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I never get MVP.


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I play as a Sith Marauder and I won't lie I am pretty good. I am often number one in damage, kills, and objective. However I never get MVP. Not even a single vote. I always drop predation (10% resistance to damage + 15% movement speed) I always jump to help a teamate, sometimes even causing me to get killed.(Teamate runs away, I get quadteamed). I'm a fairly decent scorer on huttball and an absolute monster on civil war.


However I always see the mvp votes go to the guy with half of everything I get. I think people get butthurt and just vote for some random or their friend. Pretty stupid, IMO. Could we maybe have different awards? Like most damage on team, most damage overall, most heals, most kills etc?


Anybody else feel like the get screwed out of MVP?

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I've gotten it once - the one game I just said screw it and just shot things from the catwalk. Racked up an impressive amount of damage but didn't really do anything else.


It's a flawed system and irritating. It should be automatic based on objective points or some other statistic. Popularity contests in a PvP setting are a little baffling....

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Because while these things you do win the team the game, they don't give you medals, or move you up the score board.


So all people see at the end is the damage you did, and thats about the ONLY thing you can get to show there.


People vote for high medals and people at the top, because its easier to do that than pay attention to people and see whos ACTUALLY doing the best.


Thats why qquite often i try to get the 75k damage after i get the 75k healing before i go back to healing full time. The system is broken and I am taking advantage of it.

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The only thing I'd like is to be able to vote for the opposite faction as well.


If you don't get MVP, well, boo freaking hoo. It's only +50 valor points. Also, if you're not getting it, it just means somebody else is playing better, communicating better, and paying more attention to winning the game.

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In a Typical game with no Healer I'll go top 3 for damage and number 1 for healing as a DPSer in Huttball, while performing amazing acts of saving Behinds and scoring or greatly aiding in the scoring. Rarely is this reconized. Even games where I am number 1 in Damage, Kills, Healing, and Objective points (Sorc, so I get around) I'll see someone who was behind me get the vote.



I get a bit Butt-hurt, but then I think of how I vote. I first check for number 1 healer, gotta have over me and above 90K healing to be a healer with limited damage done. Then I look at objective points. Finally I look at damage, if everything else is lacking I throw it to Damage done. I never see shielding otherwise I'd probably consider that too.


On occasion though, I'll notice that one shining person who has consistantly been doing what I want them to do, or score or something and give them the MVP Vote.



I know it is frustrating not gettting that vote. BUT.....if you feel you deserve it, and know you wrecked ****, before the match is over broadcast, "Vote me for MVP please" I did it once and got 3 votes. I was top DPS and had scored 2 goals in Huttball. Felt good.

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First of all - you are right, sometimes MVP goes to random people and 100% of time to friends if you running premade.

But I see MVP option like "somebody think I deserve respect or thanks for something I did on current warzone" - so I am happy with MVP option and don't want any other kind of auto bonus instead (mb additional bonus)

Btw valor and commendation benefit from MVP not so high to complain imo. Sometimes I get zero MVP votes, but I usually tryhard for win-and-fun in WZ and get some, I think biggest number was 5 votes(2 from my premade).

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Someone with 150k+heals or 45k+ protection is more valuable imo then someone with 200k dmg....Now if I see you pull off some amazing knockback on a ball carrier or take a turret that helps secure the win then yea...I might vote you mvp. Thats just me tho.


At the end of the day does it really matter? Its just 1 commendation and some valor (I think...I dont even really care enough to see what it gives you)

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I think its a very flawed system by BW to introduce something as trivial as MVP. In a perfect world where everyone is subjectively judged on their performance, this system will work beautifully. But of course in a virtual world of faceless internet avatars, who gives a s*** about being a carebear and give some1 else some benefit?
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I think its a very flawed system by BW to introduce something as trivial as MVP. In a perfect world where everyone is subjectively judged on their performance, this system will work beautifully. But of course in a virtual world of faceless internet avatars, who gives a s*** about being a carebear and give some1 else some benefit?


I disagree. I think the MVP system is amazing and I love that they introduced it. They even put enought thought into it to force poeple to stay in for an extra bit to look over the date and think about who deserves the vote.


The MVP thing gives a minor rewards (so tiny) to poeple when other feel they are worthy of it in some way. I believe this is good becuase it is a community building thing and supports people doing the right thing rather than just DPSing thier balls off.

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Im glad that ppl are giving mvp to healers, cause if you are a pure healer you get very little medals. If I dont heal over 300k points, then I usually end on 3-4 medals. Since Im mostly concenrating on keeping ppl alive.
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On my server everyone just votes for the healer, so if there's a healer on the team you have no chance of getting MVP no matter what you do, even if (I've done this before) you plant every single bomb and grab the data core single handedly.


Of course, now that I think of it, maybe nobody knew it was me since I did it single handedly.

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On my server everyone just votes for the healer, so if there's a healer on the team you have no chance of getting MVP no matter what you do, even if (I've done this before) you plant every single bomb and grab the data core single handedly.


Of course, now that I think of it, maybe nobody knew it was me since I did it single handedly.


lol, nobody knows, or cares methinks. Most voidstar I'm ninja-ing my way and planting stuff and asking for def once it's planted, at the end of it, nobody really cares, and you don't get voted.


There was once, a really close match, I cc-ed 2, stormed in, got the datacore with 2-3 secs left, secured a win, and I typed 'LOL' on chat. I got 1 vote. I was happy though, I did really good, and that was enough.


I personally vote for tanks or healers that have protected me though, no matter what their numbers. I take note of guard and healing that pops up on my screen. Or on some rare event, a player that really made the game a good win and was a huge factor.

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Usually I give it to people capping the Huttball, or defending bases, or if I see them healing or generally being amazing.


It does suck to come first in objectives, medals and damage and get no MVPs though. But sometimes it happens and I get 3-4 MVPs so I guess it's all good.

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However I always see the mvp votes go to the guy with half of everything I get. I think people get butthurt and just vote for some random or their friend. Pretty stupid, IMO. Could we maybe have different awards? Like most damage on team, most damage overall, most heals, most kills etc?


Anybody else feel like the get screwed out of MVP?


Those are called medals.


MVP is irrelevant. It's one commendation.

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I usually see MVP go to top defenders, healers and dps-ers. Only problem is I can crank out 250k healing easily, but that doesn't really mean I was useful. If I kept the ball-runner alive to get the game winning point then I would be more of an MVP, problem is how can you really score someone on their usefulness just by using numbers?
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MVP used to really bug me too. Games where I would have 3x objectives over the next guy and top damage for our team with 0 votes...or games where I would see someone on the other team lead overall in healing, score their team's only goal in Huttball & get 0 votes, etc.


But I found a solution to the problem, within the current system.


I never vote. I wait for the 7-16 seconds or so to expire then click 'exit warzone'. It results in much less frustration because I can't see how people voted.

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While I dont get them much , I give mine usually to persons that I noticed stay with me and worked together with me on anything even if that person doesnt have high numbers I know(for example that , for 85% of the match this low level trooper and me has been following each other and working together wether it be on killing or on some objective) and usually that person votes for me and I for him/her.



I value teamwork more than numbers to be honest.While the highest dpsers and healers stack up numbers in the middle turret , the small side ''teams'' that capture that essential second turret is what really wins us the game at the end.

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people queue in with friends/family/guildies and they MVP eachother which is normal...


I usually MVP the highest dmg/kills player since im most of the time number1 healer, i expect people to aknowledge that their winning because they are kept alive.


but most of the time...I do NOT get MVP even if im top heals.


I could careless, since my goal was achieved, get into warzone and do my job

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