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FAILED - 3 strikes Star Fortress Heroic Solo as Sage


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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first. Even with that it was still a lot of work but that did help a bit at least. I think the biggest part was the rotations and basically the combination of everything.


PS sorry run on sentences.




UPDATE: November 30, 2015 - yay yay yay! :)

PPS omg just when I was about to give up after dying too many times on this belsavis boss I FINALLY got achievement One For All with the title One and Only!! Yay.. I think all the advice did help a lot. It did take kiting, dots, keeping my companion bubbled and some off heals and had to revive her once and yes rotations seem to work too. Woohoo! :)


PS Another thing that helped which I decided to try on my own was those photovoltaic dampners. I purchased about 20 of them for 1000 crédits each at the vendor where you start the arrays. Each time the boss kicked me into the red I used one. HUGE help that was. It kept me from getting kicked off many times infact.

Edited by Savyl
update the status of my progress
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Is your sage set to heal, and your companion to tank? If your sage is DPS, I can see that fight being too hard, no matter what role your companion plays....

I have not tried it as a healer, only as a tank. I was going to try as a healer next with tank companion.


I would be interested to hear what others have done as a combo... I heard, human tank and companion heals is the best route based on a guild member's opinion since he did it several ways.

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I'm going for the achievement and my sage is tk sage which is dps. Yes it is too hard but devs said all classes can do this solo but that's not true. Maybe certain classes like sage should have more buffs, no idea but It's very frustrating since I have speant so much time on this. Yes my companion is set to heal. But I have tried other stances too to no avail.
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I'm going for the achievement and my sage is tk sage which is dps. Yes it is too hard but devs said all classes can do this solo but that's not true. Maybe certain classes like sage should have more buffs, no idea but It's very frustrating since I have speant so much time on this. Yes my companion is set to heal. But I have tried other stances too to no avail.
all classes, including sages, can do this.


you're obviously not playing your character effectively

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I'm going for the achievement and my sage is tk sage which is dps. Yes it is too hard but devs said all classes can do this solo but that's not true. Maybe certain classes like sage should have more buffs, no idea but It's very frustrating since I have speant so much time on this. Yes my companion is set to heal. But I have tried other stances too to no avail.


All classes, yes, but not all players.

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How is your companion dying in the beginning if you're a DPS and she's a healer? You should have the boss's focus if you start the fight and you're damaging him.


At least for the Alderaan start fortress, I noticed the trick to the fight is really just staying alive through the first part of it. He doesn't have many mechanics at that point and is just strictly attacking you head on, so use your bubble, unity, and heroic moment to make sure you survive. After he starts doing his mechanics, as long as you avoid the telegraphs you should be fine. You get a lot more downtime while he is channeling for your companion to heal you back up.


Good luck.

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Sagas should get more buffs?? Really?


Aren't they like, the pub's side sorcs? You know, the OPest class around? The class with the best movement advantages, stuns, heals and so forth?


Not sure what planet you are from, but Sorc / Sages aren't even close to the most OP class around (that title goes to AP PTs btw) with their lower than mid point damage and their higher damage taken due to light armor and low DR.


Or were you talking PVP, which is totally irrelevant to soloing a Star Fortress?


Anyways, the OP could try running Balance instead of TK as the self healing can be really helpful, as well as toggle the companion to passive on the pull, get aggro on themselves, then toggle the companion back on.


And while I haven't done this on a Sage, I've done all the Heroic SFs on a Madness Sorc without any problems.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Anyways, the OP could try running Balance instead of TK as the self healing can be really helpful, as well as toggle the companion to passive on the pull, get aggro on themselves, then toggle the companion back on.


I've been thinking of switching my TK sage to Balance... honestly my Sage is in 216 with a few 220 pieces, and I'd much rather smack my head against a wall instead of going through SF heroic on her again, let alone going for the achievement.

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My insta-60 is a TK sage. I have not played this spec prior to 4.0 and I only borderline know what I'm doing. I solo'd with and without buffs just last night (getting the One for All in the process).


Gear was 208s with a 220 earpiece because Odessen doesn't have anything below Radiant gear (what's with that?) and I was too lazy to go to fleet. Senya was healing at inf. 13.


It can be done. I won't say L2P (the annoying call of the elitist) but I will share some tips.


Standard mobs should present no challenge apart from tedium. Still, use your AOE to make it easier. The quickbar also conveniently highlights skills that are buffed in some way (insta cast or auto crit). I couldn't tell you which is which off the top of my head I just know to hit those when it tells me.


Strong enemies are also no challenge but it may take a bit more to kill them. You should probably use some interrupts on channeled abilities just to ensure smoothness.


Elites are no problem except for single Saber knights. These scumbags are tuned far higher than their double or double-bladed counterparts. If they wail on your companion they will kill them. If they wail on you while other mobs are shooting you, you will go down. Solution: Lift him and lock him down while you kill anything else around him. If you can't draw the others away from him do not use AOE as you'll break him out early.


Paladins- same as Elites. They should be fine but the single saber one(s) will absolutely wreck you. This is where you pop Heroic moment almost immediately and keep moving. Bubble up and self-heal once in a while and use stuns if you really need to. I took one of these bastards down while fully nerfed (was testing if I could solo during that.) I basically had to drop Phase walk almost to its maxed range before the fight in order to port away and have enough time to heal. I dropped turret and heroic moment right away and got him down to 40-30% health by the time he killed the turret. When he turned back to me three strikes and he was already wrecking me. I had to port, heal, use the rest of the Alliance abilities and Force speed around some more, healing before he finally died. One of the hardest fights I've ever done in this game. But if it was possible nerfed, it's possible now.


Praetorian: Easier than it looks. Don't panic when adds come, just AOE and kill them (they're weaker than standard mobs in the instance). Get out of boss' AOE and don't get knocked into the pit. Pop Heroic moment if you need to.


Ambush: I cheese it. Run into the room and run out immediately once the exarch starts talking. When the mobs show, peek out from the doorway and lift one of the knights (prioritize single saber). The door will shut. Run back down the corridor and the combat resets. Wait for the cooldown and repeat. The door won't shut this time and the non-cc'd guys will come after you. Have your comp on passive so they don't run out and draw them into the corridor so you can freely use AOE. Activate comp and kill them. Chances are the lifted knight will wake up before you're ready for him. Lift him again and run back into the room killing what's left. Then kill the last knight.


Reactor rooms- Push one of the elites as far back from the far door (where adds come from) as you can and lift him. Wail on the other one. When adds come, AOE them. Get out of AOE circles. For the last room, pop Heroic moment if needed. Once one elite is down you can lift the far side droid (i.e. not the one by the add door) while you take care of the other elite. That way they won't keep spawning. You can also leave one weak add alive so no more will show up until you're ready for them.


Exarch- Heroic moment immediately (make sure to keep him in Orbital strike range) then kite (run around) and damage him. Stay out of AOEs. Interrupt what channeled abilities you can (prioritize heal if dealing with Voss). You should get two uses of each heroic ability in more or less. Also for the reactors and the exarch, I've taken to using more of the solar shields. I think some of their attacks are solar-based. Plus when the windows start to break you don't want to end up taking damage if you get knocked into those areas.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Is your sage set to heal, and your companion to tank? If your sage is DPS, I can see that fight being too hard, no matter what role your companion plays....

I have not tried it as a healer, only as a tank. I was going to try as a healer next with tank companion.


I would be interested to hear what others have done as a combo... I heard, human tank and companion heals is the best route based on a guild member's opinion since he did it several ways.


This set your spec to heals then set your 50 comp to tank heal them a lot only think you will want to do is at the last 2% turn your come to passive because if you don't get the killing blow you will not get it. I just did this last night was a challenge yes nut not impossible to do but i have taunts.

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Hmm maybe you should get some more legacy bonuses from completing other characters, the presence always helps.


I completed mine with an influence 13 Forex. I'm a sage and we were both set to heal spec. I got the feet on teh ground achievement and the solo achievement.


I utilized the Dulfy guide and it was very helpful.

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Exarch- Heroic moment immediately (make sure to keep him in Orbital strike range) then kite (run around) and damage him. Stay out of AOEs. Interrupt what channeled abilities you can (prioritize heal if dealing with Voss). You should get two uses of each heroic ability in more or less. Also for the reactors and the exarch, I've taken to using more of the solar shields. I think some of their attacks are solar-based. Plus when the windows start to break you don't want to end up taking damage if you get knocked into those areas.

What he said, kiting the Exarch is a very effective strategy below 50%, by that time he has most of his skills so all he does is occasionally pull you in, then spam the rectangular aoe and the small/big circles repeatedly. If you do it right (bubble yourself and small heals) you will hardly take any damage as long as you stay out of his range.


Or you could switch to heals and set your companion to tank as others have said.

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I did it post-nerf, pre-rebuff on my Balance Sage. It's possible, just keep trying. If your companion is going down too quickly, make sure to use Unity (50% DR for you and companion). If you don't have a Light V character, it's worth buying.


EDIT: I see you tried that. Well I would make sure that you're keeping Senya bubbled, but if she's level 50 and you are using your buffs I can't see why she's going down. Perhaps used a ranged healer like Theron or 4X.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first.


PS sorry run on sentences.


Its nothing to do with companion strength


The trick to the final boss is to maintain threat so he attacks you

Then use the power sheilds they drop in stage just before boss, along with heroic moment to kill asap.

Those sheilds only protect you so if your companion gets threat agro it will fall insanely fast


That is hard to do as a sage (healer is even harder)

Its very doable and has zero to do with compaion strengh (I have done it on my sage in 198-216 gear mix and a 25 rank companion)


I died constantly the first few times because I had Senya in tank mode

When I switched her to heals and got a high threat rotation down,

the fight became pretty easy truth be told


You need to build your stratagy around the game mechanics

not expect the game to conform to your desired route

Edited by Kalfear
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Not sure what planet you are from, but Sorc / Sages aren't even close to the most OP class around (that title goes to AP PTs btw) with their lower than mid point damage and their higher damage taken due to light armor and low DR.


Or were you talking PVP, which is totally irrelevant to soloing a Star Fortress?


Anyways, the OP could try running Balance instead of TK as the self healing can be really helpful, as well as toggle the companion to passive on the pull, get aggro on themselves, then toggle the companion back on.


And while I haven't done this on a Sage, I've done all the Heroic SFs on a Madness Sorc without any problems.


What's AP PT? Not sure what that's short for..

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actually not true the Sage TK dps tree is strong yes but its considerably weaker in comparison to sorc infact most jedi are weaker in comparison to their empire counterparts.

This guy knows what he'stalking about. :rolleyes:



On topic : when I did it during the weekend, my companion tank also died in seconds (50 seconds into the fight, Exarch at 40%), and then... I realized I didn't need her and my watchman self-heals were enough to keep me alive till the end.


Basically I suggest you switch to balance.


What's AP PT? Not sure what that's short for..

Advanced Prototype PowerTech

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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