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kotor/Swtor Becoming Canon at some point? what ur thoughts?


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I think after the force awakens comes out. maybe an anthology movie in a couple years.. or netflix series. but when it comes to the game.. i do believe they will start writing comics. books. about this time period of the game.. and i think they'le start with revans time.. ergo Kotor 1. hes become a very liked character in star wars expanded universe... when they through out all the EU and called it Legends or w/e what ifs, i dunno. but they are going over everything it seems they through out and are A. Either Bringing back into canon. like the boba fett blasing his way out of the sarlaac pit. When they first announced what they were doing with canon... THAT was NOT CANON at first.. then they changed there mind... i think they are kinda Accessing what will fit. that is EU. and what wont... sooo i believe kotor / swtor will become canon in the near future..


I dont have Definitive sources. but some things , like Disney has to OK Every storyline and dlc they do for swtor now... the Main Craetive director said that in one of the latest livestreams. right when KOTFE came out He said " We basically Give disney a Story/script for some content. and they say yay or ney" in something like that it was... but they had final artistic design control on the Targruta species coming out... if you remember... after that Cathar w/e half as$ cat speices came out... they said they WERE NEVER going to Release any more Species that had Lekuu type heads.. and BOOM we get the Targruta... im very positive and optomistic when it comes to this ...



What do you guys think is gonna happen . when it comes to swtor and canon..?

Edited by Foreignobjects
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Quite honestly, I hope swtor NEVER becomes canon. At this point I'm highly disappointed in Disney's "new canon". Most of the novels read like they were written by some first time writer who's trying to convince himself and everyone else that "yes it's a star wars book! See I said wookiee on page 257..." :rolleyes:


The Crystal Star was better written & more interesting than Aftermath.....

A new dawn was a snooze fest until nearly the end....

Heir to the Jedi was "meh" at best....

Dark disciple and lords of the Sith were both decent....


Leave great storytelling to the people at BW, THEY know what they're doing. Leave the "canon" to hacks like Chuck Wendig and the rest of the untalented writers Disney is hiring.


*drops mic, ignores new canon books, & continues buying "legends" books.

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Quite honestly, I hope swtor NEVER becomes canon. At this point I'm highly disappointed in Disney's "new canon". Most of the novels read like they were written by some first time writer who's trying to convince himself and everyone else that "yes it's a star wars book! See I said wookiee on page 257..." :rolleyes:


The Crystal Star was better written & more interesting than Aftermath.....

A new dawn was a snooze fest until nearly the end....

Heir to the Jedi was "meh" at best....

Dark disciple and lords of the Sith were both decent....


Leave great storytelling to the people at BW, THEY know what they're doing. Leave the "canon" to hacks like Chuck Wendig and the rest of the untalented writers Disney is hiring.


*drops mic, ignores new canon books, & continues buying "legends" books.


The biggest problem I see with Chuck Wendig is that he is unable to accept that Aftermath has received middling reviews for other reasons than the fact it's a weakly written book and the presence of gay characters.

Medias have spread his taunt to any one who disliked the book as being homophobic yet never seem to have read the damn book.

And really, the issue is not that there is a gay character in Aftermath. It's that everyone and their mother is gay in the damn book. Even when it's useless to mention it, you can be sure Wendig will tell the reader "That character is gay, notice that.".

"Lords of the Sith" had a lesbian Imperial Moff and I didn't see any outrage.

Wendig needs to admit it. Aftermath was just a rushed out, poorly written novel.

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I guess in my mind, the reason they created the "Legends" tag was so that they could sweep the old stories under the rug and insure that every new piece of literature or film released would be "Cannon." They shut down a lot of active projects when they were making decisions, from books to games.


When they decided to keep SWTOR running, I interpreted that as a either "It's cannon" or "It's so long ago in the storyline, we'll address it when we need to." The Old Republic story line offers something that the modern stories do not allow for, and that's a galaxy where the Force isn't nearly as rare and where Sith society as a whole can be addressed. People LOVE the Sith. There's a HUGE market for Sith stories, merchandise, and fan service.


Hell, my 13 year old son LOVES the ideas behind the Sith, where they don't just pay attention to their "feelings" but forcibly channel them to accomplish goals. He loves the mystique, he loves the color scheme, he loves that they armor themselves instead of using robes.


The lack of Force users in the primary movie sagas makes sense in the bubble of that time frame and tells a great story. However, with Disney releasing a movie every year between now and who knows when, they will be looking for additional ideas to explore. A young Han Solo movie makes sense, even a young Boba Fett makes sense, but do people really want to see a young Wedge Antiles movie? Probably not. Star Wars is primarily about two things: family drama and The Force. They can't keep building new movies off of "the big three" so they will need to explore new options.


With that said, there's a part of me that thinks Kylo Ren is either a Revanite or Revan himself. I've heard "Ren" is a title/name bestowed upon those who are members of the order of "The Knights of Ren" so I can imagine that over the course of 3,000 years that word could have lost its original translation (and gone from "Revan" to "Ren").


I know it's a stretch, but the Old Republic is just too rich for them to ignore forever and completely.


Also, I have a friend who says, "IT'S ALL CANNON!" He says there's no need to argue about what actually happened and what didn't, and that it's all about what you enjoy in the moment, anyway.

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What do you guys think is gonna happen . when it comes to swtor and canon..?


I think this is a video game and you're hoping for canon from an imaginary world. I think it doesn't matter if they do or don't ever...enjoy this game for what it is, stop looking for it to be more meaningful in any way. Someday when Facebook buys Disney, they'll eliminate all "canon" as well so they can capitalize on the name, just like Disney has.

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Leave great storytelling to the people at BW, THEY know what they're doing. Leave the "canon" to hacks like Chuck Wendig and the rest of the untalented writers Disney is hiring.


*drops mic, ignores new canon books, & continues buying "legends" books.


Check out Lost Stars by Claudia Gray. She knows how to write a great Star Wars story.

Edited by BomarrOrder
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Canon is a two way street...what we know now becomes part of the Canon. However the way Disney is doing it this time it would be like the EU. There is no different degrees of Canon, everything else would have to be specifically approved by Disney. I also do not see the current Canon accepting this one. Sidious, according to the Canon is supposed to be like the most Powerful Sith ever. Valkorian/Vitiate eating entire planets kinda throws that out the window me thinks. So likely not.
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Canon is a two way street...what we know now becomes part of the Canon. However the way Disney is doing it this time it would be like the EU. There is no different degrees of Canon, everything else would have to be specifically approved by Disney. I also do not see the current Canon accepting this one. Sidious, according to the Canon is supposed to be like the most Powerful Sith ever. Valkorian/Vitiate eating entire planets kinda throws that out the window me thinks. So likely not.


Playing Devil's Advocate here... But Sidious' strength came in the fulfillment of the Sith Destiny to control the galaxy. Even in the movies, Palpatine admits that he wasn't as strong as his master and had to kill him in his sleep.

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Check out Lost Stars by Claudia Gray. She knows how to write a great Star Wars story.


It's on the way actually. I watched the interview with her on "Collider Jedi Council" over the weekend.



What I wanna know is when will Timothy Zahn and Troy Denning write new canon books? Hell....if they'd just allow them to continue with the "Legends" series I'd be happy.

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SWTOR will never be cannon . SWTOR will never deserve to be cannon.

"Deserve" to be canon? If quality was a relevant factor in that distinction then half of Dark Horse's comics would be canon and the Prequel Trilogy would not.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Other than quality, what standard would you be using to say that "SWTOR will never deserve to be canon"?


Integrity to the true essence of Star Wars and the critical elements of what Lucas established . That's more important than writing a flawless story.

If something doesn't honor the canon that came before it then it can never claim to worthy of being considered canon.

Edited by JediRelentless
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This green bold text hurts my eyes so I will only answer the title. I don't think it ought to become cannon. The Zakuul Empire is full of plotholes and inconsistent with what we have now. I mean, the republic and Jedi Order are supposed to have been standing for a very long time by the first episode and in KotOR II the JNedi Order gets destroyed by the Sith Triumvirate and in KOTFE the Republic is pretty much conquered.
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Quite honestly, I hope swtor NEVER becomes canon. At this point I'm highly disappointed in Disney's "new canon". Most of the novels read like they were written by some first time writer who's trying to convince himself and everyone else that "yes it's a star wars book! See I said wookiee on page 257..." :rolleyes:


The Crystal Star was better written & more interesting than Aftermath.....

A new dawn was a snooze fest until nearly the end....

Heir to the Jedi was "meh" at best....

Dark disciple and lords of the Sith were both decent....


Leave great storytelling to the people at BW, THEY know what they're doing. Leave the "canon" to hacks like Chuck Wendig and the rest of the untalented writers Disney is hiring.


*drops mic, ignores new canon books, & continues buying "legends" books.


Well everything that has come out since disney bought star wars in swtor.. has been approved and re written by them if they felt so... i never thought i would say this.. but i think star wars is in good hands with disney... we havent seen any games except Battlefront. and some development ideas in swtor... but... until the force awakens comes out . we wont know anything. but i trust them to make the old republic era canon bad ***. and i dont think they would throw anything that bioware has created out.. cause its SO far back.. they can only add content and stories and make it better. but i understand where your coming from.

Edited by Foreignobjects
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This green bold text hurts my eyes so I will only answer the title. I don't think it ought to become cannon. The Zakuul Empire is full of plotholes and inconsistent with what we have now. I mean, the republic and Jedi Order are supposed to have been standing for a very long time by the first episode and in KotOR II the JNedi Order gets destroyed by the Sith Triumvirate and in KOTFE the Republic is pretty much conquered.

its not bold

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I think this is a video game and you're hoping for canon from an imaginary world. I think it doesn't matter if they do or don't ever...enjoy this game for what it is, stop looking for it to be more meaningful in any way. Someday when Facebook buys Disney, they'll eliminate all "canon" as well so they can capitalize on the name, just like Disney has.


Im not really talking about the game only though... i think the old republic in whole is amazing. everything that bioware has done. is great story wise.. from the revan story to the 300 years later in this game. i think some writers that disney hires and bioware collaborates with , they could do some amazing things.. cause when first heard disney bought Star Wars... i was like WHAT!!!!!!! i didnt know what to think , i was thinking horrible things.. but theyv done so much better.. the Trailers for the force awakens show more story and are more immersive then the prequels george lucas directed... now if lucas would of had someone else direct. i think the prequels would have been a totally different outcome.. but. . dont dismiss the old republic being added to canon so fast... just looking at Kylo Ren... i mean His mask... the way he looks.... This guy is obsessed with sith artifacts, who says some of what hes using isnt old republic era gear... heck they could even say his hilt on his saber is a very ancient sith hilt, but who knows. im just spit balling...

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Im not really talking about the game only though... i think the old republic in whole is amazing. everything that bioware has done. is great story wise.. from the revan story to the 300 years later in this game. i think some writers that disney hires and bioware collaborates with , they could do some amazing things.. cause when first heard disney bought Star Wars... i was like WHAT!!!!!!! i didnt know what to think , i was thinking horrible things.. but theyv done so much better.. the Trailers for the force awakens show more story and are more immersive then the prequels george lucas directed... now if lucas would of had someone else direct. i think the prequels would have been a totally different outcome.. but. . dont dismiss the old republic being added to canon so fast... just looking at Kylo Ren... i mean His mask... the way he looks.... This guy is obsessed with sith artifacts, who says some of what hes using isnt old republic era gear... heck they could even say his hilt on his saber is a very ancient sith hilt, but who knows. im just spit balling...

Oh see, you just ruined it for me...the whole story with Revan being 300 years old is completely ridiculous to me. That alone should discount everything Bioware has done, because it's a ludicrous premise.

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It's on the way actually. I watched the interview with her on "Collider Jedi Council" over the weekend.



What I wanna know is when will Timothy Zahn and Troy Denning write new canon books? Hell....if they'd just allow them to continue with the "Legends" series I'd be happy.



yea.. even though they threw that book out. they described how he killed him


he gets him drunk. and basically kills him while hes drunk and passing out. but they called that legends or w/e now..


But i think snoke is pleagus , if you watch the Jedi Council. Collider Video... theeres alot that backs it up... Andy circus says Hes Real Tall,,, lanky... "just like a muun aka Darth plaegus, and in the older lore. plaegus went by another name like snoke For 100s of years.... i Think its either him or a Reptilian species. but WE WILL find out :), just like the boba fett theory . that was legends at first and they made it canon. i think they will either re issue some of the EU or rewrite it similar to be canon.. some of the really good stuff that is.. and let them continue to write books. That would be AWESOME

Edited by Foreignobjects
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Oh see, you just ruined it for me...the whole story with Revan being 300 years old is completely ridiculous to me. That alone should discount everything Bioware has done, because it's a ludicrous premise.


He was held in stasis... like carbonite... basically..he didn't age while he was in stasis. thats why hes over 300 years old... and some force users. are able to use the force to pro long there lives... and who says revan is a normal human being.. he could have another race within him... we dont know who his parent were.. but thats just grasping at straws and more spit balling.. but overall they made it make sense , his age. and how he was kept alive... Or maybe they just wanted him apart of the content that bad they made it work.. but either way it works in my eyes. if you think about it... the revan that you saved in that flashpiont or w/e ... id go insane too if i was in stasis for that many years... and the way they ended it in shadow of revan cleans it up... making him dead the whole time.. and his body was just running around without his soul , and driven by the dark side..

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Question for anyone in particular: Why are folks so interested in things being/not being canon to the Star Wars story?


I really don't get it. It's all fiction. Jaina and Jacen Solo are no longer canon and we probably won't ever see them in a movie, but who cares? Some of the stories that include them were great reads. Same with Mara Jade, Cade Skywalker, Kyle Katarn and the rest.


What does having the arbitrary distinction of being "canon" do?

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He was held in stasis... like carbonite... basically..he didn't age while he was in stasis. thats why hes over 300 years old... and some force users. are able to use the force to pro long there lives... and who says revan is a normal human being.. he could have another race within him... we dont know who his parent were.. but thats just grasping at straws and more spit balling.. but overall they made it make sense , his age. and how he was kept alive... Or maybe they just wanted him apart of the content that bad they made it work.. but either way it works in my eyes. if you think about it... the revan that you saved in that flashpiont or w/e ... id go insane too if i was in stasis for that many years... and the way they ended it in shadow of revan cleans it up... making him dead the whole time.. and his body was just running around without his soul , and driven by the dark side..

Yeah, still stupid. And the emperor destroying Ziost...if these guys were truly that powerful, there would have been no need for a "Death Star", not to mention TWO of them...no force sensitive life form would be allowed to develop past birth if force users were that stupidly over powered.

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