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Just came back and was wondering why.....


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Why is this game so easy now. I have been gone for along time like 5-6 months so I decided to start a new character and before I got off of Kaas I was level 31. I roll past everything and I notice that some of the area 4 locations have been nerfed to be solo'able. Just wondering why they decided to make a already easy game even easier? I'm having a hard time keeping interested in it when its so boring face rolling everything.
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Why is this game so easy now. I have been gone for along time like 5-6 months so I decided to start a new character and before I got off of Kaas I was level 31. I roll past everything and I notice that some of the area 4 locations have been nerfed to be solo'able. Just wondering why they decided to make a already easy game even easier? I'm having a hard time keeping interested in it when its so boring face rolling everything.


to cater to the masses

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Why is this game so easy now. I have been gone for along time like 5-6 months so I decided to start a new character and before I got off of Kaas I was level 31. I roll past everything and I notice that some of the area 4 locations have been nerfed to be solo'able. Just wondering why they decided to make a already easy game even easier? I'm having a hard time keeping interested in it when its so boring face rolling everything.


My thoughts exactly. They'll never switch it back. The only thing we can hope for now is an optional difficulty slider or some kind of boost that self limits XP and or power. A good start though would be to have legacy benefits be toggle-able. That would reduce mastery, presence and endurance values back to something normal for a video game. I really want to play, but I can't stay awake as the action part of the action adventure is so mind numbingly boring.


It makes me wonder if the team forgot that Star Wars has a proud, nerdy, intellectual culture; the kind of culture that generally wants mental stimulation.

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It makes me wonder if the team forgot that Star Wars has a proud, nerdy, intellectual culture; the kind of culture that generally wants mental stimulation.


Just look at the rise of Call of duty clones in the gaming industry, can you blame them? Even fallout 4 became more shooter than rpg

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Why is this game so easy now. I have been gone for along time like 5-6 months so I decided to start a new character and before I got off of Kaas I was level 31. I roll past everything and I notice that some of the area 4 locations have been nerfed to be solo'able. Just wondering why they decided to make a already easy game even easier? I'm having a hard time keeping interested in it when its so boring face rolling everything.


Pull more mobs if you find it easy.


Try surviving 5 packs of gold/silvers in a heroic2 solo.


Go solo Lucky on Corelia.

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Hardest part in SW:TOR is finding difficult content while still keeping things rewarding and sensical for the player. This is something that isn't really available for casual player anymore. You do not have PvE content available for you that would ever challenge you in any way, in any meaning of the word. Enjoy the cutscenes and talking heads though. If you get bored after six hours, feel free to check out the awesome trailer from last summer again. Also, you will get another HK droid companion if you remain subbed for few more months. Come February, you are free to enjoy it as much as you like, and watch as it kills the easy mobs for you.


Combat in KOTFE story comes with difficulty so low that anyone able to install the game without extra help finds it very easy for them. It actually feels pretty strange to be able to say this without an ounce of hyperbole.


I've been in the middle of my 2nd playthrough of KOTFE for two weeks or so now. Rolling with full unmodded orange set. Initially I didn't even mean it as some epic challenge, I just switched the default set of my War, figured gear prolly doesn't matter anymore and didn't bother to change anything. Few chapters later I realized there prolly won't be any need to gear up at all in any point during story. Real catch here is, this doesn't feel gimmicky, tedious or slow at all, heh. If it would, I'd just spend 10 mins getting full greens for my poor dude or whatever. Instead, it feels approximately like you'd expect for leveling in typical MMO/RPG.

Edited by Stradlin
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There was about a week a bit ago where it was on Easy rather than Very Easy. The entire forum erupted in such wretched wailing they had to backtrack.


I think the short answer is that their economic model is based around the cartel market as much as subscriptions, and milking the poor whales that spend hundreds gambling on crates. That is their first and foremost focus.


Second are the ultra casuals who spend a more modest amount on the CM and netflix as they mash through combat. Who will poke their head in for a couple of months.


A distant third are the folks who used to make up the user base of these kinds of games. A very distant third. It just is what it is.

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There was about a week a bit ago where it was on Easy rather than Very Easy. The entire forum erupted in such wretched wailing they had to backtrack.


I think the short answer is that their economic model is based around the cartel market as much as subscriptions, and milking the poor whales that spend hundreds gambling on crates. That is their first and foremost focus.


Second are the ultra casuals who spend a more modest amount on the CM and netflix as they mash through combat. Who will poke their head in for a couple of months.


A distant third are the folks who used to make up the user base of these kinds of games. A very distant third. It just is what it is.


What kills me about that is this... Most of players that freaked weren't even freaking out that the game had suddenly become hard, they were freaking out about level sync and the fact that the companions, when nerfed, no longer let them steamroll content that level sync was supposed to make "relevant" regardless of level.


In essence people were freaking out over the very foundation of the expac BUT in buffing companions, a rather obvious bread and circuses mechanism, they only managed to accomplish one thing, instead of people leaving in a hemorrage in protest over a flawed design, they will simply slowly bleed to death. In essence they opted for slit wrists over a severed femoral artery.

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