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French Community strikes back


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hallo ihr lieben

leider können viele von uns kein französisch aber wir deutschen möchten dazu auch was sagen ;

Alles, was wir wollen, ist, gehört zu werden. Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, zu zeigen,

wir sind auch keine Minderheit, sondern dass wir sehr viele sind , und denken

das Spiel stirbt langsam wenn sich nicht sofort was ändert was den PvE Content anbelangt aus.

Wir finden es schon traurig genug das immer nur gesagt wird Ihr ändert was;

aber das was wurde den wirklich geändert.


Unseren alten Gefährten wie Treek usw. wurde alles weggenommen wie an Ausrüßtung usw. ???

Frage: Warum ?

PvE-Content mit Wüter und Tempel ist nicht wirklich eine Herausforderung gewesen.

Viele Spieler finden den Story-Modus nur noch lächerlich weil er kinderleicht geworden ist durch

eure Maßnahmen die ihr getroffen habt !!!

Frage: Warum ?

Euer Belohnungssystem für zahlreiche Abbonenten ist und bleibt ja der größte Witz den ihr gemacht habt.

Wir haben die Schnauze gestrichen voll und wenn sich nicht bald was ändert werden viel Spieler euch verlassen

und somit SwTor aussterben.

Frage: Wollt ihr das ?



deutsche Community




Bonjour cher

Malheureusement, beaucoup d'entre nous ne peut pas parler français, mais nous voulons dire aussi ce que l'allemand;

Tout ce que nous voulons est d'être entendu. Maintenant, le moment est venu de montrer,

nous ne sommes pas une minorité, mais que nous avons beaucoup de choses, et de penser

le jeu est en train de mourir, si pas immédiatement ce qui change ce que le contenu PvE de termes.

Nous pensons qu'il est assez triste qui ne vous a jamais dit ce qui change;

mais ce qui était le vraiment changé.


Nos anciens compagnons comme treek etc. était tout emmenés à Ausrüßtung etc ???

Question: Pourquoi [/ B]?

Contenu PvE avec Wüter et Temple est pas vraiment été un défi.

Beaucoup de joueurs trouvent le mode histoire seulement ridicule parce qu'il est devenu un jeu d'enfant par

vos actions que vous avez rencontré !!!

Question: Pourquoi [/ B]?

Votre système de récompense pour de nombreux Abbonenten reste en effet la plus grande blague que vous avez fait pour elle.

Nous avons supprimé le museau pleinement et si pas de sitôt ce que beaucoup de joueurs vous laissera changé

et donc SWTOR éteinte.

Q: Voulez-vous le [/ B]?



Communauté germanophone


at first i was like "Awwww man! German!"


then i was like "yay French!" then I read it.


I need to learn German, too.

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Thx for all your support!


Geman community is IN!!!


No matter what you guys think, most people like the game it is with exception of Pvp content of course, which there isn't a good enough excuse for not having enough Pvp content. Also, the lvl-sync i was murderously against, but with the way Comapions heal us, it makes the lvl-sync tolerable. Without the good healing that Companions can give then there would be a Huge outcry for the lvl-sync to be removed again.


We could use more Ops and Fps, but i do believe that the Devs biggest concerns are on finishing Season 1, which has a big problem of not having enough new-companion converstaion, it think that's terrible in my opinion.


You guys also seem to forget, most Conveniently that we have had Polls on the way our Companions are power-wise and ur side Failed Unanimously, and every Community of every Language and Nationionality was able to to vote on.


Yes this game does have some Major problems when not caring enough for their Pvp Community............. if there is 1 now:(. But we do need better Pvp'ing. That so-called /bug where both sides, the Sith and the Republic were able to eneter each others Capitals could ver well be a very good thing as long as there were to be safe areas. I mean Wth, all ppl had to do is call for some back-up in their Guilds or get on their Alt level 65's to get rid of the invaders.


But to be honest we the people here do not know where all of Biowares money goes.

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I'm glad you had permission to speak for the entire french community (sarcasm).


I have said it before, but KotFE is not the end of group content. There is still plenty to be had: heroics, FPs, OPs, grouping for planetary story missions, etc ( I do agree that the aforementioned items are old group content). New group content for KotFE = "heroic" Star Fortresses. Yes, the SF's can be soloed (even the "heroic" versions) but grouping is way faster/easier.


Also, we still have additional chapters releasing monthly starting in February 2016. I do hope that the new chapters bring some new group content.


We should all reserve judgment on the condition of the game until the full KotFE has been released.

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This has gotten ridiculous for two reasons:


Reason one: The games was marketed as a KOTOR 3, as a STORY MMO. You joined a STORY MMO.


Reason two: Why can't anyone argue on here with logic and be understanding? oh ya, it's the internet.


I do disagree with this, because bioware is trying to create story content for a story mmo.

What I do understand is that there is a lack of new content for you guys specifically, as it stands we have the issue that right now, they do not obviously have the developers to do both.


I hope you guys understand that I'd much rather them create story content. I'll admit, the decision to create SWTOR instead of KOTOR 3 was a mistake. I followed development of this game for a long time, and the announcement that it was going to be an MMO was disappointing to say the least.


I wish we could get both kinds of content but they have limitations. And I trust that the player base will increase with the way they are improving the game and focusing on story. I have never continued a sub in my life for an MMO but decided to do so with the 4.0 update. I'm not the only one who feel that way, quite a few of my friends came back to this game and subbed with 4.0 as well. The game is going towards the best place it can. You guys beating a dead horse won't change much right now.

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This has gotten ridiculous for two reasons:


Reason one: The games was marketed as a KOTOR 3, as a STORY MMO. You joined a STORY MMO.


Reason two: Why can't anyone argue on here with logic and be understanding? oh ya, it's the internet.


I do disagree with this, because bioware is trying to create story content for a story mmo.

What I do understand is that there is a lack of new content for you guys specifically, as it stands we have the issue that right now, they do not obviously have the developers to do both.


I hope you guys understand that I'd much rather them create story content. I'll admit, the decision to create SWTOR instead of KOTOR 3 was a mistake. I followed development of this game for a long time, and the announcement that it was going to be an MMO was disappointing to say the least.


I wish we could get both kinds of content but they have limitations. And I trust that the player base will increase with the way they are improving the game and focusing on story. I have never continued a sub in my life for an MMO but decided to do so with the 4.0 update. I'm not the only one who feel that way, quite a few of my friends came back to this game and subbed with 4.0 as well. The game is going towards the best place it can. You guys beating a dead horse won't change much right now.


How dare people disagree and protest! The asininity is strong with this one.

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This has gotten ridiculous for two reasons:


Reason one: The games was marketed as a KOTOR 3, as a STORY MMO. You joined a STORY MMO.


Reason two: Why can't anyone argue on here with logic and be understanding? oh ya, it's the internet.


I do disagree with this, because bioware is trying to create story content for a story mmo.

What I do understand is that there is a lack of new content for you guys specifically, as it stands we have the issue that right now, they do not obviously have the developers to do both.


I hope you guys understand that I'd much rather them create story content. I'll admit, the decision to create SWTOR instead of KOTOR 3 was a mistake. I followed development of this game for a long time, and the announcement that it was going to be an MMO was disappointing to say the least.


I wish we could get both kinds of content but they have limitations. And I trust that the player base will increase with the way they are improving the game and focusing on story. I have never continued a sub in my life for an MMO but decided to do so with the 4.0 update. I'm not the only one who feel that way, quite a few of my friends came back to this game and subbed with 4.0 as well. The game is going towards the best place it can. You guys beating a dead horse won't change much right now.


So the subset of players who want KOTOR 3 in a bug filled low quality poor service MMO wrapper that releases new story content on a slow trickle basis over the course of a year are going to keep the game afloat?


Got it.

Edited by DawnAskham
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So the subset of players who want KOTOR 3 in a bug filled low quality poor service MMO wrapper that releases new story content on a slow trickle basis over the course of a year are going to keep the game afloat?


Got it.


They are definitely gambling on it. I have my doubts.

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How dare people disagree and protest! The asininity is strong with this one.


Let me rephrase, the fact that this argument keeps popping up is just plain dumb to begin with,but causing in fights about it, threatening to leave is even worse. Although OP did not threaten to subscribe, it comes across as them trying to hold the game hostage just because a game that was made for story content has decided to put their already limited resources in on developing story content (which if you guys aren't paying attention has been postponed).


Stop holding us hostage, forcing us to be World of warcraft. The majority of founding players were kotor fans who quit because without the voice and story, this game was a sci fi copy of world of warcraft.


Bioware will obviously continue to make this game better and yes, probably destroy sections of the community but who cares? Everyone who wanted a star wars story like kotor 3 will come back and a majority of them will become loyal and faithful to the game. I do suspect that this game will be getting a boost from the new star wars movie. Which do you think is more entertaining to customers, Pvp content or story content?


So the subset of players who want KOTOR 3 in a bug filled low quality poor service MMO wrapper that releases new story content on a slow trickle basis over the course of a year are going to keep the game afloat?


Got it.


Thank you for your input, why do you play this game? The game was more bugged on launch than this. The quality of this game, is actually pretty good with the audio choices, voice, player choice, graphics and graphics. The game play is the same as world of warcraft which is okay. The slow trickle of story is probably their lack of resources at the moment. The argument that this game isn't going to last another year has been said since day one, guess what it's still here and people are returning. You know those people that played star wars games as they came out or the people that loved kotor? ya, they are coming back because the game has eliminated many issues that a story mmo would have if it were created as a carbon copy of wow.

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Hello everyone,


With a little delay due to episode 7 , you will find below the replay link of the evening. Thank you again to the 200 players present , hoping that all this is only the beginning of an even bigger revolt !


Qui'yo'jin GM Wookiee Section XXI


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Hello everyone,


With a little delay due to episode 7 , you will find below the replay link of the evening. Thank you again to the 200 players present , hoping that all this is only the beginning of an even bigger revolt !


Qui'yo'jin GM Wookiee Section XXI





BW watch this!!!

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Let me rephrase, the fact that this argument keeps popping up is just plain dumb to begin with,but causing in fights about it, threatening to leave is even worse. Although OP did not threaten to subscribe, it comes across as them trying to hold the game hostage just because a game that was made for story content has decided to put their already limited resources in on developing story content (which if you guys aren't paying attention has been postponed).


Stop holding us hostage, forcing us to be World of warcraft. The majority of founding players were kotor fans who quit because without the voice and story, this game was a sci fi copy of world of warcraft.


Bioware will obviously continue to make this game better and yes, probably destroy sections of the community but who cares? Everyone who wanted a star wars story like kotor 3 will come back and a majority of them will become loyal and faithful to the game. I do suspect that this game will be getting a boost from the new star wars movie. Which do you think is more entertaining to customers, Pvp content or story content?


Thank you for your input, why do you play this game? The game was more bugged on launch than this. The quality of this game, is actually pretty good with the audio choices, voice, player choice, graphics and graphics. The game play is the same as world of warcraft which is okay. The slow trickle of story is probably their lack of resources at the moment. The argument that this game isn't going to last another year has been said since day one, guess what it's still here and people are returning. You know those people that played star wars games as they came out or the people that loved kotor? ya, they are coming back because the game has eliminated many issues that a story mmo would have if it were created as a carbon copy of wow.



There's so so much I want to say to you, but I think you might be one of the players I'd lose my head on so I'm going to stop here, and say thank you for your opinions and put my hands in the air and walk out.

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