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The Current State of this game. Will Swtor make it another year?


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I don't honestly believe for a moment Disney will allow a game like this to fail. With all this huge hype for the new movies, seeing star wars in every commercial, all over the place it would look really bad for not only EA / BW but Disney as well for this game to fail.
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You're not even the OP, yet you take this as directed SPECIFICALLY AT YOU PERSONALLY?

Seriously, dial back the caffeine a notch.


Hey there - dingle-berry off of a cat's ***. You quoted me specifically, thus, I replied to your quote.


If you are speaking in general terms about a post, how about leaving the quotes off, so you don't appear to be going after someone specific with your reply?

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This has happened in every game. Welcome to the cycle of life.
Yep. The game will make it another year, just primarily with a different player base. The MMORPG formerly known as SWTOR is long gone. In its place is a big step toward KOTOR 3 featuring: forced single player cinematic story (and instant level 60 tokens in the Cartel Shop to get you there straight away), forced level sync, 1st person collaborative voice acted quest dialogues giving way to 3rd person voice overs, pantsless Ken & Barbie doll companions that can no longer be specialized, added steps to manufacture crafting materials, rehashed legacy content for end game ... and a baby's arm holding an apple. It's a freshly simplified title intended to capitalize on an anticipated influx of new players courtesy of The Force Awakens. Purist SWTOR fans are out of luck. Doom on them. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yep. The game will make it another year, just primarily with a different player base. The MMORPG formerly known as SWTOR is long gone. In its place is a big step toward KOTOR 3 featuring: forced single player cinematic story (and instant level 60 tokens in the Cartel Shop to get you there straight away), forced level sync, 1st person collaborative voice acted quest dialogues giving way to 3rd person voice overs, pantsless Ken & Barbie doll companions that can no longer be specialized, added steps to manufacture crafting materials, rehashed legacy content for end game ... and a baby's arm holding an apple. It's a freshly simplified title intended to capitalize on an anticipated influx of new players courtesy of The Force Awakens. Purist SWTOR fans are out of luck. Doom on them.



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Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot are both EA properties, and both have fewer than 5000 subs left, no F2P option, and both are still running. I don't know about UO, but DAoC is still getting updates. It's safe to say this game will be around until the license expires and either Disney or EA choose to not renew. It won't die from lack of players regardless of how bad they eff this game up by making so easy a 6 year old can beat 95%+ of the content. Edited by HarleysRule
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Hey there - dingle-berry off of a cat's ***. You quoted me specifically, thus, I replied to your quote.


If you are speaking in general terms about a post, how about leaving the quotes off, so you don't appear to be going after someone specific with your reply?


Replying TO someone's comment is NOT the same as ACCUSING them of something.

Again, dial back on the caffeine a notch.

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Game has improved by light-years since its initial release and is in the top-five most active MMORPGs in the world, so naturally it's on the verge of death. :rolleyes:


I mean, yeah, I know EA and logic are usually on two different starships, but I think it's more likely that people who have given up just want to have their opinions validated by seeing the game die, rather than be proven wrong and having it improve and do well.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Game has improved by light-years since its initial release and is in the top-five most active MMORPGs in the world, so naturally it's on the verge of death. :rolleyes:


I mean, yeah, I know EA and logic are usually on two different starships, but I think it's more likely that people who have given up just want to have their opinions validated by seeing the game die, rather than be proven wrong and having it improve and do well.


Amen! Couldn't have put it better myself! (And believe me, I've tried!)

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Game has improved by light-years since its initial release and is in the top-five most active MMORPGs in the world, so naturally it's on the verge of death. :rolleyes:


Don't you know, TOR is constantly one step from death after every single patch. :D

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Yes it will. The number of servers are irrelevant. We have no clue how many accounts are per server etc. Plus with microtransactions being a large part of the equation, raw player numbers hold less weight. In 2013 and 2014 this game made a fair margin over 100 million a year... Better than all but 3 MMORPGs out there. As long as it keeps making bank, they will keep on going. EQ, UO, EQ2, RIFT and many others are still clicking along. When you need to be concerned is when you see about a years worth of earnings calls where the CFO talks about SWTOR being considered a drain on revenue.


Even then, because of the IP, they would probably just put it in maintenance mode until they come up with a replacement. That in large part is why EQ and EQ2 are still going. They keep going because there are enough players to make some profit WHILE also keeping the IP "out there" in the MMORPG genre. This way, if/when they launch EQNext, they have a ready made player base. Also it helps with word of mouth advertising (one of the main ways MMORPGs historically use) because the people still playing are more likely to know the knew game is coming out and spread the word.


I really wish that you start to post your sources mate . . . If not for credibility . . . you don't wanna become a "Fido"!!!?


To the OP, can we ask for some more originality?:eek:

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*Bows* The Force is Strong In This One . . . put me in ma'place there did'ya;) /thx and cheers


To be fair, the only reason I had that in my mind was because someone else had posted that at some point without the source so I had to go track it down :p

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Also, from that. There is NO doom and gloom in that article whatsoever and shows this game is making a good amount of money for EA. I don't get where these type of people come from.


I'll go by that poster that said there are people secretly hoping and wishing for TOR to die.

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Ok, seriously. I HAVE to ask right now. What is with all these threads being started by people asking if the game is going to die and how long it will last and stating that the game is dead and/or it's on it's last leg?


People have been saying this forever. It's just a normal part of an MMO forum.






If you listen to the forums SWTOR has been dying since before beta.

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Don't you know, TOR is constantly one step from death after every single patch. :D

By what some of these forum goers say, TOR is going to die any day now.


"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is going down!" - 2012 after launch

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is going to die!" - 2013

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is boring, it's dead" - 2014

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is finished!! won't make more money" - 2015


It's an endless cycle. :p

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Also, from that. There is NO doom and gloom in that article whatsoever and shows this game is making a good amount of money for EA. I don't get where these type of people come from.


I'll go by that poster that said there are people secretly hoping and wishing for TOR to die.


People say the same thing on the LotRO forums which is number 5 on that list. I find it hilarious how people continue to think that games like these are on their death beds when EQ is still kicking it a decade and a half later.

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People say the same thing on the LotRO forums which is number 5 on that list. I find it hilarious how people continue to think that games like these are on their death beds when EQ is still kicking it a decade and a half later.

I think it is because it's not what THEY wanted personally. So THEY are subjectively stating the "game is dead" because it's not what THEY wanted it to be. But they justify their behavior and thoughts by stating it's facts in THEIR head when in reality a thing could be doing very, very well but to them, it's dead and it sucks because it's not what THEY wanted. and some are actually wishing and hoping the game would die because they took it personally it's not exactly what THEY wanted.


Does that make any sense?

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Ok, seriously. I HAVE to ask right now. What is with all these threads being started by people asking if the game is going to die and how long it will last and stating that the game is dead and/or it's on it's last leg?


There was a live stream (overhyped yes). People got mad because the Live stream on subscriber rewards wasn't an announcement for new operations, PVP matches or other content regardless of the stated theme of the live stream.


Upset people = doom and gloom. Game is dying, subs are expiring, "I Spartacus am leaving who is with me?" threads, etc

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Game has improved by light-years since its initial release and is in the top-five most active MMORPGs in the world, so naturally it's on the verge of death. :rolleyes:


I mean, yeah, I know EA and logic are usually on two different starships, but I think it's more likely that people who have given up just want to have their opinions validated by seeing the game die, rather than be proven wrong and having it improve and do well.

Or some people got so frustrated after having invested years of extracurricular time and discretionary spends in a system that endeared them to the game ... only to see it get ripped up and thrown back in their face as something completely different, unwarranted and undesirable ... that they're simply pissed off.


Though I'm of the opinion that unsub threats, castigating others for their perspectives and predictions of doom & gloom are WAY over the top in a petulant, narcissistic, spoiled brat kinda way. Those folks would probably benefit from some form of counseling.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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This game won't die anytime soon, but it should be more than it is. It's STAR WARS.....it should be dominating the market. But misstep after misstep has slowly bled this game dry.


Instead, even a 10+ year old MMO is kicking it's butt....


You say that like WoW hasn't kicked the butt of every MMO to come out since 2004. The fact that SWTOR is in second place and hanging in strong after 4 years is actually pretty dang good, considering how MMOs usually turn out post-WoW.

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