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Addons and Mods


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If you people don't want to use macros then don't. But it should still remain an option for the people that wish to use them.



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I Understand why Things like Dmg meters and Gearscore wouldnt be allowed, but I would love to be able to change my ui up a bit, the default action bar setup is a bit awkward for me. And I would like to have a personal dmg meter that just shows my own dmg so I can maximize my dmg and not have to worry about anyone else.
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If you people don't want to use macros then don't. But it should still remain an option for the people that wish to use them.


That's not how it works though... ever... and it never has worked this way. How it works is:


If you don't use x, y, and z add-on you cannot even be looked at for this raid/guild/group and if person a has a higher number than person b (even my a minute amount) then person a will be chosen over person b when deciding to go on a raid.... then person a turns out to be a god awful player who has been carried for his gear and just knows how to stand still and watch a meter whilst he times his rotation, but by the time you've kicked person a because he is wiping the raid person b has already gone offline.

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Just getting my first character to 50. Coming from a background of competitive raiding, I can say that I won't be able to play this game for very long without at least a combat log being added. I'm trying to figure out how to optimize my character, only nobody knows how to and for every person that says do "a" there will be another that says "lol, 'a' sucks, do 'b'". Nobody has any idea what they are talking about because nobody can gather data with which to theorycraft.


I really enjoyed the leveling experience and will probably level a second class to 50, but at some point the endgame has to be compelling enough to sustain the game. For a large swath of the community it cannot be compelling when it operates completely within a black box. See how long the game lasts after that segment of the community leaves.

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Macros are fine, addons like gearscore, recount, healbot, and dbm can stay in wow.


I see those exact ones -all- the friggin' time, but I really don't see what part of them are so bad that they need to be excluded, and none of the reasoning people provide have either been strongly opinionated or outright wrong. Please why are these the four eternal sins of addons?

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About closing the "This game needs macros and addons badly" thread and referring to this thread instead:


I have no problem with that per se (I don't even agree with the OP), but if it's such an issue for you that the players are starting more than one thread about the same subject, then maybe you should rather get the forum search function going again so that we can actually find these existing threads instead?


I mean, how long are you going to maintain that the search function has been disabled "temporarilly for back-end maintenance"? It's been what - two weeks now?


This x a million

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I love these threads I really do. Bads from all over flock here condemning add-ons and how they are unfair, truly amusing. Also, another thing to note, since I've seen it mentioned multiple times in these "add-on" threads is the add-ons most people refer to outside of customizing your interface in no way play the game for you, add-ons like dbm, recount and omen simply make playing your class in a raid environment more efficient. I really dont understand all the hate for add-ons, I really don't like using wow as a example but, if you seriously think that person A using 0 add-ons is going to execute mechanics and perform as well as person B who is using omen, dbm ect. You are delusional, end of story.
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Need macros atleast, 1000 skills on interface that I can barely see my own character lol - a mess. adding 2-3 skills in one bar makes life easier and you actually play game instead of working full time on bar watching. Clicking 5 buttons just to make some skill instant or more fancy way to cast it out is just a waste of space. We pay to play so we get to pick what we want right? So half of you dislike macros then disable macros option, other half likes and we use it. Make it an option. there is enough capitalism in games already, no need more.
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- they make the game a lot easier



- they also make it a lot easier to hack into your account or to cheat

- without addons every player has the same chances in the game



You use them with your own discretion :) you get hacked then you are one lucky son of a gun :D start over :D

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- they make the game a lot easier



- they also make it a lot easier to hack into your account or to cheat

- without addons every player has the same chances in the game


You can only get hacked if you somehow went to the wrong site and downloaded something you shouldn't have and then double clicked an .exe when everyone knows addons don't have .exe files. It's almost as dumb as falling for a phishing email.


Oh and don't tell me about the ancient time back when addons could do malicious things or automate actions in WoW. Blizzard fixed it. It aint gonna happen in SWTOR unless BW beyond incompetent, which they are not.

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how about bioware adding just a recount type utility to the game? useful for everyone. no


mods please. DBM and other such mods just make otherwise incompetent players appear pro


when all it does is turn thinking way down. I'd rather just play with people that can analyze a


situation and react accordingly than people that need "MOVE AWAY FROM FIRE NOW!" in red


at the center of their screen. i hope the people that "need" mods to play the game go back to


wow soon.

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Addons are already confirmed and on the way, but they should have been in at launch.


Confirmed? when and where please.


As for my two cents - I think addons improve the game, they help you improve as a class, especially in a new game where you can work on your rotation and see which talents are better. And not to mention the much needed UI customization addons.


Having said that I do believe some addons either ruin the game or bring out 'elitism' - for example addons like gearscore.

Edited by Violander
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Confirmed? when and where please.


As for my two cents - I think addons improve the game, they help you improve as a class, especially in a new game where you can work on your rotation and see which talents are better. And not to mention the much needed UI customization addons.


Having said that I do believe some addons either ruin the game or bring out 'elitism' - for example addons like gearscore.


they have never confirmed any add ons. or mods.


What they have said is they are working on a more customizable UI and a system to provide a player with more information on their own performance in combat. Both of those statements ( i know becasue they were quoted as proof) were miss read to mean that they were confirming add ons and mods. As I am sure you understand you can have a closed system that lets you fully customize a UI without allowing any third party mods or addons. This does not mean that they will not be allowing them just that they never have said they were going to allow them.

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I think there was something said at one point (and don't quote me on this) that add-ons were "something they'd like to add."


So, yeah, whenever something like that is said, there are people who will remember it as "something we promise to add." I'm pretty sure they haven't actually confirmed things one way or the other.

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I think there was something said at one point (and don't quote me on this) that add-ons were "something they'd like to add."


So, yeah, whenever something like that is said, there are people who will remember it as "something we promise to add." I'm pretty sure they haven't actually confirmed things one way or the other.


hard to tell thats the problem with the prelaunch wipe makes it hard to find alot of the DEV posts that are on topic.


remember one of the posts linked a voice log of an interview done at a convention during the summer claiming they said dual specs were comming. When you actually listen to the interview they were asked about balancing pvp for some of the classes and would they add pvp specs. The response was that they were looking at different ideas concerning pvp and they would look at that as part of that process.

Yet the op took that to mean they said they were adding dual specs in his thread a week ago.

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DBM and other such mods just make otherwise incompetent players appear pro


when all it does is turn thinking way down. I'd rather just play with people that can analyze a


situation and react accordingly than people that need "MOVE AWAY FROM FIRE NOW!" in red


at the center of their screen. i hope the people that "need" mods to play the game go back to


wow soon.


In terms of WoW, the Devs have said that Addons such as DBM have given them the freedom and motivation to make boss encounters more dynamic, have more stuff going on and more difficult than they would otherwise have been. If there were no mods such as DBM then Blizz would have stuck with the vanilla style of encounter which was mainly tank-and-spank with one or two little mechanics that players had to learn and react to.


Because they knew later that addons provided the tools players needed to deal with far more complex and interesting encounters, that's what they designed. Basically if the addon community hadn't developed DBM then Blizzard would have had to (or it would have had to stick with far less complex bosses - a single boss in current raidingmay have as many different mechanics as an entire tier of bosses did in the early days).


Blizzard has since recognised that some players stubbornly refuse to install the mods that they basically design their game around, and so has started incorporating elements of DBM into the basic encounters.


Other mods that have later been integrated into the UI: better AH design, more efficient mission log and quest tracking, better bag management, tooltip comparisons, threat warnings, better raid frames, improved map and minimap, power auras. Addons feed into the development of a MMO - often in a positive and enriching way. Having thousands of people working on improving the game with the development team responding to that and filtering the results is always going to improve a game faster, more efficiently and in a way the majority find pleasing than having the devs work on their own to force through their blinkered vision for what they think people want.

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Another thing to consider is that with an open system of Addon development, you end up with a very dedicated, hardcore following of addon coders in the game - promoting its improvement and encouraging other people to play. It keeps a steady population of enthusiasts and helps create communities.


There are entire community sites and forums dedicated to UI customisation in WoW, for example - people striving for the most beautiful / utilitarian / minimalist or unconventional UI setup and sharing and posting their results. It's that kind of community (along with other similar special-interest communities - such as hardcore world-first raiders, dedicated PVPers, pet collectors, RPers, mount enthusiasts, achievement hunters - all of whom, BTW, would find uses for specific types of addon) that ensure an MMO has a steady population of players that are reluctant to ever leave - and thus poputate the virtual world for the rest of us (and keep the game in development)

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- they make the game a lot easier



- they also make it a lot easier to hack into your account or to cheat

- without addons every player has the same chances in the game

With addons, every player has the same chances in the game, since every player effectively has access to addons.

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