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Convince me to go sentinel


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I've leveled a guardian to 60+ before, also leveled a juggernaut to 60+. I liked them both.


I have a new knight that I've rerolled probably 10-12 times now because I keep swapping between guardian and sentinel and just cant decide.


I love the dual saber look, and I hate the single saber stance that guardians use (especially when running, so awkward). The sentinel just doesnt feel right in combat though, and it keeps throwing me off enough to make me rethink the AC choice.


What is it that you just love about your sentinel that guardians dont have? From a gameplay standpoint, it seems like guardian is capable of similar damage output and is vastly more survivable when targeted, both in pvp and pve.

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Sentinels are the highest dps class in the game right now, guardians are one of the lower dps classes. (Sentinels will do 5% more damage than a guardian at endgame) Also, sentinels have a class buff that makes the group deal 10% more damage


If you already have a guardian and a juggernaut it might be a nice change in pace.

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Guardians are probably a bit more sturdy, but they lack the raw output the two sentinel-specific spec can put forth right now


I know you must be thinking "but my guardian is a dps with heavy armor, and a crapload of good defensive cooldowns".


So are sent/marauders. And they are very fun to play, with a lot of utility. I have both a jug, mara, and when I went pub side I did my first knight as a sent with no hesitation.

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looks cool and is full of kidos so it's easier to be the first of your class in terms of damage


+you have no healing and taunts which means you can focus on killing stuff rather than helping annoying teamates


do i need to say something else?

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Guardians are like sents but with less buttons to press, they are somewhat easier and have less utilitity, in exchange they get somewhat discutible better cooldowns and heavy armor + a taunt and the ability to tank


Comparing the dps specs on both technically they are not better nor worst (not including the leet pve dudes who can push the ...%s to the limit) what they gain in simplicity and heavy armor they loose on utility and variety, both are fun to play and will depend only on you


And they both share a spec, "fury", plays almost the same for both maras and juggs (sents or guardians) so when you play it you will know what im talking about


I have 2 juggs 1 mara 1 sent and 1 guardian all lvl 65 and i do pvp and pve

Edited by khsolo
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Well, here's my perspective. I don't really care for guardian all that much. I will log on and run some warzones every now and then in Vigilance spec, just because it's pretty fun to jump into the fray and shrug off a beating, toss others around like ragdolls (yay force push), awesome AOE smash, and still put out decent numbers. Then after a few games, the excitement wears off and I become increasingly annoyed by how slow it is. It takes too long to go anywhere without Transcendence (Predation). I have no escape tools (Force Camo with Sentinel, also Trans) other than the new Blade Blitz (Mad Dash). I have relatively weak burst damage compared to Sentinel. Overall, guardian just feels lumbering, and I hate that.


For operations, Sentinel will do a bit more dps, which matters very much in HM operations that have dps checks (e.g. Styrak at the end of HM S&V). You probably wouldn't take a Vigi Guardian over a Sentinel for that fight. Trans / Pred is very useful to the group. Dual sabres are more exciting IMO. If you play Watchman / Annihilation, you get some self healing for you and the group. You get a few seconds of 99% damage reduction for those times when the boss is about to hit you with something that would 1-shot you (a guardian would die in this case, Sent would not).


I think that Guardian is easier to play, but Sentinel has the potential to be a little bit better at quite a few things. Both have their advantages, so it's really up to your preference. If you like Guardian better, just stick with it.

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you need to be convinced to roll the most OP class of all times in the game?


There was no point from SWTOR 1.0 up to 4.0.3 that Sentinel / Marauder wasn't the top dps class. They have always been the highest dps class because all other classes receive nerf when they compete with this class. this is Bioware's baby, no other class must be as good or better than Sentinel / marauder. Evidence of this is the current patch nerf to Sniper / gunslinger. they were as good and in some fights slightly better than the Sentinel/Marauder and they were punished so hard for it and are now the rock bottom feeders of the dps community.


and you need convincing? *facepalm*


however. imo. sentinel/marauder game play isn't as fun as guardian/juggernaut imo. I like force push, you dont get that as sentinel :(

Edited by Fallerup
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In terms of survivability in pvp. Guardians can outlive sentinels 3:1, however a well played sentinel could possibly beat a guardian, just depends on the player. But even a bad guardian can hold its own against a well played sentinel (it's a bit faceroll right now). If I were to face myself though, I'd say my juggernaut would come out on top with 50% of his health still intact. (I try to avoid fighting juggernauts on my marauder anyway).


With that being said, both classes are fun to play. Just today, I was on my mara and did top DPS in the WZ (1.6 mill), it was a hypergate, so getting people in the centre was easy. We also had a healer so I at least got to stay alive. And I peeled for the healer when people would jump them.


My juggernaut tank can also do some great DPS output and keep people alive while surviving quite a bit.


It comes down to playstyle, and if you'd like the option to tank.

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you need to be convinced to roll the most OP class of all times in the game?


There was no point from SWTOR 1.0 up to 4.0.3 that Sentinel / Marauder wasn't the top dps class. They have always been the highest dps class because all other classes receive nerf when they compete with this class. this is Bioware's baby, no other class must be as good or better than Sentinel / marauder. Evidence of this is the current patch nerf to Sniper / gunslinger. they were as good and in some fights slightly better than the Sentinel/Marauder and they were punished so hard for it and are now the rock bottom feeders of the dps community.


Troopers and Bounty Hunters would like a word with you about the whole of 3.0 and 4.0 up til 4.0.3.


Tell me who was taking a sent over a vg for better damage in any operation.

Edited by Gyronamics
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you need to be convinced to roll the most OP class of all times in the game?


There was no point from SWTOR 1.0 up to 4.0.3 that Sentinel / Marauder wasn't the top dps class. They have always been the highest dps class because all other classes receive nerf when they compete with this class. this is Bioware's baby, no other class must be as good or better than Sentinel / marauder. Evidence of this is the current patch nerf to Sniper / gunslinger. they were as good and in some fights slightly better than the Sentinel/Marauder and they were punished so hard for it and are now the rock bottom feeders of the dps community.


and you need convincing? *facepalm*


however. imo. sentinel/marauder game play isn't as fun as guardian/juggernaut imo. I like force push, you dont get that as sentinel :(


You clearly forgot about all of 3.0 then. Guardians had similar dps outputs to Sentinels in the majority of all boss fights, and Shadows were far superior DoT spreaders. Both have superior versions of utilities Sentinels have.


And I think the "baby" you're referring to is the Sage/Sorc. The guy above me pretty much took the words out of my mouth regarding Ops, so I'll just refer to PvP here. They alone accounted for the majority of the top 1/3rd of last season's Ranked scores (only class to reach 3,000, I might add), and since then they've received nothing but better utilities and not a single nerf. Not to mention Balance/Madness, the most over performing Discipline of the three, received a dps buff in relation to the other classes with the release of 4.0.



As for the OP's original statement. I'm assuming you're mostly just interested in the DPS disciplines? Bar the mirror classes, one advantage Sents/Maras have over Jugg/Guardians is that you can choose between a high paced alacrity-based play style, or a more fluid DoT spec. Vigilance is fun in its own right, I can't help but want to press another button while waiting between GCDs. Sents/Maras offer a lot of passive abilities you can use to occupy your time, whereas Guardians and Juggs have always felt a bit clunky to me in that respect.


If you prefer a more methodical play style with good personal utility and dependable defense, I wouldn't waste time rerolling back to Guardian. But if you like eclectic, acrobatic fighting with intermittent moments of "oh Sh** better do something", Sentinel is your class.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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