If the endgame PvP and PvE communities don't exist, it will be pretty hard for me to raid or do warzones regardless of the SWTOR launcher functioning or not.

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No offense, but simply being able to log in and complete some activities isn't enough for everyone. If the endgame PvP and PvE communities don't exist, it will be pretty hard for me to raid or do warzones regardless of the SWTOR launcher functioning or not.


And you do know that no everyone does pvp right? I been here since the beginning and have yet to step foot in a warzone nor an operation but have sitll have fun doing things. My guild members are about the same with the exception of one or two individuals that occassionally raid and one that does pvp so mostly are guild is not the type to do warzones or operations and yet we still have fun and find things to do.

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.. It has begun, 959 members between two guilds, 2 people online, the influx in players has begun! ;)



all you people that believed there was going to be this huge increase in players/subscribers after the movie launched..... ROFL :eek:


If you have that many inactive players then you don't know how to run a guild or are a part of a failed one.

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And you do know that no everyone does pvp right? I been here since the beginning and have yet to step foot in a warzone nor an operation but have sitll have fun doing things. My guild members are about the same with the exception of one or two individuals that occassionally raid and one that does pvp so mostly are guild is not the type to do warzones or operations and yet we still have fun and find things to do.


This is why I never specified that everyone did PvP or end game PvE. All I said is that there is a large segment of the playerbase who consider the game dead with no end game group activities. So while the game would still exist, the inability to do operations or max level PvP would mean the game was dead to those players.


So I'm honeslty not sure what your point is. People play the game for different reasons. BW's inability to satisfy more than one group at a time is their issue. Whether it be a lack of staff, lack of funds, or both, the game has lost it's appeal to many players like me who were looking forward to new end game group content in addition to a solo storyline.

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