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Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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Hey - left of field I know.

Don't attempt to get this companion?

Realise you're not entitled to everything that appears in the game and move on?


If this was a new companion, added in KotFE, fine, you don't want to PVP you don't get him.


If they'd said "we'll be taking away your companions in KotFE, you'll get some back but not all", well, I'd still say that was a rotten move but at least expectations would have been set.


But "you'll get them back, affection remains..." and then it's "Oh but some require PVP even though you never needed PVP for them before", well, not a customer friendly choice.

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your fear for losing your companion skins that are gated by pierce are unfounded. its irrational worry at this point. come back when there actually is a problem. though, dont see how its a problem seeing asnthough companions are all identical now.
And forcing people to do things they hate, and forcing others to put up with people who don't want to be there isn't fair to anyone.
except no one is forcing anyone to do anything. you dont need pierce. you can choose to get the pierce companion skin, or not.
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People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice.


This is the biggest problem with pushing level 60 characters into PVP that didn't participate leveling up - the gear. They will have high end PVE gear - even if they haven't been doing ops and such and adding augments, the gear dropped in the KotFE story is high enough to reduce effectiveness in PVP, as I understand it. And they don't have old weak gear to switch to, because why would you hold on to it?

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And attitudes like this from PvPers is what make people like me hate PvP so much. It seems like most of the "hardcore" PvPers are just a bunch of mental children strutting around, trying to show off how "******" they think they are because they get to beat on other people's pixellated representations on a computer screen. As the OP stated, I play to have fun, not to endure the schoolyard bullying that seems to be prevalent in PvP Land.

They feel ill-used and unfairly treated IRL, so they try to make themselves feel better by being bad a** in a computer game. Their physical equipment might very well be as big as an adult film star's (or not), but their emotional equipment is teensy weensy.

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if i had to choose to play football versus people or pylons i would choose people.


sure, winning everytime versus pylons would be swell, but i enjoy competition and satisfaction of beating or losing to a dynamic opponent.

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your fear for losing your companion skins that are gated by pierce are unfounded. its irrational worry at this point. come back when there actually is a problem. though, dont see how its a problem seeing asnthough companions are all identical now.except no one is forcing anyone to do anything. you dont need pierce. you can choose to get the pierce companion skin, or not.


But its not just a 'Skin' that's gated. Any achievements associated with that 'Skin' are also Gated, along with any future story aspects that would be in that story line are also gated.


So its not just the Skin. Its everything that can be blocked after that too.

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But its not just a 'Skin' that's gated. Any achievements associated with that 'Skin' are also Gated, along with any future story aspects that would be in that story line are also gated.


So its not just the Skin. Its everything that can be blocked after that too.


Not to mention that some companions are gated behind other companions. For example, you don't get the quest for lokin until you get Qyzen as a companion.

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I solo hunted the 20 creatures on Hoth in 90 minutes. How long is it going to take to sit through 20 PvP matches?


"Sitting through"....


This is the reason why EA needs to get rid of the PVP requirement to get Pierce/Republic Droid companions.


Because sitting through Warzones just waiting for them to end is essentially what a lot of people are doing.

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if i had to choose to play football versus people or pylons i would choose people.


sure, winning everytime versus pylons would be swell, but i enjoy competition and satisfaction of beating or losing to a dynamic opponent.


As a former rugby player, me too. Only PvP in SWTOR, like most MMOs, is a pathetic excuse for any real skill or competition. Auto-targeting, gear based, tiny teams on miniscule maps, no friendly fire, easy to macro - its a not even close to being a competition with a 'dynamic opponent' as its utterly dominated by stats and how well you can program your mouse/keyboard.


I get that people enjoy it, and more power to them. Trying to pretend its any great testament of worth as a human being, or even skill as a gamer, is just sad though.


The fact that anyone has to sit through 20 matches doing something they cannot stand is the issue, and the shortsightedly vague answer by Eric a couple of weeks ago about possibly gating other content behind these companions was just dumb.


Imagine things the other way around - in order to get something you value in PvP - not a companion but something of real value to a PvP focused player - and gate that behind having to complete, say, 5 completed HM operations. Can't imagine many PvP players would be very happy.


Companions as individuals are purely PvE content. I.e. the player wants them because of non-combat reasons, and both Pierce and Forex are very popular due to they dialogue. Agreed that companions in the combat role are now more or less identical, but it's their non-combat elements that people are commited to. And that is what BW utterly failed to comprehend when they gated these companions behind completely unequal barriers.


How any of them seriously thought that 'forcing' a player to do 10-20 PvP matches is beyond me, and that is clearly what they are trying to do. It's an insult to our intelligence, on both sides of the debate, that this is anything more than a pethetic attempt to temporarily bolster WZ numbers for a few weeks.

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It really surprises me that it is the PvE players that are up in arms about this more than the PvP players seem to be. Considering how this bit is supposedly "ruining" honest-to-goodness, pure PvP Warzones by filling the teams with a bunch of scrubs with zero expertise, you'd think the PvP-ers would be in here with the pitchforks and torches.


But all I see are mainly PvE-ers claiming to be sympathetic to the negative effect this is having on PvP. Now, I'm not saying it isn't having a negative effect, it's obvious that it would. I'm just curious why there aren't more than a handful of PvP-ers in the forum demanding Bioware get these idiot PvE-ers the hell out of their matches.


That's all I wanted to say. I'll get out of your thread now.

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BW just go ahead and throw the next companion behind 25 starfighter matches. I'm curious. ;)




As someone who loses a lot of matches, I would LOVE the chance to play more GSF its so much fun!


This crowd would crap their pants I think. They need everything day one so they can whine about zero content the rest of the content gap...

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But its not just a 'Skin' that's gated. Any achievements associated with that 'Skin' are also Gated, along with any future story aspects that would be in that story line are also gated.


So its not just the Skin. Its everything that can be blocked after that too.

which i addressed?


this is all irrational worry. if if if if if


come back when he is blocking something....and something meaningful

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which i addressed?


this is all irrational worry. if if if if if


come back when he is blocking something....and something meaningful


I don't think it's irrational, it's people communicating how they feel about what's been happening in the game, and it's always better to discuss and try to do something about it, before it's too far gone to have anything done about it.


In the pve questline, companions are gated behind other companions, and gating things like this sucks. And what's meaningful to me, and many others here, clearly isn't meaningful to you...


It's a forum board for opinion and like you, I'm stating mine and Apache was stating theirs.


We don't have to agree, that's fine, but that's not going to stop me from posting how I feel and think about things. Asking for a reduction isn't a big deal, I don't see why this is even an argument really. They either will or they won't, it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Well I have to say I have been reading this post during the week at work and I thought, come on, how bad can this be?

I've done pvp in all the mmo's I've played, I'm 53 years young so I've played a few mmo's in my day :)

I'm a casual that plays on weekends and have played this game since my beta invite and have been a sub since.


I started to do the 20 pvp required matches last night and I got to tell you, it's killing me... I'm 10 matches in" as of now" on my 1 first toon and there is no way I'm going to do this on my other 6....brutal...


If Bioware thinks this will make me consider future pvp game play they are wrong. I get into some of these matches that take forever to finish and I think, oh my god not this one again.. and with no decent pvp gear, lambs to the slaughter...I want to stick needles in my eyes..


I will NEVER pvp in this game again and I will never do this on another toon to get this companion EVER!!!


I'm going to finish this sad quest just to get it done because I'm no quitter. However the sad thing is though that being a causal player it going to take the whole weekend to finish it when I'd love to be doing something else...

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As someone who loses a lot of matches, I would LOVE the chance to play more GSF its so much fun!


This crowd would crap their pants I think. They need everything day one so they can whine about zero content the rest of the content gap...


Considering i get vertigo from space combat id unsub immediately if it was a comp i wanted.


Vertigo=projectile vomiting, no thanks.

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You are not required to eat your Lima beans, but you are also NOT entitled to the reward for eating them if you choose not to eat them.


The choice is yours.


you dont have to win the 20 matches...so you can push the lima beans around on your plate and feed them to the dog when no one is looking.:cool:

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I'd rather they didn't have the pvp requirement at all to get the comps, it sucks, but I suppose in the interest of compromise, I think like others have said, 5 matches, win or lose, both count, would be fair. They might get people to try it, or at least suffer through it.


Yep, I'll have to agree. I have 2 sorcs and PvP with only one. The 40-valor option isn't a problem for the PvP sorc, but the other has yet to see a WZ so the 20-match option is the only route. And based on other comments here I'm probably not even going to worry with Pierce. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I used to PvP. Not a ton, 54 valor on my gunslinger, but some. It was ok, nothing to write home about but it was ok.


Now? Now I don't want to PvP. And I don't want BW cockblocking me from getting companions by putting them, any of them, behind a PvPwall.


If it comes to pass that Pierce is needed to advance to another companion that I actually want before this ridiculous requirement is removed then I'll PvP, but you won't be thrilled to have me on your team.

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