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Is there any reason to play PvP on Republic?


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Most of the time I PvP is on my Guardian. Did 5 matches last night and got stomped in all of them. We won a single match because we got farmed hard by the imps and someone ninja capped the door in VS. Not really a win, but that's what the scoreboard shows.


You see far more of it than I do then. But I was facerolled on the Imperial side on Tuesday just as badly, and even with switching to a sorc healer only buffered the loss a little. Eh, well.

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I've actually found a pretty strong PvP oriented guild on pub side of harbinger. We were running 3 four man groups last night and won about 80% of our matches. That said, randoms on pub side can be outright terrible.



What this guy said!! And we are "open" recruiting anyone can check us out here on our recruitment page!!



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Holding your own against 3 DPS, or 2 DPS and 1 tank, is pretty easy as a healing Sorcerer/Sage. At least until you've blown through your cooldowns, but you can stay alive for up to a minute due to roots, LOS, stuns, invulnerability, and massive self-healing.


I ran to the enemy's side in that Novare Coast thing and interrupted their cap. I then proceeded to stay alive until my buddies arrived to help secure it. The enemy team had 2 Juggernauts and a Sniper there. With all the instant, or uninterruptable, heals, not to mention that ridiculous self-heal-while-bubbled thing, I healed myself for around 180,000 while interrupting their cap over and over again.


As soon as I see cross-healing from two Sorcs/Sages in a Warzone, I bail. If their team has two, and we don't, it's a lost cause 9 out of 10 times.


BioWare should put some more effort into whatever POS algorithm is used for the Warzone matchmaking. There should always be an equal amount of tanks and healers on both sides. Having an extra damage-dealer does not make up for a healer. A tank, sometimes, but never a healer. Hell, I'd trade two damage-dealers for a healer. Most pewpew players are hovering around 50% of the top damage/kill score, anyway.


LOL @ this guy cramming another QQ sorc heals whine into this thread



All Lies



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I just resubbed after letting my sub run out in may and to break up the story I pvped a bit and aside from one arena (in regs) where we got rolfstomped we won most of them. One of my first pvp matches since I resubbed was Alderaan and we kept the imps from ever getting a single cap, middle was a dps/hps fest.. with not many deaths with the whole healer thing. I also hit 65 (few hours to reach new level cap...) so I'll find out how it is in the top bracket I guess.
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I prefer to play PvP on Rep side, for several reasons, i'm gonna give you the three most important to me...


First, i always preferred Republic to Empire... I don't like to belong to a place where aliens are subjugated and considered inferior (very xenophobical ideal for me, reminds me of Nazis).


Second, i don't have numbers to support this, but looks like Imps win more often... true (but maybe because they have more players, and with more players it's natural you find more better players since your universe of players is bigger). But that makes things for Republic more challenging in PvP. You need to push yourself a lot if you have a bad team, sometimes frustrating yes, but with a bad team (and if you have the right mindset of course) you need to do hard work on PvP to try to do some difference. I've played several Rep games starting badly and seeing that the team wasn't playing as a team, i started talking and trying to organize the team in OPS chat, asking for calls, calling, others followed and we won several times like that, others we lost, but the ones we won felt great and were very rewarding and fun. If you play most of the time with a great team... Of course winning is great, but easy wins don't teach you much... To be honest, i've played Imp side, but given up, too many easy PvP wins, i had almost no challenge and it started to be boring.


Third reason... If everyone goes to the Imp side because it's easier to group and win, that will only help to make things in Rep side worst than they are... So if you complain and leave, you're contributing to the problem instead of help solving it.

Edited by pjaogg
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I just resubbed after letting my sub run out in may and to break up the story I pvped a bit and aside from one arena (in regs) where we got rolfstomped we won most of them. One of my first pvp matches since I resubbed was Alderaan and we kept the imps from ever getting a single cap, middle was a dps/hps fest.. with not many deaths with the whole healer thing. I also hit 65 (few hours to reach new level cap...) so I'll find out how it is in the top bracket I guess.


Since people can play either side, it's a bit tricky talking about Rep and Imp players, since the majority plays both, and it's my opinion (only opinion) that in higher brackets Rep side players are more connected to each other, a bit more solid and have a more team oriented kind of play. It would be great to have a place where we could look at severs population (factions ratios and classes) and then compare that with the leaderboards. That would help understand if it's a matter of better players or more players.

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There's occasionally a faction power shift that occurs when a substantial amount of solo players remain on one side and do not establish any friendships. Meaning, solo players usually roll iconic dps classes and que up, simply because well, they want to play. The secret to all these steamrolls that occur, is that small troops of players actually que up role specific classes, and focus on objectives collectively...that's the idea anyway. The latest trend to farm numbers for possible thread posts may or may not occur intentionally, but that's irrelevant.


I agree with Domi, you should play what faction inspires you. With enough time, you'll see enough players who are likeminded and eventually will establish a group. It takes time, but will pay off. Nobody wins by insulting each other, then walking away. Republic victories do occur, simply when one of these small groups decide to skip over to the opposite faction. An example is when in ranked, the "imp" players will skip over to pubside on literal premade selected classes and que as a team in solo que. These players are doing nothing wrong, technically, but they have an advantage to being able to preselect their group composition, and work together in chat...against random soloque'ers. This condition is called superque, or quesync. Republic on these terms will always win, so it's a relative term.


The problem on Harb, is that this condition shouldn't exist...out of the few hundred pub players there , there should be at least a dozen of them that like to pvp, and there's not. I hate to think that the only way I'll play my pub toon, will be by having to perform a superque. There just isn't enough time in a day to wait pubside for people to que up. It's sad. Die hard pub pvpers should move to Harb, to balance out the factions. That will work theoretically, but the pub pvpers on other servers are too content farming the unorganised imps. Plus you add guildships and other reasons like that, there's many reasons for them to stay where they are.



Tldr: Friendships, not factions win battles. Start making friends ;)

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Since people can play either side, it's a bit tricky talking about Rep and Imp players, since the majority plays both, and it's my opinion (only opinion) that in higher brackets Rep side players are more connected to each other, a bit more solid and have a more team oriented kind of play. It would be great to have a place where we could look at severs population (factions ratios and classes) and then compare that with the leaderboards. That would help understand if it's a matter of better players or more players.

My Pub char that I play the most is a Sage, mostly Balance since it's stupid easy to do damage with with dot spread, that match I was talking about I did 500K more damage than the next highest up, with low APM and some mistakes, I think I got 8 or 9 kills iirc.

I remember when I subbed earlier (before May) during the day the pubs were usually terrible and at night that's usually when the good pub players would be on.

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I prefer to play PvP on Rep side, for several reasons, i'm gonna give you the three most important to me...


First, i always preferred Republic to Empire... I don't like to belong to a place where aliens are subjugated and considered inferior (very xenophobical ideal for me, reminds me of Nazis).


Second, i don't have numbers to support this, but looks like Imps win more often... true (but maybe because they have more players, and with more players it's natural you find more better players since your universe of players is bigger). But that makes things for Republic more challenging in PvP. You need to push yourself a lot if you have a bad team, sometimes frustrating yes, but with a bad team (and if you have the right mindset of course) you need to do hard work on PvP to try to do some difference. I've played several Rep games starting badly and seeing that the team wasn't playing as a team, i started talking and trying to organize the team in OPS chat, asking for calls, calling, others followed and we won several times like that, others we lost, but the ones we won felt great and were very rewarding and fun. If you play most of the time with a great team... Of course winning is great, but easy wins don't teach you much... To be honest, i've played Imp side, but given up, too many easy PvP wins, i had almost no challenge and it started to be boring.


Third reason... If everyone goes to the Imp side because it's easier to group and win, that will only help to make things in Rep side worst than they are... So if you complain and leave, you're contributing to the problem instead of help solving it.


NO, NO wrong, nothing like that happened to me, they never change no matter how many times I tell them. CAP&LEAVE, WANNA-BE RAMBO, WANNA-BE PRO, PEOPLE WHO DON'T LISTEN AT ALL. YOU'RE SO LUCKY! Share some of it with me!

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Challenge. Simple enough. If you're decent at PvP and soloq'ing a lot, you'll have overall more fun imp side (imp vs imp delivered me some very hard WZ where everybody knows his stuff and actually try hard, those are the best warzones)


But if you think you're a great PvP player, sometimes it's good to switch to Rep side. Because if you soloq Rep side, you will have to carry your team most of the time, keep explaining basic pvp stuff in chat, and have to try hard to win a single wz (at least on TRE). Can be exhausting somedays, but first, when you actually manage to win you got a legit feeling of achievement, and second, when you actually meet above average Rep pvpers on your side you can do wonders and feel pretty much like movie heroes, bashing the average weak-minded Imperials all day long. (and group them to do it again)


Because Rep is forever underdog in uWZ, winning as Rep is a pleasure in itself. Plus, if you take an early lead in uWZ as Rep, I've noticed most Imps mentally give up and start wandering aroung killing red stuff (that's because they're - WE Imps are not used to fight decent reps, most of the time it's a one-sided stomp so when Reps actually fight back, we're so disturbed in our habits most of us just prefer switch their brain off and let Reps free win).

At least that's what I used to saw on TRE.


Same here on TRE. In the long run it's about a 75% to 80% loss rate for Reps when solo queuing at peak times. Imps basically rule PvP here, that's the simple fact. The occasional small run of wins always gives you that false sense that, at last, the good times are here but it doesn't last. Sad really since I prefer playing Rep.


Switching over to my mirror class on the Imp side reveals a much more mixed experience, more like a 50/50 win rate. A heck of a lot more same faction matches as well, compared to when playing my Rep character, it feels like the majority of my solo matches on the Imp side are same faction, which serves to indicate strongly that the server population is weighted well in favour of Imp players.


Which is probably one reason why they tend to dominate PvP.

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I still don't understand why the top PvP players don't want a new challenge by playing Rep side ?


IF you would listen rather than hold on to all your pre-conceived psych theories; people have said it at least a dozen times in this thread. On sith side, they still go against other sith teams facing the best but with the same pool of players that could be on their own team. Its a more level playing field. Of course; you could handicap yourself by going pub for an even bigger challenge, but that is more of a parlor trick like shooting a target while blindfolded and it gets to where eventually you might want to take the blindfold off and just compete with your equals in stead.

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IF you would listen rather than hold on to all your pre-conceived psych theories; people have said it at least a dozen times in this thread. On sith side, they still go against other sith teams facing the best but with the same pool of players that could be on their own team. Its a more level playing field. Of course; you could handicap yourself by going pub for an even bigger challenge, but that is more of a parlor trick like shooting a target while blindfolded and it gets to where eventually you might want to take the blindfold off and just compete with your equals in stead.


I don't think you understood me. And, by the way, you just delivered me proof to what I think and wrote. Thank you.

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I only do warzones as with my imp alts for the easy wins, then gear my pub mains with those comms.

It is so much more fun to get easy kills on republic newbs and get high stats.

The occasional challenge from imp v imp helps keep me from getting too lazy.

No one really wants balance, but high numbers and to win everytime.

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As a Republic player on Shadowlands I'd also like to add that the only real challenge in regs, aside from unskilled people queuing up, is when players well known for playing Ranked decide to que up and rolfstomp everyone, was nice getting blown up (hard swap) by multiple(3+ imps , using Target of target?) at once right I started to dps, as if one of them (IO Merc ) couldn't blow up my balance sage in time. Edited by Romeugues
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Funny I have been in a total of 3 PvP matches in my life, both Republic side and 2 wins, none of them because of me I really am terrible, im trying to see if I can PvP very occasionally and reach valor 40 (I got rank 4 on both of these just from a single rank) maybe by the time I get to KoTFE and Forex/pierce I may have the requirement but sufficiently spaced out I am not totally bored, heck just these 2 matches it probably my lot for the rest of the year.
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I am so demoralised as a Republic player on Progenitor that I can't even be bothered to fight.


I just want to sit there, move once a minute to stop my self getting kicked and get my minimal comms so I can buy some equipment. I don't even see the point in moving because you get so stomped you can't even learn the game.


The only matches I can be bothered with are Republic vs. Republic as those matches are even.


The game needs to monitor the win:loss ration on each server and give HUGE expertise bonuses to the faction which is losing a lot.


At the end of the day I am an NPC as a Republic player, just points for another person on the other side of the ocean.

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This is lowbie republic PVP on TRE without a premade: http://i.imgur.com/uGiPwUr.jpg


These days I exclusively play empire for this very reason, but I decided to give it try just see where it's at. Holy f***. If our team can not win with me doing that amount of healing (and with the other team being without a healer), well, there is no hope for them.


(This is just the latest example. I just had another one with many +30 pub players on my team and yet it was a beat down.)


Edit: This is what it takes to win: http://i.imgur.com/SfEonC9.jpg. Notice we are 2 competent healers and we have 4 in the top 5 in DPS. And yet this was a close one.

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When this game first released I only played Imp. I also only played one class - Merc.


Within three months PVP had run its course. Open world PVP at Ilum had turned into a joke. When these open world events materialized it all played out the same way with the Repubs pushed back to their base and players simply kill trading. This happened because BW didn't put any holds in place with numbers of players who could take part in the event. So the Imps would run two full groups plus some and the Repubs generally were lucky to have one full group going. So there was never really a challenge.


Then you had huttball.


It got to the point where I new every single hard core PVPer left on the server who played at the same times I did. It got to a point where I could tell you who would win the huttball match just by looking at who I was teamed up with. Because itf it wasn't a name I didn't know, I knew without even looking that they didn't have the gear to be competitive. Back then you had to work to get your PVP set.


Fast forward a couple of years and a server change and I decide to switch sides I went Repub playing a commando on PoT5. Initially, we held our own in lowbie and mid pvp. But once you reached make level it just turned completely ugly. Two many players in PVE gear, too many matches without a full team or healer, too many long queues, and too many players who simply wanted to do nothing more than get their daily done. It took me somewhere close to 3 months to get my full DR set on this commando. And I swore I would never do it again on the Repub. side.


So I switched back. This time playing a healer operative. And in just a single weekend after I hit 55, I had half my Exhumed set. It probably took me just one week of heavy PVP warzones to get the full set. Getting the DR set was a cake walk compared to what I went through on the Mando.


Why the difference?


Mostly because of queue times. Playing Imp I could get back to back queues where as playing Repub I had long delays between matches. Win or losses were about 50% split. On the Repub side is was heavy losses.


So OP, if you want my thoughts on your question, it depends on the server you are on. But on the two PVP servers I played on, it is Imps hands down.


The biggest problem this game has is that it created a two faction system when three factions make more sense. Then your PVP could turn into something more closely resembling Planetside - where when one faction is leading the other two simply gang up on them. No one faction holds dominance for long.


But just imagine what Huttball could have been with players from across all factions.

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LOL @ this guy cramming another QQ sorc heals whine into this thread



All Lies




But he is spot on and do not pretend you don´t know liar.


Sorcerer needs to be toned down. Healing need to be toned down, or give more healing debuffs. its way to decisive for the outcome of a Warzone. Do you wonder why half the people on imp teams are sorcerer, yeah sure they all play sorcerer cause it is fun...nothing to do with godmode survivability

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On the red eclipse it is sort of ok. I win the majority of the fights on rep side. Usually play with friends tho. Im the tank, got a dps and healer. Adding a premade combo like that can do a lot. When I solo queue... Still win about 50% of the warzones.
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