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The massive influx of players has begun!


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I have already started to consider other options.


Whenever I sign into the game, I find myself signing right back out. Three out of four of my avatars have finished "KotFE". I am very bored. When I started to do the same with "STO", I ended up just quietly walking away.


"Knights of the Fallen Empire" is both fun and boring. Although it does have some interesting moments, the overall story, when considered as a whole, is very dull. Throughout my second and third play through, I found myself fighting to stay interested.


I am going to let my subscription lapse. Within eleven to twelve months, I might return to play the last portion of the story. I don't know. I am just very bored.


Exactly, I'm already back to playing WoW which I haven't even touched since Wotlk and it's just ridiculous the amount of things I have available to me. And even if I burn up the content there is always more and more content constantly being released. My sub is still going here as a month to month but everyone has their breaking points. Eventually I will spend more and more time over there and eventually just forget all about this game because what is there here. I've done everything minus some nightmare stuff. I could check in 9 months and nope ... nothing new so back to raiding in WoW. I cannot even describe how much I despise playing cartoon styled games as well but you go where the content and the longevity is. I'm not even sure why I rant on here anymore. I guess I've accepted that they have given up on this game and I need to rationalize my sub cost somehow. It just makes me more depressed the more I think about it. :(

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The rumormill on the forums has it that Disney told Bioware/EA that they're not allowed to do any tie-in advertising for SWTOR related to The Force Awakens.



The story for KotFE is pretty good, but it doesn't tie in well to TFA or to the planned Rogue Squadron movie.


There's also the issue that SWTOR is a triple A story MMORPG but this xpac has also come with quadruple A lack of community building and support as well as quintuple A level amounts of software bugs. Disney probably didn't know about this ahead of time (unless they had a force premonition or something ;) ), but it looks sort of prescient now in terms of not having a spotlight on a game that in a lot of ways is currently of embarrassingly low quality.


I like the SW franchise in general, and SWTOR too, but right now if I were doing other SW content and thought that it was of pretty good quality, I wouldn't want it tied to SWTOR in any way if I could help it. After 6 months of hardcore bug fix marathons on SWTOR, sure, but not right now. I wouldn't want people thinking that SWTOR is typical of SW franchise content in terms of quality, at least not for mainline content.


The only part of 4.0 that was up to standard SW quality were the advertising trailers.


Where is this 'rumormill' people keep getting their conspiracy theories from? I mean, besides "pulled it out of my butt as an armchair CEO".

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Exactly, I'm already back to playing WoW which I haven't even touched since Wotlk and it's just ridiculous the amount of things I have available to me. And even if I burn up the content there is always more and more content constantly being released. My sub is still going here as a month to month but everyone has their breaking points. Eventually I will spend more and more time over there and eventually just forget all about this game because what is there here. I've done everything minus some nightmare stuff. I could check in 9 months and nope ... nothing new so back to raiding in WoW. I cannot even describe how much I despise playing cartoon styled games as well but you go where the content and the longevity is. I'm not even sure why I rant on here anymore. I guess I've accepted that they have given up on this game and I need to rationalize my sub cost somehow. It just makes me more depressed the more I think about it. :(

I was thinking about heading over to "Elder Scrolls: Online". I just bought the full "Skyrim" set, which includes all of the dlc. :) If it was not for the great Nexus mods, "Skyrim" would have been over ages ago. *chuckles*


Christmas and New Years are also upon us. :)

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Are we playing the same game? There are multiple instances in every world I'm on and sometimes I team up with people just long enough to complete a quest so we don't have to stand in line. At that point we either go our separate ways or hang for a while and quest together.


If this is a "dead" game then bring it on!

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Are we playing the same game? There are multiple instances in every world I'm on and sometimes I team up with people just long enough to complete a quest so we don't have to stand in line. At that point we either go our separate ways or hang for a while and quest together.


If this is a "dead" game then bring it on!


I remember once upon a time when I thought my "one" populated server represented the population of the dead ones too :rolleyes:

Edited by Skaara
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Are we playing the same game? There are multiple instances in every world I'm on and sometimes I team up with people just long enough to complete a quest so we don't have to stand in line. At that point we either go our separate ways or hang for a while and quest together.


If this is a "dead" game then bring it on!


It's "dead" to those who want to see it dead. That's all.

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The movie has been out for a day or two. It takes time.


Besides: How is your guild in any way indicative of the whole games community? Care to explain?


Don't be navie a new movie is not gonna perform miracles over an old game, (at least not on the long term) yes a bunch of casuals who don't know how to play are gonna appear (in fact have been appearing some populations are now heavy) some are gonna stay and become pros but others will just be gone) nothing relevant, what is more important they are loosing players.


Pugged operations are pretty much dead on JC still with new movie or not.

Edited by psikofunkster
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The fleet doesn't have any more people either, and servers light and normal besides harbinger. My guild represents over 800 players that don't log in or want to play the game anymore. :D


That's stupid. TRE was heavy last night and has been like that for a while now (More or less since 4.0 launched).

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Or it's dead because their being realistic and not pretending it's all well and good when it's not.


At this very moment there are 4 standard, 1 heavy, 1 very heavy and 3 lights. + the light ones are not English servers.


You and yours are either trolls or morons. Pure and simple.


* * *

Instant queues, multiple fleet instanses and all the planets are heavily populated. If this is dead i would hate to imagine what is alive because my PC would *********** explode.

* * *

Oh and swtor's servers are higher capacity than other mmos, especially WoW.

* * *

Back when i played WoW even with the x-realm and even if my server was very populated(Sylvanas) the PvP queues were around 10 mins. On ToFN they are almost instant. Back in wow even with the x realm in the open world the whole world except capital cities and a few high level areas were a ghost town.


Here the game feels alive throughout the whole world on levels i remember experiencing only a few months into TBC and WotLK.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Saw an advertisement for Warcraft (movie) while waiting for the film yesterday. You'd think there would have been an SWTOR clip. Hell at least they should have played the new cinematic trailer for the game; all four would have been best.

While I agree it's a wasted opportunity, the game is not canon, therefore Disney doesn't care.


Maybe BW asked permissions to do something, maybe even the monkeys over at EA for once agreed with BW, but Disney may have said 'nope'.


I can safely say that this .gif alone ( http://33.media.tumblr.com/0a4e3371e23b03ead067d39dbaa93b83/tumblr_inline_nn6rhxxgQh1rx85vj_500.gif ) would have made everybody in the cinema screaming, if it was showed before the movie with a giant SWTOR logo on it (Perhaps with BW logo aswell) and nothing else. No other informations, no names, no media links. People would have been hyped as crap, or even just curious about finding out more on their own, but Disney said 'nope'. Oh well.




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The fleet doesn't have any more people either, and servers light and normal besides harbinger. My guild represents over 800 players that don't log in or want to play the game anymore. :D


Actually to be accurate a guild's number represents the total number of characters not how many people are in a guild. For instance I have 23 characters, so there are 23 characters in my guild but I'm only 1 person. So your guild has 800 people (thought there was a cap of 500?) but that's really just 800 characters, not individuals. :D

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For the game's sake I truly hope the new players aren't MMO vagabonds and genuinely fall in love with this reinvented SWTOR. Bioware blew off it's core purist player base to remake the game for them, and it would be a pity to see it fade as a result. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Actually to be accurate a guild's number represents the total number of characters not how many people are in a guild. For instance I have 23 characters, so there are 23 characters in my guild but I'm only 1 person. So your guild has 800 people (thought there was a cap of 500?) but that's really just 800 characters, not individuals. :D


If you read i said I had two guilds with over 900 players.. i subtracted about 150 characters from that number and came up with about 800 unique players.

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WoW always does stuff like that. Those "other" mmo's get around the copyrights under parody. SWTOR -IS- SW...what are they supposed to do? give NPC's lightsabers? oh, right...we already have Lightsabers.


It's not even close to the same thing. How do you parody SW in a SW game and not come across looking stupid? Why would they do that?


you give -me- a break, "dude." As I said, brain, use. thanks for playing though.


Sorry dude you just made yourself look worse with this response. :D Calling people names isn't going to get you far, it only makes people see how you see yourself above others, when you yourself are nothing special. :)

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.. It has begun, 959 members between two guilds, 2 people online, the influx in players has begun! ;)



all you people that believed there was going to be this huge increase in players/subscribers after the movie launched..... ROFL :eek:




Fanboys live in dream land. I had no idea what made them think that new movie will bring new player in masses? nt all those who enjoy watching SW movies enjoy playing MMOS.


Silly and stupid fanboys. My guild actually is quite inactive. 4 people online that is it.

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I had no idea what made them think that new movie will bring new player in masses? nt all those who enjoy watching SW movies enjoy playing MMOS.

Were this still an MMO one might agree with you, as leveling through KotFE is eerily similar to watching a movie. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I would not say a massive influx of players but there are certainly quite a few people returning/starting after watching the new film. I kept noticing comments about returning/new players on both Tython and Korriban on The Red Eclipse yesterday, well inbetween film spoilers anyway.
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I got to page 3 before I gave up reading, but...


This game will be around for a while.




Because all they would have to do is employ people to reset servers, a couple of techs to iron out bugs that may crop up from time to time, and people to load the Cartel Market with sartorial garbage...and they would still turn a profit, not even counting subscription money. When the game finally goes into maintenance mode, it'll be around for a while, even if they end up contracting to a half-dozen servers and laying off half the staff due to centralized server farms.


This game is going to do just fine for some time to come. Individual servers might be ailing, sure, but as a whole? The game's not going anywhere for a long time. The warning signs of doom will be a lot more obvious than what we've seen thus far.

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Sorry dude you just made yourself look worse with this response. :D Calling people names isn't going to get you far, it only makes people see how you see yourself above others, when you yourself are nothing special. :)


Maybe, maybe not. But at least I READ what I quoted before responding. You jumped on trolling and passive-aggressive insults without even reading. I didn't "name call" anyone..unless you count me saying "dude" in quotes as "name calling" and it was in "quotes" because I was returning the same term that was used on me in the quoted post.


And telling someone to "use their brain" (as in think) isn't "name calling"


fail response is fail, but thanks for trying lol....

Edited by Suromir
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