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Remove Hangar/Airlocks/Orbital Stations


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or just let me select my target planet at the startport(shuttle ship later on).


Zoning 4-6 times just to talk to a npc on republich fleet/nar shaddaa/wherever to be told "go back where you came from" (remind you, that's another 4-6 times zoning :>) is absurd and entirely unnecessary.


Most people will be sick of it at lvl 50 after doing dailies (i.e. you actually have to visist some planets for those) for a few days.


In other words:


More playing - less zoning

Edited by stupidhero
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I agree 100%


Having to zone 3-5 times to get to 1 NPC to a 1 minute dialog then having to zone 3-5 times again to go back to where I was is ridiculous.


Not to mention just normal travel. It really wastes an exorbitant amount of time needlessly. I get that the art department spent a ton of time making the game look amazing and they want to show it off, but this is one area that function should be > then immersion.

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The non noob planets at least let you land your ship so you zone twice. Once to the hanger from the ship and then from the hanger to the actual city.


Its the early planets with no landing spot on the planet that are annoying as you dock at the space station adding more zoning to reach a planet.


What confuses me is all the screen shots of the ships on the website parked on landing pads on the various planets that don't seem to be true.


Also, if we can ride a taxi and have it vanish and have the illusion that the parked taxi siting behind the npc is the one you arrived in then why can't my friggen ship just sit right out in the open on a landing pad. The illusion is that it is mine and not every other Imperial Agent's. Why the need to tuck it away in it's own private instance?

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At the risk of stirring a hornet's nest this is something SWG did very right.


>Enter port.

>Use terminal.

>Use shuttle.

>Load screen.

>Leave port.


They way it's done in SW:TOR does seem to cause unnecessary running about.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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Absolutely agree with this OP. The zoning is consuming a great deal of time and for those people with limited game time it really impacts play.


As-well as a reduction in zoning I would love to see them implement a return to ship ability with a 30 min cool down or simply add your ship to the Quick Travel locations.

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I also agree.


The other part of this is..why every time I go to my ship does it take off?


What if I just want to use the holoterminal or something. Do I have to take off and go into orbit every time?


You shouldn't 'take off' until you select a destination.


I feel the entire space transport system is a bit clunky right now. Hopefully they will smooth it out eventually.

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I also agree.


The other part of this is..why every time I go to my ship does it take off?


What if I just want to use the holoterminal or something. Do I have to take off and go into orbit every time?


You shouldn't 'take off' until you select a destination.


I feel the entire space transport system is a bit clunky right now. Hopefully they will smooth it out eventually.


because your companions and the holoterminal will only talk to you once you're in space, it makes perfect sense.

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The non noob planets at least let you land your ship so you zone twice. Once to the hanger from the ship and then from the hanger to the actual city.


Its the early planets with no landing spot on the planet that are annoying as you dock at the space station adding more zoning to reach a planet.


What confuses me is all the screen shots of the ships on the website parked on landing pads on the various planets that don't seem to be true.


Also, if we can ride a taxi and have it vanish and have the illusion that the parked taxi siting behind the npc is the one you arrived in then why can't my friggen ship just sit right out in the open on a landing pad. The illusion is that it is mine and not every other Imperial Agent's. Why the need to tuck it away in it's own private instance?


Bioware needs to hire this man.

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I would care a lot less about this issue IF they let you use your speeder in ALL areas between the ship and the planet like they do on the fleet station.


Also, for those who may not know... check the security key vender for an item called Fleet Pass. It is a consumable that is sold for 1k credits. It works exactly like the emergency fleet pass, except it is on a 1h cd; not 18h. That little gem has made life a whole lot easier.

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At the risk of stirring a hornet's nest this is something SWG did very right.


>Enter port.

>Use terminal.

>Use shuttle.

>Load screen.

>Leave port.


They way it's done in SW:TOR does seem to cause unnecessary running about.


I think it's the concept or illusion at least of seamless gameplay that people want for TOR. Having to zone 8 million times to get to and from your ship breaks the continuity and removes the player from the suspension of disbelief that underlies the ultimate goal of any game developer: Total immersion.


It's enough that there's no real outer space "overworld" as such (where you can freely travel and maybe even fight in real time within the galaxy proper), but at least we should not have to feel as though the game is clunky and uninspired when moving from place to place.

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Also agree 100% on this, it's a waste of our often limited play-time.


And, while they're at it, get rid of the fuel cost for space travel, too; I mean, you actually thought this little detail would lend some verisimilitude to the game? Really?!


By the time you get your ship, the possibility that you wouldn't have the few credits the fuel costs seems pretty unlikely and sort of makes the whole idea rather pointless. If the fuel costs were substantial, like several thousand credits, that'd be one thing but, c'mon, 8credits, 27credits ... o.O

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I understand this the first time you come to a planet, great. Sure lets do that little spacestation/airlock run. But after that it just starts to suck horribly. Certainly as you come up in level and get the "go to planet x, run thru the entire thing, talk to one npc, run all the way back to your ship, off the the next planet, repeat" ... that is just soulcrushing and annoying.
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