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Who's not playing FE cuz you'll lose your companions?


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I really don't get this. On one hand people go on about the story, but then complain when it doesn't go the way they want. Your companions are practically reset in 4.0, if you had max'd out companions in 3.0 they become level 10 in 4.0, which is next to nothing. You can get a companion from lvl 1 to to lvl 15 easily just using lvl 1 gifts and it costs around 30k, so all the time invested into companions prior to 4.0 is negated anyway regardless of whether you play FE or not. In FE you loose your old companions, but you also gain new ones, and all crafting is the same now for all companions, so the argument about crafting is invalid. And all companions can tank, dps or heal. Such a big fuss over nothing.
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I really don't get this. On one hand people go on about the story, but then complain when it doesn't go the way they want. Your companions are practically reset in 4.0, if you had max'd out companions in 3.0 they become level 10 in 4.0, which is next to nothing. You can get a companion from lvl 1 to to lvl 15 easily just using lvl 1 gifts and it costs around 30k, so all the time invested into companions prior to 4.0 is negated anyway regardless of whether you play FE or not. In FE you loose your old companions, but you also gain new ones, and all crafting is the same now for all companions, so the argument about crafting is invalid. And all companions can tank, dps or heal. Such a big fuss over nothing.


As far as story goes for me, I had grown attached to my original companions. Ive had them since I was a Beta tester. I had done all their conversations and all of their little missions and maxed out all of their affection and spent an insane amount of time gearing them up. So for me its not really about their influence, or crafting, or any of that. I just kind of miss them. What can I say? Im a nerd.


And I know that I could use the terminal to get certain companions back, but my terminal don't seem to work, and even if it did, Im not sure I would use it because I would be afraid that I might mess up the story later on.


I know this is going to sound very nerdy of me, but whenever I finally do find my original crew in the story again, and if they talk to my character like some nobody from around the corner after all that time I spent with them, and on them... I would be kind of heart broken.

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I lost Nadia, my favorite companion (so far) of all the classes, and it eats at me every day. I keep thinking about clicking on that terminal to get her back but then I'm like "No, wait, it'll mean more when you get her back through the story."


But dangit! No, I haven't done it on any of my other characters for that very reason. I don't like any of the new companions all that much, except a couple are okay. There are only two females and the rest are all aliens, droids, or dudebros. And then the females, can't really run with them with my main 'cause I only have eyes for Nadia. At least I got Qyzen back. He was never my favorite but he was a Consular companion to begin with so... yeah.


The whole losing companions thing is my least favorite thing about KotFE. I wish they would have made it a priority to bring those back through the story FIRST before adding all these strangers to the roster.

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I have done it one toon and will do it on others once my boyfriend is able to play after basic and his tech school in the Air Force . My companions aren't really that important, as I have never romanced any of them.. I will get them back through the story and as long as I have enough for crafting that is all that matters.
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Not going to do KotFE on my main smuggler and trooper until I know that Risha and Elara are back story-wise.


Same here. I'm waiting on my other characters until they come back through the story. I just don't feel like building up influence on all those "strangers".

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Well, here is something that puzzles me.....why other players would be so interested if some folks choose to not engage in FE content.


I would have to ask how exactly that impacts YOUR game, thereby justifying your outrage, ridicule and/or disgust.


Folks can frankly participate in any part of the game they wish. They do not, nor will they likely EVER require your permission to do so.


You might want to keep that in mind the next time you demonstrate a lack of self respect.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I know this is going to sound very nerdy of me, but whenever I finally do find my original crew in the story again, and if they talk to my character like some nobody from around the corner after all that time I spent with them, and on them... I would be kind of heart broken.


Haha fair play. To be honest I'm not really affected by it because my favourite companion is Treek, so for me, not having to gear her any more is a bonus.

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Actually I've met some folks that like the new comps that die. Seen a few folks that just wanted Marr or HK-55 level to that part of the story and quit any further. That way they can do the older content with the one companion they wanted that gets killed off. So for each their own. I guess for those of you wanting your old companions, you might have to wait till the storyline ends to see which ones are really around in the end.
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Well, here is something that puzzles me.....why other players would be so interested if some folks choose to not engage in FE content.


I would have to ask how exactly that impacts YOUR game, thereby justifying your outrage, ridicule and/or disgust.


Folks can frankly participate in any part of the game they wish. They do not, nor will they likely EVER require your permission to do so.


You might want to keep that in mind the next time you demonstrate a lack of self respect.


Meh.. Ive noticed the Shills have been out in force lately.


Any kind of opinion that is not pro Bioware is being attacked heavily with insults and rudeness in an effort to belittle or somehow trivialize anything that would be considered negative feedback.


I don't feel that it is really needed in this thread though. This thread is just opinion and preference. No matter which way people go with it, it doesn't have any impact on the game.


I mean, its not like anyone is calling for changes or bad mouthing BW in this thread.


But I guess they have a job to do, so whatever

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Well, here is something that puzzles me.....why other players would be so interested if some folks choose to not engage in FE content.


I would have to ask how exactly that impacts YOUR game, thereby justifying your outrage, ridicule and/or disgust.


Folks can frankly participate in any part of the game they wish. They do not, nor will they likely EVER require your permission to do so.


You might want to keep that in mind the next time you demonstrate a lack of self respect.


It's a forum post mate, it's here for all to read and comment as they choose. The OP asked a question, as is indicative by the question mark (?). That means that people may agree or disagree with the OP. There is no rule that says you may only reply to forum posts that you agree with, and if this were the case it would make for very poor dialogue.


I couldn't care less if people want to play FE or not, there is no outrage on my part, and it in no way impacts on my game. But that does not mean I cannot respond to a post, and imho some of the reasons given in this thread are not valid.

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Yep, barely logged in since finishing the story line on one, and only one, toon. Founder running 6 mthly sub since start, but for the first time I'm considering cancelling. All the companion nerfs/un-nerfs etc have passed me by, again because I've barely logged in.


Oh, I did the Lokin thing. That took 10 minutes.

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I did KotFE once fully, and even did a bunch of the Alliance stuff. I'm in the process of going through on the alternate faction with different choices and alignment, but will not be doing anything past the base story (no Alliance).


Otherwise, I have no intentions of going through KotFE again for many reasons, the largest being it is just one story without any real variation outside some conversation lines that attempt to provide the illusion of choice and difference, but IMO fail to do so.


Other reasons for not running it more than once or twice include companions, the Alliance grind, and the fact it is so much faster to simply run an Operation to level to 65, or more synergistic to level an alt through Heroics and feed boxes to my main character (why do Heroics which provide good XP on a max level character when a 61 can run them, get XP, and collect the boxes for Alliance).

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I was never tempted to use this feature. I am very interested in how they plan to bring each companion back story-wise.


As I understand it, you'll still see them introduced in the story if you use the terminal, and you don't miss out. The terminal gives you a warning because it wants you to understand that they aren't back in the story yet, even though you can run around with them.

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I've been thinking about this a fair bit the last week or so and i wont be putting any of my characters through kotfe moving forward because of the way certain companions are gated behind activities/events i despise and cannot turn down.


At 65 i'll still be able to do the stuff that my guild does, i just wont have to deal with the inconveniences that FE's added to my game - stupidly large number of pointlessly irrelevant new comps cluttering up my crafting menu, losing companions that i have enjoyed using since the game launched with no guarantee/eta for them to return and as stated above, being forced into events and activities i simply cannot stand doing (so far it's PvP and the Rakghoul event).


I am even considering re-rolling the mains i have that i (excitedly but stupidly) put through KotFE because of the above issues. Loved the KotFE story but the side effects of it outweigh said enjoyment and, now i've seen the story i am not fussed.

Edited by obek_kwae
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I'm going to play it on all my toons eventually. The thing is I want to get the kill achievements and finish up the companion conversation first on the remaining classes that I have to do them on. Also I have to just do rishi on my trooper enough to do the one class mission so that I'm done with all 8 of those. Once I'm finished with kill count achievements and companion conversations finished for the legacy bonuses then I'll do fallen empire to get clear out my mission log.

As for allience growth I'm only doing it on one toon. the others will be based on old companions

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Haven't played my BH cause I cant finish the companion stories on Blizz and the stupid Skedge or whatever his name is



You know that completing all the conversations/missions is no longer dependent on affection (or influence, whatever) anymore, right? Once you're level 50, all the companion conversations/missions are supposed to be available.

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