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No information within mail for items sold on GTN


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Someone has purchased the item you put up for sale on the Galactic Trade Network. Attached is your asking price and deposit, less the Galactic Trade Network's commission.


Is anyone else getting this extremely annoying issue with items sold on the GTN? It seems like it is tied to a single character that is getting this issue. All the others seem fine. The last 6 messages received of various items sold all have the same message above. Is there a known fix because I really don't want to resort to having to take screenshots with items I am selling on the GTN?



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Isn't this what happens when the person who bought the item no longer exists?


Or are you saying that on one of your toons, every sale generates this message?


If the first, I think it isn't a bug. The database entry no longer exists. If the latter ... well, it isn't a bug I have on any of my toons so no idea.

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Thanks for all the replies.


Isn't this what happens when the person who bought the item no longer exists?


Or are you saying that on one of your toons, every sale generates this message?


If the first, I think it isn't a bug. The database entry no longer exists. If the latter ... well, it isn't a bug I have on any of my toons so no idea.


Since the reboot I have noticed just one of my toons has this issue and every sale generates this message. I have yet to confirm the issue on other toons.


However, the above explanations do not make sense with regards to server reboot being the cause.


An item is sold.

Server database is updated with that information.

Server goes offline hence nothing is sold. Database information has not changed.

Server goes back online with the same database information prior to reboot.

Yet information is somehow missing from the database.


What am I missing with this logic?

Have you had this issue with other mmorpg's and patch reboots because from my experience of a few it is never an issue?

Edited by FragRockKnuckles
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I remember putting in a ticket for this the second week that the game was out. I think we should keep bumping this thread until it gets some much-needed attention. To me it's the biggest long-standing annoyance in the game. Fixing it would be a quality of life improvement for everyone who uses the GTN.
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I remember putting in a ticket for this the second week that the game was out. I think we should keep bumping this thread until it gets some much-needed attention. To me it's the biggest long-standing annoyance in the game. Fixing it would be a quality of life improvement for everyone who uses the GTN.


It's a bug, annoying but not game-breaking and therefore low priority. If it affects you this usually happens after patching, just time GTN listings to end before Tuesday morning (or equivalent for EU servers) and relist after patching.

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I remember putting in a ticket for this the second week that the game was out. I think we should keep bumping this thread until it gets some much-needed attention. To me it's the biggest long-standing annoyance in the game. Fixing it would be a quality of life improvement for everyone who uses the GTN.


Amen. I just experienced it on another toon. Listed item prior to reboot. Post boot item sold and got above message. So frustrating. Think we have all put up with it long enough so please fix!

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  • 3 years later...
This happens every time the server is reset and you have items up for sale. Every time. This is not new.


I'm a little late to this convo, but was trying to figure this one out. What I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with a server reboot. I can say this with certainty since an item I posted five minutes ago was sold quickly but came back with that generic message despite the fact I had been online while the purchase had been made and the item was only listed after the last reboot.


Does anyone have more accurate info on this? Is it possible that these messages are sent when the items are sold to opposing faction?

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I'm a little late to this convo, but was trying to figure this one out. What I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with a server reboot. I can say this with certainty since an item I posted five minutes ago was sold quickly but came back with that generic message despite the fact I had been online while the purchase had been made and the item was only listed after the last reboot.


Does anyone have more accurate info on this? Is it possible that these messages are sent when the items are sold to opposing faction?


Er, given this thread's from 2015 and hadn't been posted on since then until you replied, I doubt any of these people are going to see your reply.

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Er, given this thread's from 2015 and hadn't been posted on since then until you replied, I doubt any of these people are going to see your reply.


The poster is obviously not hoping for the same people posting in this thread from 2015 to respond, but that people right now can shed some light on it, rather than making an entirely new thread about it. Not every necro needs to be snarked.


Anyway, I agree with those people, Jozandra. The server reset definitely has something to do with it; it's possible the effects on the GTN may linger for a day or two afterwards.

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Er, given this thread's from 2015 and hadn't been posted on since then until you replied, I doubt any of these people are going to see your reply.


That is probably true. But you saw it as have others, so, the question can hopefully get answered.

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The poster is obviously not hoping for the same people posting in this thread from 2015 to respond, but that people right now can shed some light on it, rather than making an entirely new thread about it. Not every necro needs to be snarked.


Anyway, I agree with those people, Jozandra. The server reset definitely has something to do with it; it's possible the effects on the GTN may linger for a day or two afterwards.


Thank you for the defense against the snark.


As I said, the items I placed on GTN were posted after the server reset and were sold within just minutes of my posting them, so could not have been a server reset.

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Someone has purchased the item you put up for sale on the Galactic Trade Network. Attached is your asking price and deposit, less the Galactic Trade Network's commission.


Is anyone else getting this extremely annoying issue with items sold on the GTN? It seems like it is tied to a single character that is getting this issue. All the others seem fine. The last 6 messages received of various items sold all have the same message above. Is there a known fix because I really don't want to resort to having to take screenshots with items I am selling on the GTN?




That happens only after downtime when items were listed prior/during that downtime.

That's most likely because they purge/service the databases during downtime and have no clue about how to not purge the wrong things...basically it's incompetence going on for years already.

And yes, it's a major annoyance.

Edited by Khaleg
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I'm a little late to this convo, but was trying to figure this one out. What I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with a server reboot. I can say this with certainty since an item I posted five minutes ago was sold quickly but came back with that generic message despite the fact I had been online while the purchase had been made and the item was only listed after the last reboot.


Does anyone have more accurate info on this? Is it possible that these messages are sent when the items are sold to opposing faction?


No, the issue in this thread is definitely related to server restarts. Whether there is a new issue (which you encountered) I cannot say. My experience with this issue is also 100% server restart related.

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That happens only after downtime when items were listed prior/during that downtime.

That's most likely because they purge/service the databases during downtime and have no clue about how to not purge the wrong things...basically it's incompetence going on for years already.

And yes, it's a major annoyance.


And as I've stated, in my personal experience, I posted something on the GTN, without me logging out and within about five minutes of listing the item that items gets sold but the email I get is the generic one talked about in this thread. Zero downtime zero purges occurred. So why would that.


Is it more likely the case where an item was purchased from someone of the opposite faction? Personally it is frustrating to not see what was sold and for how much was it originally posted.

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And as I've stated, in my personal experience, I posted something on the GTN, without me logging out and within about five minutes of listing the item that items gets sold but the email I get is the generic one talked about in this thread. Zero downtime zero purges occurred. So why would that.


Is it more likely the case where an item was purchased from someone of the opposite faction? Personally it is frustrating to not see what was sold and for how much was it originally posted.


I've read that in your initial post but I thought you might have not been totally correct there hehe. Actually I've never experienced this bug aside from the situation I have described. So no idea what's going on with your issue.

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I've read that in your initial post but I thought you might have not been totally correct there hehe. Actually I've never experienced this bug aside from the situation I have described. So no idea what's going on with your issue.


Thank you for the honest reply. This kind of integrity is greatly appreciated among fellow gamers.


That wasn't really snark but more wtfing over the person not just making a new post since I doubt someone's going to beat him with a pool noodle over making one, but sure, whatever makes you happy.


But why make a new post when my question was entirely related to this one? This way people can see I did a search to at least try to find an answer before posting.

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Just for the record, I first came across this particular thread a couple weeks ago and took it at face value that the information was correct. So when I literally got the message within just a couple minutes of listing the item for sale, I figured more inquiry was justified.
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