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BWEA I want my cartel coins back!


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A while back I spent quite a few cartel coins to get the companion Treek and unlock her on my legacy, something like 3k that I had been saving up for. I decided to get her because she was unique among companions, a healing tank. Now I find she is nothing different from all the other companions with the recent changes. Now she's just a freaky looking Teddy bear with the most annoying voice in the galaxy.


Take her back, wipe her off of my account and refund the cartel coins I wasted on her.

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I have pieces of gear I bought for comps that can't use them and they sit taunting me in my inventory bound. At least give me unbound versions that I can send to some alt that can. My C2-N2 Butler comp customization is useless and has been for since 4.0 due to now now-existent reputation requirement that THEY took out of the game. A ticket on that very subject has been open in my log since 4.0 launched. Dammit this blows.
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A while back I spent quite a few cartel coins to get the companion Treek and unlock her on my legacy, something like 3k that I had been saving up for. I decided to get her because she was unique among companions, a healing tank. Now I find she is nothing different from all the other companions with the recent changes. Now she's just a freaky looking Teddy bear with the most annoying voice in the galaxy.


Take her back, wipe her off of my account and refund the cartel coins I wasted on her.


You spent your money and for a while, a good while she was the best companion in the game. She isn't any more, but you've had your "moneys worth" out of her.

I spent real money on the ROTHC expansion - I don't really use any of the features this expansion gave us any more, so maybe I should ask for a refund on that too.

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You still get an extra early game crafting companion out of the deal. And as Stoofa said, you did get to enjoy having a very powerful companion for a long time, and got to reap all the benefits that came with that. Everything eventually becomes obsolete after all.
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Sorry but this isn't a pay-to-win game. There's nothing about your purchase of Treek that entitles you to a superior companion. Your money was for the story/animations/voiceovers that came with Treek.


I'm not supporting a refund for Treek but if you really believe that Treek wasn't put on the Market for any other purpose than to have hybrid companion you are just insane and completely disconnected from reality. I'm just glad I waited until legacy lvl 40 to get mine.

Edited by Skaara
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You spent your money and for a while, a good while she was the best companion in the game. She isn't any more, but you've had your "moneys worth" out of her.


Here's the issue. Actual cash (in the manner of Cartel Coins) is spent for purchasing a companion, a unique companion. Now this companion, thanks to the changes in companions as a whole, is not what the OP paid for. This has nothing to do with 'got one's money out of it,' or 'pay to win.' BioWare made this player (and other players who purchased this companion) money spent on this unique companion useless in that he/she spent it on a specifically designed companion to be purchased with CC.


In games like World of Tanks, World of Warships, War Thunder, or Armored Warfare (just to mention a few), Premium ships/vehicles cost real money. These things have specific set values and stats (good or bad) and these companies 'almost' never do anything to make changes to these vehicles/ships because they were purchased with cash or gold coins/doubloons (which equal CC in this game).


If Wargaming, Gaijin, or Obsidian were to make such drastic changes to their premium vehicles or ships, there would be a massive uproar from players that owned these said items. Therefore, they do not make changes to them that would give or will give the owners the impression they've been nerfed in any form or manner rendering their purchase wasted. In Wargaming's case, they stop selling premium tanks that they deem to powerful or not suited for further inclusion in the game; however, they do not take them from the players.


This is the case here for this player. His/her purchase, in his eyes, is now rendered wasted because he purchased this companion as a 'unique' companion unlike any companion in the game (healer-tank). He/she has every right to request their CC refunded because it was purchased as one thing and now that was completely changed and altered without regard to the uniqueness of this companion for which it was purchased.


You may not agree with it, you may claim what you've already stated even with your analogy of ROTHC. However, it does not change the fact this purchase was made for what it was and now it is not what he paid for.


Whether or not BW/EA will respond and compensate this person is a whole other matter. But the OP is correct in his/her opinion about their purchase and how BW companion changes ruined his 'unique' companion purchase. It is that simple whether you want to agree with it or not. This is just another example of BioWare's in-ability to foresee what their major changes will do in terms of personal investment be it time or cash by its player base.


OP, I recommend you contact BW directly and make your case. Here it is wasted on this forum. You'll only end up receiving the most vile hate from those that are champions for BioWare and this game.

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I've got a similar problem, I bought a car 2 years ago, I loved it and drove it everywhere, but now my wife has one too and now I don't want it anymore - I demand I get the full price I paid for that car back now. :rolleyes:


Did your car dealer come over your house in the middle of the night and switch your car with a Yugo? No? Then your analogy is just a pointless troll. OP isn't talking about wanting to be a special snowflake. He's talking about a bait and switch with a cash purchased item.

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Did your car dealer come over your house in the middle of the night and switch your car with a Yugo? No? Then your analogy is just a pointless troll. OP isn't talking about wanting to be a special snowflake. He's talking about a bait and switch with a cash purchased item.


No, but my car did turn into a 2 year old car in that time. Does that count?


What bait-and-switch? True, they "baited" you with a new companion, and you bought it. You still have it. Where's the switch? Just because there are other companions with the same specifications now for free, doesn't mean you deserve a refund.


Back to the car analogy, I could buy a car the same age as mine now, for a lot less than I paid for it then. Can I get a refund on the difference? No.

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Did your car dealer come over your house in the middle of the night and switch your car with a Yugo? No? Then your analogy is just a pointless troll. OP isn't talking about wanting to be a special snowflake. He's talking about a bait and switch with a cash purchased item.


So a game can never balance or change because that's somehow bait and switch? OK... I guess we should just sue them for all of the other changes they've made in the game too. Those changes could have baited people to the game, and now they've been changed on them.


Did you see any advertising that said "Hey get your treek now, she's the best companion in the game!"?

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I've got a similar problem, I bought a car 2 years ago, I loved it and drove it everywhere, but now my wife has one too and now I don't want it anymore - I demand I get the full price I paid for that car back now. :rolleyes:

If it was a Volkswagen, you probably will. That's what happens when people are deceived into buying something.

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If it was a Volkswagen, you probably will. That's what happens when people are deceived into buying something.


What deception? It was advertised as a companion, it's still a companion. It doesn't suddenly disappear mid-fight or anything, it still functions as it was intended, as it did when you bought it. Case dismissed :p


(It wasn't a VW, it was a Vauxhall Insignia. Still runs like a dream, best car I ever owned :))

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What deception? It was advertised as a companion, it's still a companion. It doesn't suddenly disappear mid-fight or anything, it still functions as it was intended, as it did when you bought it. Case dismissed :p


(It wasn't a VW, it was a Vauxhall Insignia. Still runs like a dream, best car I ever owned :))

I see my point went over your head. Maybe you should read this: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34324772


By your argument, it still drives the same and looks the same...so why are these folks who bought VW's upset exactly?

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I see my point went over your head. Maybe you should read this: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34324772


By your argument, it still drives the same and looks the same...so why are these folks who bought VW's upset exactly?


TUXs, if it wasn't 'received' the first time, it probably won't be the second time. Shame though, you were D.O.T. with your analogy.

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The problem with this grievance is that you bought Treek based on what you knew about it being a tank, healer, and general crutch of an overpowered companion. You learned all of this about Treek from other people, specifically: not the same people who sold you the companion.


The people who sold you the companion didn't sell it to you on the premise that it was a healer, tank, OP super-combo. They sold you a Mercenary Contract For the Ewok: Treek. That is what you bought, that is what is available today, that is what you have.


To take this car analogy: You bought "A Car" - The car you bought happened to be tricked out, but you weren't sold the glass packs, the decal kit, the spoiler, the stereo, whatever. The sales tag on the Car said: "CAR". Time has eroded this car, and now it is a Hoopty, but it is still "A CAR" and that is what you paid for.

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OK, I'll try a better analogy - You go into a food shop, because you want food. It's 11:30am, you buy a sandwich. You've eaten half your sandwich by 12:00, when another customer comes in. He orders a very similar sandwich, let's say it's on brown bread instead of white but with the same filling, but he gets his for half the price you paid. You find out that's because sandwiches are half price after 12. Now, you didn't know the price would drop at 12, and to be fair, neither did the other customer, they were just lucky enough to come in after the price dropped.


How do you think your complaint will go when you demand your money back for a half eaten sandwich because it's now cheaper?

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