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Bioware, you're going down a path I cannot follow!


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Chapter 1: The fallen empire.


Bioware: I saw your unsub thread. What are you doing out here?

Subscriber: I was so worried about swtor. Reddit told me terrible things.

Bioware: What things?

Subscriber: He said you turned to the dark side. That you... killed swtor.

Bioware: Reddit is trying to turn you against me.

Subscriber: He cares about us.

Bioware: Us?

Subscriber: He knows. He wants to help you. BIoware, all I want is your trust.

Bioware: Trust won't save you, Sub?. Only my new sub rewards can do that.

Subscriber: At what cost? You're a good company, don't do this!

Bioware: I won't lose you the way I lost most subscribers. I've become more wealthy than any subscriber has ever dreamed of. And I'm doing it for you, to protect you.

Subscriber: Come away with me. Help me raise this mmo. Leave everything else behind while we still can.

Bioware: Don't you see? We don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the forums. I am more powerful than Gabe newell, I can overthrow him. And together you and I can rule the internet. Make things the way we want them to be.

Subscriber: [steps away] I can't believe what I'm hearing. Reddit was right. You've changed.

Bioware: I don't want to hear any more about Reddit! The subscribers turned against me, don't you turn against me.

Subscriber: I don't know you anymore. Bioware, you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow.

Bioware: Because of Reddit?

Subscriber: Because of what you've done! What you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back. I love you!

Bioware: [seeing Reddit] LIAR!

Subscriber: No!

Bioware: You're with them! You brought them here to kill me! [begins to choke Subscriber]

Subscriber: No, Bioware--

Reddit: Let her go, Bioware!

Subscriber: Bioware...

Reddit: LET HER GO!

[bioware releases Subscriber?, who collapses]

Bioware: You turned reddit against me!

Reddit: You have done that yourself.

Bioware: You will not take subscribers from me!

Reddit: Your anger and your lust for money have already done that. You have allowed this "EA" to twist your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Bioware: Don't lecture me, Reddit. I see through the lies of the subscribers. I do not fear EA as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!

Reddit: Your new empire?

Bioware: Don't make me kill you...

Reddit: Bioware, my allegiance is to Swtor... to Star Wars!

BIoware: If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!

Reddit: Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.

Bioware: You will try.


To be continued...

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So how many more threads are you going to make telling the rest of the community that you're leaving? This is two in an hour.


If you're going, then go.


Hey this one had some wit to it though. BW is the one who referenced REDDIT and other sources. Sorry but if people were allowed to scream they were going to leave over the justified companion nerf, start endless rage threads there...


well the idea of "whats good for the goose is good for the gander" comes to mind.


Note, I am not leaving yet but not for the game but for my guild. Thing is BW says they want our feedback, not our fandom, correct? Feedback includes the negative does it not?

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RAWR! I IZ SO ANGREE THAT I IZ GETTING FREE STUFFS AS SUBSCRIBER (or having zero change to my status as a non-subscriber)!!!!!!111 I QUITZ! RAWRRR!!!


The best part of all this is these people have no idea how incredibly stupid they look. I mean, way more than usual levels of stupid here. This is a whole new level. Quitting because you're getting free stuff. Damn you Bioware, how dare you do something nice!!!


What's even more hilarious is that these same people pimp their refer-a-friend code in their signatures, offering free stuff to people in order to give them coins.


The mind boggles.

Edited by NeuroticCupcake
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RAWR! I IZ SO ANGREE THAT I IZ GETTING FREE STUFFS AS SUBSCRIBER (or having zero change to my status as a non-subscriber)!!!!!!111 I QUITZ! RAWRRR!!!


The best part of all this is these people have no idea how incredibly stupid they look. I mean, way more than usual levels of stupid here. This is a whole new level. Quitting because you're getting free stuff. Damn you Bioware, how dare you do something nice!!!


What's even more hilarious is that these same people pimp their refer-a-friend code in their signatures, offering free stuff to people in order to give them coins.


The mind boggles.


If this is your understanding of subscriber concerns, then you are being either willfully obtuse or unbelievable thick.

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Oh pls, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out people's over inflated sense of entitlement.



People are acting like this announcement is their sole developmental plans or something, as opposed to an announcement of a bunch of free stuff they're giving out. It's beyond ridiculous.


And not at all shocking, every last one of them is also a well established elitist scumbag, too. Shock of shocks. Most of the people playing the game that even knew an announcement was coming (which is likely less than 1%) would be stoked to hear that they're getting HK-55 as a companion, amongst several of the other perks mentioned.


Whatever bizarre dreams these other, whiny, self-entitled players imagined the announcement would be about is solely on them and their overexaggerated sense of self. "Hey, we have some exciting news coming on December 1st about subscriber rewards!" "OMG," the delusional thought, "they're clearly going to mentioned new ops or raids or some other endgame content that's totally going to be for subscribers only, since, you know, they specifically mentioned subscriber rewards and that totally means they're going to be saying 'FU' to everyone else! True story! Even though we have practically an entire year of other subscriber rewards mentioned as a basis of comparison, and they're all pretty weak compared to this latest announcement. You know, crap like a ****** speeder and a generic cloak that you can find green models of in-game! But no, that can't possibly be what they mean about exciting new subscriber rewards? It must obviously be a massive game changer! Exclusive to subscribers, of course! IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, FOR I AM A GENIUS BEYOND ALL GENIUS! (Even if I can't comprehend what "subscriber rewards" refer to.)"

Edited by NeuroticCupcake
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Oh pls, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out people's over inflated sense of entitlement.


For me personally, I don't care about the rewards. My decision to sub or not is based solely on whether or not I'm having fun in the game. I currently am, so my sub is not in jeopardy. I think what most people are really upset about is the manner in which BioWare employees hyped this announcement.

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There was nothing in the OP's post that said, "I'm leaving." However, there was a message in there that insinuated, that many players are leaving because of mistakes BW and EA are committing. For example, I allowed my sub to expire, and I haven't played since mid November because of the companion nerf fiasco.


Sure, I'll probably be back, maybe in may or June of 2016. I found something else, fun to do since I left SWTOR. So, who knows, maybe I won't want to come back. It wasn't just the companion nerf fiasco, but there was other crap that took place that made people want to quit...


For me, it was a ton of stuff added together. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was that companion nerf. Just as I was finally starting to enjoy the game again, they did what they did and brought me back to that place where I felt pain instead of pleasure (I know there are those who can't distinguish between the two, but I'm not one of those). So, I let my sub expire, and I stopped playing. I'm not even playing as preferred. I'm totally doing something else.


So, you can't completely write off the OP's post as "just another I want to quit, who wants my stuff post." In fact, the OP didn't say he wanted to quit, just that BW is becoming deaf to it's player base.


Just to be clear, no. You can't have my stuff. Also, I've been a sub since launch. I'm a Founder having purchased the CE version of the game. Yeah, my Darth Malgus statue is in pristine condition, and I've had enough of BW's shenanigans.

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For me personally, I don't care about the rewards. My decision to sub or not is based solely on whether or not I'm having fun in the game. I currently am, so my sub is not in jeopardy.



Edited by MorrisAO
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People are acting like this announcement is their sole developmental plans or something, as opposed to an announcement of a bunch of free stuff they're giving out. It's beyond ridiculous.


Um, it kind of was, though. Thats half the point.


They are delaying Ch. 10 by a month, and then doing nothing but what they showed us from now till next October.


They promised waay back when over a year ago now, that they would never again have as lengthy a drought of content as there was between Oricon and the Dread Ops and the 3.0 Rav/ToS. And now, the absolute soonest that we could possibly get anything thats not story or some reskinned junk they mock up to snare in the "Oooh, thats shiney, I want it" people will be two years after the release of 3.0.

Edited by Dras_Keto
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which generally infers you are unsubbing and quitting.


So which is it? You posting over and over about quitting, or dishonestly inferring you are as some kind of "threat" to them?


Dude i was here before you and i will be here after you. I can't unsub i already paid up front for 3 months at least, but I won't be playing as much or at all for a while.

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Chapter 1: The fallen empire.


Bioware: I saw your unsub thread. What are you doing out here?

Subscriber: I was so worried about swtor. Reddit told me terrible things.

Bioware: What things?

Subscriber: He said you turned to the dark side. That you... killed swtor.

Bioware: Reddit is trying to turn you against me.

Subscriber: He cares about us.

Bioware: Us?

Subscriber: He knows. He wants to help you. BIoware, all I want is your trust.

Bioware: Trust won't save you, Sub?. Only my new sub rewards can do that.

Subscriber: At what cost? You're a good company, don't do this!

Bioware: I won't lose you the way I lost most subscribers. I've become more wealthy than any subscriber has ever dreamed of. And I'm doing it for you, to protect you.

Subscriber: Come away with me. Help me raise this mmo. Leave everything else behind while we still can.

Bioware: Don't you see? We don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the forums. I am more powerful than Gabe newell, I can overthrow him. And together you and I can rule the internet. Make things the way we want them to be.

Subscriber: [steps away] I can't believe what I'm hearing. Reddit was right. You've changed.

Bioware: I don't want to hear any more about Reddit! The subscribers turned against me, don't you turn against me.

Subscriber: I don't know you anymore. Bioware, you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow.

Bioware: Because of Reddit?

Subscriber: Because of what you've done! What you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back. I love you!

Bioware: [seeing Reddit] LIAR!

Subscriber: No!

Bioware: You're with them! You brought them here to kill me! [begins to choke Subscriber]

Subscriber: No, Bioware--

Reddit: Let her go, Bioware!

Subscriber: Bioware...

Reddit: LET HER GO!

[bioware releases Subscriber?, who collapses]

Bioware: You turned reddit against me!

Reddit: You have done that yourself.

Bioware: You will not take subscribers from me!

Reddit: Your anger and your lust for money have already done that. You have allowed this "EA" to twist your mind until now... until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Bioware: Don't lecture me, Reddit. I see through the lies of the subscribers. I do not fear EA as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!

Reddit: Your new empire?

Bioware: Don't make me kill you...

Reddit: Bioware, my allegiance is to Swtor... to Star Wars!

BIoware: If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!

Reddit: Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.

Bioware: You will try.


To be continued...


Reddit: Bioware, Electronic Arts is evil!

Bioware: From my point of view, the passionate subscribers that care for the good of this game are evil!

Reddit: Then you are lost!

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